词汇 | head |
释义 | head (verb) head 69 ENTRIES FOUND: head (noun) head (verb) headed (adjective) head-hunting (noun) heading (noun) head-on (adverb) heads up (interjection) heads-up (noun) heads-up (adjective) head-to-head (adverb) head boy (noun) head case (noun) head cold (noun) head count (noun) head girl (noun) head start (noun) head table (noun) head teacher (noun) big-headed (adjective) death's-head (noun) empty-headed (adjective) light-headed (adjective) talking head (noun) thick-headed (adjective) Hilton Head Island (proper noun) back (noun) bang (verb) bite (verb) butt (verb) count (verb) down (adverb) enter (verb) eye (noun) game (noun) gun (noun) hang (verb) heel (noun) high (adverb) hit (verb) hold (verb) hole (noun) idea (noun) keep (verb) knock (verb) lose (verb) nail (noun) parapet (noun) price (noun) raise (verb) rear (verb) roll (verb) sand (noun) scratch (verb) screw (verb) sense (noun) shake (verb) shoulder (noun) shout (verb) soft (adjective) sore (adjective) stand (verb) steam (noun) stick (verb) swell (verb) tail (noun) top (noun) ugly (adjective) water (noun) yell (verb) 1 head /ˈhɛd/ noun plural heads or in sense 6 head 1 head /ˈhɛd/ noun plural heads or in sense 6 head Learner's definition of HEAD 1 [count] : the part of the body containing the brain, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth头;头部 She patted the dog on the head.她拍了拍那只狗的头。 He nodded his head in agreement.他点头表示同意。 The ceiling's low—watch your head!天花板低——小心碰头! head injuries头部伤 They were covered from head to foot/toe in mud. [=they were completely covered in mud]他们浑身都是泥。 He has a full head of hair. [=he has a full amount of hair on his head]他头发很多。 — see picture at human; see also talking head 2 [count] : a person's mental ability : mind or intellect思维;心智 You shouldn't let your heart rule your head. [=you should be guided by reason and not by your emotions]你不应该让情感战胜理智。 She did some quick calculations in her head. [=without writing anything; mentally]她在脑子里快速进行了计算。 I keep hearing that song in my head. = That song keeps running through my head. = I can't get that song out of my head.那首歌一直萦绕在我的脑海里。 It never even entered my head to run for office. [=I never thought of running for office]我从未想过要竞选公职。 The problem is all in his head. [=the problem is not real; he's just imagining it]这个问题全是他臆想出来的。 Don't go putting ideas in/into his head. [=don't cause him to have ideas or suspicions that he would not have himself]不要把一些想法灌输给他。 You should put that idea out of your head. [=you should stop thinking about that idea]你应该打消那个念头。 She always says the first thing that comes/pops into her head. [=the first thing that she thinks of]她总是想到什么就说什么。 I'm sure we can solve this problem if we just use our heads. [=think carefully]如果动脑筋,我确信我们可以解决这个问题。 That guy should have his head examined. = That guy is not right in the head. [=that guy is crazy]那家伙脑子进水了。 You need a cool/calm head [=an ability to remain calm] to deal with someone like him.和他那种人打交道,你要保持头脑冷静。 a clear head [=an ability to think clearly]清晰的头脑 ◊ If you have a good head on your shoulders, you are intelligent and have good judgment.头脑清醒;明智 You don't have to worry about her—she's got a good head on her shoulders.你不用担心她—她头脑清醒着呢。 ◊ When you get/take it into your head to do something, you suddenly decide to do it in a way that seems foolish or surprising.突发奇想;突然心血来潮 He's taken it into his head to try skydiving.他突然间想要去尝试特技跳伞运动。 I somehow got it into my head to run for public office.我突发奇想要去竞选公职。 ◊ If you get it into your head that something is true, you begin to believe something even though there is no good reason for believing it.认为;(无来由)开始相信 She's somehow gotten it into her head that I don't like her. [=she believes that I don't like her although I do like her]她不知为什么认为我不喜欢她。 3 [count] : a person who has a specified mental or emotional quality有…头脑的人;有…心智的人 A fight was avoided when cooler heads prevailed. [=when calmer or less angry people were able to convince others not to fight]当头脑更加冷静的人掌控局势后,一场战争便得以避免。 — see also hothead, sorehead 4 [singular] : a distance equal to the length of a head一头的差距 The horse won the race by a head.