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词汇 hard
释义 hard (adverb) hard 54 ENTRIES FOUND: hard (adjective) hard (adverb) hard-and-fast (adjective) hard-ass (noun) hard-bitten (adjective) hard-boiled (adjective) hard-charging (adjective) hard-cooked (adjective) hard-core (adjective) hard-drinking (adjective) hard-driving (adjective) hard-earned (adjective) hard-edged (adjective) hard-eyed (adjective) hard-fought (adjective) hard-hearted (adjective) hard-hitting (adjective) hard-luck (adjective) hard-nosed (adjective) hard-on (noun) hard-pressed (adjective) hard-wearing (adjective) hard-won (adjective) hard candy (noun) hard cash (noun) hard copy (noun) hard core (noun) hard currency (noun) hard disk (noun) hard drive (noun) hard hat (noun) hard line (noun) hard put (adjective) hard rock (noun) hard rocker (noun) hard science (noun) hard sell (noun) hard shoulder (noun) die-hard (adjective) bargain (noun) crack (verb) die (verb) done (adjective) drive (verb) follow (verb) knock (noun) luck (noun) nail (noun) nut (noun) place (noun) play (verb) rock (noun) row (noun) time (noun) 1 hard /ˈhɑɚd/ adjective harder; hardest 1 hard /ˈhɑɚd/ adjective harder; hardest Learner's definition of HARD 1  : very firm or solid : not easy to bend, cut, etc. : not soft硬的;坚硬的 hard ground硬地面 a hard bench/floor/shell硬长凳/地板/壳 hard cheese/rubber硬奶酪/橡胶 This bread is (as) hard as a rock. [=very hard]这个面包硬得像块石头。 — opposite soft 2  : physically or mentally difficult : not easy费力的;辛苦的;困难的 That test was hard.那次考试很难。 a hard task艰巨的任务 hard work辛苦的工作 She was asked a lot of hard questions.她被问了很多难以回答的问题。 We're going to have to make some hard choices/decisions.我们将不得不做出一些艰难的选择/决定。 It's hard to solve this problem. = This is a hard problem (to solve). = This problem is hard (to solve).这个问题难以解决。 He's a hard guy to figure out. = He's a guy who's hard to figure out. = It's hard to figure that guy out.他这个人很难让人搞懂。 It was very hard to find a replacement for her.很难找到人顶替她。 Their story is hard to believe.他们的叙述令人难以置信。 It's hard not to worry about her.很难不为她担心。 It's hard to tell/know what she's thinking.很难知道她在想什么。 He was sentenced to five years of hard labor. [=time in prison spent in intense physical labor]他被判处服劳役五年。 3  a  : difficult to experience : severe or harsh难以忍受的;严酷的 He has learned a hard lesson.他已得到了惨痛的教训。 It's been a hard winter. [=a very cold winter with harsh weather]这是个严冬。 : having a lot of pain, trouble, or worries艰辛的;困苦的 She has had a very hard life. = Life has been very hard for her.她生活很艰辛。 I had a hard [=tough] day at the office.我今天在办公室够辛苦的了。 We've been having some hard [=poor, bad] luck.我们最近一直有些运气不佳。 ◊ Hard times are times when there is a lot of trouble, poverty, worry, or failure.艰难时期 She's stuck with them through all the hard times.在困难时期,她始终和他们在一起。 The region has been experiencing some economic hard times.这一地区的经济一直不景气。 After years of success, their business has fallen on hard times.经历了多年的成功之后,他们的生意开始走下坡路。 b  : having a harmful or destructive effect造成损害的;毁灭性的 His health has suffered from years of hard living.多年艰苦的生活使他的健康受损。 This old bicycle has obviously gotten some hard use.这辆旧自行车很明显用得够狠的。 4  : working or doing something with a lot of energy努力的;勤劳的 She's a hard [=diligent, energetic] worker.她是个勤劳的工人。 5  : very forceful猛烈的;强有力的 The plane made a hard [=jarring] landing.飞机进行了硬着陆。 He hit a hard line drive past the shortstop.他猛力击出一个平直球,越过了游击手。 A hard rain was falling.