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词汇 have
释义 have 108 ENTRIES FOUND: have (verb) have-nots (noun) haves (noun) must-have (noun) authority (noun) back (noun) ball (noun) bash (noun) bee (noun) bell (noun) benefit (noun) blame (verb) bonnet (noun) bun (noun) butcher (noun) cake (noun) chip (noun) corner (noun) cover (verb) cow (noun) day (noun) design (noun) devilish (adjective) do (verb) ear (noun) eat (verb) eye (noun) eyeful (noun) feeling (noun) few (pronoun) field day (noun) finger (noun) fling (noun) floor (noun) foot (noun) full (adjective) get (verb) go (noun) good (adjective) good (noun) grave (noun) ground (noun) hair (noun) half (pronoun) hand (noun) handle (noun) hard (adjective) head (noun) heart (noun) horror (noun) issue (noun) jump (noun) kitten (noun) know (verb) laugh (verb) leak (noun) leg (noun) let (verb) line (noun) loose (adjective) luck (noun) lunch (noun) made (adjective) marking (noun) measure (noun) mind (noun) news (noun) none (pronoun) nose (noun) nothing (pronoun) number (noun) only (adverb) oven (noun) palm (noun) pie (noun) piss (verb) ring (verb) say (verb) screw (noun) screw (verb) set (adjective) shade (noun) shoot (verb) shoulder (noun) sieve (noun) sleeve (noun) snit (noun) snout (noun) stand (verb) star (noun) string (noun) tape (verb) thank (verb) there (adverb) thin (adjective) thing (noun) think (noun) time (noun) trough (noun) truck (noun) use (noun) way (noun) whack (noun) what (pronoun) wind (noun) wire (noun) work (noun) write (verb) have /ˈhæv/ /əv/ in “have to” meaning “must” usually /ˈhæf/ verb has /ˈhæz/; /əz/; in “has to” meaning “must” usually /ˈhæs/ ; had /ˈhæd/; /əd/ ; having /ˈhævɪŋ/ have /ˈhæv/ /əv/ in “have to” meaning “must” usually /ˈhæf/ verb has /ˈhæz/; /əz/; in “has to” meaning “must” usually /ˈhæs/ ; had /ˈhæd/; /əd/ ; having /ˈhævɪŋ/ Learner's definition of HAVE ◊ For many senses of have, the phrase have got can also be used. Each sense, idiom, or phrasal verb below in which this phrase can occur includes the note “—also have got.” See “have got” (below) for more information.多个义项下的have都可以用短语have got代替。下文可使用该短语的各义项、习语或动词短语,例证后都注有“-also have got”。参见(下文)“have got”了解更多信息。 1  not used in progressive tenses [+ object] a  : to own, use, or hold (something)拥有;持有 Do they have a new car?他们有新车吗? You can have it until I get back.你可以用到我回来。 She has a red bike, and I have a blue one.她有辆红色自行车,我有辆蓝色的。 She got another part-time job and now she has two jobs.她另找了一份兼职,现在有两份工作。 I'm looking for the newspaper. Do you have it?我在找那份报纸,你有吗? He had the newspaper right in his hand.那份报纸就在他手上。 I used to have a necklace like that, but I lost it.我曾有过那样一条项链,但给弄丢了。 She used to share a room with her sister, but now she has her own room.她以前和姐姐同住,但现在她有了自己的房间。 — also used for things that cannot be seen or touched也用于抽象无形的事物 Do you have an appointment?你有约会吗? Do you have any experience in this line of work? [=have you done this kind of work before?]你有从事这类工作的经验吗? She has so many things that she wants to do.她有许多想做的事情。 They have a deadline that must be met.他们有一个最后期限,必须在那之前完成。 — also have got Have they got a new car?他们有新车吗? She's got two jobs.她有两份工作。 Have you got it?你有这个吗? I've got an appointment.我有个约会。 — see also must-have b  ◊ If you have (something) to do, finish (etc.), there is something that you must do or want to do in order to complete a task.有…要做;有…要完成 We have things to do. = (chiefly Brit) We've things to do.我们有事情要做。 I have several more pages to read.我还有好几页要看。 She has six more rows to knit.她还有六行要织。 “But I have promises to keep…”“但我还有承诺等待履行…”Robert Frost, “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” (1923)罗伯特·弗罗斯特,《雪夜憩幽林》(1923) — also have got We've got things to do.我们有事情要做。 