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词汇 go
释义 go (noun) go 170 ENTRIES FOUND: go (verb) go (noun) go-ahead (noun) go-ahead (adjective) go-around (noun) go-between (noun) goes go-getter (noun) go-go (adjective) going (noun) going (adjective) going concern (noun) going-over (noun) go-kart (noun) gone gone (adjective) gone (preposition) go-round (noun) go-slow (noun) go-to (adjective) get-go (noun) get-up-and-go (noun) -going (combining form) happy-go-lucky (adjective) hide-and-go-seek (noun) merry-go-round (noun) no-go area (noun) pay-as-you-go (adjective) stop-and-go (adjective) stop-go (adjective) touch and go (adjective) aisle (noun) all (adverb) alone (adverb) any (adjective) ape (adjective) ballistic (adjective) balloon (noun) bananas (adjective) basic (noun) bat (noun) bathroom (noun) beg (verb) belly-up (adjective) berserk (adjective) better (noun) big (adverb) blank (adjective) blue (adjective) board (noun) bonkers (adjective) broke (adjective) bundle (noun) burton (noun) bust (adjective) bye-bye (interjection) comb (noun) come (verb) country (noun) crawl (verb) crazy (adjective) dead (adjective) defeat (noun) detail (noun) devil (noun) distance (noun) dog (noun) double (adverb) Dutch (adverb) easy (adverb) end (noun) expense (noun) extra (adjective) extreme (adjective) far (adverb) fast (adverb) figure (verb) fine-tooth comb (noun) flesh (noun) flow (noun) get (verb) glory (noun) god (noun) good (adjective) great (adjective) gun (noun) half (noun) half-cocked (adjective) handbasket (noun) head (noun) heavy (adjective) heavy (adverb) hell (noun) here (adverb) history (noun) hog (noun) how (adverb) insane (adjective) jugular (noun) jump (verb) keep (verb) kite (noun) lake (noun) law (noun) lead (noun) length (noun) let (verb) light bulb (noun) live (adverb) long (adverb) mad (adjective) mat (noun) merry (adjective) mile (noun) motion (noun) native (adjective) nature (noun) nothing (pronoun) nuts (adjective) overboard (adverb) pace (noun) pain (noun) pear-shaped (adjective) phut piece (noun) place (noun) postal (adjective) pot (noun) potty (noun) public (adjective) rail (noun) rate (noun) ready (adjective) roof (noun) round (noun) say (verb) sea (noun) seed (noun) separate (adjective) set (adjective) show (noun) sleep (noun) smoke (noun) spare (adjective) stag (noun) stake (noun) steady (adjective) steady (adverb) strength (noun) strong (adjective) swing (noun) system (noun) tangent (noun) territory (noun) theatergoer (noun) there (adverb) tide (noun) town (noun) tube (noun) under (adverb) walkabout (noun) wall (noun) waste (noun) way (noun) whole (adjective) wild (adverb) window (noun) without (adverb) word (noun) wrong (adverb) 1 go /ˈgoʊ/ verb goes /ˈgoʊz/ ; went /ˈwɛnt/ ; gone /ˈgɑːn/ ; going /ˈgowɪŋ/ 1 go /ˈgoʊ/ verb goes /ˈgoʊz/ ; went /ˈwɛnt/ ; gone /ˈgɑːn/ ; going /ˈgowɪŋ/ Learner's definition of GO 1  [no object] a  : to move or travel to a place去;去往 He went to the window and looked out at the yard.他走到窗前,向窗外的院子望去。 She goes to the office every morning and comes home in the evening.她每天早上去办公,夜晚回家。 I'm tired. Let's go home.我累了,咱们回家吧。 She went downstairs to the kitchen.她下楼去厨房。 The train goes from New York to Chicago.火车从纽约驶往芝加哥。 Halt! Who goes there? [=who is there?; who is coming this way?]停!那是谁? b  : to travel to and stay in a place for a particular amount of time去旅行 I went with my family to Rome last year.去年我与家人去了罗马。 We're going to Iowa for a week.我们将去艾奥瓦州待一星期。 c  : to move or travel in a particular way or for a particular distance以…方式行走(或移动);行走(或移动)…距离 The car was going too fast.那辆汽车开得太快了。 How much farther do we have to go?我们还要走多远? She went a long way to see him.她长途跋涉去看他。 We went many miles that day.那天我们走了很多路。 Go straight for two blocks, then go right/left at the light.直走两个街区,然后在路灯处右/左拐。 The street is blocked, so we'll have to go around.