正在下暴雨。 He was knocked out by a hard right to the jaw.他被对手有力的右手拳击中下颌,倒下了。 : quick and forceful快速猛烈的 hard acceleration猛烈加速 hard braking急刹车 a hard left turn左急转弯 6  : done with a lot of careful thought and attention : thorough or intense仔细的;认真的;精心的 The jeweler gave the gem a long hard look. [=the jeweler looked at the gem very closely and carefully]珠宝商仔细认真地观察这块宝石。 Investors are taking a very hard look at how the company does business.投资者正在密切关注这家公司的运作情况。 7  : able to be clearly seen and measured : not able to be questioned or doubted确凿的;不容置疑的 Those are the (cold) hard facts of the case.那些是有关该案的确凿事实。 She is still collecting hard data on the software's performance.她仍在收集有关这个软件性能的确凿数据。 It's an interesting theory, but there is no hard evidence that supports it.这是个有趣的理论,但它缺乏确凿的证据支持。 8  a  : not seeming to care about other people or to feel kindness or affection冷酷无情的;无动于衷的 He's a hard man.他是个冷酷无情的人。 a hard taskmaster冷酷无情的工头 She has an extremely hard [=unfeeling] heart.她是个铁石心肠的人。 He's as hard as nails. [=he's very hard or tough]他非常严酷无情。 — opposite soft b  : not gentle or friendly严厉的;不友好的 hard [=harsh] words严厉的言辞 9  : holding extreme political views(政治上)持极端观点的 a member of the hard [=far, extreme] right/left极右派/极左派成员 10  : relating to serious matters严肃的;重要的 They only report hard news.他们只报道严肃新闻。 — opposite soft 11  a  : containing a large amount of alcohol酒精含量高的;烈性的 hard liquor烈性酒 the hard stuff烈酒 b  : containing alcohol含酒精的 hard cider/lemonade含酒精的苹果汁/柠檬水 12  : powerful and extremely harmful to the health极有害的;毒性大的 cocaine and other hard drugs可卡因和其他烈性毒品 — opposite soft 13  of water : containing many minerals and therefore unable to make bubbles with soap(水质)硬的 hard water硬水 — opposite soft 14  : having clear, sharp lines生硬的;刻板的 trying to soften the hard edges of the image力图使这幅图像生硬的边缘变柔和 15  : very bright and unpleasant刺眼的 hard lighting刺眼的灯光 the cold, hard light of day白天寒冷、刺眼的光亮 16  : sounding like the “c” in “cold” or the “g” in “geese”硬音的(如cold当中的c或geese当中的g) The “g” in “gorilla” is hard, but the “g” in “giant” is soft.字母g在gorilla一词中是硬音,但在giant一词中是软音。 the hard “c” in “cat”cat一词中的硬音c — opposite soft 17  informal : physically strong强壮的 hard [=muscular] bodies强壮的身体 a hard act to follow — see follow a hard nut (to crack) — see nut a hard row to hoe — see 1row between a rock and a hard place — see 2rock drive a hard bargain — see 1bargain give (someone) a hard time : to criticize or annoy someone批评;使烦恼;使恼怒 They gave him a hard time about quitting the team.他们对他擅自退队提出批评。 hard feelings 1  ◊ If you have hard feelings, you feel dislike or anger toward someone who you think has mistreated you.(对苛待你的人感到的)气愤,反感 She felt/had no hard feelings towards him.她不生他的气。 The court's decision has caused a lot of hard feelings.法院判决引发了公愤。 2  ◊ The phrase no hard feelings is used in speech to say that you are not upset or to ask if someone else is upset.用于口语)不生气,不介意 “I'm sorry I broke our date last night.” “That's OK; no hard feelings.”“很抱歉昨晚我失约了。”“没关系,我不介意。” “So, we're still friends, right? No hard feelings?”“那,我们仍然是朋友,对吗?你不生气吧?” hard knocks — see 2knock hard of hearing : not able to hear well有点耳聋的 He has become a little hard of hearing in his old age.他年纪大了,耳朵有点背。 hard on 1  a  : causing damage or strain to (something)(对某事物)造成损害;有害于 Reading in dim light is hard on your eyes. [=it puts a strain on your eyes; it is not good for them]在昏暗的光线下读书对视力有害。 This kind of work can be hard on your back.