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词汇 game
释义 game (adjective) game 27 ENTRIES FOUND: game (noun) game (adjective) game ball (noun) game hen (noun) game plan (noun) game point (noun) game show (noun) ball game (noun) big game (noun) board game (noun) confidence game (noun) con game (noun) fair game (noun) fun and games (noun) guessing game (noun) parlor game (noun) perfect game (noun) return game (noun) shell game (noun) video game (noun) waiting game (noun) war game (noun) zero-sum game (noun) face (noun) name (noun) play (verb) talk (verb) 1 game /ˈgeɪm/ noun plural games 1 game /ˈgeɪm/ noun plural games Learner's definition of GAME 1  [count] a  : a physical or mental activity or contest that has rules and that people do for pleasure(有规则的)游戏,运动,比赛 a card game纸牌游戏 party games [=activities people do at parties for pleasure]聚会游戏 word games [=games or puzzles that involve words]字谜游戏 computer games电脑游戏 poker and other gambling games扑克牌和其他赌博游戏 Baseball is my favorite game. [=sport]棒球是我最喜爱的运动。 b  : a particular occurrence of a game(一项或一场)游戏,运动,比赛 Do you want to play a game (of tennis/cards)?你想打网球/玩纸牌吗? She scored a goal to tie the game.她进了一球,平了这场比赛。 They won/lost the game.他们赢/输了这场比赛。 We played a few games of chess.我们下了几盘国际象棋。 That was a good game!那是一场精彩的比赛! c  : one of the games that are part of a larger contest (such as a tennis match)(比赛的)一局 She won the first two games, but lost the set and the match.她赢了前两局,但输掉了这一盘及整场比赛。 — see also ball game, board game, fun and games, guessing game, parlor game, perfect game, return game, shell game, video game, game of chance at 1chance, game of skill at skill 2  games [plural] a  : playful activities游戏;娱乐 children playing at their games正在嬉戏的孩子们 b  or Games : an organized series of athletic contests specifically : the Olympics运动会;(尤指)奥运会。 Let the Games begin.运动会开始。 3  a  [singular] : the way someone plays in a sport比赛方式;比赛作风 They are known to play a very rough game.他们以比赛作风粗野而闻名。 She has a strong all-around game.她技战术非常全面,没有弱点。 She needs to improve her game if she wants to win the championship.要想获得冠军,她还需要提高她的竞技状态。 Champions can raise/lift their game [=can play better] when they're in danger of losing.冠军选手能在快要输时发挥得更好。 b  [count] : a skill that is used in playing a particular game or sport比赛技巧 a football team with a strong running/passing game善于跑阵进攻/传球进攻的橄榄球队 4  [count] a  : an activity that is being compared to a game or contest(比喻)游戏,比赛 He's a loser in the game of love. [=he is not successful in romantic relationships]他是爱情游戏中的失败者。 the game of life人生游戏 They're playing a dangerous game by refusing to negotiate.他们拒绝谈判,这是在玩一个危险的游戏。 He's trying to beat them at their own game. [=he's trying to gain an advantage over them by using the same methods that they use]他试图以其人之道,还治其人之身。 the mating game [=the effort to find a sexual partner]择偶游戏 — see also waiting game, war game, the name of the game at 1name b  : a type of work : a business or profession行当;职业 She's spent the last 30 years in the newspaper game.她最近30年一直在报业工作。 the money game金融行当 the fight game [=professional boxing]职业拳击 — see also war game 5  [count] : something that is not meant to be taken seriously游戏(指无足轻重的事) Politics for her is just a game.政治对她来说只是一场游戏。 Was our entire relationship just a game to you?我们的全部感情对你来说只是一场游戏吗? 6  [count] : a usually dishonest or unfair plan for doing something花招;诡计 I've seen through your little game and I know what you're really after!我已看穿你的小把戏,知道你真正的目的! What's his game? [=what is his real reason for doing the things he is doing?]他这样做的真正用意何在? ◊ To give the game away is to make a secret plan or activity known.露出马脚;泄露秘密 We can't let him know anything about it. He's too likely to give the game away.我们不能让他知道这事。他太容易泄露秘密了。 ◊ If the game is up, a dishonest plan or activity has been discovered and will no longer be allowed to continue.