词汇 | hand |
释义 | hand (verb) hand 93 ENTRIES FOUND: hand (noun) hand (verb) hand-eye coordination (noun) hand-holding (noun) hand-me-down (adjective) hands down (adverb) hands-free (adjective) hands-off (adjective) hands-on (adjective) hand-to-hand (adjective) hand-to-mouth (adjective) hand-wringing (noun) hand baggage (noun) hand brake (noun) hand luggage (noun) hand puppet (noun) hand tool (noun) hand towel (noun) bare-handed (adverb) cack-handed (adjective) dab hand (noun) dishpan hands (noun) empty-handed (adjective) field hand (noun) free hand (noun) glad-hand (verb) ham-handed (adjective) heavy-handed (adjective) helping hand (noun) high-handed (adjective) hour hand (noun) left-hand (adjective) left-handed (adjective) minute hand (noun) old hand (noun) one-handed (adjective) red-handed (adverb) right-hand (adjective) right-handed (adjective) right-hand man (noun) second hand (noun) single-handed (adjective) sleight of hand (noun) sure-handed (adjective) two-handed (adjective) upper hand (noun) whip hand (noun) bird (noun) bite (verb) blood (noun) bush (noun) cap (noun) change (verb) close (adverb) cup (noun) eat (verb) fall (verb) feed (verb) first (adjective) fist (noun) foot (noun) force (verb) full (adjective) glove (noun) grease (verb) hat (noun) heavy (adverb) hold (verb) hollow (noun) iron (adjective) join (verb) know (verb) law (noun) lay (verb) mouth (noun) other (adjective) overplay (verb) palm (noun) play (verb) putty (noun) rule (verb) safe (adjective) show (verb) show (noun) sit (verb) stand (verb) tip (verb) try (verb) two (noun) wash (verb) worth (preposition) wring (verb) wrong (adjective) 1 hand /ˈhænd/ noun plural hands 1 hand /ˈhænd/ noun plural hands Learner's definition of HAND 1 [count] a : the body part at the end of your arm that includes your fingers and thumb手 These gloves will keep your hands warm.这副手套会让你的手暖和起来。 She put her hands over her eyes.她用手蒙住双眼。 He sat quietly with his hands folded in his lap.他静静地坐着,双手交叉放在膝上。 b — used in some phrases to refer to a person用于某些短语,指人 I'm afraid this job will need more than one pair of hands. [=more than one person]恐怕这工作将需要不止一个人。 It's a big job, but many hands make light work. [=if many people work on it, it will be easier to do]这是个大活儿,不过人多好干活。 2 hands [plural] : power, possession, or control权力;所有;控制 The maps were in the hands of the enemy. [=the enemy had the maps]地图掌握在敌方手里。 The land between these mountains remains in private hands. [=is privately owned]这两山之间的土地仍归私人所有。 3 [singular] : physical help : assistance in doing something帮助 Do you need a hand?你需要人手吗? I'll be happy to lend a hand. [=help]我很高兴帮忙。 — often + with Can you give/lend me a hand with [=help me with] this suitcase?你能帮我拿一下这个手提箱吗? Let me give you a hand with that.让我帮你一下吧。 — see also helping hand 4 [count] : a long, thin part that points to a number on a clock or dial(钟表面上的)指针 Many clocks have a second hand, a minute hand, and an hour hand.许多钟有秒针、分针和时针。 5 [noncount] somewhat old-fashioned : a promise of marriage婚姻承诺 He asked for her hand (in marriage). [=he asked her to marry him]他向她求婚。 She offered her hand in marriage to him. [=she said that she would marry him]她愿意嫁给他。 She gave him her hand in marriage. [=she married him]她嫁给了他。 6 [singular] : the act of hitting your hands together to show approval, appreciation, etc. : the act of applauding鼓掌 Let's give him a big hand! [=a big round of applause]让我们为他热烈鼓掌! 7 [count] a : the cards that are held by a player in a card game(纸牌游戏中玩家手中的)牌 He studied his hand before deciding how much to bet.他研究了手中的牌后才决定下多少注。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 The program is designed to help children who have been dealt a cruel hand in life. [=children who have suffered or had bad things happen to them]这个方案旨在帮助那些在生活中遭遇不幸的孩子们。 Even her critics say her chances of succeeding are great since she has been dealt such a strong hand. [=she is in a strong position]即使她的批评者也说她的胜算大,因为她已处于很有利地位。 — see also overplay your hand at overplay b : a single round of play in a card game(纸牌游戏的)一盘 He lost the first hand but won the next two.他输了第一盘牌,但赢了后两盘。 8 [count] a : a hired worker雇工 factory hands工厂雇工 The cowboys were simply hired hands with no ownership rights.牛仔们只是打工的,没有所有权。 — see also farmhand, old hand, stagehand b : a member of a ship's crew船员 — usually plural通常用复数 All hands on deck!全体船员在甲板集合! 9 [count] : someone who performs or produces something (such as a work of art)表演艺人;制作工匠 — usually singular通常用单数 These two portraits are by the same hand. [=by the same artist]这两幅画出自同一艺人之手。 10 [singular] : a particular way or style of doing or handling something风格;习惯 The hand of a master is evident in these sculptures. [=these sculptures were obviously done by a very skillful artist]这些雕塑尽显大师风范。 He runs the business with a firm hand.他做生意牢靠。 a cook who has a heavy hand with the salt [=who uses too much salt]做菜很咸的厨师 — see also heavy-handed 11 [singular] old-fashioned : the way a person's writing looks : a type of handwriting笔迹;字迹 a note written in an elegant hand笔迹优美的短笺 12 [count] : a unit of measure equal to 4 inches (about 10.16 centimeters) and used especially to measure the height of horses掌(测量马高度的单位,等于4英寸,约合10.16厘米) a horse that is 15 hands high一匹15掌高的马 a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush — see bird a show of hands — see 2show at first hand — see 1first at hand : close in distance or time在手边;目前的 She likes to keep the phone (close) at hand.她喜欢把电话放在手边。 We need to address the problem at hand [=the particular problem we are dealing with] and not argue about these other issues.我们需要解决眼前的问题,不要讨论这些其他问题。 at the hand(s) of : by or through the action of (someone or something)从…那里;由于…作用 They were treated badly at the hands of the prison guards.他们受到狱卒的虐待。 The people had suffered at the hands of a cruel dictator.在残暴独裁者的统治下,百姓生活困苦。 be eating out of someone's hand — see eat by hand 1 : with the hands手工;手制 The stone was carved by hand.这块宝石是手工雕刻成的。 2 : from one person directly to another专人递送 I delivered the document to his office by hand.我亲手将文件交到他的办公室。 by the hand : by holding someone's hand拉着手 I took him by the hand and led him through the crowd.我拉着他的手,带着他穿过人群。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 You can't expect me to lead you by the hand through every difficult situation.你不能每次遇到困境都指望我帮你一把。 by your own hand : by your own actions亲手;亲自 She died by her own hand. [=she killed herself; she committed suicide]她自杀身亡。 change hands — see 1change fall into the hands of — see 1fall fall into the wrong hands — see 1fall force someone's hand — see 2force get your hands dirty — see 1dirty get/lay your hands on : to find, get, or control (someone or something)找到;得到;控制 I'm still trying to lay my hands on my car keys.我还在努力找我的车钥匙。 He couldn't wait to get his hands on her money.他迫不及待地想要得到她的钱。 Wait until I get my hands on you. [=you will be in trouble when I catch you]让我抓到有你好看! give your right hand — see 1give good with your hands : skillful at things that require the use of your hands手巧 He's always been good with his hands.他的手总是很巧。 grease the hand of — see 2grease hand and foot 1 — used to describe someone whose hands and feet are tied to prevent escape or movement手脚(被绑) The prisoner was bound/tied hand and foot.那个囚犯的手脚被绑在了一起。 2 ◊ To wait on someone hand and foot is to provide everything that someone needs or wants.殷勤伺候;有求必应 I can't stand the way they wait on her hand and foot!我实在受不了他们殷勤伺候她的样子! hand in glove : very closely紧密地;密切地 We are working hand in glove with the police to recover the stolen property.我们正与警方密切合作,以找回失窃财物。 hand in hand 1 : holding hands : grasping another person's hand手拉手 They walked on the beach hand in hand.他们手拉手在海滩上散步。 2 — used to say that two people or things are very closely connected or related(两者)紧密相连,息息相关 In a film, the images and sounds go hand in hand.一部影片中的图像和声音是紧密关联的。 The chef works hand in hand [=very closely] with a nutritionist.厨师的工作与营养师的工作密切相关。 hand over fist informal — used to say that someone is earning or losing money very quickly or in large amounts迅速地,快速地,大量地(赚钱或亏钱) They were making/earning money hand over fist.他们在迅速赚大钱。 hands are tied ◊ If your hands are tied, you cannot do anything about a situation because you do not have the power to act freely.(因为受到制约而)无能为力 I'd like to help you, but my hands are tied.我想要帮你,但心有余而力不足。 The judge says her hands are tied because the law requires a harsh sentence in such cases.法官说她无能为力,因为法律要求对此类案件严判。 hands off — used as a command to tell someone not to touch something不要碰,别干预(某事物) Hands off my property!