这种工作会损伤背部。 b  : causing stress or worry to (someone)(对某人)造成压力;使焦愁 These past few months have been hard on everyone, but things should get better soon.过去的数月对每个人来说压力都很大,但一切应该很快就会好起来。 2  : treating or judging (someone) in a harsh or critical way严厉;苛刻 Don't be too hard on the boy. [=don't judge or treat the boy too harshly]不要对这个男孩太严厉。 She is sometimes too hard on herself.她有时过于苛待自己。 There's no need to be so hard on yourself—you did the best you could.没必要如此苛待自己——你已经尽力了。 hard up informal 1  : lacking money缺钱的;拮据的 We're pretty hard up these days.这些日子我们相当缺钱。 2  : having not enough of something缺乏的;不足的 — + for She always seems to be hard up for cash.她似乎总是缺钱。 He's hard up for friends. [=he has few friends]他朋友很少。 have a hard time ◊ If you have a hard time doing something or with something, it is difficult for you.处于(做某事的)困难时期 She's having a hard time adjusting to college life.她正在艰难地适应大学生活。 The school has had a hard time recruiting substitute teachers.这所学校很难请到代课老师。 He's been having a hard time with his research paper.他一直在为完成他的研究报告苦战。 play hard to get — see 1play the hard way : in a way that involves difficult or painful experiences艰难地 He found out the hard way that crime doesn't pay. [=he found out by being punished for his crimes]他受到惩罚才明白犯罪没有好结果。 She insisted on doing things the hard way.她坚持做事情不投机取巧。 2 hard /ˈhɑɚd/ adverb harder; hardest 2 hard /ˈhɑɚd/ adverb harder; hardest Learner's definition of HARD 1  : with a lot of effort or energy努力地;勤劳地 You have to work hard in order to succeed.要想成功,你就必须努力工作。 I know how hard she tried.我知道她已经很努力了。 She ran as hard as she could.她拼命地跑。 working/studying/fighting hard努力工作/学习/拼搏 We've thought long and hard about this problem.我们对这个问题进行了长时间的认真思考。 ◊ If you are hard at work (on something) you are doing work with a lot of effort and energy.努力工作;认真工作 You shouldn't disturb her while she's hard at work.她认真工作时你不应该打搅她。 We're hard at work on the new project.我们全力以赴做这个新项目。 2  : in a very forceful way用力地;猛烈地 He hit the ball hard.他用力击球。 a hard-hit ball一个大力击球 The ball hit him hard on the wrist.球狠狠地砸在他的手腕上。 He pressed his nose hard against the window.他把鼻子紧贴在窗户上。 swallowing hard用力吞下 She pushed hard against the door, but it wouldn't open.她用力推门,但就是推不开。 The wind was blowing hard.风猛烈地刮着。 The snow/rain came down hard.雪/雨下得很大。 The dog bit down hard on the thief's hand.那只狗死咬着小偷的手不放。 : in a loud and forceful way大声有力地 She was breathing hard.她气喘吁吁。 laughing/crying hard大笑;大哭 ◊ If you are hit hard or hard hit by something or if something hits you hard, it affects you powerfully in a very painful or shocking way.(使)遭受沉重打击 His business was hit hard by the recession.他的生意受到经济衰退的严重打击。 Her sudden death hit them hard.她的突然去世对他们打击很大。 ◊ If you take something hard you are very upset or hurt by it.感到很伤心;很难过 She took it hard [=she was very upset] when he left.他离开后,她感到很伤心。 We took the defeat hard.我们对这次失利感到很伤心。 3  a  : in a very direct and intense way直盯盯地;径直地 He looked hard into her eyes.他直盯盯地注视着她的眼睛。 b  : in an extreme or complete way彻底地;完全地 He fell hard for the girl next door.他完全为邻家的那个女孩所倾倒。 die hard — see 1die hard by old-fashioned : next to紧邻;在…近旁 The school stood hard by a church.学校紧挨着一座教堂。 hard done by British : treated harshly or unfairly受到恶劣对待;遭受不公平对待 He felt very hard done by when he was laid off after many years of faithful service.忠心耿耿工作多年却遭解雇,他感觉受到了很不公平的对待。 hard on the heels of — see 1heel




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