这条街封路,我们只好绕道而行。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 Their relationship doesn't seem to be going anywhere. [=doesn't seem to be making any progress]他们的关系似乎没有任何进展。 Where do we go from here? [=what do we do now?]我们现在该做什么? We've accomplished a lot, but we still have a long way to go. [=we have much more to do]我们取得了很多成果,但依然任重而道远。 She has a lot of talent. If she works hard, she should go far. [=she should be very successful]她很有天赋。如果肯努力,她应该会大有前途。 These changes will go a long way toward solving the dispute.这些改变对解决分歧会大有帮助。 Would you go so far as to call them dishonest? [=would you say that they are dishonest?]你会竟至于说他们是不诚实的人吗? This time you've gone too far! [=you've done something that cannot be allowed]这次你做得过分了! 2  a  [no object] : to move to or be at a place (such as an office or school) for work, study, etc.去,在(某地工作、学习等)— + to She goes to church on Sunday.她每周日去做礼拜。 She goes to work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.她早上9点上班,下午5点下班。 Their son is going to college in Florida. [=he is attending a college in Florida]他们的儿子正在佛罗里达州读大学。 He went to prison for his crimes.他因犯罪入狱。 b  [no object] : to do something that involves moving or traveling to a place去某处做某事 — often + on We're going on vacation next week.下周我们去度假。 The thieves went on a crime spree.这帮盗贼疯狂犯罪。 — often + -ing verb The neighbors went running [=the neighbors ran] when they heard the screams.邻居们听到尖叫声后就跑开了。 I like to go walking/swimming/shopping. [=I like to walk/swim/shop]我喜欢散步/游泳/购物。 — see also go for 5 (below) c  [no object] : to move or travel to a place for a particular purpose拜访;参加活动 I went to see them last week.我上周拜访过他们。 We went to see a movie last night. = We went to a movie last night.昨晚我们去看电影了。 Are you going to the wedding? [=do you plan to attend the wedding?]你去参加婚礼吗? I may go to see them next week. = I may go and see them next week. = (US) I may go see them next week.我可能下周去看他们。 ◊ In informal spoken English, go and is used to emphasize a following verb. It usually expresses anger or annoyance.在非正式口语中,go and用于强调后面的动词,通常表示生气或恼怒。 Now you've gone and ruined it!现在,你已经搞砸了一切! They went and changed it!他们把它给改了! Go and get me a towel!去把毛巾给我拿来! ◊ In U.S. English, go by itself is also sometimes used this way.在美国英语中,go本身有时也这么用。 Why did you have to go ruin it?!你为什么要搞砸一切?! Go get me a towel!去给我拿条毛巾! d  [+ object] informal : to engage in (doing something)参与;从事 Don't go telling everyone what happened. [=don't tell everyone what happened]对发生的这一切要守口如瓶。 He went blabbing the news all over the place.他四处透露这个消息。 3  [no object] a  : to leave a place离开 It's getting late. I should go now.天晚了,我该走了。 It's time to go.该走了。 I was just going when the phone rang.我正要走,电话突然响了。 b  : to leave a job, position, etc.离职 Pack up your desk and go.收拾好办公桌走人吧。 She's retiring soon, and it'll be sad for all of us to see her go.她即将退休,看到她要离开我们都很难过。 4  : to lie or move along a particular route or in a particular direction(沿着特定路线或方向)延伸,前进 [no object] The road goes from the town to the lake.这条路从镇上通往那个湖泊。 His land goes almost all the way down to the river.他的田地差不多一直延伸到那条河。 [+ object] Are you going my way? [=are you going in the same direction that I'm going in?]你和我同路吗? The car went the length of the street and then turned around.这辆车开到街的尽头处后掉转了方向。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 She went the conventional route [=she did the conventional thing] by going straight to college after high school.她高中毕业后就按部就班地去读大学了。 He has always gone his own way. [=he has always done the things he wants to do instead of the things that most people do]他总是我行我素。 5  [no object] : to provide a way to get to a place通往;通向 That door goes to the cellar. [=you can get to the cellar by going through that door]那扇门通往地窖。 Where does this road go?这条路通往何处? 6  [no object] : to be sent发送;传送 The message went by e-mail to all members of the staff.