2  not used in progressive tenses, [+ object] — used to say that something is available or not available表示某物是否可用 They had nothing to eat or drink, nothing to wear, and nowhere to live.他们没吃没喝,没衣穿,没地方住。 We didn't want to do it, but we had no choice/alternative.我们不想干这个,但我们别无选择。 You have a tremendous opportunity, and you should make the most of it.你有一个绝好的机会,你应该充分利用。 The group will have enough tickets for everyone.该团体有足够的票发给每一个人。 Do you have any spare change?你身上有零钱吗? Do you have a minute/moment/second? [=are you available for a short time right now?] I have a few things I'd like to discuss with you.能占用你一小会儿时间吗?我有点儿事情想跟你讨论一下。 Give me a call when you have a few minutes/moments. [=when you have a short period of time available]你有空时给我打个电话。 I don't have the time to talk right now. [=I am too busy to talk right now]我现在没时间谈。 — also have got I haven't got the time to talk right now.我现在没时间谈。 Have you got a minute/moment/second?能占用你一小会儿时间吗? — see also have the time (below) 3  not used in progressive tenses, [+ object] — used to describe a quality, skill, feature, etc., of a person or thing具有(某种性质、技能、特点等) She has an impressive knowledge of French. [=she knows French very well]她的法语很好。 He has a way with words. [=he uses words/language very effectively]他能言善道。 She has a good outlook on life.她有健全的人生观。 The car has power brakes.这辆车有动力刹车。 That country has a king; this country has a president.那个国家有国王;这个国家有总统。 All the children in that family have red hair.那家的孩子都是一头红发。 A man who had a foreign accent [=a man with a foreign accent] was asking to see you.有个带外国口音的男人要见你。 The museum has interesting exhibits.这个博物馆有一些有趣的展品。 I have a fear of spiders. [=I am afraid of spiders]我害怕蜘蛛。 — also have got He's got a way with words.他能言善道。 The car's got power brakes.这辆车有动力刹车。 4  not used in progressive tenses, [+ object] : to include or contain (something or someone)包括(某事或某人) The list has my name on it. [=my name is on the list]这名单上有我的名字。 April has 30 days. [=there are 30 days in April; April is a month with 30 days]四月份有30天。 The club has 100 members.这个俱乐部有100名会员。 — also have got The list has got my name on it.这名单上有我的名字。 The club's got 100 members.这个俱乐部有100名会员。 5  [+ object] a  : to give birth to (a child)生(孩子) She had her first child when she was 25.她25岁时生的头胎。 She's going to be having another baby soon.她马上又要生另一胎了。 b  not used in progressive tenses : to be the parent of (a child)是(孩子的)父母 She and her husband have three children.她和她丈夫育有三个孩子。 They have a son.他们有个儿子。 — also have got They've got a son and a daughter.他们有一个儿子和一个女儿。 6  not used in progressive tenses, [+ object] — used to describe a relationship between people有(亲戚、朋友等) I have two sisters and a brother.我有两个姐妹和一个兄弟。 She has many friends and few enemies.她有许多朋友,几乎没有敌人。 I wouldn't want to have him as an enemy. [=I wouldn't want him to be my enemy]我不想让他成为我的敌人。 Do you have a big family? [=is your family big?; are there many people in your family?]你家人口多吗? Does he have a girlfriend?他有女朋友吗? They have [=employ] a housekeeper.他们雇了一个管家。 We have many satisfied clients.我们有许多满意的客户。 I have a customer who comes in every Tuesday and orders a tuna sandwich.我有个顾客每周二都来点一份金枪鱼三明治。 — also have got I've got two sisters and a brother.我有两个姐妹和一个兄弟。 7  not used in progressive tenses, [+ object] : to tightly hold (someone)抓住,紧握(某人) The dog has him by the leg. [=the dog is tightly holding his leg in its mouth]那只狗紧紧咬住他的腿。 She had me by the arm and wouldn't let go.她抓住我的胳膊不放。 — also have got The dog's got him by the leg.那只狗紧紧咬住他的腿。 8  not used in progressive tenses, [+ object] : to get (something)得到;弄到 Whenever she sees the latest new electronic gadget, she needs to have it.她一看见最新的电子小产品就想买。 This piano is the best to be had. [=it is the best that can be bought or owned]这架钢琴是最值得拥有的。 9  not used in progressive tenses, [+ object] : to receive or be given (something)收到;得到 We had some bad/good news yesterday.