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词汇 guard
释义 guard (verb) guard 18 ENTRIES FOUND: guard (noun) guard (verb) guarded (adjective) guard's van (noun) guard dog (noun) cattle guard (noun) coast guard (noun) color guard (noun) crossing guard (noun) honor guard (noun) National Guard (noun) old guard (noun) point guard (noun) rear guard (noun) security guard (noun) shooting guard (noun) splash guard (noun) stand (verb) 1 guard /ˈgɑɚd/ noun plural guards 1 guard /ˈgɑɚd/ noun plural guards Learner's definition of GUARD 1  [noncount] : a state in which someone is carefully looking for possible danger, threats, problems, etc.警戒;守卫;警惕 There were dozens of police officers standing/keeping guard along the parade route.数十名警官沿着游行线路进行警戒。 Several soldiers were on guard [=watching and ready to respond if needed] at the gate.几个士兵在门口守卫。 The soldiers were on their guard. [=they were watching and ready to respond]士兵们保持戒备状态。 We need to be on guard against attack. [=we need to be alert so we are not attacked; we should be prepared to be attacked]我们需要保持警惕以防范袭击。 He always has/keeps his guard up [=is careful and alert] during negotiations.谈判期间他总是保持着警惕。 She never lets down her guard. = She never lets her guard down. [=she never relaxes and stops being careful and alert]她从不放松警惕。 2  a  [count] : a person whose job or duty is to watch and protect someone or something警卫;看守;卫兵 There were several (armed) guards stationed at the gate.几个(武装)卫兵驻守在门口。 (US) a prison guard [=someone who watches prisoners to prevent their escape]监狱看守 — see also security guard b  [count] : a group of people (such as soldiers) who protect a person or place卫兵;卫队 the palace guard宫廷卫队 Tourists gather every day to watch the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace.游客们每天都聚集在白金汉宫观看卫队换岗。 c  the Guards : soldiers who protect a king or queen禁军;御林军;禁卫军 the Royal Horse Guards皇家骑兵团 — see also color guard, honor guard, old guard, rearguard 3  [count] a  : something that keeps an unwanted result or effect from happening防范物;防范手段— often + against The wound should be thoroughly cleaned as a guard against infection.伤口应该彻底清理以防感染。 — see also safeguard b  : a special part or device that protects someone or something from injury or damage防护装置;保护装置;防护用品 The guard must be in place before operating the meat slicer.必须先安装好防护罩再操作切肉片。 a mouth/shin guard口罩;护胫 4  [count] a  American football : either one of two players who play in positions on either side of the center(中锋两侧的)护锋,哨锋 b  basketball : either one of two players who usually play away from the basket and control their team's play when they are trying to score points后卫 — see also point guard 5  [count] British : conductor 2 off guard : in an unprepared state : not ready不提防;丧失警惕 They've been bluffing, trying to keep him off guard.他们一直糊弄他,设法使他不提防。 Her angry response caught me off guard. [=surprised me]她愤怒的回应让我措手不及。 We were thrown off guard [=surprised] by their early arrival.他们提前抵达,令我们措手不及。 under guard : in the position of someone (such as a prisoner) who is being watched by a guard被看管 He was arrested and placed under guard. [=he was arrested and watched carefully so he would not escape]他被拘捕并被看管起来。 2 guard /ˈgɑɚd/ verb guards; guarded; guarding 2 guard /ˈgɑɚd/ verb guards; guarded; guarding Learner's definition of GUARD [+ object] 1  : to watch (someone) in order to prevent escape看守;监视 Two policemen were assigned to guard the prisoner.两位警察被派去看守那名犯人。 2  : to protect (someone or something) from danger or attack保卫;守卫;警卫 soldiers guarding the president保卫总统的卫兵 A tank guarded the bridge from/against enemy attack.一辆坦克把守这座桥梁以防敌人袭击。 A police officer was stationed outside to guard the door/entrance.一名警察站在门口执行守卫。 3  : to be careful about not telling or talking about (something, such as a secret)严守(秘密等) They jealously guard their secrets.他们精心严守自己的秘密。 He guards his privacy.他保护着自己的隐私。 Her whereabouts are a tightly/closely guarded secret.她的下落受到严格保密。 4  sports : to try to keep (an opponent) from scoring (especially in basketball)防守 He was assigned to guard their best player.他被安排防守对方最优秀的球员。 guard against [phrasal verb] guard against (something) : to try to keep (something) from happening防止;防范;警惕 Clean the wound to guard against infection.清洗伤口以防感染。 That's the sort of thinking we have to guard against.这种思想是我们不得不警惕的。 We need to guard against waste.我们需要防止浪费。




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