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词汇 half
释义 half (pronoun) half (adjective) half (adverb) half 36 ENTRIES FOUND: half (noun) half (pronoun) half (adjective) half (adverb) half-and-half (noun) half-assed (adjective) half-baked (adjective) half-breed (noun) half-caste (noun) half-cocked (adjective) half-dollar (noun) half-life (noun) half-light (noun) half-mast (noun) half-moon (noun) half-pipe (noun) half-staff (noun) half-truth (noun) half-wit (noun) half bath (noun) half brother (noun) half hour (noun) half note (noun) half price (noun) half shell (noun) half sister (noun) half step (noun) better half (noun) other half (noun) time and a half (noun) battle (noun) clever (adjective) dozen (noun) mind (noun) six (noun) time (noun) 1 half /ˈhæf/ Brit /ˈhɑːf/ noun plural halves /ˈhævz/ Brit /ˈhɑːvz/ 1 half /ˈhæf/ Brit /ˈhɑːf/ noun plural halves /ˈhævz/ Brit /ˈhɑːvz/ Learner's definition of HALF 1  : one of two equal or nearly equal parts into which something can be divided一半;半个 [count] She broke each cookie into halves.她把曲奇饼都掰成两半。 “Which half do you want?” “I'll take the smaller half.”“你要哪一半?”“我要小的那半。” Two halves make a whole.两个半拉凑成一个整的。 [noncount] The price has been reduced by half. [=by 50 percent; by an amount that is equal to one half of the original]价格降了一半。 — see also better half, other half 2  a  [count] : either of the two equal periods of playing time in sports like football and basketball美式橄榄球、篮球等比赛的)半场,半时 The team fell behind in the first half but rallied in the second half to win the game.球队上半场时落后,但下半场重整旗鼓,赢得了比赛。 b  the half : the time when the first half of a game ends上半场结束时 The score was tied at the half. [=at halftime]半场结束时,比分持平。 3  [count] British, informal : half a pint of a drink (such as beer)(啤酒等饮料的)半品脱 “What's yours?” “A half of lager, please.”“您要点什么?”“请来一杯半品脱的窖藏啤酒。” and a half 1  — used in measurements of time, distance, weight, etc., to indicate one half of the unit of measurement(计量时间、距离、重量等时,表示半个计量单位)半个 My daughter is two and a half (years old). [=two years and six months old]我女儿两岁半。 The fish was a foot and a half long. [=one foot and six inches long]这条鱼一英尺半长。 ten and a half pounds [=ten pounds and eight ounces]十磅半 2  informal — used to say that something is very good, large, difficult, etc.很棒;很大;很难 That was a meal and a half! [=that was a very big meal]真是一顿大餐! Renovating a house is a job and a half. [=is a very difficult job]翻修房子真是个大工程! by halves informal : in an incomplete way不完整的;虎头蛇尾的 — used in negative statements to say that someone does things with a lot of energy and effort用于否定句,表示某人花费大量精力做某事 She never does anything by halves—it's all or nothing!她做事情从来不虎头蛇尾。要么不做,要做就尽全力 go halves also go half and half : to share the cost of something equally均摊费用 We decided to go halves (with each other) on the expenses.我们决定均摊费用。 in half : into two equal parts : into two halves二等分;平均分成两份 She cut the apple in half.她把苹果切成两半。 the half of it informal — used to say that a situation is even worse than you think it is or than it seems to be比想象(或看起来)更糟的状况 “It sounds like you've been having some problems.” “You don't know the half of it!”“听起来你好像遇到了一些麻烦。”“情况比你想的还要糟!” Sales are down but that's only the half of it—the company is closing several stores.销量下降了,更糟糕的是,公司还要关闭好几家门店呢。 too…by half chiefly British, informal — used to say that someone or something has too much of a particular quality usually in a way that is annoying太;过于 an arrogant politician who is too clever by half一个聪明过头的傲慢政客 2 half /ˈhæf/ Brit /ˈhɑːf/ pronoun 2 half /ˈhæf/ Brit /ˈhɑːf/ pronoun Learner's definition of HALF : a number or amount that is equal to one half of a total一半 “Do you want the whole piece?” “Half would be enough, please.”你想要一整块吗?”“一半就够了。” Thirty students took the exam; half (that number) passed. [=15 students passed]三十名学生参加考试,一半通过了。 Half of 30 is/equals 15.30的一半是15。 I seem to spend half (of) the day on the phone.我半天的时间好像都耗费在打电话上了。 She gave half (of) her money to charity.她把自己一半的钱捐给了慈善机构。 Half a million people live in this area.这个地区有五十万居民。 Do you want half (of) my sandwich?我的三明治要分你一半吗? Half the time the kids are outside playing. [=the kids are often outside playing]孩子们有一半的时间都在户外玩耍。 Getting to your destination is half the fun of a vacation. = Getting there is half the fun.