我们昨天得到一些坏/好消息。 I had a letter from my cousin last week.我上周收到堂哥的一封来信。 “Waiter, can I have the check, please?” “I'll bring it right away.”“服务员,请给我结账。”“我马上拿账单过来。” Could I please have your attention? [=would you please give me your attention?]请大家注意,好吗? Can I have a moment of your time? [=can I speak to you for a moment?]我能占用你几分钟时间吗? 10  not used in progressive tenses, [+ object] — used to describe the position of a person or thing处于某位置 He had his hands behind his back. [=his hands were behind his back]他背着双手。 She had her back to the door and didn't see me enter the room.她背对着门,没看见我进屋。 He has a bodyguard with/near him whenever he goes out in public.他在公共场合出现时总有保镖跟随。 The house has a large tree next to it. [=there is a large tree next to the house]房子旁边有棵大树。 — also have got The house has got a large tree next to it.房子旁边有棵大树。 11  [+ object] : to cause or produce (something, such as an effect)导致;产生(影响) The defeat had a terrible effect/impact on the team's spirits.这次失败严重打击了全队的士气。 Her decision might have serious consequences.她的决定可能会导致严重的后果。 12  [+ object] a  : to experience (something)经历 “Are you having fun?” “Yes, I'm having a wonderful time!”“你玩得开心吗?”“是的,我玩得好开心!” Everyone had a good time at the party. = A good time was had by all (at the party).所有人在聚会上都玩得很开心。 She's had many strange things happen to her recently. = She's been having a lot of strange things happen to her recently.最近她经历了许多怪事。 I've had a bad/tough/long day.我这一天过得好糟糕/艰难/漫长。 I'm having trouble getting this computer to work. [=I am unable to get it to work]我没法让这台电脑运行。 I've had a good life.我生活得很好。 We've had another setback.我们又经历了一次挫折。 She had [=suffered] a heart attack at the age of 50.她50岁时经历了一次心脏病发作。 b  not used in progressive tenses : to experience or be affected by (an illness or injury)患病;得病;染病 I have a cold.我感冒了。 My uncle has diabetes.我叔叔得了糖尿病。 She has a broken leg.她摔断了一条腿。 — also have got I've got a cold.我感冒了。 She's got a broken leg.她摔断了一条腿。 c  : to experience (an emotion or feeling)经历(情感) I have many regrets. [=I regret many things]我有许多遗憾。 I have complete confidence in your abilities. = I don't have any doubts about your abilities.我对你的能力毫不怀疑。 — also have got I've got many regrets.我有许多遗憾。 I haven't got any doubts about your abilities.我对你的能力毫不怀疑。 13  not used in progressive tenses, [+ object] — used to describe a person's thoughts, ideas, etc.有(想法、主意、观点等) Everyone has a different opinion about what to do.每个人对于该做什么都有不同的观点。 I have a few thoughts on the matter.我对这件事有一些想法。 “What time is it?” “I have no idea.” = “I've no idea.” [=I don't know]“现在几点了?”“我不知道。” “Was it hard?” “You have no idea (how hard it was)!” [=it was extremely hard]“难吗?”“你都不知道有多难!” I don't have a clue. = I haven't a clue. [=I don't know]我一无所知。 — also have got Everyone's got a different opinion.每个人都有不同的观点。 I haven't got a clue.我一无所知。 14  [+ object] : to perform (an action) : to do or participate in (an activity)做;参与 Did you have a good nap?你午睡睡得好吗? I was having a nap [=I was napping] when a loud noise woke me up.我正在打盹,突然一声巨响把我吵醒了。 We need to have a long talk.我们得好好谈谈。 I have soccer practice every Tuesday.我每周二都练足球。 Please don't interrupt us when we are having a conversation.我们交谈时请不要打断我们。 (Brit) Have a sleep/lie-down.睡/躺一会儿。 (Brit) Have a think.想一想。 Have a look at this. [=look at this]看看这个。 I had a (good) look, but I couldn't find the problem.我(仔细)看过了,但没能发现问题。 Let me have a try. [=let me try]让我试试。 15  [+ object] : to provide (something) as entertainment or as a social gathering组织;举办 We're having [=giving, throwing] a party on Saturday. Can you come?我们周六要办个聚会。你能来吗? We're having a little get-together.我们正在搞一个小型聚会。 The museum is having [=holding] an exhibition of her work. = She's having an exhibition of her work at the museum. [=the museum is exhibiting her work]这家博物馆正在举办她的作品展。 