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词汇 hair
释义 hair 18 ENTRIES FOUND: hair (noun) hair-raising (adjective) hair's breadth (noun) hair-trigger (adjective) hair slide (noun) hair trigger (noun) fair-haired (adjective) long-haired (adjective) short-haired (adjective) bite (verb) curl (verb) dog (noun) down (adverb) end (noun) hide (noun) split (verb) stand (verb) tear (verb) hair /ˈheɚ/ noun plural hairs hair /ˈheɚ/ noun plural hairs Learner's definition of HAIR 1  a  [count] : a thin threadlike growth from the skin of a person or animal毛发 He plucked a hair from his arm.他从胳膊上拔下一根汗毛。 There are dog/cat hairs all over my coat.我的衣服上沾满了狗/猫毛。 b  [noncount] : a covering or growth of hairs(成片的或长出的)体毛 The hair on her arms is blond.她胳膊上的汗毛是金色的。 He has a lot of hair on his chest.他有很多胸毛。 facial/pubic hair脸毛,阴毛 c  [noncount] : the covering of hairs on a person's head头发 He got his hair cut last week.他上周理了发。 Your hair looks nice.你的头发看起来很漂亮。 She has long/black/straight hair.她有一头长/黑/直发。 He has a thick/full head of hair.他有一头浓密的头发。 a balding man who is losing his hair脱发谢顶的男人 a lock/strand of hair一缕/一绺头发 hair conditioners/curlers护发素:卷发器 a hair dryer吹风机 I'm having a bad hair day. [=my hair does not look nice today]我今天的发型很丑。 2  [singular] informal : a very small distance or amount些微;分毫 He won the race by a hair.他以微弱的优势赢得比赛。 He was a hair off on the count.他数的数有些微误差。 hair of the dog (that bit you) informal : an alcoholic drink that is taken by someone to feel better after having drunk too much at an earlier time解宿醉的酒 hide or hair, hide nor hair — see 2hide in your hair informal ◊ Someone who is in your hair is bothering or annoying you.(某人)扰人的,恼人的 His wife says that since he retired he's in her hair all day because he's at home so much.他妻子说自从他退了休就老是窝在家里,整天惹她生气。 keep your hair on British, informal — used to tell someone not to become too excited or upset保持镇静;不要激动;别生气 let your hair down informal : to relax and enjoy yourself放松;享受 We work hard all week, so when Friday comes we like to let our hair down a little and have some fun.我们辛苦工作了一周,所以周五时大家都想放松一下,找点乐子。 make your hair curl informal ◊ If something makes your hair curl, it frightens, shocks, or surprises you.(使)害怕,吃惊 I've heard stories about that guy that would make your hair curl.我听说过那家伙干的那些可怕的事。 make your hair stand on end informal ◊ If something makes your hair stand on end, it frightens you.(使)汗毛直竖,毛骨悚然 Just hearing his voice makes my hair stand on end.光是听见他的声音就吓得我汗毛直竖了。 not have a hair out of place informal : to have a very neat appearance(外表)非常整洁 a politician who never has a hair out of place总是毫发不乱、穿戴整齐的政治家 not turn a hair informal : to remain calm even though something frightening or shocking has happened处乱不惊;镇定自若 Most people would have been very nervous in that situation, but she never turned a hair.大多数人在那种情况下都会很紧张,但她却丝毫不慌乱。 out of your hair informal ◊ Someone who is out of your hair is no longer bothering or annoying you.(某人)不再烦扰人的 Let me take the children out of your hair while you cook dinner.你做饭时我来带孩子,免得他们捣乱。 pull your hair out informal or tear your hair out : to be very worried or upset about something十分焦虑;万分恼火 We've been tearing our hair out trying to decide what to do.我们为决定要做些什么苦恼不已。 split hairs : to argue about small details or differences that are not important剖析毫末;斤斤计较 His lawyers are splitting hairs over the wording of his contract.他的律师们正字斟句酌地审读他的合同措辞。 — see also hairsplitting — haired /ˈheɚd/ adjective a long-haired cat长毛猫 a dark-haired person深色头发的人 — hairless /ˈheɚləs/ adjective a hairless breed of cat无毛猫




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