阴谋已经败露;戏该收场了 Okay, the game is up. [=the jig is up] We know you forged the letters.好了,别再演戏了。我们知道是你伪造了这些信件。 7  [noncount] : animals that are hunted猎物 wild game野味 small game小猎物 — often used before another noun常用于另一名词前 a game bird/fish [=a bird or fish that may be legally hunted or caught]可被捕猎的鸟;可垂钓的鱼 a game preserve [=an area of land in which hunting and fishing are carefully controlled]禁猎区 a game warden [=a person who makes sure that hunting and fishing laws are obeyed]渔猎执法官 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 The police aren't interested in these small-time drug dealers; they're after much bigger game.警方对这些小毒贩不感兴趣,他们在追捕大毒枭。 — see also big game ahead of the game : in a position or situation in which you are likely to succeed, win, etc.处于有利地位;处于赢家地位 The company has stayed ahead of the game by meeting new government standards before they go into effect.这家公司在政府新标准实施前就已经达标,占据了有利地位。 early/late in the game : at an early/late time in a game or sport比赛刚开始/接近尾声时 She scored a goal early in the game. [=near the beginning of the game]她在比赛一开始就进了一球。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 It's too late in the game to change the date of the meeting. [=it's no longer reasonable to change the date; the meeting is too soon for the date to be changed]更改会议时间已经来不及了。 She got into the computer industry early in the game. [=when the industry was new]计算机产业刚兴起时,她就入行了。 got game ◊ In informal U.S. English, someone who has got game is very good at playing a particular game or sport, such as basketball.非常擅长某项运动(非正式美国英语) head/mind games : actions that are meant to confuse or upset someone in order to get an advantage(为取得优势而采取的)心理战术,斗智游戏 I couldn't handle the head games that came with the job anymore.我再也无力应对这个工作带来的种种斗智游戏了。 She's known for playing mind games with her opponents.她与对手玩心理战术是出了名的。 on the game British, informal : working as a prostitute卖淫;当妓女 I didn't know she was on the game.我不知道她是妓女。 on/off your game ◊ If you are on your game, you are playing a sport or game well; if you are off your game, you are playing poorly.比赛打得好/差 She's really on her game tonight. [=she's playing very well]她今晚发挥得非常好。 Sorry I missed that shot. I'm off my game today. [=I'm not playing as well as I usually do]很遗憾,我投球失误了。我今天发挥失常。 ◊ These phrases are also used figuratively.这些短语也用作比喻。 He seemed a little off his game during the sales presentation this morning.他在今天上午的销售演示中似乎有点不在状态。 play games 1  : to treat someone in a dishonest or unfair way in order to get an advantage玩把戏;耍花招 Stop playing games (with me) and tell me what really happened!别跟我玩把戏,告诉我究竟出了什么事! I'm trying to be honest with you. I'm not interested in playing games.我是想跟你说实话,不想跟你兜圈子。 2  : to behave in a way that is not serious闹着玩 Let's stop playing games and get down to business.咱们别胡闹了,开始干正事吧。 the only game in town : the only available, desirable, or valuable thing唯一可获得(想要或有价值)的东西 For serious home cooks, this stove is the only game in town. [=it is the only stove that serious home cooks should want to have]对于真正的家庭厨师来说,这种炉灶是他们唯一想要拥有的。 Our company is no longer the only game in town. [=we now have competition; another company/business is doing what we do]我们公司现在已不再是一枝独秀了。 2 game /ˈgeɪm/ adjective gamer; gamest 2 game /ˈgeɪm/ adjective gamer; gamest Learner's definition of GAME 1  : willing or ready to do something愿意(或准备)去做的 “Do you feel like going to the movies tonight?” “Sure, I'm game.”“你今晚想去看电影吗?”“当然,我想去。” They were game for anything. = They were game to try anything.他们愿意尝试任何事情。 2  : showing a willingness to work hard, keep trying, etc. : showing determination有勇气的;勇敢的;坚定的 They remained game [=determined] to the end.他们直到最后还保持着斗志。 She lost despite a game effort.尽管奋力拼搏,她还是输了。 — gamely adverb [more gamely; most gamely] She smiled gamely for the camera.她面对摄像机勇敢地微笑。




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