16  [+ object] a  : to cause, tell, or ask (someone) to do something让(某人)做某事 Have her call me [=tell her to call me on the telephone] when she gets back.她回来后叫她给我打电话。 Have my assistant schedule another appointment for you.让我的助手为你再安排一次约见。 You should have someone check that out for you.你得请人替你把那件事查证一下。 She's having the children stay with us for the weekend. [=the children are staying with us for the weekend because she wants them to]她让孩子们周末和我们待在一起。 He had the barber cut his hair short. [=he got the barber to cut his hair short]他让理发师把他的头发剪短了。 What would you have me do? [=what do you want me to do?]你要我做什么? They would have us believe [=they want/expect us to believe] that all these problems can be fixed by raising taxes.他们想让我们相信所有这些问题都可以通过增税来解决。 b  : to cause (something) to be changed, removed, added, or affected in a specified way(使某物以特定的方式)改变,受影响 I had my nose straightened by a plastic surgeon.我让整形医生给我隆了鼻子。 He had his hair cut short by a barber.他让理发师把他的头发剪短了。 The doctor said I should have this mole removed.医生说我应该把这颗痣去掉。 We are having new windows installed.我们正请人安装新窗户。 I just had new tires put on the car.我刚请人给车换了新轮胎。 c  — used when you hire someone to do something or when you go to a place (such as hospital or a mechanic's shop) so that something can be done(让他人)做(某事);(去让某事)做成 She's having surgery next week.她下周要去做手术。 I had an X-ray.我去拍了个X光片。 When was the last time you had a checkup?你上一次体检是什么时候? We're having some work done on the house.我们正在修葺这房子。 The car should have regular maintenance checks. [=someone should check the car regularly]这辆车应该定期进行维护检查。 17  [+ object] — used to say that someone (such as a guest or a worker) is at your home or is coming to your home(在家)款待,招待;有(宾客或工作人员)来家 We're having guests this weekend.这个周末有客人到我们家来。 I'd love to come for a visit, if you'll have me. [=if you would welcome me as a guest]如果你欢迎的话,我很想去你家做客。 We're going to have a plumber in to look at the furnace.我们要请管道工来家里检修暖气炉。 She has guests to/for dinner several times a week.她每周都要在家请好几次客。 I had my friends back to my place for drinks after the movie.电影结束后我请朋友们回到我家喝酒。 — see also have over (below) 18  not used in progressive tenses [+ object] a  : to cause (something) to be in a specified state or condition使处于(某种状态) He had dinner ready by the time she came back.她回来时他已把晚饭准备好了。 It's hard to think when she has the radio on so loud.她把收音机声音开得那么大,让人无法思考。 He had the computer working again very quickly.他很快让电脑再次运行起来。 Please have your assignment ready/done/finished/completed by tomorrow.请在明天之前完成你的作业。 — also have got She's got the radio on so loud.她把收音机声音开得那么大。 Have you got your assignment ready? [=is your assignment ready?]你的作业做完了吗? b  — used when something that belongs to someone or something is damaged, destroyed, or taken所属物蒙受(损坏、丢失等) I had [=got] my nose broken in a fight. [=my nose was broken in a fight]在一次打架中,我的鼻梁骨被打断了。 She had her car stolen last week. [=her car was stolen last week]她的车上星期被盗了。 The house had its roof torn off in the hurricane.房顶被飓风掀掉了。 19  [+ object] : to allow (something)允许;容许 — used in negative statements用于否定句 We'll have no more of that behavior! = We can't have that sort of behavior! = We can't have you behaving like that! = We can't be having you behave like that!我们不允许你那么做! 20  not used in progressive tenses, [+ object] : to accept (someone)接受 Who will we have as our leader?我们让谁当我们的领导? specifically : to accept (someone) as a husband or wife接受(某人为丈夫或妻子) I'll marry her if she'll have me!如果她接受我,我就娶她! She wouldn't have him.她不会嫁给他的。 21  a  not used in progressive tenses, [+ object] : to be able to control, capture, or defeat (someone)控制,抓住,打败(某人) We have him now! He can't possibly escape!我们逮住他了!他跑不掉了! — also have got We've got him now!我们逮住他了! b  ◊ The phrases You have me there and There you have me or (more commonly and informally) You've/You got me (there) are used in speech to mean “I don't know.”