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词汇 hang
释义 hang (noun) hang 23 ENTRIES FOUND: hang (verb) hang (noun) hanging (noun) hang-up (noun) hang glider (noun) hang time (noun) air (noun) dry (verb) fire (noun) hat (noun) let (verb) loose (adjective) minute (noun) moment (noun) peg (noun) shingle (noun) tale (noun) thereby (adverb) thread (noun) tight (adverb) together (adverb) tough (adjective) word (noun) 1 hang /ˈhæŋ/ verb hangs; hung /ˈhʌŋ/ or in sense 3 hanged; hanging 1 hang /ˈhæŋ/ verb hangs; hung /ˈhʌŋ/ or in sense 3 hanged; hanging Learner's definition of HANG 1  a  : to attach or place something so that it is held up without support from below悬;挂;吊 [+ object] He hung the painting on the wall.他把这张画挂在墙上。 We hung paper lanterns from the trees.我们把纸灯笼挂在树上。 My grandmother used to hang the wash on a clothesline.我奶奶以前总用晾衣绳晾洗好的衣服。 [no object] A photograph of her family hangs on the wall.墙上挂着一张她家的全家福。 Several of her paintings are hanging in the Museum of Modern Art.她有几幅画正在现代艺术博物馆展出。 Your coat is hanging in the closet.你的大衣挂在衣橱里。 The curtains hang all the way (down) to the floor.窗帘一直垂到地板上。 — see also hang up 2 (below) b  [+ object] : to decorate (a surface) by hanging something (such as a picture) on it挂…装饰(墙壁等) — usually used as (be) hung通常用作(be) hung The walls are hung with paintings. [=there are paintings hanging on the walls]墙上挂着画。 c  [+ object] : to put (wallpaper) on a wall贴(墙纸) They plan to hang wallpaper in the hallway.他们打算在走廊贴墙纸。 2  [no object] : to be in a lowered position垂下 He let his arm hang down into the water.他把胳膊伸进水里。 We hung [=leaned] over the side of the boat and waved.我们靠到船边招手。 Her hair hung loose/limply.她的头发松松地/柔柔地垂下来。 3  past tense and past participle usually hanged a  : to kill (someone) by using a rope that goes around the neck and holds the person's body in the air without any support from below吊死;绞死 [+ object] They will hang him in the county jailhouse.他们将在县监狱吊死他。 He was hanged for his crimes.他作恶多端,被处以绞刑。 He hanged himself.他上吊自杀了。 [no object] He hanged for his crimes.他因犯罪被绞死了。 b  [+ object] old-fashioned — used to express surprise, anger, etc.用于表达惊讶、愤怒等 We need those supplies now, hang the cost! [=we need them no matter how much they cost]我们现在需要那些必需品,管它多少钱! I'll be hanged if I'll do anything to help him. [=I won't do anything to help him]我绝不会帮他的。 4  [no object] : to float over a place or object for a long time漂浮;萦绕 Storm clouds were hanging low overhead.乌云压顶。 Smoke hung above the crowd.烟雾在人群上方萦绕。 The smell of perfume hung in the air around her.她身上散发着一股香水味。 5  [no object] — used to say that a decision has not yet been made(决定)未做出 The decision is still hanging.尚未做出决定。 — see also hung jury, hung parliament 6  [no object] US, informal : to be or stay somewhere for a period of time without doing much逗留;徘徊 We were hanging [=hanging around/out] at Suzee's.我们待在苏泽家。 7  [+ object] chiefly US, informal : to make (a turn) especially while driving(尤指驾车时)拐弯 Hang a right at the stoplight.到信号灯处向右拐。 8  [no object] baseball, of a pitch : to fail to curve in the desired way投曲线球失败 a hanging curveball一个失败的曲线球 a peg to hang something on — see 1peg hang around [phrasal verb] informal or British hang about/round 1  hang around/about/round or hang around/about/round (a place) : to be or stay in a place for a period of time without doing much逗留;闲待着;徘徊 We just hung around all afternoon, listening to music.我们整个下午都闲待着没事,听听音乐。 They hung around the theater after the play was over.演出结束后,他们在剧院附近闲逛。 