

单词 formal
释义 formal (noun) formal 2 ENTRIES FOUND: formal (adjective) formal (noun) 1 formal /ˈfoɚməl/ adjective 1 formal /ˈfoɚməl/ adjective Learner's definition of FORMAL 1  [more formal; most formal] : requiring or using serious and proper clothes and manners正式的;合乎礼仪的 We attended a formal dinner.我们参加了一次正式的晚宴。 a formal occasion/event正式的场合/活动 They are formal with people they don't know well.他们对不熟悉的人很讲究礼仪。 also : suitable for a formal occasion适合正式场合的 a formal dress礼服 wearing formal clothes穿正装 — opposite informal 2  [more formal; most formal] of language : suitable for serious or official speech and writing(语言)正式的,规范的 He spoke to them in formal Spanish.他用规范的西班牙语与他们交谈。 a formal word正式的词 — opposite informal 3  a  : made or done in an official and usually public way正式的;官方的;公开的 He wrote up a formal statement of his political beliefs.他撰写了一份正式的声明,阐明自己的政治信仰。 She received formal recognition for her volunteer work.她的志愿者工作得到正式认可。 He has made a formal announcement of his candidacy.他正式公布了自己的候选人身份。 b  : done in a proper way according to the law正规的;合法的 a formal contract正规合同 They seem to be interested in buying the house, but they haven't yet made a formal offer.他们似乎有兴趣购买那幢房子,不过还没有正式出价。 4  : arranged in a very orderly and regular way整齐的;井然有序的 a formal garden整齐有序的花园 — opposite informal 5  [more formal; most formal] : showing great concern for behaving in a proper and serious way正统的;合乎规矩的 He has a very stiff and formal manner.他的言行举止一板一眼的。 6  : received in a school(教育)正规的 His formal education ended when he dropped out of high school.他从高中退学以后,就再也没有接受过正规教育了。 He lacks formal schooling.他缺少正规的学校教育。 7  : relating to the form of something (such as a piece of writing) rather than the content形式上的;外形的;外观的 the formal aspects of a poem诗的外在形式 — formally adverb dressed formally着装正式 They behave very formally with people they don't know well.他们与不熟悉的人在一起时很讲究礼仪。 He formally announced his candidacy.他正式公布了他的候选人身份。 2 formal /ˈfoɚməl/ noun plural formals 2 formal /ˈfoɚməl/ noun plural formals Learner's definition of FORMAL [count] US : a social gathering (such as a dance) that requires formal dress and manners : a formal event正式的社交聚会




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