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词汇 from
释义 from 107 ENTRIES FOUND: from (preposition) a (noun) above (adverb) account (noun) across (adverb) Adam (noun) afar (adverb) apart (adverb) as (conjunction) aside (adverb) b (noun) bad (adjective) below (adverb) beneath (preposition) blast (noun) blue (adjective) bottom (noun) boy (noun) break (verb) burden (noun) chaff (noun) cloth (noun) coast (noun) cold (noun) come (verb) cradle (noun) cry (noun) cue (noun) cut (verb) day (noun) dead (adjective) derogate (verb) descend (verb) detract (verb) door (noun) ear (noun) fall (verb) fall (noun) far (adverb) far (adjective) fire (noun) first (noun) fresh (adjective) frying pan (noun) get-go (noun) goat (noun) grace (noun) grave (noun) ground (noun) grow (verb) hail (verb) hear (verb) heart (noun) hell (noun) here (adverb) high (noun) hinder (verb) hip (noun) home (noun) horse (noun) house (noun) hunger (noun) keep (verb) know (verb) life (noun) limb (noun) man (noun) memory (noun) minute (noun) moment (noun) mouth (noun) near (adverb) neck (noun) nowhere (noun) page (noun) past (noun) pillar (noun) point (noun) post (noun) proceed (verb) rag (noun) removed (adjective) riches (noun) rug (noun) scratch (noun) separate (verb) sheep (noun) shoot (verb) shrink (verb) shy (verb) side (noun) spring (verb) stem (noun) stem (verb) stern (noun) strength (noun) tear (verb) time (noun) toe (noun) top (noun) wean (verb) wheat (noun) wolf (noun) word (noun) world (noun) worse (adjective) z (noun) from /ˈfrʌm/ /ˈfrɑːm/ /frəm/ preposition from /ˈfrʌm/ /ˈfrɑːm/ /frəm/ preposition Learner's definition of FROM 1  — used to indicate the starting point of a physical movement or action(指动作、活动)从…开始 He drove here from the city.他从市区开车到这。 He set out from town this morning.他今早从小镇出发。 She took a fall from a horse.她从马上摔了下来。 The cat came out from under the table.那只猫从桌子下面钻了出来。 2  — used to indicate the place that something comes out of(某物)从…出来 He took a dime from [=out of] his pocket.他从兜里掏出一角硬币。 3  — used to indicate the place where someone lives or was born(某人)从…来,来自 My family is/comes originally from Italy.我的家人最初来自意大利。 Where are you from? = Where do you come from?你是哪里人? 4  — used to indicate the starting or central point of any activity(某动作)从…发出 She looked at me from under her glasses.她从眼镜下面看着我。 He spoke from the heart.他的话发自内心。 She watched us from across the street.她在街对面看着我们。 5  — used to indicate the starting point in measuring something从…开始计算 The meeting is scheduled for a week from today.会议计划从今天起持续一周。 It's 20 miles from here to the nearest town.从这里到最近的镇子有20英里。 They were married three years from that day.从那天起他们已经结婚三年了。 From childhood (onward) he displayed unusual musical talent.他从小就展现出非凡的音乐天赋。 6  — used to indicate a physical separation between two things表两物分离 An ocean separates America from Europe.一片大洋将美洲与欧洲分开。 7  — used to indicate something that is removed, released, blocked, or prevented从…去除(或释放、阻止) This lotion provides protection from the sun.这个润肤露可以防晒。 relief from anxiety缓解焦虑 They asked him to refrain from interrupting.他们要求他别插嘴。 They have no right to exclude her from membership.他们没有权利解除她的会员资格。 The dictator fell from power.独裁者失去了权力。 subtract 3 from 99减3 8  — used to indicate change to a different state or condition从…(变化到) Things have gone from bad to worse.情况越来越糟。 They were transformed from raw recruits into trained soldiers.他们从没有经验的新兵转变成了训练有素的老兵。 9  — used to indicate the material that is used to make something由…(制成) Wine is made from grapes.葡萄酒是由葡萄酿制的。 a doll made from cloth布做的娃娃 10  — used to indicate the source of something(某物)从…来 I'm expecting a call from my lawyer.我正在等律师的电话。 All his problems have come from that one bad decision.他所有的问题都源于那个糟糕的决定。 She received a letter from home.她收到了一封家信。 reading aloud from a book大声读书 He inherited a love of music from his father.他从父亲那里遗传了对音乐的热爱。 I bought a book from him. [=he sold a book to me]我从他那儿买了本书。 The painting was done directly from nature.这幅画是直接写生。 She drew it from memory.她凭记忆画了这个。 11  — used to indicate the basis or cause of something基础是;起因于 We conclude from this that no changes are necessary.我们由此得出了不需做任何修改的结论。 He's suffering from a bad cold.他正患重感冒。 They were weak from hunger.由于饥饿,他们很虚弱。 I could tell she was angry from [=by] the look on her face.我从她的面部表情看出她生气了。 12  — used to indicate the lowest point, amount, etc., in a range(指某范围内最低点)从 These parts cost (anywhere/anything) from $5 to $10.这些零件价值从5美元到10美元不等。 It's anywhere from $50,000 on up. [=it is at least $50,000 and could be more]这件东西至少值5万美元。 13  — used to indicate the group or number of people or things out of which someone or something is chosen or selected从(…中选出) She was chosen from a large number of competitors.她从大批竞争者中脱颖而出。 as from — see 2as




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