信息通过电子邮件形式发给每位员工。 7  [no object] : to be lost, used, or spent失掉;用掉;花掉 I don't know where the money goes.我不知道钱花到什么地方了。 I put my keys here a few minutes ago, and now they're gone. = (Brit) I put my keys here a few minutes ago, and now they've gone.我几分钟前把钥匙放在这儿的,可是现在不见了。 — often used with all常与all连用 The money was all gone by Friday. = All (of) the money was gone by Friday.钱在周五前就花光了。 “Is there any ice cream left?” “No, it's all gone.”“还有冰激凌吗?”“没了,全吃光了。” 8  [no object] : to die死亡 She went peacefully at about midnight.她大约半夜时分安详地去世了。 9  [no object] a  of time : to pass(时间)过去 The time/day seemed to go very quickly/slowly.时间/一天似乎过得很快/很慢。 b  : to happen in a particular way(以某方式)发生 The evening went well/badly.晚上很顺利/不顺。 She worked hard to make the party go according to plan.她努力使晚会按计划进行。 The way things are going [=if things keep happening this way], I may get laid off.照这样的话,我可能被解雇。 We lost the game, but that's the way it/life goes. [=it is a fact that bad or disappointing things will happen sometimes]我们输了,不过生活就是如此,不如意事时有发生。 10  [no object] informal — used to talk or ask about how you are feeling用于谈及或问及进展状况 “How are things going? = How's everything going? = How's it going?” “Everything's going well/fine/great.”“事情怎样了?”“一切都顺利。” 11  [no object] : to be given up, thrown away, etc.被放弃;被扔掉 I want to keep these, but that one can go.我想留下这些,那个可以扔掉。 These old boxes have got to go. = These old boxes have to go. [=we have to get rid of these old boxes]这些旧盒子得扔掉了。 12  always followed by an adverb or preposition [no object] a  : to be sold卖掉 The house went for a good price.这房子卖了个好价钱。 The cabinets go for about $400.这套橱柜大约可卖到400美元。 The painting will go to the highest bidder.这幅画将卖给出价最高的竞买人。 b  : to be willing to pay a certain price for something出价 I'll go as high as $100, but not over that.我最高出价100美元,不会再高了。 13  [no object] : to fail or become weak because of use, age, etc.衰退;减弱 His hearing has started to go.他的听力开始衰退。 The batteries in the flashlight are going and will have to be changed.手电筒快没电了,该换电池了。 14  [no object] : to break because of force or pressure(因压力大而)损坏,折断 The dam/roof is weakening and it could go at any time.大坝/屋顶越来越不牢固,随时有可能决堤/坍塌。 15  [no object] : to start doing something开始做某事 Everyone's here, so I think we're ready to go. = (US, informal) I think we're good to go. [=I think we're ready to start]大家都到了,我想我们可以开始了。 — see also get going at get 16  [no object] — used to describe the result of a contest, election, decision, etc.(比赛、竞选、判决等的)结果 The election went in her favor. [=she won the election]她竞选获胜。 The verdict went against him.裁决结果对他不利。 17  [no object] : to work in the usual or expected way工作;运行 I couldn't get the car to go.我无法使车发动。 I kept working on the engine until I finally got it going. [=I finally got it to work/run]我不断给引擎打火,最后终于发动了。 — see also keep going at 1keep 18  a  [linking verb] : to become变成 — used to describe a change用于描述变化 The building has gone condo. [=the building has become a condominium]这幢大楼变成了公寓楼。 British currency went decimal in 1971.英国货币从1971年起改为十进制。 — used especially to describe a change that is not wanted尤指不想要的变化 The tire went flat.轮胎瘪了。 The bread has gone stale.面包变味了。 The company went bankrupt.公司破产了。 Everything keeps going wrong.一切都乱套了。 b  [no object] : to change变动;变化 The leaves here go from green to red in the fall.秋天这里的树叶由绿变红。 The situation went from bad to worse.形势每况愈下。 19  [linking verb] — used to describe someone's or something's condition用于描述某人或某事的状态 I like to go barefoot in the summer.夏天我喜欢赤脚。 There was nothing to eat, so we had to go hungry.没有什么可吃的,我们只好挨饿了。 My letters have gone unanswered. [=have not been answered]我的信石沉大海了。 Her excellent work has not gone unnoticed/unappreciated. [=someone has noticed/appreciated her excellent work]她出色的工作得到了赏识。 20  [no object] informal : to make a particular movement做某个动作 Can you go like this with your eyebrows? [=can you move your eyebrows like this?]