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词汇 go back
释义 go back [phrasal verb] 1  a  : to return to a place返回 I forgot my purse and had to go back for it.我忘拿手提包了,只好回去取。 What was it like to go back after so many years?这么多年过去了,回去会是什么情形呢? After college she went back home.大学毕业后她回到家乡。 Go back inside! You'll catch cold.回到屋里去!不然你会感冒的。 b  : to begin doing something again接着做 — + to I turned off the alarm and went back to sleep.我关掉闹钟,接着睡觉。 He waved hello, then went right back to work.他挥手打了个招呼,然后又接着去工作了。 She went back to eating her dinner.她又接着吃饭了。 ◊ The phrase there's no going back means that you have done or decided something and cannot change it.一经决定,不可更改;没有回头路可走。 I've already signed the contract, so there's no going back now.我已经签了合同,现在不能再更改了。 2  a  : to have existed for a particular amount of time or since a particular period(一定时期内或自某时期以来)存在 These ruins go back hundreds of years.这些遗迹已有数百年历史了。 — often + to a tradition that goes back [=dates back] to colonial times从殖民时代就有的传统 b  : to have known each other for a particular amount of time相识(一段时间) We go back 30 years.我们相识30年了。 He and I go back a long way. = He and I go way back. [=he and I have known each other for many years]我和他是老相识了。 c  : to think or talk about something from the past回溯;回顾 To fully understand the issues, we have to go back a few years.要全面理解这些问题,我们必须从几年前说起。 — often + to I'd like to go back to your earlier comment. [=I'd like to discuss it further]我想回顾你之前的评论。 3  go back on (something) : to not do what is required by (something, such as a promise)违背(诺言等) She went back on her promise to help us. [=she failed to keep her promise]她违背诺言,没有帮助我们。 I would never go back on my word.我绝不食言。 go




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