度假有一半的乐趣在于到达目的地。 Half the problem is that we do not have enough employees to handle the increased workload.有一半的问题在于我们没有足够的人手来处理不断增加的工作量。 I waited for half an hour. [=30 minutes]我等了半个小时。 Please wait (for) half a minute/second [=for a moment] while I try to connect you.我正在为你接通,请稍等。 half a dozen [=six] eggs半打鸡蛋 He's always chasing women half his age. [=women who are much younger than he is]他总是追求那些年纪比他小很多的女人。 half the battle — see 1battle have half a mind — see 1mind 3 half /ˈhæf/ Brit /ˈhɑːf/ adjective 3 half /ˈhæf/ Brit /ˈhɑːf/ adjective Learner's definition of HALF always used before a noun 1  : equal or nearly equal in size, value, amount, etc., to one half of something一半的;近半的 a half cup of coffee半杯咖啡 He owns a half share in the company.他拥有公司一半的股份。 a half pound of cheese半磅奶酪 a half million people五十万人 a half mile away半英里远 a half circle半圆 a half dozen [=six] eggs半打鸡蛋 — see also half hour, half price 2  : not complete : partial不完整的;部分的 She looked at him with a shy half smile.她看着他,微微露出一丝羞涩的笑容。 — often used in combination常用于合成词 a shy half-smile羞涩的微笑 We need resolute action, not timid half-measures.我们需要的是果断的行动,而不是懦弱的折中办法。 4 half /ˈhæf/ Brit /ˈhɑːf/ adverb 4 half /ˈhæf/ Brit /ˈhɑːf/ adverb Learner's definition of HALF 1  : to an extent that is equal or nearly equal to half of something一半地;接近一半地 The glass of water is half full/empty.杯子里有半杯水。 The crowd was half cheering and half jeering.人群中一半是欢呼,一半是嘲讽。 She's half French and half Italian. [=one of her parents is French and the other is Italian]她有一半法国血统,一半意大利血统。 The meeting began at half past two. [=at 2:30] = (Brit) The meeting began at half two.会议两点半开始。 We arrived at the station at noon, and the train departed at half past. [=at 12:30]我们正午抵达车站,火车十二点半就开了。 The train departed at half past the hour.半点时火车开了。 2  : not completely : to some degree : partially部分地;不完全地 He was only half aware of what was happening.他对正在发生的事情还没完全弄明白。 She had half persuaded me to stay.她一定程度上劝服了我留下来。 The door was half open.门半开着。 These eggs are only half cooked.这些鸡蛋只煮了个半熟。 I was half asleep [=very tired; not completely awake] when you called.你来电话时我正半睡半醒。 She looked half dead. [=she looked very tired/ill]她看起来半死不活的。 half again as much/many (etc.) as (US) or British half as much/many (etc.) again as — used to say that the size or amount of one thing is 50 percent more than another多出一半 If 100 people were expected and 150 came, half again as many people came as were expected.若预计人数为100,实到人数为150,则多出的人数是预计人数的一半。 This dress costs half again as much as that one.这条连衣裙要比那条裙子贵了一半。 half as big/much/good (etc.) as — used to say that the size, amount, or quality of one thing is half or nearly half that of another一半大(或一半多、一半好等);接近一半 The bush is half as tall as the tree. [=the tree is twice as tall as the bush]灌木丛有那棵树的一半高。 This dress costs half as much as that one.这条连衣裙的价格只有那条的一半。 If 100 people were expected and 50 came, only half as many people came as were expected.若预计人数为100,实到人数为50,则实到人数为预计人数的一半。 If he can play the guitar half as well as he can sing, he should have quite a career. [=he will have a very successful career if he can play the guitar well, even if he doesn't play as well as he sings]如果他弹吉他能有他唱歌的一半好,他就很成功了。 The sequel isn't half as good as the original movie. [=the original movie was much better than the sequel]续集比原来的电影差远了。 half off — used to say that something is being sold at half the original price半价销售的 Peaches are half off today.桃子今天半价。 not half 1  : not nearly绝不是;远非 He's not half the fool you think he is. = He's not half so foolish as you think he is. [=he is much smarter than you think he is]他绝不是你想象的那么傻。 an aging baseball player who is not half the hitter he once was [=he is not nearly as good as a hitter as he once was]上了岁数、球技大不如前的棒球手 2  British, informal — used to emphasize a statement or description很,非常(用于强调 She doesn't half swear! [=she swears a lot]她说脏话不是一般的多。 It's not half cold today! [=it is very cold today]今天真是太冷了! “Is it cold out?” “Not half!” [=yes, it is very cold]“外面冷吗?”“冷极了!” not half bad informal : surprisingly good相当好;非常棒 Her singing was not half bad. [=not bad at all]她的演唱相当棒。 The food there is not half bad. [=pretty good]那里的食物真不错。




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