你能像这样动眉毛吗? 21  [no object] — used to talk about a story, song, etc.(故事)发生情况;(曲调等的)唱,说 I can't remember how the story goes. [=I can't remember what happens in the story]我记不起这故事的情节了。 The story/rumor/legend goes that he left home poor and came back rich.传说他离家时身无分文,之后衣锦还乡。 The tune goes like this.曲调是这样的。 22  [no object] a  : to be able to fit in or through a space被容纳;被装进;通过 Will these clothes go in your suitcase? [=is there enough room for these clothes in your suitcase?]这些衣服能装进你的行李箱吗? The box was too big to go [=fit] through the door.箱子太大了,过不了这道门。 b  : to have a usual or proper place or position : belong放置 These books go on the top shelf.这些书放在书架顶格。 Where do your keys go?你把钥匙放在哪儿? 23  [no object] : to have authority : to require you to do what is said or demanded(说话)有权威性 What she says goes! [=she is the boss; you have to do what she tells you to do]她说了算! 24  [no object] informal : to use the toilet上厕所 One of the children said he had to go.有个孩子说他要上厕所。 — see also go to the bathroom at bathroom 25  : to make a sound发出声音 [no object] The bell went and the class came to an end.铃响了,下课了。 The music was going full blast. [=the music was being played as loud as possible]音乐声震天响。 [+ object] The gun went bang.枪砰的一声响了。 The cow went “moo.”奶牛发出“哞哞”叫声。 26  [+ object] informal : to say (something)说— used in describing what people said in a conversation用于表示对话者所说 So she goes, “Did you write this?” and I go, “Mind your own business!”然后她说:“这是你写的吗?”我说:“这不关你的事!” 27  [no object] of a sports team or player : to have a specified record取得(某成绩、比分等) The team went 11-2 last season. [=the team won 11 games and lost 2 games last year]上个赛季球队赢了11场,输了2场。 The shortstop went two for four in yesterday's game. [=the shortstop had two hits in four times at bat in yesterday's game]在昨天的比赛中,这名游击手出场击球四次命中两次。 anything goes : anything is acceptable : there are no rules for behavior, dress, etc.(举止、服饰等)随意,随便 She dresses conservatively at work, but on the weekends, anything goes.工作时她穿着保守,但在周末她想穿什么就穿什么。 as (someone or something) goes — used to compare someone or something with someone or something else of the same kind就…来说 As lectures go, it was very interesting.就演讲来说,这个非常有趣。 be going British : to be available有空缺的 There are no jobs going right now.目前没有职位空缺。 be going to — used to talk about what will happen or could happen将要发生;可能发生 It's going to be cold tomorrow. [=it will be cold tomorrow]明天将会变冷。 It's going to rain: if you don't take an umbrella, you're going to get soaked.天要下雨。如果你不带把伞,会被淋湿的。 I am not going to tolerate [=I won't tolerate] any more bad behavior!我再也不会容忍任何其他不良行为了! I was just going to call him. [=I was about to call him]我当时正要给他打电话。 — see also gonna come and go — see 1come easy come, easy go — see 2easy go about [phrasal verb] 1  go about (something) : to start to do (something)开始做;着手做 I'd like to fix this old radio but I don't know how to go about (doing) it.我想要修理这台旧收音机,但不知从何着手。 2  : to do (something)做(某事) Despite the threat of war, most people are just quietly going about their business. [=most people are just doing the things that they usually do]尽管受到战争威胁,大多数人仍像往常一样平静地生活。 go a bundle on — see 1bundle go after [phrasal verb] 1  go after (someone) a  : to follow and try to stop or catch (someone)追赶;追捕 When the boy ran out the door, his mother quickly went after him.男孩跑出门时,他妈妈很快追了上去。 The police went after the escaped criminal.警察追捕逃犯。 b  : to try to find and punish (someone)查处 The government is going after people who cheat on their taxes.政府正在查处偷税漏税者。 2  go after (something or someone) : to try to get (something or someone)力求;追求 If you want the job, you should just go after it.如果你想得到这份工作,你就应该努力去争取。 She accused her friend of going after her husband.她指责朋友勾引她丈夫。 go against [phrasal verb] 1  go against (something) : to not agree with (something)违反;违背 I won't do anything that goes against my conscience/beliefs/principles.