别碰我的财产! “Those cookies look delicious.” “Hands off! We're saving them for later.”“这些饼干看起来挺好吃的。”“别动!我们留着以后吃。” hand to mouth : without much money : in poverty拮据;贫穷 They have been living hand to mouth since he lost his job. = It's been hand to mouth since he lost his job.自从他失去工作后,他们一直生活得很拮据。 — see also hand-to-mouth hat in hand (US) or British cap in hand : asking or begging for something in a respectful way恭敬地(乞求或请求) He came to me, hat in hand, asking if I could get him a job at the company.他毕恭毕敬地走到我面前,问我能否在公司给他安排个事做。 have a hand in : to be involved in (something)参与;插手 She had a hand in designing the new highway.她参与了这条新公路的设计。 Did he have a hand in this decision?他参与了这项决策吗? have someone in the palm of your hand — see 1palm have your hands full : to be very busy非常忙碌 She'll have her hands full with the new baby.新生婴儿会让她忙得不可开交的。 heavy on your hands — see 2heavy hold hands or hold someone's hand 1 : to hold a person's hand in one of your hands for a period of time牵手(一段时间) two people holding hands手牵手的两个人 He held hands with his daughter.他牵着女儿的手。 He held her hand as they walked.他牵着她的手一起散步。 2 : to guide someone through a process by carefully explaining each step手把手地教 I don't need you to hold my hand.我不需要你手把手地教我。 in good/safe hands : being taken care of very well被照料(或打理)得很好 With her in charge, the office is in good hands. [=she will do the job well]在她的管理下,办公室井然有序。 You're in safe hands with us. [=you will be safe with us]你跟我们在一起会很安全。 in hand 1 : in your possession or control持有;掌控 We started our hike with compass and map in hand.我们带着指南针和地图,开始了远足。 He has the situation well in hand. [=he is in control of the situation]他掌控着局势。 ◊ To take someone in hand is to begin to guide or direct someone who has been behaving badly.教导,指引(行为不好的人) You need someone to take you in hand, young lady, and show you how to behave!大小姐,你需要有人教教你如何举止端庄! 2 chiefly British : available for use可用的 If we work at this rate, we'll have a month in hand before our deadline is up!我们如果照这个速度干,就会比最后期限提前一个月干完! join hands — see join keep your hand in informal : to continue to be involved in some activity继续参与 He retired several years ago, but he still comes by the office occasionally because he likes to keep his hand in (the business).他几年前就退休了,但仍不时到办公室来,因为他喜欢参与这里的事情。 keep/get your hands off (of) : to not touch (something)别碰 Keep your hands off the cookies! We're saving them for later.别动这些饼干!我们留着以后吃。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 The military is asking lawmakers to keep their hands off [=not change] the defense budget.军队要求立法者们不要干涉国防预算。 know (something) like the back of your hand — see 1know lay a hand on : to touch or harm (someone)碰,伤害(某人) He claims that he never laid a hand on her.他声称从未打过她。 off your hands : no longer in your possession or no longer your responsibility脱手;摆脱 If you don't want those golf clubs anymore, I'll be glad to take them off your hands. [=I'll be glad to take them]你要是不想要这些高尔夫球杆的话,我倒是很愿意接手。 She's trying to find a way to get some of that extra work off her hands.她正努力想法子减轻部分额外工作。 on hand 1 : available for use有 We have plenty of water on hand.我们有充足的水。 2 : present and available to do something现有;目前有 Five musicians were on hand to accompany her.现有;五位音乐家可以给她伴奏。 A priest was on hand to console them.一位牧师在场安慰他们。 on the one hand, on the other hand — used to introduce statements that describe two different or opposite ideas, people, etc.一方面…另一方面 On the one hand, I think the price is fair, but on the other (hand), I really can't afford to spend that much money.一方面,我觉得这个价钱公道,但另一方面,我真的花不起那么多钱。 He's a good guy. His brother, on the other hand, is a very selfish man.他是个好人,可是他的弟弟非常自私。 on your hands — used to say that you have something or are responsible for something持有;负责 With all that extra work on her hands she'll need all the help she can get.由于她手上有那么多额外工作,她需要任何可能得到的帮助。 Once this project is over she should have some time on her hands. [=free time]一旦这个项目完工,她应该就有空了。 — see also blood on your hands at blood on your hands and knees : with your hands and knees on the ground : in a crawling position(手和膝盖着地)趴,匍匐 She went down on her hands and knees.她趴倒在地。 out of hand 1 : very quickly without serious thought轻率地 He rejected the plan out of hand.他轻率地否决了这个方案。 