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词汇 follow
释义 follow 19 ENTRIES FOUND: follow (verb) following (adjective) following (noun) following (preposition) following (pronoun) follow-on (noun) follow-the-leader (noun) follow-through (noun) follow-up (noun) footstep (noun) hard (adjective) lead (noun) least (adjective) line (noun) nose (noun) path (noun) resistance (noun) suit (noun) tough (adjective) follow /ˈfɑːloʊ/ verb follows; followed; following follow /ˈfɑːloʊ/ verb follows; followed; following Learner's definition of FOLLOW 1  a  : to go or come after or behind (someone or something)跟随;跟着 [+ object] She followed us into the kitchen.她跟着我们进了厨房。 The dog followed the children home.狗跟在孩子们后面回家了。 The exit is right this way. Just follow me.出口就在这边。跟我来。 [no object] The children went home and the dog followed behind.孩子们往家走,狗跟在后面。 If one sheep goes through the gate, the rest will follow.如果一只羊穿过大门,其余的都会跟着。 b  [+ object] : to go after or behind (someone) secretly and watch to find out what happens跟踪 He hired a private detective to follow his wife everywhere. [=to secretly find out where she went and what she did]他雇了一个私家侦探跟踪自己的妻子。 follow a suspect跟踪嫌疑犯 I think that someone is following us. = I think we're being followed.我觉得有人在跟踪我们。 2  a  : to come after (something) in time or place or as part of a series(时间、空间或顺序)排在…后 [+ object] Spring follows winter. = Winter is followed by spring.冬天过后是春天。 The number 15 follows 14.数字15排在14之后。 Her accident was followed by a long period of recovery.她在意外事故后花了很长一段时间恢复。 [no object] First came the student speeches, and the presentation of awards followed.首先是学生发言,随后是颁奖。 (formal) The war ended. There followed [=then came; then there was] a long period of rebuilding.战争结束了,随之而来的是长时间的重建。 b  [+ object] : to have or do something after (something else)在…后做— + with I followed my dinner with a liqueur. [=I had a liqueur after dinner]晚餐后我喝了点烈性甜酒。 The actor followed his success as Othello with a triumph as Macbeth.这个演员扮演奥赛罗大获成功后,又成功饰演了麦克白。 3  a  : to happen after and as a result of (something)在…后发生;因…而发生;由…引发 [+ object] Rioting followed the unjust verdict.这个不公正的裁决引发了暴乱。 [no object] If you work hard, success will/must surely follow.如果你努力工作,成功是必然的。 b  [no object] : to be true or seem to be true because of something由此认为;由此得出;由此推断 From the evidence given, several conclusions follow. = Several conclusions follow from the evidence given. [=we can make several conclusions based on the evidence given]根据所给证据可以得出几种结论。 — often + that From the evidence given, it follows that the accused is guilty.现有证据证明被告有罪。 Just because he's done some bad things, does/must it follow that he's a bad person? [=does it mean that he is a bad person?]仅仅因为他做了一些坏事就能推断他是个坏人吗? 4  [+ object] a  : to be guided by (something)遵循;听从 You should follow [=obey] your conscience.你应该凭良知做事。 follow your instincts凭着直觉去做 follow my advice听从我的劝告 She must learn to follow instructions.她必须学会听从指令。 We must follow the evidence wherever it leads.无论结果如何,我们必须按证据行事。 You should follow her example. = You should follow the example she set. [=you should do what she did]你应该以她为榜样。 b  : to do the same thing as (someone)追随;仿效 She followed her father (by going) into medicine. = She followed her father by becoming a doctor.她追随父亲做了一名医生。 5  [+ object] : to move forward on (a road, a path, etc.)沿着(道路、小径等)走 Follow that path, and you will come to a log cabin.沿着那条小路走,你会来到一间小木屋。 You should follow the main highway until you see signs for the stadium.你应该沿着公路干道走,直到看见体育场的标志。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 His friends all went to college, but he chose to follow a different path. [=to do something different]他的朋友们都上了大学,他却选择了一条不同的道路。 Do recessions follow a predictable cycle/pattern?衰退是否遵循可预见的周期/模式? 6  [+ object] of a road, path, etc. : to be on or next to (something) for a distance(道路、小径等)沿着…延伸 The path follows the river pretty closely.小路紧沿着河延伸。 The road follows the curve of the hill.路随着山势蜿蜒曲折。 7  [+ object] a  : to keep your eyes or attention on (something)注视;关注 Follow the bouncing ball.看着弹力球。 b  : to give close attention to what happens in (something)密切关注(某事) He followed her career with interest.他饶有兴趣地关注着她的事业。 follow football密切关注橄榄球比赛 The book follows his political career from its humble beginnings to his election as president.本书记述了他从出身卑微到当选总统的政治生涯。 c  British : to be a fan of (a team) : support追随,支持(某队) He follows Manchester United.