我不会做任何违背我的良心/信仰/原则的事。 values that go against those of society与社会价值观背道而驰的价值观 2  go against (someone or something) a  : to oppose (someone or something)反对 He was surprised when some of his former supporters went against him.他很惊诧先前的一些支持者竟然反对他。 He was reluctant to go against his parents' wishes. [=he was reluctant to do something that his parents did not want him to do]他不想违背父母的意愿。 b  : to compete against (a player or team) in a contest or game竞争;较量 The Red Sox will be going against the Yankees in tonight's game.今晚比赛红袜队将对阵扬基队。 3  go against (someone) : to not be good for (someone) : to not produce the result that is wanted by (someone)对(某人)不利 Everything seemed to be going against her but she didn't give up hope.似乎事事都对她不利,但她没有放弃希望。 The verdict went against the defendant. [=the verdict was not in favor of the defendant]裁决对被告不利。 go ahead [phrasal verb] 1  : to do or begin to do something做;着手做 Instead of waiting for approval, they just went ahead and started working on the project.他们并非坐等批准,而是直接走在前面,开始着手做那个项目了。 : to do something after planning to do it or after getting permission to do it(经过计划或得到批准之后)做 Despite the bad weather, they decided to go ahead with the party.尽管天气不好,他们还是决定照常举办晚会。 My boss told me to go ahead (with the work).老板吩咐我按计划进行(工作)。 “Could I sit here?” “Sure, go (right) ahead.”“我可以坐在这儿吗?”“当然可以,请坐。” “I probably shouldn't have any more cake.” “Oh, go ahead. It won't kill you.”“我也许不应该再吃更多蛋糕了。”“噢,吃吧。对你来说算不了什么。” — see also go-ahead 2  : to happen or proceed发生;继续进行 Despite the weather, the party went ahead as planned.尽管天气不好,聚会依然按计划举行。 After a brief delay, the work is now going ahead again.短暂的耽搁后,工作现在又继续了。 3  : to go or travel to a place before the other person or group that is with you先行到达 I'll go (on) ahead and make sure that everything's ready when you arrive.我先去打前站,确保你们抵达时一切就绪。 go all out : to do something with as much effort as possible全力以赴 When he has a party, he likes to go all out. [=have a big and expensive party]他举办晚会时,总喜欢把晚会办得隆重奢华。 Her company always went all out [=did everything possible] to make the customer happy.她的公司总是尽量使顾客满意。 — see also all-out go all the way — see 1way go along [phrasal verb] 1  : to continue or proceed继续;前进 The project is going along smoothly.项目进展顺利。 On this job there's a lot to learn—but I'm sure you'll pick it up as you go along.做这份工作要学的东西很多,但我肯定你会在工作的过程中慢慢学会的。 He was just making up the story as he went along.他现编现讲故事。 2  : to go or travel with someone(与某人)同行,同去 They were going to the fair so I asked whether I could go along.他们要去集市,于是我问我能否同去。 — often + with I asked whether I could go along with them.我问他们我是否能同去。 3  : to agree to do or accept what other people want赞同;接受 We tried to convince him to support us but he refused to go along.我们力劝他支持我们,但是他就是不同意。 — usually + with He refused to go along with us.他拒绝接受我们的观点。 He refused to go along with our plan.他不同意我们的计划。 4  : to be part of something伴随— + with If I want the job I have to accept the stress that goes along with it.如果我要这份工作,我就必须承受随之而来的压力。 go ape — see 3ape go around [phrasal verb] or chiefly British go round 1  a  always followed by an adverb or preposition : to go to different places到处走动 She and her friends go around (together) to lots of clubs. = She goes around with her friends to lots of clubs.她和朋友们四处闲逛,去了好多家夜总会。 b  chiefly British : to travel to a place that is nearby去往附近某处 I went round [=went over] to his flat.我前往他的公寓看他。 c  — used to describe the way a person often dresses or behaves穿着;举止 She goes around (dressed) in a miniskirt.她穿着迷你裙。 You can't go around treating people so rudely.你不能对他人如此无礼。 2  go around or go around (a place) : to go or pass from one person to another person流传 There's a rumor going around (the office) that the boss is about to get fired.(办公室)盛传老板要被解雇。 An amusing story is going around.一个趣闻正流传开来。 