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词汇 around
释义 around (preposition) around (adjective) around 89 ENTRIES FOUND: around (adverb) around (preposition) around (adjective) around-the-clock (adjective) all-around (adjective) go-around (noun) all (adverb) ask (verb) bandy (verb) bat (verb) beat (verb) bend (noun) bounce (verb) bring (verb) bugger (verb) build (verb) bum (verb) bush (noun) cast (verb) change (verb) clock (noun) come (verb) corner (noun) crowd (verb) fart (verb) fiddle (verb) finger (noun) follow (verb) fool (verb) gad (verb) get (verb) go (verb) goof (verb) hang (verb) hedge (verb) horse (verb) jerk (verb) kick (verb) knock (verb) know (verb) lark (verb) lead (verb) lie (verb) look (verb) mess (verb) money (noun) monkey (verb) mooch (verb) moon (verb) muck (verb) nose (noun) nose (verb) order (verb) pal (verb) piddle (verb) piss (verb) pivot (verb) play (verb) poke (verb) ponce (verb) potter (verb) push (verb) putter (verb) rally (verb) rattle (verb) revolve (verb) ring (noun) roll (verb) run (verb) screw (verb) see (verb) shop (verb) show (verb) sit (verb) skate (verb) slap (verb) sleep (verb) slop (verb) sniff (verb) stick (verb) talk (verb) tiptoe (verb) tongue (noun) turn (verb) up (adjective) way (noun) work (verb) world (noun) wrap (verb) 1 around /əˈraʊnd/ adverb 1 around /əˈraʊnd/ adverb Learner's definition of AROUND 1  a  : in a circle兜着圈子地;迂回地 The wheel went/turned around (and around).车轮不停地转。 We kept going around [=(chiefly Brit) round] in circles without getting anywhere.我们转来转去还是没离开那里。 b  : in, along, or through a curving path绕圈;绕道 The road goes around [=(chiefly Brit) round] by the lake.这条路顺着湖边转弯了。 Don't take the long way around: I know a shortcut.别绕远路,我知道有一条近路。 c  chiefly US — used to indicate a measurement that is made along the outer surface of something circular以圆周计算 “How big around is the tree?” “It's five feet around.” [=(chiefly Brit) round] [=the circumference of the tree is five feet]“这棵树有多粗?”“周长五英尺。” 2  — used to indicate that a number, amount, time, etc., is not exact or certain(数字、数量、时间等)大约 The price of dinner was around [=(chiefly US) about] $50.这顿饭大约50美元。 It lasted around [=(chiefly US) about] a century.这大约持续了一个世纪。 The repair should cost around [=approximately, roughly] $200.修理费大约应该是200美元。 We should leave in around 10 minutes.我们应该大约10分钟后离开。 We got home at around 8 o'clock. = (US) We got home around about 8 o'clock. [=it was approximately 8 o'clock when we got home]我们大约8点钟到家。 3  a  : in close from all sides so as to surround someone or something在周围 People crowded around [=(chiefly Brit) round] to hear her.人们围拢过来听她讲。 b  : in many different directions在四处 They wandered around [=(chiefly Brit) about] for several hours.他们四处闲逛了几个小时。 He entered the room and looked around.他走进房间,四处打量了一下。 c  : in or to many different places在(或去)许多不同的地方 People were standing around [=(chiefly Brit) about], talking quietly in small groups.人们在附近站着,三三两两地低声谈论着。 His tools were scattered around [=(chiefly Brit) about] carelessly.他的工具随处乱放。 She travels around [=(chiefly Brit) about] on business quite a lot.她经常去不同的地方出差。 This is a very interesting town: let me show you around.这是一个很有意思的小镇,我带你四处转转。 d  : in or near a particular area or place在附近 We went to the store, but there was no one around. [=there was no one there; (chiefly Brit) there was no one about]我们去商店了,但那里一个人也没有。 Let's wait/stay/stick around awhile.我们在附近等/待/逗留一会儿吧。 I'm not sure where it is, but it must be around somewhere.我不确定它具体在哪儿,但它一定就在附近。 It's safer when there are other people around.附近有其他人会更加安全。 I'd like to speak to him if he's around.如果他没走远,我想跟他谈谈。 So long, then! (I'll) See you around! [=I'll see you later]再见!一会儿见! e  : to a particular place去某处 Why don't you come around (to my house) for dinner?何不来我家吃饭? 4  : in the opposite direction朝相反方向 She turned (completely) around. [=(less commonly) about, (chiefly Brit) round]她转过了身。 