

单词 for
释义 for (conjunction) for 272 ENTRIES FOUND: for (preposition) for (conjunction) for-profit (adjective) for instance (noun) free-for-all (noun) good-for-nothing (adjective) not-for-profit (adjective) tit for tat (noun) uncalled-for (adjective) uncared for (adjective) unlooked-for (adjective) what for (noun) a (noun) account (verb) afraid (adjective) all (adjective) all (pronoun) allow (verb) answer (verb) anything (pronoun) as (conjunction) ask (verb) badly (adverb) bang (noun) bargain (verb) bat (noun) bear (noun) beeline (noun) best (noun) better (noun) big (adjective) bird (noun) bleed (verb) blood (noun) bob (verb) book (noun) boot (noun) britches (noun) broke (adjective) buck (noun) buck (verb) burton (noun) but (preposition) call (verb) care (verb) carry (verb) cast (verb) cater (verb) certain (adjective) change (noun) chop (noun) come (verb) comfort (noun) count (noun) course (noun) cry (verb) cudgel (noun) curtain (noun) day (noun) dear (adjective) declare (verb) die (verb) dig (verb) do (verb) done (adjective) door (noun) double (adverb) down (adjective) drum (noun) due (adjective) duration (noun) e (noun) each other (pronoun) else (adjective) error (noun) ever (adverb) every (adjective) example (noun) except (preposition) eye (noun) fall (verb) fall (noun) fear (verb) feel (verb) feeling (noun) fend (verb) fight (verb) fish (verb) fit (adjective) food (noun) forest (noun) forever (adverb) free (adjective) gander (noun) go (verb) god (noun) good (adjective) good (noun) goodness (noun) goose (noun) grab (verb) grab (noun) grant (verb) grasp (verb) great (adjective) grist (noun) gun (verb) have (verb) head (noun) heart (noun) hell (noun) high jump (noun) himself (pronoun) hire (noun) hit (verb) hook (noun) how (adverb) hurt (verb) if (conjunction) in (adverb) instance (noun) intent (noun) into (preposition) it (pronoun) jam (noun) jugular (noun) keep (noun) king (noun) knife (noun) knock (verb) know (verb) laugh (noun) leave (verb) let (verb) life (noun) listen (verb) live (verb) loaded (adjective) long (adjective) long (noun) look (verb) lookout (noun) loop (noun) loss (noun) lost (adjective) love (noun) lunch (noun) made (adjective) make (verb) man (noun) matter (noun) mean (verb) meantime (noun) measure (noun) mill (noun) minute (noun) miss (verb) moment (noun) money (noun) moon (noun) most (adjective) name (noun) near (adjective) news (noun) nonce (noun) nothing (pronoun) nothing (noun) old (adjective) once (adverb) one (noun) only (adverb) open (verb) opener (noun) order (noun) par (noun) part (noun) pass (verb) pause (noun) pave (verb) pay (verb) peace (noun) penny (noun) pinched (adjective) pine (verb) place (noun) play (verb) play (noun) plump (verb) ply (verb) pound (noun) practical (adjective) present (adjective) press (verb) provide (verb) pull (verb) purpose (noun) rainy (adjective) reach (verb) real (adjective) record (noun) rent (noun) ride (verb) ride (noun) road (noun) root (verb) rope (noun) run (verb) run (noun) sake (noun) sale (noun) sauce (noun) save (preposition) say (verb) scream (verb) see (verb) send (verb) settle (verb) shift (verb) shoot (verb) short (noun) show (noun) sicken (verb) sight (noun) sign (verb) sin (noun) six (noun) so (adverb) song (noun) sore (adjective) speak (verb) spoil (verb) spring (verb) stage (noun) stake (noun) stand (verb) star (noun) start (noun) starter (noun) sting (verb) sue (verb) sure (adjective) tea (noun) thank (verb) that (pronoun) there (adverb) think (verb) thought (noun) time (noun) tooth (noun) touch (verb) tree (noun) trouble (noun) try (verb) unaccounted (adjective) unasked (adjective) up (adjective) use (noun) vouch (verb) wait (verb) want (verb) want (noun) watch (verb) wear (noun) wish (verb) wood (noun) word (noun) work (noun) world (noun) worse (adjective) worse (noun) worth (preposition) you (pronoun) 1 for /ˈfoɚ/ /fɚ/ preposition 1 for /ˈfoɚ/ /fɚ/ preposition Learner's definition of FOR 1  a  — used to indicate the place someone or something is going to or toward(表去向)去,往,向 He just left for the office.