There's a nasty cold going around: I hope you don't catch it.现在重感冒流行,我希望你别染上。 3  go around or go around (something or someone) : to be long enough to pass all the way around (something or someone)绕,围(一圈) This belt isn't long enough to go around (my waist).这条腰带太短,围不住我的腰。 4  ◊ If people want something and there is enough/plenty to go around, there is enough for all of the people who want it or need it.足够分配 There aren't enough jobs to go around.没有足够的工作岗位可供分配。 5  what goes around comes around informal — used to say that if you treat other people badly you will eventually be treated badly by someone else恶有恶报;你对他人不好,也会受到他人不好的对待 go at [phrasal verb] 1  a  go at (someone) : to attack (someone)攻击(某人) They went at each other viciously.他们互相猛烈攻击。 b  go at it : to fight or argue打架;争吵 Our neighbors were arguing again last night. They went at it for almost an hour.昨晚我们的邻居又吵架了,吵了将近一个小时。 2  go at (something) : to make an effort to do or deal with (something)努力从事;致力于 They had to go at the problem from many different angles before they finally solved it.他们不得不从许多不同角度研究才最终解决了这个问题。 It was a tough job, and I was impressed by the energetic way he went at it.这是个苦差事,他的积极肯干给我留下深刻印象。 go away [phrasal verb] 1  a  : to leave a place or person离开(某地或某人) She angrily told him to go away and stop bothering her.她生气地叫他走开,别再烦她。 b  : to leave your home for a period of time离家(一段时间) They're going away on vacation.他们即将去度假。 After graduating from high school, he went away to college.高中毕业后,他离开家去读大学了。 a going-away present/party [=a present/party for someone who is leaving to live, study, or travel in a distant place]赠别礼物;欢送会 2  : to stop existing or happening : to end消失;结束 I just wish there was some way to make the pain go away.我真希望有某种方法能消除痛苦。 go back [phrasal verb] 1  a  : to return to a place返回 I forgot my purse and had to go back for it.我忘拿手提包了,只好回去取。 What was it like to go back after so many years?这么多年过去了,回去会是什么情形呢? After college she went back home.大学毕业后她回到家乡。 Go back inside! You'll catch cold.回到屋里去!不然你会感冒的。 b  : to begin doing something again接着做 — + to I turned off the alarm and went back to sleep.我关掉闹钟,接着睡觉。 He waved hello, then went right back to work.他挥手打了个招呼,然后又接着去工作了。 She went back to eating her dinner.她又接着吃饭了。 ◊ The phrase there's no going back means that you have done or decided something and cannot change it.一经决定,不可更改;没有回头路可走。 I've already signed the contract, so there's no going back now.我已经签了合同,现在不能再更改了。 2  a  : to have existed for a particular amount of time or since a particular period(一定时期内或自某时期以来)存在 These ruins go back hundreds of years.这些遗迹已有数百年历史了。 — often + to a tradition that goes back [=dates back] to colonial times从殖民时代就有的传统 b  : to have known each other for a particular amount of time相识(一段时间) We go back 30 years.我们相识30年了。 He and I go back a long way. = He and I go way back. [=he and I have known each other for many years]我和他是老相识了。 c  : to think or talk about something from the past回溯;回顾 To fully understand the issues, we have to go back a few years.要全面理解这些问题,我们必须从几年前说起。 — often + to I'd like to go back to your earlier comment. [=I'd like to discuss it further]我想回顾你之前的评论。 3  go back on (something) : to not do what is required by (something, such as a promise)违背(诺言等) She went back on her promise to help us. [=she failed to keep her promise]她违背诺言,没有帮助我们。 I would never go back on my word.我绝不食言。 go before [phrasal verb] 1  go before (someone) : to happen or exist at an earlier time than (someone)(先于某人)发生,存在 We owe a great debt of gratitude to those who went before us.我们对前人满怀感激。 2  go before (someone or something) : to be considered by (someone or something) for an official decision or judgment交由…裁定 The contestants will go before the judges tomorrow.明天各位评审将对参赛者做出评判。 The case went before the court.这个案件由法庭做出审判。 go beyond [phrasal verb] go beyond (something) : to do more than (something)超过 She went beyond the call of duty. [=she did more than was required]她超额完成了任务。 