Suggestions that the hearing should be delayed were dismissed out of hand.听证会应延期举行的建议遭轻率驳回 2 : not controlled不服管的;不受控制的 The kids were (getting) out of hand. [=were behaving in a wild and uncontrolled way]这些孩子不服管教了。 He warns that technology is getting out of hand.他警告说那项技术的使用正逐渐失控。 out of your hands — used to say that you cannot control something无法控制地 The decision is out of my hands.这可不是我能决定的。 play into someone's hands — see 1play putty in your hands — see 1putty safe pair of hands British : someone who can be trusted with responsibility or a job(责任、工作上)可信赖的人 The next leader of the party should be a safe pair of hands.政党的下任领袖应该是一位可信赖的人。 sit on your hands — see 1sit take (something) into your (own) hands : to take control of something操纵;控制;掌管 The judge had no sympathy for people who insisted on taking the law into their own hands. [=trying to punish criminals themselves instead of allowing the legal system to do it]法官不同情那些执意无视法律、执行私刑的人。 After months of waiting for something to happen, he decided to take matters into his own hands.等了几个月都没有结果之后,他决定亲自出马。 to hand : available for use手上有 I don't have all the latest data (immediately) to hand.我现在手上没有(不可能立刻就有)全部的最新数据。 try your hand : to try to do something尝试 — usually + at She wanted to try her hand at photography.她想要尝试一下摄影。 turn your hand to : to begin doing (something) usually in a skillful way : to start (a new activity, field of study, etc.)改做;改学;转行 an actress who has turned her hand to directing改做导演的女演员 After he left publishing, he turned his hand to law.他离开出版业后,改行从事法律工作。 wash your hands of — see 1wash with your bare hands : using only your hands and no tools or weapons赤手空拳 He tried to kill me with his bare hands.他企图赤手空拳杀了我。 — see also firsthand, hands down, secondhand, sleight of hand, upper hand 2 hand /ˈhænd/ verb hands; handed; handing 2 hand /ˈhænd/ verb hands; handed; handing Learner's definition of HAND [+ object] : to give (something) to someone using your hands把…交给;递;传 He handed her a letter. = He handed a letter to her.他交给她一封信 Hand me that picture.把那幅画递给我。 hand back [phrasal verb] hand (something) back or hand back (something) : to return (something) by handing it to someone退回;交还 He handed the letter back (to her) without reading it.他看都没看就把信退回(给她)。 The clerk handed back my credit card.营业员把信用卡交还给我。 hand down [phrasal verb] 1 hand (something) down or hand down (something) : to pass (something) from a person who is older (such as a parent) to a person who is younger (such as a child)传给,传(由长辈向晚辈) She will hand the diamond ring down to her niece.她将把这枚钻戒传给侄女。 The farm was handed down from generation to generation.这个农场代代相传。 2 chiefly US, law : to form and express (a decision or opinion) in writing书面宣判;书面宣布 The Supreme Court has handed down its decision.最高法院宣判了判决结果。 hand in [phrasal verb] hand (something) in or hand in (something) : to give (something) to a person who will review or accept it上交 Students should hand their papers in on Thursday.学生应该在星期四交论文。 He handed in his resignation.他递交了辞呈。 hand it to informal : to give credit to (someone) for doing something表扬;赞扬 I've got to hand it to you. You did a great job planning the party.我必须夸你几句。你这次聚会安排得真不错。 hand off [phrasal verb] hand (something) off or hand off (something) US : to give (something) to another person传;交 (American football) The quarterback handed off the ball to the halfback.四分卫把球递给了半卫。 She handed the job off to her assistant.她把工作交给了助理。 hand on [phrasal verb] hand (something) on or hand on (something) formal : to pass (something) from one person to another流传;传下 These stories have been handed on from generation to generation.这些故事一代又一代流传了下来。 hand out [phrasal verb] hand (something) out or hand out (something) : to give (something) to several or many people分发;分给;散发 They will hand out [=distribute] copies of the newsletter today.今天他们会分发简讯。 He's always handing out advice to the people he works with.他总给在一起工作的人们提出忠告。 She handed flyers out at the grocery store.她在杂货店散发传单。 hand over [phrasal verb] hand (someone or something) over or hand over (someone or something) : to give up control or possession of (something or someone)交出;移交 They demanded that he hand the documents over to them.他们要求他交出文件。 They agreed to hand over their hostages.他们同意移交人质。 |
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