2  hang around/about/round with (someone) : to spend time relaxing, talking, or doing things with (someone)(和某人)一起,相处,厮混 She hangs around with older kids.她和比她大一点儿的孩子在一起。 Who does he usually hang around with?他通常和谁一起厮混? hang back [phrasal verb] 1  : to be or stay behind others却步 The little girl followed the older children but hung back a little.小女孩跟着大孩子们,但有点畏缩。 2  : to be unwilling to do something because of nervousness, fear, etc.退缩;畏缩 When there's work to be done, she doesn't hang back.要干事的时候,她从不退缩。 hang by a thread : to be in a very dangerous situation or state : to be very close to death, failure, etc.危在旦夕;千钧一发 The patient's life was hanging by a thread. [=the patient was very close to dying]病人的生命危在旦夕。 hang fire chiefly British : to be delayed延迟;耽搁 The project has been hanging fire for several years.这项工程被耽搁了好几年。 The decision is hanging fire.推迟决定。 hang in [phrasal verb] 1  chiefly US, informal : to keep working or trying in a difficult situation坚持 She says she'll hang in until she makes the business work.她说她会坚持到生意正常运行为止。 She did her best to hang in against some of the more experienced swimmers.她尽了最大努力坚持与一些经验更丰富的游泳运动员比拼。 — often used in the phrase hang in there常用于短语hang in there Hang in there, kid! Don't quit!坚持住,孩子!不要放弃! 2  hang in the air : to be incomplete or uncertain未完成;未确定 The design of the new currency is still hanging in the air.新货币的设计方案还没有最终确定下来。 hang loose — see 1loose hang on [phrasal verb] 1  : to keep happening or continuing持续;不消退 He had a terrible cold that hung on all spring.他患了重感冒,整个春天都没好。 2  : to wait or stop briefly稍等;暂停 “Can we go now?” “Hang on, I'll be ready in just a minute.”“我们现在能走吗?”“等会儿,我马上就好。” 3  hang on or hang on (to) (someone or something) : to hold or grip someone or something tightly抓紧;抓住 Hang on or you'll fall!抓紧,不然你会摔倒的! Hang on tight!抓紧了! The children hung on his arm.孩子们紧紧抓住他的胳膊。 Hang on to your purse.抓紧你的手提包。 The children hung on to his arm.孩子们紧紧抓住他的胳膊。 4  hang on to (something) : to keep (something)保留;保存 You should hang on to those old coins; they could be valuable.你应该留着那些旧钱币,它们可能很值钱。 5  a  hang on (something) : to be determined or decided by (something) : to depend on (something)依赖于;取决于 The decision hangs on one vote.这个决定取决于一票。 b  hang (something) on (something) : to base (a story, theory, etc.) on (something)基于;根据 There weren't enough facts on which to hang a newspaper story.没有足够的事实作为依据来撰写一篇报纸新闻报道。 You can't hang your case on her testimony.你不能以她的证词为根据来决断你的案件。 6  hang on someone's every word : to listen very carefully or closely to (someone)全神贯注地听 The children hung on the teacher's every word.孩子们全神贯注地听老师讲课。 hang out [phrasal verb] 1  informal : to be or stay somewhere for a period of time without doing much厮混;闲荡 The gang hangs out at the corner store.那帮人在街角的商店闲逛。 Our dog spends all his time hanging out [=hanging around] on the front porch.我们的狗整天待在前门廊。 — see also hangout 2  hang out with (someone) informal : to spend time relaxing, talking, or doing something with (someone) : to hang around with (someone)(和某人)在一起,厮混 He spent a couple of days hanging out with his old friends.他和几个老朋友待了两天。 3  hang (something) out or hang out (something) : to hang (something wet) outside to dry晾(出) I hung the laundry out on the clothesline.我把洗好的衣服晾在晒衣绳上。 I hung out the sheets to dry.我把床单挂到外面晾干。 4  hang (someone or something) out to dry informal : to leave (someone or something) in a helpless or unprotected state不管不顾 When things got tough, the company hung us out to dry.当情况变糟糕时,公司对我们不管不顾。 