We need to go beyond merely talking about the problem.我们不能只是谈论这个问题,还要做点实事。 go by [phrasal verb] 1  of time : to pass(时间)过去 The morning seemed to go by very quickly/slowly.早上的时间似乎过得特别快/慢。 Many years have gone by since the last time I saw her.自从上次见到她已经过去很多年。 They have many happy memories of days gone by. [=bygone days; days/times in the past]他们拥有许多过去的美好回忆。 2  go by (something) a  : to be guided or directed by (something, such as a rule)按照;遵循 That's a good rule to go by.那是条要遵从的好规则。 b  : to form an opinion from (something)依据(某事物)做判断 She may be guilty but we have very little evidence to go by.她也许是有罪的,但是我们没什么证据这样说。 You can't always go by appearances. [=you can't always judge people or things by the way they look]你不能总是以貌取人。 3  go by (a name) : to be known by (a name)叫作 His name is Edwin but he goes by Ed. [=people call him Ed]他的名字叫埃德温,但是人们经常叫他埃德。 4  go by or go by (somewhere) : to go somewhere in order to visit someone去某地(拜访某人) I went by (her house) to see her after school.放学后我去(她家)看她。 go down [phrasal verb] 1  : to fall or crash to the ground跌倒;坠落 The airplane went down when one of its engines caught fire.一台发动机着火后,这架飞机坠落了。 The boxer took a punch and went down hard.拳击手挨了一拳,重重跌倒在地。 2  : to sink into the water沉没 The ship went down after hitting an iceberg.轮船撞到冰山后沉没了。 3  a  : to drop to a lower level下跌;下降 Prices are expected to go down soon.价格有望很快下跌。 The quality of his work has been going down.他的工作质量一直在下降。 She had a fever yesterday, but it went down this morning.她昨天发烧,但是今天早上烧退了。 b  : to become less or smaller变少;变小 It may take a few hours for the swelling to go down.可能几个小时才能消肿。 4  : to become less bright变暗 The lights went down [=the lights were turned down] as the movie started.电影开始放映时,灯光变暗了。 5  of the sun or moon : to stop being visible in the sky : to set(太阳或月亮)落到地平线下 The sun comes up in the morning and goes down at night.太阳朝起夕落。 6  a  — used to say how easy or hard it is to eat or drink something(容易或难以)喝下,咽下 The medicine went down easily. [=it was easy to swallow the medicine]这药容易下咽。 I took a sip but it went down the wrong way. [=I choked on my drink]我抿了一口,可是被呛住了。 b  — used to say how easy or hard it is to accept or agree to something契合 His suggestion didn't go down [=go over] very well with his boss. [=his boss didn't like his suggestion]他的建议不合老板的意。 7  : to lose or fail失败 Last year's champion went down in the first round of the tournament this year.去年的冠军在今年首轮比赛中落败。 The regime finally went down [=fell] in a wave of popular protest.政权最终在民众的抗议浪潮中解体。 8  of a computer, system, etc. : to stop working失灵;停止运行 The network went down this morning.今天早上网络出故障了。 9  : to be remembered or talked about as an important person, event, etc.(作为重要人物、事件等)被铭记 He will go down as one of the greatest leaders this country has ever known.他将作为这个国家有史以来最伟大的领导人之一被载入史册。 His name will go down in history.他的名字将流芳百世。 10  British, informal : to be sent to prison入狱 He went down [=went to jail] for six years for the robbery.他因抢劫入狱六年。 11  somewhat informal : to travel to a place (especially one that is nearby or to the south)去某地;(尤指)去附近,去南方 I need to go down to the store for milk.我要去附近商店买牛奶。 We went down south to visit relatives.我们到南方去走亲戚去了。 12  slang : to happen发生 We need to find out what's going down. [=(more commonly) going on]我们需要弄清楚发生了什么事。 13  go down on (someone) slang : to perform oral sex on (someone)(对某人)口交 14  go down with (an illness) British : to begin to have or suffer from (an illness)患(病) He went down with [=caught, came down with] measles.他得了麻疹。 go easy, go easy on/with — see 2easy go figure — see 2figure go for [phrasal verb] 1  a  go for (someone) : to attack (someone)袭击(某人) My dog went for the intruder.我家的狗攻击了闯入者。 b  go for (something) : to try to get (something)争取;力求 go for the prize争取获奖 If you want to achieve success, you have to stop hesitating and just go for it!