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词汇 approach
释义 approach (noun) approach 2 ENTRIES FOUND: approach (verb) approach (noun) 1 approach /əˈproʊtʃ/ verb approaches; approached; approaching 1 approach /əˈproʊtʃ/ verb approaches; approached; approaching Learner's definition of APPROACH 1  a  : to move or become near or nearer to something or someone接近,靠近(某人或某物) [+ object] The cat approached the baby cautiously.猫小心翼翼地靠近婴儿。 We are approaching [=nearing] our destination.我们正在接近目的地。 [no object] The cat approached cautiously.这只猫小心翼翼地靠近。 Ease off the gas pedal to slow down as the bend in the road approaches.接近弯道时要松油门减速。 b  : to move or become near or nearer in time to something临近(某事);即将到来 [+ object] We are approaching the end of the fiscal year.这个财政年度快要结束了。 She is approaching retirement. [=she will soon be retiring from her job]她快要退休了。 [no object] Your birthday is approaching fast. = Your birthday is fast approaching. [=your birthday is soon]你的生日马上就要到了。 2  [+ object] a  : to get close to (an amount or level)接近(某数量或水平) This weekend we're expecting temperatures approaching 100 degrees.这个周末我们预计气温会接近100华氏度。 The success rates approach 90 percent.成功率接近90%。 b  : to be almost the same as (something or someone)(与某事物或某人)近似,相似 We were never treated with anything even remotely approaching rudeness. [=no one was at all rude to us]我们从未受到过哪怕一点点的粗暴对待。 He has a wild laugh that sometimes approaches hysteria.他的狂笑有时近似于歇斯底里。 a reproduction that approaches the quality of the original painting高仿的画作 When it comes to cooking Italian food, no one can approach her. [=no one is as good at cooking Italian food as she is]说到做意式美食,无人能与她相比。 3  [+ object] : to start talking to (someone) for some purpose (such as to ask a question or make a request)(为提问、提要求等目的)与人交谈 The supervisor is quite easy to approach, so don't hesitate to bring up any problems you have.这位主管很随和,所以有问题尽管问。 We were advised to never be too aggressive when approaching a potential client.我们被告知与潜在客户交谈时绝对不要咄咄逼人。 — often used as (be) approached常用作(be) approached He was approached about the job but he didn't take it.有人跟他谈了那份工作的事,但他没有接受。 I was approached by a young boy asking me to make a donation.有个男孩过来,要我捐钱。 4  [+ object] : to begin to deal with or think about (something)考虑;着手处理 When writing, consider the way your reader will approach the text.写作时要考虑读者的阅读方式。 She approached the problem from a different angle.她从不同的角度处理这个问题。 I will approach the idea with an open mind.我一定虚心考虑这个意见。 2 approach /əˈproʊtʃ/ noun plural approaches 2 approach /əˈproʊtʃ/ noun plural approaches Learner's definition of APPROACH 1  [count] : a way of dealing with something : a way of doing or thinking about something(处理问题的)方式,方法,态度 a traditional approach传统方式 trying a more healthy approach尝试一种更健康的方式 — often + to I really admire your direct approach to the problem.我非常欣赏你直截了当处理问题的方式。 Some doctors are trying a radical new approach to cancer treatment.有些医生在尝试一种全新的治疗癌症的方法。 2  [singular] : the act of moving or becoming near or nearer to someone or something : the act of approaching靠近;接近 The cat made a cautious approach.这只猫小心翼翼地靠近。 : an act or occurrence in which something comes nearer临近;即将;来临 The quiet afternoon was interrupted by the approach of a motorboat.那个安静的下午被驶近的摩托艇声搅乱了。 A loud growl warned us of the bear's approach.一声咆哮提醒我们那只熊过来了。 With the approach of summer came longer, hotter days.随着夏天的临近,白昼更长,天气更热。 3  [count] : the act of speaking to someone for some purpose (such as to ask a question or make a request)接洽;交谈;攀谈 — often plural常用单数 A group of businessmen has made approaches to the owners of the club with an offer to buy it.一伙商人已经与俱乐部的业主们接洽,提出要买下它。 4  [count] : a road or path that leads to a place途径;路径 This road is the only approach to the cabin (that is) not blocked by snow.通往小屋的道路,这是唯一一条没被大雪封住的。 5  [singular] : something that is similar to another thing近似物 These potted herbs are the nearest approach to a garden I can manage.这些是我能够侍弄的最类似花园的盆栽草木了。 6  [count] : the final part of a flight just before landing(飞机)进场着陆 The pilot lowered the landing gear as the plane began its approach.飞机开始进场着陆时,飞行员放下起落架。 The plane was on final approach.飞机正在对准跑道着陆。




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