这匹马以一头的优势险胜比赛。 I'm a head taller than you.我比你高一头。 5 [count] : the front side of a coin : the side of a coin that shows a picture of a person's head硬币正面(有头像的一面) the head of a penny一便士的正面 — usually used in the plural to refer to one of the two choices you can make when a coin is thrown in the air to decide something通常用复数,指抛硬币做出的一个选择 I call heads.我猜正面。 Is it heads or tails? [=did the coin land with heads or tails facing up?]正面还是反面? It landed heads up.硬币正面朝上落地。 — compare 1tail 3 6 head [plural] : individual animals(牲畜)头 100 head of cattle100头牛 7 [count] a : an end of something that is like a head in shape or position(物体的)前端,顶端 — usually singular通常用单数 — often + of She placed the pillows at the head of the bed.她把一些枕头放在床头。 We arrived early so that we'd be at the head [=front] of the line.我们早早到达就是为了能排在队伍的前面。 The chairman sat at the head of the table.主席坐在桌子的上座。 the head [=top] of a nail/pin/screw钉子/别针/螺丝的头 — compare foot b : the part of an object that hits or touches something else(物体的)头部 a grinding head研磨头 the hammer's head锤子的头部 — often + of the head of a spear枪矛的头部 the head of a golf club高尔夫球杆的头部 — see also arrowhead, spearhead, warhead 8 [noncount] : the position of being a leader领先位置 She's at the head of her class. [=she is the best student in her class]她是班里最好的学生。 9 [count] a : a person who leads or directs a group or organization领导;头儿 Have you met the new department head?你们见过新来的系主任了吗? — often + of She is the head of our sales division.她是我们销售部的领导。 heads of families/households族长;户主 heads of state [=leaders of countries]国家领导人 — often used before another noun常用于另一名词前 the restaurant's head cook餐厅的总厨 the team's head coach球队的总教练 b chiefly British : head teacher 10 [count] : a tight mass of leaves or flowers on a plant(茎梗顶端的)叶球;头状花序 The flower heads on the plant are very large.这种植物的头状花序很大。 a head of cabbage/lettuce一棵卷心菜/莴苣 a head of garlic一头蒜 11 [count] : the place where a stream or river begins(河流的)源头 — usually singular通常用单数 the head of the Nile尼罗河的源头 12 [singular] : pressure caused by the water or steam in a machine水压;蒸汽压力 ◊ When an engine has a full head of steam, it has built up a full amount of power. This phrase is often used figuratively to describe something that is moving forward in a fast and powerful way.开足马力(常用作比喻,指某事物正全力推进) The project started slowly, but now we have a full head of steam.项目开始时进展缓慢,但我们现在正在全力推进。 13 [count] : the bubbles that form on the top of some liquids (such as beer)(浮在液体表面的)泡沫 — usually singular通常用单数 the foamy head on a beer啤酒上面的泡沫 14 [singular] : the point at which a situation becomes very serious or when action is required紧要关头;决定性时刻 Things came to a head when the workers threatened to go on strike.事情到了紧要关头,工人们威胁要举行罢工。 These new revelations brought the scandal to a head.这些新披露的内容把这桩丑闻推到了风口浪尖。 15 [count] : a small, inflamed area on the skin with a spot in the middle脓头 — see also blackhead a big/swelled head informal : an overly high opinion of yourself自负 All those compliments have given him a big head. [=have made him very conceited]所有那些恭维话让他变得自以为是。 a head : for each person每位;每人 The price is $20 a head.价格是每位20美元。 a price on someone's head — see 1price bang heads together — see 1bang bite someone's head off — see 1bite butt heads — see 3butt count heads — see 1count eyes in the back of your head — see 1eye get it through someone's head : to cause someone to learn and remember something使某人弄清楚 She's finally gotten it through their heads that she doesn't eat meat.她终于使他们明白了,她不吃肉。 get it through your head : to accept or understand (something)接受,理解(某事) He can't seem to get it through his head that I'm not interested in working with him.他似乎不能接受我不愿与他一起工作这件事。 get your head round British : to understand (something)理解(某事) She couldn't get her head round why he had to leave.她不能理解他为何非要离开。 go over someone's head : to discuss something with a person who is higher in rank than someone else越级请示 He went over his supervisor's head to complain about the policy to the company's president. [=he complained about the policy to the company's president rather than his supervisor]他越过他的主管,直接向公司总裁申诉这个方针。 