hang out your shingle — see 1shingle hang over [phrasal verb] hang over (someone) : to be a threat or danger to (someone) : to cause (someone) to feel worried or guilty(威胁、危险等)逼近,临头 They are glad that the deadline is no longer hanging over them.他们很高兴不用再担心最后期限了。 I can't relax with that test hanging over my head. [=I can't relax until after I take that test]考试临近,我无法放松下来。 — see also hangover hang tight US, informal : to wait before doing anything耐心等待 Investors are being advised to hang tight until the stock market rebounds.投资者得到建议要耐心等待股市反弹。 hang together informal 1  : to stay with someone与某人在一起 If we just hang together a while longer, I know that we can work out our problems.要是我们在一起的时间更长点,我确信我们可以解决好我们的问题。 2  : to work in a logical and effective way以合理有效的方式进行 The movie starts out well, but the story doesn't hang together after the first hour.电影的开头部分很精彩,但演了一个小时后故事情节就乱套了。 hang tough chiefly US, informal : to keep working or trying to succeed in a difficult situation不泄气;奋力拼搏 The team hung tough through the whole game, but lost in the end.球队整场比赛奋力拼搏,但最后还是输了。 hang up [phrasal verb] 1  hang up or hang up (something) or hang (something) up : to end a telephone connection by putting the handset on its base or by turning the telephone off(电话)挂断 “Is he still on the phone?” “No, he hung up.”“他还在电话那头吗?”“没有,他挂断了。” Let me talk to her before you hang up the phone.你挂断电话前让我和她讲讲话。 — often + on I can't believe he hung up on me! [=that he suddenly hung up while I was talking to him on the phone]我真不敢相信他挂了我的电话! 2  hang (something) up or hang up (something) : to put (something) on a hook or hanger挂起 Hang up your coat, please.请把你的大衣挂起来。 — see also 1hang 1a (above) 3  hang up (something) informal : to stop doing (something) : to finish using (something) for the last time停止使用(某物) — used figuratively用作比喻 She decided to hang up her running shoes [=she decided to quit running] and to start riding her bike instead.她决定不再跑步,转而开始骑自行车。 4  hang it up US, informal : to stop doing something停止做某事;放弃 After all this time, you're just going to hang it up? [=quit]经过近来这一切,你就打算放弃吗? — see also hung up hang with [phrasal verb] 1  hang with (someone) US, informal : to spend time with (someone)与(某人)一起 He's just been hanging with his friends.他一直跟他的朋友在一起。 2  : to stay close to (someone) : to keep up with (someone)跟上;赶上 He hung with the leaders for the first half of the race, but then he began to fall behind.他在比赛的前半段还能跟上领跑的选手们,但后来就开始落后了。 hang your hat — see hat hang your head : to have your head turned downward because of shame or embarrassment(由于羞愧或尴尬)低下头 He hung his head in shame.他羞愧地低下了头。 let it all hang out — see 1let thereby hangs a tale — used to suggest that there is a story about something that has just been mentioned用于暗示刚才提到的某件事背后有故事 I realized where I had seen him before—and thereby hangs a tale.我意识到以前在哪儿见过他——这就说来话长了。 2 hang /ˈhæŋ/ noun 2 hang /ˈhæŋ/ noun Learner's definition of HANG [singular] : the way in which something hangs悬挂方式 the hang of a skirt裙子的悬挂方式 get the hang of informal : to learn the skills that are needed to do (something)掌握要领 He was finally getting the hang of his job. [=he was finally beginning to understand and become skillful in his job]他终于开始掌握工作要领了。 She's getting the hang of driving.她在学习驾驶技巧。 give a hang informal : to be concerned or worried about something在乎;在意 — usually used in negative statements通常用于否定句 I don't give a hang [=I don't care] what they say.我不在乎他们说什么。




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