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词汇 further
释义 further (adjective) further (verb) further 7 ENTRIES FOUND: further (adverb) further (adjective) further (verb) further education (noun) ado (noun) far (adverb) far (adjective) 1 further /ˈfɚðɚ/ adverb 1 further /ˈfɚðɚ/ adverb Learner's definition of FURTHER 1  : to or at a more distant place or time : farther(距离或时间上)更远,较远 He lives further (away) from the office than his boss.他住的地方比老板家离办公室更远。 We need to look back further into the past to find the cause of these problems.我们需要再往回想想,找到这些问题的原因。 I've never been further west than St. Louis.我到过的西边最远的地方就是圣路易斯。 Their house is further up/down the street.沿着这条街再往前走就是他们家。 The road ended and we couldn't go any further. [=we couldn't go beyond that point]路到了尽头,我们不能再往前走了。 2  : to a greater degree or extent进一步;更大程度上;更广范围内 We need to research/look further into this matter.我们需要进一步研究/调查此事。 The police have been reluctant to take their investigation any further.警方一直不愿意进行更深入的调查。 I do not want anything further [=more] to do with this mess.我再不想蹚这浑水了。 I don't know anything further [=more] about what really happened.我对真实情况没有更多的了解。 The interview ended before they could question me further. [=more]他们还没来得及进一步向我提问,采访就结束了。 Interest rates fell further. [=more]利率进一步下降了。 “They are not our friends.” “I would go even further and say they are our enemies.”“他们不是我们的朋友。”“说得再过分点,他们是我们的敌人。” Some people claim that he is an arrogant man, but nothing could be further from the truth. [=it is completely untrue to say that he is an arrogant man]有人说他是个傲慢的人,但这完全不符合事实。 Some people expect him to retire, but he says that nothing could be further from his mind. [=he has no intention of retiring]有些人以为他会退休,但他说自己根本没有这样的打算。 Don't worry, what you've told me will go no further. [=I will not tell anyone else what you have told me]别担心,你告诉我的事我不会告诉任何人。 3  formal : in addition to what has been said : furthermore此外;而且 I had enough money to invest. I realized, further, that the risk was small.我那时有足够的钱来投资;而且,我认为风险很小。 further to British, formal — used in a letter to refer to a subject discussed in a previous letter or conversation(用于书信中,指之前提及的内容)关于,又及 Further to my letter of last Wednesday, may I remind you that the money outstanding has still not been paid.有关我上周三信中所述之事,我想提醒你,未偿款项仍未支付。 2 further /ˈfɚðɚ/ adjective 2 further /ˈfɚðɚ/ adjective Learner's definition of FURTHER 1  : additional, more Further study/research is needed.需要进一步研究。 He will undergo further questioning.他将接受进一步审讯。 If you need further information/details, you can call me.如果你需要更多信息/详情,可以给我打电话。 We do not expect any further deliveries today.我们不指望今天还有更多货物送达。 I have nothing further to say.我没有更多要说的了。 There is a further problem: do we have enough money?还有一个问题:我们的钱够吗? The library will be closed until further notice. [=until some time in the future which has not yet been decided or stated]图书馆将闭馆,开馆时间另行通知。 2  : more distant : farther更远的 We parked in the further lot.我们把车停在了那边的停车场。 There is more damage to the further part of the fence.围栏那边受损更严重。 3 further /ˈfɚðɚ/ verb furthers; furthered; furthering 3 further /ˈfɚðɚ/ verb furthers; furthered; furthering Learner's definition of FURTHER [+ object] : to help the progress of (something) : to cause (something) to become more successful or advanced促进;推进;增进 He will do all he can to further [=promote] the cause.他将尽一切努力推进这项事业。 What can I do to further [=advance] my career?我能做些什么来促进我的职业发展? Their efforts greatly furthered the state of research.他们的努力极大地推进了研究的进展。 The funds are to be used to further the public good.这些资金将被用来发展公共福利。




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