你这可难倒我了,我怎么知道呢(用于口语) “How on earth can he justify his behavior?” “You have me there.”“他到底怎样才能为自己的行为辩护呢?”“你这可难倒我了。” “When exactly was the company founded?” “There you have me.”“这家公司究竟是什么时候成立的?”“你这个问题可把我问住了。” “Why did she leave?” “You got me.”“她为什么离开?”“我怎么知道呢。” ◊ The phrase You got me is sometimes shortened to Got me in very informal speech.短语You gotme在非正式口语中有时简化为Got me。 “When does the movie start?” “Got me.”“电影什么时候开始放映?”“我怎么知道呢。” 22  [+ object] a  : to eat or drink (something)吃;喝 We had steak for dinner last night.昨晚我们吃的是牛排。 We'll be having [=eating] dinner at six.我们六点钟吃晚饭。 Will you have a drink with me?你跟我喝一杯好吗? Would you like to have some black pepper on your salad?你那份沙拉要不要撒点儿黑胡椒? “What will you have (to drink)?” “(I'll have) A glass of red wine, please.”“您想喝点儿什么?”“请给我来杯红酒。” Did you have dessert yet?你吃甜点了吗? Have some cake. It's delicious!尝尝蛋糕吧。很好吃! b  : to smoke (something)抽(烟) She had a cigarette while she was waiting for the bus.她等公共汽车时抽了根烟。 c  — used to say how you want food or drink to be cooked or prepared用于表示对食物或饮料的偏好 I'd like to have my steak well done, please.我那份牛排要全熟的。 I usually have [=take] my coffee black.我通常喝不加奶的咖啡。 23  not used in progressive tenses, [+ object] informal : to have sex with (someone)(与某人)性交 He claims that he's had dozens of women.他声称和几十个女人上过床。 24  [auxiliary verb] — used with the past participle to form the perfect tenses of verbs与过去分词连用构成动词的完成时态 We have been friends for many years.我们已是多年的朋友了。 She has bought a new car.她买了辆新车。 They had already left by the time we arrived.我们到达时他们已经离开了。 I have not seen that movie yet.我还没看过那部电影。 Has the rain stopped?雨停了吗? I have never been so embarrassed! = Never have I been so embarrassed!我从未如此难堪过! Having never been to Chicago, I really don't know much about it.我从未去过芝加哥,因此对这座城市还真是知之甚少。 Usage用法 When have is used as an auxiliary verb, the shortened forms 've for have, 's for has, and 'd for had are common in informal writing and usual in speech.have用作助动词时,在非正式书面语和口语中常用简化形式,用've代替have,'s代替has,'d代替had。 I've already seen that movie.我已经看过那部电影了。 I've never been so embarrassed!我从未如此难堪过! We've been friends for years.我们已是多年的朋友了。 She's bought a new car.她买了辆新车。 They'd already left by the time we arrived.我们到达时他们已经离开了。 The negative forms haven't, hasn't, and hadn't are also common in informal writing and usual in speech.其否定形式haven't、hasn't和hadn't在非正式书面语和口语中也很常用。 I haven't seen that movie yet.我还没看过那部电影。 Hasn't the rain stopped?雨还没停吗? We hadn't arrived yet when they left.他们离开时我们还没到。 be had : to be tricked or fooled by someone被算计;上当 She doesn't want to buy a used car because she's worried about being had by a dishonest salesman.她不打算买旧车,因为她担心被不诚实的销售人员算计。 I don't trust them. I think we've been had. [=I think they have tricked us]我不信任他们。我觉得我们上当了。 have against [phrasal verb] have (something) against (someone or something) : to have (something) as a reason for not liking (someone or something)因…而讨厌 She has a grudge against her former boss.她对她的前老板有积怨。 What do you have against him? [=why do you dislike him?]你为什么不喜欢他? I have nothing against her personally—it's her friends I don't like.就我个人而言,我对她没有任何成见——我不喜欢的是她的那些朋友。 — also have got She's got a grudge against her former boss.她对她的前老板有积怨。 What have you got against him?你为什么不喜欢他? have back [phrasal verb] 1  have (something) back : to receive (something that is returned to you)收回 If I lend you this book, can I have it back by next Tuesday?我要是把这本书借给你,你下周二之前能还给我吗? How I wish I could have my youth back (again)!我多么希望能够回到年轻时候啊! 2  have (someone) back a  : to be with (someone who has returned) again(与回来的人)重聚,重新在一起 Welcome home! It's great to have you back (with us again)!欢迎回家!你回来(和我们在一起)太好了! We'd love to have you back for another visit.我们希望你再次来访。 He longs to have her back in his life.