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词汇 fly
释义 fly (verb) fly (noun) fly (noun) fly 36 ENTRIES FOUND: fly (verb) fly (verb) fly (noun) fly (noun) fly-by-night (adjective) fly-fishing (noun) flying (adjective) flying (noun) flying buttress (noun) flying fish (noun) flying machine (noun) flying officer (noun) flying saucer (noun) flying start (noun) fly-past (noun) fly ball (noun) crane fly (noun) fruit fly (noun) high-flying (adjective) no-fly zone (noun) pop fly (noun) sacrifice fly (noun) tsetse fly (noun) color (noun) coop (noun) face (noun) handle (noun) high (adverb) kite (noun) leap (noun) let (verb) ointment (noun) pig (noun) spark (noun) tooth (noun) wall (noun) 1 fly /ˈflaɪ/ verb flies; flew /ˈfluː/ ; flown /ˈfloʊn/ ; flying 1 fly /ˈflaɪ/ verb flies; flew /ˈfluː/ ; flown /ˈfloʊn/ ; flying Learner's definition of FLY 1  [no object] : to move through the air with wings飞;飞翔 A bird flew in through the open window.一只小鸟从开着的窗户飞了进来。 insects flying over the water在水面上飞的昆虫 2  [no object] : to move through the air especially at a high speed(快速)飞过 We watched as clouds flew across the sky.我们看着云朵在天空中快速飘过。 Waves crashed on the rocks and spray flew up into the air.海浪拍打着岩石,水花飞溅到空中。 Bullets were flying in all directions.子弹向四处飞散。 He tripped and went flying (through the air).他被绊了一下,身体都飞了起来。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 Rumors are flying [=there are a lot of rumors] that he'll be announcing his candidacy soon.谣言满天飞,说他很快就要宣布自己是候选人了。 Accusations are flying. [=people are making a lot of accusations]责难铺天盖地。 3  a  : to control an airplane, helicopter, etc., as it moves through the air : to be the pilot of an aircraft驾驶(飞机、直升机等) [+ object] fly a plane开飞机 He flies jets.他开喷气式飞机。 [no object] He learned to fly while he was in the Air Force.他在空军部队时学会了开飞机。 She flies for a major airline.她在一家大型航空公司开飞机。 She's taking flying lessons.她在学习飞行课程。 b  [+ object] : to journey over (something, such as an ocean) by flying an airplane(驾飞机)飞越… Charles Lindbergh was the first person to fly the Atlantic solo.查尔斯·林德伯格是第一个独自驾飞机飞越大西洋的人。 4  a  [no object] : to travel in an aircraft or spacecraft乘飞机旅行 They flew to California for vacation.他们乘飞机去加利福尼亚州度假。 I'm flying to Canada to visit my family.我要乘飞机去加拿大看我的家人。 He insists on flying first-class.乘飞机时,他坚持要坐头等舱。 A doctor flew in from the mainland.一位医生从大陆乘飞机过来。 She flew on a shuttle mission last year.去年她执行了一项航天飞行任务。 b  [+ object] : to travel by flying on (a particular airline)乘坐(特定航空公司的)航班旅行 He always flies the same airline. [=he always flies on the same airline]他总是乘坐同一家航空公司的飞机。 c  [+ object] : to carry (someone or something) to a place in an aircraft用飞机运送(人或物) Supplies were flown to the disaster area.供给物品空运到了灾区。 They fly cargo around the world.他们的航空货运遍及全世界。 A doctor was flown in from the mainland.一位医生从大陆乘飞机过来。 5  a  : to show (something, such as a flag) by putting it in a high place升,挂(旗帜等) [+ object] We flew a banner across the entrance.我们在入口处挂了一个横幅标语。 [no object] A flag flies in front of the building. = There is a flag flying in front of the building.大楼前挂了一面旗。 — see also fly the flag at 1flag b  [+ object] : to cause (something, such as a kite) to fly in the air放飞(风筝等) Children were flying kites in the park.孩子们在公园里放风筝。 — see also go fly a kite at kite 6  [no object] : to move or go quickly飞跑;飞奔 She flew to the window when she heard the car.她一听到汽车声就飞奔到了窗前。 The door flew open and he rushed into the room.门一下子打开了他冲进了屋里。 I flew up the stairs to answer the phone.我飞奔上楼去接听电话。 I must fly or I'll be late for my appointment.我得快跑了,不然约会就要迟到了。 That horse really flies.那匹马真的飞奔起来。 Cars were flying past us on the highway.在公路上,汽车从我们身边疾驰而过。 7  [no object] : to move freely飞舞;飞扬 As she ran, her hair flew in every direction.她跑起来时头发四散飞扬。 8  [no object] : to pass very quickly飞逝 Time flies.时光飞逝。 Our vacation flew by before we knew it.我们的假期不知不觉地过去了。 9  [no object] chiefly US, informal : to be approved or accepted被认可;被接受 — usually used in negative statements通常用于否定句 This plan will never fly.这个计划永远行不通。 His budget proposals didn't fly with voters. [=voters didn't like his proposals]他的预算草案未能获得选民们的支持。 as the crow flies — see 1crow fly at [phrasal verb] fly at (someone) : to attack (someone) with sudden violence突然猛烈攻击(某人) He flew at me in a rage.他突然对我大发雷霆。 fly high informal 1  : to be very happy and excited情绪高昂;愉快兴奋 She was flying high after her excellent exam results.考试成绩优异,她非常开心。 