他刚离开去办公室了。 We're heading for home.我们正往家走。 When's the next train for [=to] London?下一班去伦敦的火车几点开? b  — used to indicate the person or thing that something is sent or given to(表对象)给,为 Are there any letters for me?有我的信吗? This present is for you.这个礼物是给你的。 She baked a cake for me.她为我烤了蛋糕。 2  a  — used to indicate the thing that something is meant to be used with(表用途)用于,专为 There's a separate slot for out-of-town mail.有一个专门投寄外埠邮件的信槽。 Are these the tires for this car?这些轮胎是这辆车的吗? The scenery for the play is beautiful.这部戏剧的布景十分美丽。 This food is for the party.这食物是为聚会准备的。 b  — used to indicate the person or type of person who should use or have something(表特定对象)专供,适合于 The store sells suits for tall men.这家店专卖大号男装。 This is just right for me.这个刚好适合我。 That job is not for me. [=that job would not suit me]那份工作不适合我。 Who's the best/right person for the job?谁是这份工作的最佳/合适人选? 3  a  — used to indicate the use of something(表用途)…用的 an instrument for measuring speed测速用仪器 b  — used to indicate why something is done(表原因)为了 She's dressing for dinner.她穿着正装去赴宴。 Squirrels were storing nuts for the winter.松鼠正在储存过冬的坚果。 He's making plans for retirement.他在为退休做打算。 studying for examinations为考试而学习 They shouted the news for all to hear. [=so that all could hear it]他们大声嚷着这个消息,好让所有人都听见。 4  — used to indicate the person that a statement refers to对(某人)来说 Seeing her again must be difficult for him.他要再见到她就难了。 — often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式 It's time for us to get busy.是我们忙起来的时候了。 For him to confess would be painful.对他来说,认错终归是痛苦的。 That's too heavy for you to carry.那东西太重了,你搬不动。 (chiefly US) I'd hate for you to miss the show. [=I'd hate it if you missed the show]如果你错过了演出,我会恨你的。 5  a  : in order to help or cause (something)(表目标)为了,促使 We are working for the good of humanity.我们在为人类的福祉而工作。 This is for your own good. [=to help you]这是为你自己好。 They believe that they are acting for the best. [=they are doing what is best]他们相信他们这样做是最好的。 b  : in order to get (something)为了得到 For more information, call our main office.如需更多信息,请打电话到我们的总办公室。 Everybody ran for safety/shelter when the shooting started.枪击开始时,人们四处奔跑,寻找安全之地/庇护所。 6  : in favor of (someone or something)支持;赞同 Which candidate are you for?你支持哪位候选人? You're either for [=with] me or you're against me.你不支持我就是反对我。 the case for and the case against disarmament支持和反对裁军的理由 I am all for [=completely in favor of] freedom of speech.我完全赞成言论自由。 7  : because of (something)因为 He shouted for joy.他高兴得喊了起来。 He wept for sorrow.他因为伤心而啜泣。 He was decorated for bravery.他因为勇敢而被授予了勋章。 8  — used to indicate the person or thing toward which feelings, thoughts, etc., are directed表情绪、思想的指向 He was hungry for praise.他渴望得到表扬。 They are longing for home.他们期盼着回家。 I can't help feeling sorry for him.我不禁为他感到遗憾。 She has a taste for spicy food. [=she enjoys spicy food]她喜欢吃辛辣食物。 9  a  — used to indicate an amount of time or space表时间或空间的量 You can see for miles from the top of the hill.从山顶上可以看到几英里外的景色。 She won't be here for long.她不会在这里待很久。 She won't get here for hours (yet).她几小时内不会来这里。 We're staying there for the summer.我们整个夏天都将待在那儿。 b  — used to indicate the time when something happens or will happen表事情发生的时间 The wedding is planned for next April.婚礼计划明年四月举行。 We've invited her for 8 p.m.我们邀请她晚上8点来。 c  — used to indicate the time that a statement refers to表陈述所指的时间 That's all for now/today.现在/今天就是这些了。 10  a  : in place of (someone or something else) : instead of (someone or something else)代替;替换 Would you go to the store for me?你能替我去趟商店吗? Johnson is now batting for Smith.约翰逊正在替史密斯打球。 b  : as a representative of (someone)作为(某人的)代表 His lawyer will act for him in this affair.这件事由他的律师代表他处理。 I'm sure I speak for everyone here when I say “Well Done!”当我说“干得好”时,我相信我代表的是现场的每个人。 c  : in order to help or serve (someone or something)(表帮助或服务)为 What else can I do for you?