他渴望她能重新回到他的生活中。 The doctor said he'd like to have me back for more tests next week.医生说他希望我下周再来做几项检查。 b  : to allow (someone) to return允许(某人)回来 He wants to return to his wife, but she won't have him back.他想回到妻子身旁,但她不允许他回来。 have done with old-fashioned : to stop doing (something) : to bring (something) to an end停止做(某事);使结束 Let us have done with name-calling.我们别再骂人了。 have got : have Usage用法 Examples of have got are shown above and below for each sense, idiom, and phrasal verb in which it occurs. Note that have got is used only in the present tense. It is common in place of have in informal writing, and it is usual in ordinary speech. The contracted forms 's for has and 've for have are commonly used for the first part of this phrase.have got的示例见于本词条中的各义项、习语和动词短语。注意have got只用于一般现在时。在非正式书面语中常代替have,也常用于日常口语。has和have的缩约形式's和've常用于这一短语的前半部分。 He has it. = He has got it. = (more commonly) He's got it.他有这个。 We have to go. = We have got to go. = (more commonly) We've got to go.我们得走了。 The usual negative forms of have got are haven't got and hasn't got.have got的否定形式通常为haven't got和hasn't got。 We do not have it. = We have not got it. = (more commonly) We haven't got it.我们没有这个。 She doesn't have a chance. = She hasn't got a chance.她没有机会。 have had it informal 1  a  : to be too old or damaged to be used太破旧无法使用 We need a new stove. This one has had it.我们需要一个新炉子,这个太破旧,没法用了。 My old dictionary has just about had it. Time to get a new one.我的旧字典快要用烂了,该换本新的了。 b  : to be so tired or annoyed that you will no longer allow or accept something受够了(因劳累或气恼而不再接受) That's it. I've had it. I won't pay these kinds of fees any more.就这样了。我受够了,再也不付这种费用了。 I've been working all day and I've had it.我整天都在干活,烦死了。 c  : to be angry about something that has continued for a long time忍无可忍,受不了(因某事持续长时间而生气) I've had it (up to here) with all these delays! [=I am fed up with all these delays; I am very annoyed by all these delays]一拖再拖,我已经忍到头了! 2  : to be completely ruined or defeated彻底完蛋 After this scandal, he's had it as a politician. [=he will no longer be able to be a politician]经过这次丑闻,他作为从政者的仕途就彻底完蛋了。 His political career has had it. [=his political career is finished/ruined]他的政治生涯完蛋了。 have it 1  — used to say that what is being reported is a rumor, a story, etc.据称;据传;据说 Rumor/word has it [=a rumor says] that the company will be going out of business.传言称公司要停业了。 Legend has it [=according to legend] George Washington slept here.传说乔治·华盛顿曾在这里睡过觉。 2  — used to describe a person's condition or situation有…处境 He's had it pretty tough since his wife died. [=his life has been difficult since his wife died]他太太死后他的生活很艰难。 You've never had it so good (as you have it now)!你以前从未生活得这么好! We have it pretty good right now.我们现在过得很好。 — also have got We've got it pretty good right now.我们现在过得很好。 have it in for : to want to hurt or cause problems for (someone you do not like)伺机伤害(某人);跟(某人)过不去 She's had it in for me for a long time.她一直跟我过不去。 — also have got She's got it in for me.她总是跟我过不去。 have it in you : to have the ability to do something能胜任;有本事 His last performance was wonderful; I didn't know he had it in him! [=I didn't know he was capable of such a performance]他最后一场表演很精彩,我过去都不知道他有这本事! I don't think she has it in her to be cruel. [=I don't think she's capable of being cruel]我认为她残忍不起来。 — also have got I don't think she's got it in her to be cruel.我认为她残忍不起来。 have it out : to settle a disagreement by talking or arguing讲明白;辩清楚 If you don't like the way he's treated you, you should have it out with him instead of just brooding about it.如果你不喜欢他对待你的方式,你就应该和他讲明白,而不是只闷在心里。 have mercy/pity : to treat someone with mercy or pity怜悯 The prisoner begged the judge to have mercy.犯人乞求法官怜悯。 — usually + on The prisoner begged the judge to have mercy on him.犯人乞求法官怜悯他。 