2  : to be very successful成功;胜利 After some difficult years, the company is flying high again.熬过艰难的几年后,公司又兴旺起来。 fly in the face of also US fly in the teeth of : to fail completely to agree with (something) : to oppose or contradict (something) directly与…完全不符;与…完全对立 His explanation flies in the face of the evidence. [=his explanation is not supported at all by the evidence]他的解释与证据完全不符。 a theory that flies in the face of logic [=a theory that is not logical at all]完全不合逻辑的理论 a policy that flies in the face of reason [=a policy that is extremely unreasonable]极不合理的政策 fly into [phrasal verb] fly into (something) : to be overcome by (sudden extreme emotion)(感情)突然迸发 He flew into a rage. [=he suddenly became very angry]他勃然大怒。 They flew into a panic. [=they suddenly panicked]他们惊慌失措。 fly off the handle informal : to lose control of your emotions : to become very angry情绪失控;暴怒 He tends to fly off the handle when people disagree with him.如果别人不同意他的意见,他就会暴怒。 fly the coop informal : to leave suddenly or secretly : to escape or go away突然逃跑;悄悄离开 In the morning the suspect had flown the coop.嫌犯在早晨偷偷跑掉了。 All their children have flown the coop. [=have moved away from home]他们所有的孩子都离家走了。 let fly informal or let fly with : to throw (something) in a forceful way用力扔;发射 The quarterback let fly (with) a long pass.四分卫用力投出一个长传球。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 She let fly (with) a few angry words. [=she shouted a few angry words]她狠狠地骂了几句。 — compare 2fly 2 fly /ˈflaɪ/ verb flies; flied; flying 2 fly /ˈflaɪ/ verb flies; flied; flying Learner's definition of FLY [no object] baseball : to hit a fly ball击腾空球;击高飞球 The batter flied to left field.击球手向左外野击了一个腾空球。 He flied out to left field. [=he made an out by hitting a fly ball that was caught by the left fielder]他击出一记高飞球,被左外野手接住杀出局。 — compare 1fly 3 fly /ˈflaɪ/ noun plural flies 3 fly /ˈflaɪ/ noun plural flies Learner's definition of FLY [count] 1  : a small insect that has two wings苍蝇 swat a fly拍苍蝇 the buzz of a fly苍蝇的嗡嗡声 2  : a hook that is designed to look like an insect and that is used for catching fish(钓鱼用的)假蝇 an artificial fly假蝇 — see also fly-fishing drop like flies informal also die like flies ◊ If people or animals are dropping/dying like flies, they are dropping or dying very quickly in large numbers.大批倒下;大批死亡 The heat was so intense that people were dropping like flies. [=many people were fainting from the heat]天如此之热,人们纷纷中暑倒下。 Horses and cattle dropped/died like flies during the drought.干旱之际,马匹和耕牛大批死亡。 ◊ These phrases are often used figuratively.这些短语常用作比喻。 Candidates were dropping like flies during the early part of the campaign.众多竞选者在竞选活动前期纷纷败下阵来。 fly in the ointment : someone or something that causes problems麻烦的人(或事);使人扫兴的人(或事) We're almost ready to start work. Getting the permit is the only fly in the ointment.我们差不多准备好开始工作了,唯一麻烦的事是要拿到许可证。 fly on the wall : someone who secretly watches or listens to other people偷窥者;窃听者 I would like to be a fly on the wall during the negotiations. [=I would like to be able to hear what is being said during the negotations]我希望在谈判期间能偷听到点什么。 no flies on chiefly British, informal ◊ If there are no flies on you, you are a smart person who is quick to undertand things and not easily fooled.(某人)精明不易受骗的 wouldn't hurt a fly ◊ Someone who wouldn't hurt a fly is too gentle to want to hurt anyone.心地善良;一只苍蝇都不会伤害 He looks big and dangerous, but he wouldn't hurt a fly.他看上去块头大,很危险,但实际上心地善良,不会伤害别人。 — compare 4fly 4 fly /ˈflaɪ/ noun plural flies 4 fly /ˈflaɪ/ noun plural flies Learner's definition of FLY [count] 1  : an opening in a piece of clothing (such as a pair of trousers, shorts, or a skirt) that is hidden by a fold of cloth and that is closed by a zipper or a row of buttons(长裤、短裤或短裙等的)拉链边,前裆开口 He zipped/buttoned his fly.他把裤子的拉链拉上了/前裆扣上了。 — sometimes plural in British English英国英语中有时用复数 He zipped his flies.他把裤子的拉链拉上了。 — see color picture on this page 2  baseball : fly ball He hit a fly to the left fielder.他把一个腾空球击给了左外野手。 on the fly 1  : quickly and often without preparation匆忙地;赶紧地 You'll have to make decisions on the fly.你必须赶紧做决定。 2  : through the air : without hitting the ground在空中;在飞行中 The home run went 450 feet on the fly.这个本垒打击球在空中飞了450英尺。 3  : while something else is also being done on a computer(计算机)后台运行 software that handles formatting on the fly在后台执行格式化的软件 — compare 3fly




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