我还能为您做点什么? Let me carry that for you.我来帮你拿。 They fought and died for their country.他们为祖国而战斗,并献出了生命。 11  : in order to cure or treat (an illness, injury, disease, etc.)为了治疗(疾病、外伤) You should take something for that cough.你应该吃点药来治一治咳嗽。 12  — used to indicate the amount or value of something表数量或价值 a check for $100100美元的支票 13  — used to indicate the meaning of a word表词汇意义 The French word for “good” is “bon.”法语里bon这个词表示“好”。 14  — used to indicate the food that is eaten at a meal表一顿饭中的食物 I ordered eggs for breakfast.我早餐要了鸡蛋。 What did you have for dinner?你晚饭吃了什么? 15  : as an employee, member, player, etc., of (something)(作为雇员、成员、运动员)受雇于 She works for the government.她为政府工作。 He plays for Denver.他代表丹佛参赛。 16  chiefly US : with the name of (someone)取(某人的)名 He was named for [=after] his grandfather. [=he was given the same name as his grandfather]他以祖父的名字命名。 17  — used to indicate the parts of a list or series表名单或系列中的某些部分 For one thing, we have no money; for another, we have no time.一方面,我们没钱;另一方面,我们没时间。 People don't buy it because, for one thing, the price is too high.人们不买这东西,原因之一是它的价格太高。 18  — used to refer to something that is surprising or unexpected when compared to something else(表超出同类的)就…而言 He's tall for his age. [=he is taller than you would expect someone his age to be]他的个头在这个年龄算是高的。 It's been very cool for May.这天气在五月份算是凉爽了。 That was a good score for him. = For him, that was a good score.这对他来说是个不错的分数。 19  — used to indicate the relationship between numbers or amounts that are being compared表数字或数量间的联系 For every good writer there are a dozen bad ones.每出一个好作家,就有一打差作家。 20  — used in various emphatic phrases用于各种表强调的短语 I for one will vote for him. [=I will definitely vote for him]我肯定会选他。 For the last time, will you stop that noise!最后再说一遍,你别吵了! I wish you'd be sensible for once.我希望你至少能通情达理一次。 for all 1  : in spite of (something)尽管 You don't convince me for all your clever arguments.尽管你的论证很巧妙,但还是不能说服我。 For all his education, he's pretty dumb when it comes to home repair.尽管他受过教育,但说到家居维修,他就很低能了。 2  — used in phrases like for all someone knows and for all someone cares to say that someone does not know, care, etc., about something用于for all someone knows、for all someone cares等短语,表示对某事不知道、不关心 For all I know, she's still there. [=she may still be there, but I don't know]说不定她还在那里。 For all he cares, we might as well be dead! [=he doesn't care if we're dead or not]他才不关心我们是死是活呢! for ever (and ever) — see ever for real — see 1real if not for — see 1if in for informal : certain to experience (something)一定会 She's in for a big surprise.她一定会大吃一惊。 in for it informal or British for it : certain to be punished一定会受到惩罚 If his parents find out what he's done, he'll be in for it.如果他父母知道他干了什么,他一定会受罚的。 in order for — see 1order not for (someone) to do something : not the right or duty of (someone) to do something无权做某事 It is not for you to say that she can't go. [=it is not appropriate for you to say she can't go; you cannot decide that she cannot go]你没有权利说她不能走。 once and for all — see 1once that's/there's…for you informal — used to say that something is very good, very disappointing, or very common表示某物非常好、非常令人失望或非常一般 They brought me the package on Christmas Day! Now that's real service for you! [=bringing the package on Christmas Day was excellent service]他们在圣诞节把这个包裹给我带来了!服务真是太好了! They didn't even send me a Christmas card! There's gratitude for you! [=they were very ungrateful not to send me a Christmas card]他们连圣诞卡也没给我送!真是忘恩负义啊! He stays up late, playing video games and listening to music. That's a teenager for you. [=that's how a typical teenager behaves]他熬夜玩电子游戏和听音乐,青少年就是这样。 2 for /ˈfoɚ/ /fɚ/ conjunction 2 for /ˈfoɚ/ /fɚ/ conjunction Learner's definition of FOR formal + literary : because — used to introduce a statement that explains why a preceding statement is true因为;由于 They were certainly there, for I saw them.他们肯定在那里,因为我看见他们了。




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