have on [phrasal verb] 1  have (something) on or have on (something) : to be wearing (something)穿着 She has on a new suit.她穿了一身新套装。 He had nothing on. [=he was naked]他一丝不挂。 — also have got She's got on a new suit.她穿了一身新套装。 2  have (something) on (you) informal : to be carrying (something)身上带着 Do you have any spare change on you?你身上有零钱吗? I don't have my wallet on me: I left it at home.我没带钱包,我把它落在家里了。 — also have got Have you got any spare change on you?你身上有零钱吗? 3  have (something) on : to keep (a device or machine) operating使(设备、机器等)运转 They have the radio on all the time.他们让收音机一直开着。 4  have (something) on chiefly British : to have plans for (something)计划(某事) Do you have anything on for tomorrow? [=do you have any plans for tomorrow?]你明天有什么计划吗? What do you have on for tomorrow? [=what are your plans for tomorrow?]你明天有什么事吗? — also have got Have you got anything on for tomorrow?你明天有什么事吗? 5  have (someone) on British, informal : to trick or fool (someone) in a joking way哄骗,捉弄(某人) — usually used as (be) having (someone) on通常用作(be) having (someone) on He said he knew the Prime Minister, but I think he was just having me on. [=he was joking; he was just putting me on]他说他认识首相,但我觉得他只是在捉弄我而已。 6  have nothing on (someone) or not have anything on (someone) : to have no evidence showing that someone has committed a crime or done something bad没有(某人)犯罪或犯错的证据 The police were suspicious, but they had nothing on her.警方怀疑她,但没有证据。 If the police don't have anything on you, they have to let you go.如果警方没有任何证据,他们就得放你走。 — also have got They haven't got anything on me.他们没抓到我什么把柄。 They've got nothing on me.他们没抓到我什么把柄。 7  have nothing on (someone or something) : to have less of a particular quality than (someone or something)不如;比不上 The winters here are bad, but they have nothing on the winters I remember when I was a child. [=they are not as bad as the winters I remember; the winters I remember were worse]这里的冬天很不舒服,但在我的记忆中儿时的冬天比这更糟。 He says Houston has nothing on Chicago [=Houston is not as good as Chicago] when it comes to fine restaurants.谈起高档餐厅,他说休斯敦不如芝加哥。 — also have got Houston's got nothing on Chicago.休斯敦比不上芝加哥。 have over [phrasal verb] have (someone) over — used to say that someone is coming to your home as a guest有客到访 We're having some friends over for dinner tonight.今晚我们有朋友来家里吃饭。 — see also have 17 (above) have (someone or something) (all) to yourself : to be in a situation in which you are not required to share someone or something with anyone else独享;独处 We have the entire evening to ourselves. [=we have no plans to do anything with anyone else this evening]今天整晚都由我们自己安排。 She has the house all to herself this weekend. [=she is the only one staying in the house this weekend]这个周末她独自一人待在这个房子里。 I'm happy to have you to myself tonight; it will give us a chance to talk privately.我很高兴今晚能与你一人相处,这样我们可以单独聊一聊。 have the time ◊ If someone asks you if you have the time, that person is asking if you know what time it is.几点钟 “Do you have the time?” [=can you tell me what time it is?] “Yes, it's 10 minutes past 3.”“请问现在几点了?”“哦,3点10分。” — also have got Have you got the time?请问现在几点了? — see also have 2 (above) have to : must : such as a  — used to say that something is required or necessary必须;不得不 You have to follow the rules.你必须遵守规则。 You have to stop. [=you must stop; I command you to stop]你必须停下来。 I told him what he had to do. [=what he must do]我已告诉他必须做什么。 We have to correct these problems soon or the project will fail.我们必须赶紧纠正这些问题,否则项目就会失败。 I have to remember to stop at the store.我必须记住在那家商店停一下。 “Do you have to go?” “Yes, I'm afraid I really have to.”“你必须走吗?”“是的,恐怕我真的得走了。” If you have to go, at least wait until the storm is over.如果你非走不可,最起码等暴风雨停了再走。 Do what you have to (do).做你该做的事。 I didn't want to do it but I had to.我并不想做这事,但我不得不做。 — also have got to You've got to stop.