5  — used with some verbs to indicate repeated or continued action or behavior that does not have a clear or definite purpose与某些动词连用,指没有明确目的的重复性或持续性动作或行为 He's always joking around when he should be serious.他总是在该严肃的时候瞎开玩笑。 Don't play/fool around with your food like that!吃饭就好好吃,不要乱摆弄你的吃的! I was just standing around, waiting for the train to arrive.我就一直站着,等火车进站。 6  — used to describe something that returns in a regular or repeated way循环往复地 Winter has come around [=(chiefly Brit) round] again.冬天又来到了。 7  — used to describe how two things are arranged or ordered用于描述两件东西如何摆放或排列 You put the fork on the left and the knife on the right. They should be the other way around. [=(chiefly Brit) round] [=the fork should be on the right and the knife on the left]你把叉子放在了左边,刀放在了右边。它们应该互换位置。 You've got them the wrong way around. [=(chiefly Brit) round]你把这两件东西的位置弄错了。 come around — see 1come 2 around /əˈraʊnd/ preposition 2 around /əˈraʊnd/ preposition Learner's definition of AROUND 1  a  : on all sides of (something or someone)在四周;在周围 a house with trees (all) around [=(chiefly Brit) round] it四周长满树木的房子 The people were seated around the table.人们围着桌子坐着。 A crowd gathered around him.一群人聚在他周围。 b  : so as to circle or surround (something or someone)环绕;围住 He tied the rope around his waist.他把绳子系在腰上。 They wrapped the blanket around [=about] her.他们用毯子裹住她。 : moving so as to circle (something or someone)绕着 The Earth revolves/goes/moves around [=(chiefly Brit) round] the Sun.地球绕着太阳转。 We went all around the lake enjoying the different views.我们绕着湖行走,欣赏不同的景色。 They sailed around the world.他们乘船环游世界。 c  : over or in different parts of (a place)遍布;遍及 He traveled (all) around [=(chiefly Brit) round] the country.他在这个国家四处游历。 He's a well-known figure around the town.他是这个镇上的名人。 We drove all around the town looking for him.我们开车满城转,四处找他。 This is a very interesting town: let me show you around it.这是一个很有意思的小镇,我带你四处转转。 We took a tour around New England.我们到新英格兰各地游览了一圈。 You can find lots of good restaurants around here.你会发现这附近有很多好餐馆。 I help her out sometimes around the house.我有时会在房子里帮她四处张罗一下。 d  : on or to another side of (something)在另一边;到另一边 We were surprised by what we saw when we walked around the corner.走过拐角时,我们被看到的一幕惊呆了。 There's another door around the back of the house.这房子后面还有一扇门。 2  a  : in the area near to (something or someone)在附近 Fish are abundant around [=about, near] the reefs.礁石附近有很多鱼。 I'm not sure where it is, but it must be somewhere around here. = It must be around here somewhere.我不确定它具体在哪儿,但它一定就在附近。 I feel happier when I'm around her.我跟她在一起时感到更开心。 It happened in Naples—or (somewhere) around there.事情发生在那不勒斯或附近地区。 I can tell from/by your accent that you're not from around here.从你的口音我能判断出你不是本地人。 It's safer when there are other people around you.有其他人在你身边会更加安全。 b  : near or not far from (something) in time(时间上)大约,大概 The company was founded (at) around [=about] the turn of the century.这家公司大概是在世纪之交成立的。 a night around [=about] midsummer仲夏前后的一个夜晚 3  : so as to avoid or get past (something)避开;绕过 She went around the puddle to avoid getting dirty.她绕过水坑免得弄脏衣服。 We found a way around their objections.我们想到了一个办法,可以避开他们的反对。 4  — used to indicate the central part or idea used for building or organizing something以…为中心;围绕 a society built/organized around kinship ties围绕亲属关系建立的社会 3 around /əˈraʊnd/ adjective 3 around /əˈraʊnd/ adjective Learner's definition of AROUND not used before a noun : existing or active存在着;活跃 She is among the most creative of the artists around [=active, working] today.她是如今仍活跃的艺术家中最具创造力的一位。 been around ◊ Something that has been around for a long time has existed or been available for a long time.早已存在的;早就有的 I'm surprised you haven't read that book yet. It's been around [=been out] for ages!我很意外你没读过那本书。它已经出版很多年了呀! ◊ A person who has been around has had a lot of different experiences and knows a lot about the world.阅历丰富的;见过世面的 You're a man of the world: I can tell you've been around.你是一个见过世面的人,我能看出你的阅历很丰富。 up and around — see 2up




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