他支持曼联队。 8  : to understand the sense or logic of (something or someone)理解;明白 [+ object] I found it hard to follow the twists and turns of the movie's complicated plot.我发现这部电影迂回曲折的复杂情节十分难以理解。 I'm sorry—I don't follow your argument/reasoning. = I'm sorry—I don't follow you. [=I don't understand you]对不起——我不明白你的论证/推理。 [no object] I'm sorry—I don't follow. [=I don't understand]对不起——我不明白。 a hard/tough act to follow : someone or something that has been so successful that it is very difficult for the person or thing coming next to be as good不能与之媲美的人(或事);难以企及的事 Yesterday's thrilling victory will be a tough act to follow.昨天那场激动人心的胜利将使后来者难以望其项背。 as follows — used to introduce a list, a statement, instructions, etc.(引出列表、陈述或说明等)如下 The names of the finalists are as follows: Mary, James, and George.决赛选手名单如下:玛丽、詹姆斯和乔治。 Proceed as follows: go straight ahead to Martin Street and then turn left.按如下路线走:向前直行到马丁街,然后左转。 follow around [phrasal verb] or British follow about follow (someone) around/about : to go wherever (someone) goes跟随,跟踪(某人) The little boy followed his mother around all day.小男孩整天跟在他妈妈身边。 follow in someone's footsteps — see footstep follow someone's lead — see 2lead follow suit 1  in card games : to play a card of the same suit (such as hearts or spades) as the card that was played just before跟牌(纸牌游戏中与上家出同样花色的牌) Jane played a spade, and Roger followed suit.简出了一张黑桃,罗杰跟牌。 2  : to do the same thing that someone else has just done跟着做;模仿 His brother went to medical school, and he followed suit.他的哥哥读了医学院,他也跟着读了。 After one airline lowers their fares, the other airlines usually follow suit.通常,一家航空公司降价后,其他航空公司会纷纷效仿。 follow the path/line of least resistance — see resistance follow through [phrasal verb] 1  follow through or follow (something) through : to complete an activity or process that has been started(把…)进行到底;完成(已经开始的事) He always starts the school year off studying and working hard, but he doesn't follow through. [=he doesn't continue to study and work hard]他总是在学期开始时努力学习和工作,但却不能坚持到底。 He doesn't follow his good intentions through. [=although he makes plans to do things, he doesn't actually do them]他不能将良好的愿望付诸实践。 — often + on or with He doesn't follow through on his good intentions.他不能将良好的愿望付诸实践。 We feared they would follow through on/with their threat. [=we feared that they would do what they threatened to do]我们担心他们会将要挟付诸行动。 2  sports : to keep your arms, legs, etc., moving after you hit or kick a ball : to complete a stroke or swing(击球或踢球后)做随球动作,完成顺势动作 You should follow through on your backhand.你应在反手击球后做随球动作。 Don't forget to follow through when you putt.击球后别忘了做随球动作。 — see also follow-through follow up [phrasal verb] 1  follow up (something) or follow (something) up or follow up : to follow (something) with something similar, related, or additional(对…)采取进一步行动;(在…后)接着— + with or by He followed up his early findings with another study.他在早期发现的基础上进行了另一项研究。 After you submit your job application, you should follow it up by making a phone call.提交工作申请之后,你应该接着打个电话。 Her first book was a big success, and she followed up with another best seller.她的第一本书大获成功,紧接着她又出了另一部畅销书。 2  follow up (something) or follow (something) up or follow up or chiefly US follow up on (something) a  : to try to get more information about (something)(对…)做进一步了解,了解更多的信息 The police followed up (on) the leads.警方沿着这些线索继续追查。 The references in the book were too vague to follow up.这本书的参考文献字迹模糊,无法了解其更多信息。 b  : to do something in response to (something) : to take appropriate action about (something)(对…)采取行动,做出反应 Police followed up the complaints with several arrests.警方接到报案后实施了几次逮捕。 He complained several times, but the police never followed up.他多次报案,但警方始终没有采取行动。 He says that the police failed to follow up on his complaints.他说警方没有对他的报案采取行动。 — see also follow-up follow your nose informal 1  : to go in a straight or obvious course直走;沿大路走 Just follow your nose until you get there; you can't miss it.一直往前走就能到达目的地;你不会走错的。 2  : to proceed without a definite plan : to do what seems right or best without careful planning凭着感觉行事;凭直觉办事 You don't need my advice—just follow your nose.你不需要我的建议跟着自己的感觉来就好。 3  : to go toward the place where a smell is coming from循味道而去 I followed my nose to the kitchen, where dinner was cooking.我循着香味进了厨房,里头正做着晚饭呢。




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