你必须停下来。 I've got to go now.我现在得走了。 ◊ Note the difference in meaning between not have to and must not.注意not have to和must not的区别。 You don't have to do it. [=it is not necessary for you to do it]你不必这么做。 You must not do it. [=you are not allowed to do it; you are forbidden to do it]你不可以这么做。 b  — used to say that something is required by a rule or law(按规定或法律)必须,务必 All passengers have to exit at the next stop.所有旅客在下一站都必须出站。 — also have got to All passengers have got to exit at the next stop.所有旅客在下一站都必须出站。 c  — used to say that something is desired or should be done(按要求)一定,应该 You have to read this book. It's fantastic!你应该看看这本书。真是太精彩了! You have to come visit us soon. [=we would like to have you visit us soon]你一定要早点来看我们。 You really have to see the doctor about that cough. [=I urge you to see the doctor; I really think you need to see the doctor]你真该去医院看看咳嗽。 — also have got to You've got to come visit us soon.你一定要早点来看我们。 d  — used to say that something is very likely很可能;肯定 It has to be close to noon.肯定快到中午了。 She has to be the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. [=I think she is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen]她肯定是我见过的最美丽的女人。 He has to have a lot of money to live the way he does.他肯定很有钱才能过那样的生活。 The bus has to be coming soon.公共汽车肯定快要来了。 There has to be some mistake.肯定是出了差错。 — also have got to It's got to be close to noon.肯定快到中午了。 There's got to be some mistake.肯定是出了差错。 e  — used in various spoken phrases to emphasize a statement用于各种口语短语,表强调 I have to say, I was surprised to hear from him.我必须得说,收到他的来信我很意外。 She's a talented actress, you have to admit.你必须得承认,她是一个有才华的演员。 I have to admit, I expected better results.我必须得承认,我原以为结果会更好些。 It has to be said that the movie was not very good.不得不说,这部电影不是很好。 I have to warn you, this will not be easy.我必须提醒你,这并非易事。 — also have got to I've got to say, I was surprised to hear from him.我必须得说,收到他的来信我很意外。 She's a talented actress, you've got to admit.你必须得承认,她是一个有才华的演员。 f  — used in questions or statements that express annoyance or anger干吗非得要,总是要(用于疑问句或陈述句,表气恼或愤怒) Do you have to be so unreasonable?你干吗要这么不讲理呢? Why does it always have to rain on the weekend?为什么一到周末就下雨呢? Naturally it has to rain on the day when we planned a picnic.我们计划野餐时,老天总是要下雨。 — also have got to It's got to rain on the day when we planned a picnic.我们计划野餐时,老天总是要下雨。 have to do with — see 1do have with [phrasal verb] 1  have (someone) with (you) : to be with (someone)和(某人)在一起 They had their grandchildren with them when they arrived. [=they arrived with their grandchildren]他们和孙辈们一起到达。 2  have (something) with (you) : to be carrying (something) with (you)随身携带 I don't have my wallet with me.我身上没带钱包。 I have it — used to say that you suddenly remember, understand, or have found something — usually I've got it我想起来了;我明白了;我发现了 Now, what was his name? Tony? Tom? No, I've got it! Tim. His name was Tim.嗨,他叫什么来着?托尼?汤姆?不对,我想起来了!蒂姆,他叫蒂姆。 I'll have you know — used to emphasize something in a somewhat annoyed or angry way你听着,你要知道(用于强调有些恼怒或生气) “Did your son go to college?” “Did he go to college? I'll have you know that he was given a full scholarship to Harvard!”“你儿子上过大学吗?”“上过大学?你要知道他被哈佛大学录取时拿到了全额奖学金呢!” there you have it — used to say that something has just been shown, described, or stated in a very clear and definite way你说对了 “But we can't spend more money unless we have more money to spend!” “Precisely. There you have it.”“除非有更多的钱可以花,否则我们不能多花钱!”“你说得太对了。” what have you — see 1what you had to be there — used to say that people cannot understand something because they did not experience it or see it themselves只有亲历其境才能理解 I know it sounds weird, but it was so funny. I guess you had to be there.我知道这听起来有些奇怪,但它当时真的很好笑。我想你只有在现场才能明白。




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