如果你想成功,你就不要再犹豫,努力去争取! 2  go for (something) : to accept or agree to (something, such as a plan or suggestion)接受;赞成 I asked her to lend us some money, but she wouldn't go for it. [=she wouldn't agree to lend us money]我请求她借些钱给我们,但是她不同意。 3  go for (someone or something) informal a  : to like or be attracted to (someone or something)喜欢;被吸引 When I see how she looks at him, I can tell she really goes for him.我看到她看他的样子,就知道她真的喜欢他。 I don't really go for modern art.我确实不怎么喜欢现代艺术。 I could go for [=I would like] a cup of coffee right now.我现在想喝杯咖啡。 b  : to relate to or apply to (someone or something)涉及;对…适用 The rule goes for you, too. [=the rule also applies to you]这个规则同样适用于你。 “I'd like ice cream for dessert.” “That goes for me too.” [=I'd like ice cream too]“甜点我想要冰激凌。”“我也是。” The economy here has been growing stronger, and the same goes for [=the same is true for] many other areas.本地的经济实力不断增强,其他很多地区也是如此。 4  go for (a price) : to be sold for (a particular price)以…价格卖出 The painting went for more than a million dollars.这幅画卖了一百多万美元。 5  go for (a walk, a drive, etc.) : to do an activity (such as walking or driving a car) that usually involves going somewhere外出活动 She went for a walk/stroll after dinner.晚饭后她去散步了。 On Saturday mornings we like to go for a drive out in the countryside.周六早上,我们喜欢开车去乡间兜风。 Would anyone like to go for a swim?有谁想去游泳吗? 6  ◊ If you have something going for you, you have a talent, skill, etc., that helps you.有…优势 She's not as young as some of the other athletes, but experience helps, and she has that going for her. [=she has an advantage because of her experience]她不像其他运动员那么年轻,但是她有经验,这是她的优势。 You should be more confident in yourself. You have a lot going for you! [=you have many talents, abilities, etc.]你那么有才华!应该更加自信。 go great guns — see 1gun go in [phrasal verb] 1  of the sun or moon : to become hidden by a cloud(太阳或月亮)被云遮住 The afternoon got cooler after the sun went in.午后太阳进入云层,天气变凉了些。 2  go in for (something) : to like or be interested in (something)喜欢(某事物);对(某事物)感兴趣 She doesn't go in for sports.她不喜欢运动。 3  go in on (something) US, informal : to help pay for (something, such as a present)帮助购买 Are you going to go in on the gift for her?你打算掏钱给她买礼物吗? We all went in on the gift together. [=we all gave some money towards buying the gift]我们大家一起凑钱买礼物。 4  go in with (someone) : to join (someone) in a business, project, etc.加入(某人的业务、项目等) His brother-in-law went in with him on his new business.他的妹夫加入了他的新生意。 go into [phrasal verb] 1  go into (something) a  : to start to be in (a different state or condition)进入(不同的)状态 After she lost her job she went into a deep depression. [=she became very depressed]丢掉工作后,她心情非常沮丧。 The criminal has gone into hiding. [=the criminal is hiding]罪犯躲藏起来了。 After losing the election, she went into seclusion.选举失败后,她蛰居起来。 — see also go into effect at 1effect b  : to start to move in (a different and usually bad way)转入,进入(通常不好的状态) The car went into a skid. [=the car began to skid]汽车开始打滑。 The plane went into a tailspin.飞机开始尾旋坠落。 2  : to start to do (something) as a job or career开始从事(某种职业) He wants to go into the priesthood. [=he wants to become a priest]他想成为一名神职人员。 Their daughter is planning to go into medicine. [=to be a doctor; to get a job in the medical field]他们的女儿打算从医。 Both his sons have gone into the army. [=joined the army]他两个儿子都参军了。 His dream is to go into business for himself. [=to start his own business]他的梦想是自己开公司。 3  a  : to talk about (something)讨论;谈论 I'll try to tell the story without going into too many details. = I'll try not to go into too much detail.我将尽量简要叙述这个事情。 : to talk about the details of (something)细谈(某事) Having gone into the causes of the French Revolution, the book then discusses its effects.这本书详细论述了法国革命的起因,之后又讨论了革命的影




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