go to your head 1 of an alcoholic drink : to make you feel drunk(饮酒)上头;使喝醉 I just had one glass of wine, but it went straight to my head.我只喝了一杯葡萄酒就感到头晕了。 2 : to make you believe that you are better than other people使自高自大;冲昏头脑 He has never let his fame go to his head.他从未让名誉冲昏头脑。 have a head for : to have an ability to understand or deal with (something)擅长做某事 She's always had a (good) head for business.她总是(很)有生意头脑。 (Brit) He has a head for heights. [=he is not afraid of heights; being up high does not bother him]他没有恐高症。 have/get your head (screwed) on right/straight informal : to think or act in a smart and sensible way头脑清醒;精明能干 She's young, but it's clear that she has her head screwed on right.她虽然年轻,但显然精明能干。 You think that's a good idea? You need to get your head screwed on straight.你认为那是个好主意吗?你需要保持头脑清醒。 head and shoulders above — used to say that someone or something is much better than others远远胜过 They are/stand head and shoulders above the competition.在这场竞争中他们远远胜过对手。 head in the sand ◊ If you bury/have/hide (etc.) your head in the sand, you ignore something unpleasant that you should be dealing with.回避问题;采取鸵鸟政策 He can't just bury his head in the sand every time there's a problem.他不能每次遇到问题时都选择回避。 head over heels : very deeply in love深爱;迷恋 We were head over heels (in love).我们深深地爱着对方。 He fell head over heels for some girl he met at school.他深深地爱上了他在学校遇到的某个女孩儿。 (US) He went head over heels for her.他深深地爱上了她。 heads roll informal ◊ If you say that heads will roll or (less commonly) heads are going to roll, you mean that people will be severely punished or will lose their jobs because of something that has happened.有人将受罚(或被解雇) When the boss finds out about the mistake, heads will roll.当老板发现这个错误时,有人会受到严惩。 hit the nail on the head — see 1hit hold up your head or hold your head (up) high : to be proud : to not feel ashamed感到骄傲;不垂头丧气 Even though they lost the game, they can still hold up their heads because they tried their best.尽管输了这场比赛,他们仍然感到骄傲,因为他们拼尽了全力。 keep your head : to remain calm保持冷静;保持克制 She has shown that she can keep her head in a crisis.她的表现说明她在危急关头可以保持冷静。 keep your head above water : to avoid financial failure while having money problems免遭破产;勉强维持生计 We have so much debt that we're barely able to keep our heads above water.我们有非常多的债务,只能勉强维持生计。 keep your head down informal : to behave in a quiet way that does not attract attention行事低调 a politician who is keeping his head down and trying to avoid controversy行事低调、努力避免争议的政治家 knock heads — see 1knock knock someone's head off — see 1knock knock some sense into someone's head — see 1sense knock (something) on the head — see 1knock lose your head : to become very upset or angry生气;失去自制 He lost his head and said some things he regrets.他一时生气,说了一些不该说的气话。 not make head or/nor tail of informal or US not make heads or/nor tails (out) of : to be unable to understand (something)无法理解;弄不懂 I couldn't make heads or tails of her reaction.对于她的反应,我无法理解。 His handwriting was so bad that we couldn't make heads or tails out of it.他的书写太乱了,我们看不明白。 off the top of your head — see 1top off your head British, informal : crazy or foolish疯狂;愚蠢 He's not just eccentric—he's completely off his head!他不只是行为古怪——他简直就是个疯子! He's gone off his head over some girl.他发疯似的爱上了某个女孩儿。 on your head 1 : with the upper and lower parts of your body reversed in position倒立;脚朝上 Can you stand on your head?你能倒立吗? 2 : in or into great disorder陷入一片混乱 News of the discovery turned the scientific world on its head.有关这个发现的消息使科学界陷入一片混乱。 3 — used to say that you will be blamed for something对某事负责 If we miss our deadline, it will be on your head. [=it will be your fault]如果我们错过截止日期,那就是你的错。 out of your head informal : unable to act or think in a reasonable and controlled way because of drunkenness or strong emotion(由于醉酒或情绪激动)神志不清,行为乖张 He was (drunk) out of his head. [=he was extremely drunk]他喝得烂醉。 Her parents were out of their heads with worry [=were extremely worried and upset] when she didn't come home on time.她没有按时回家时,她的父母心急如焚。 over your head : beyond your understanding or ability超过(某人的)理解力或能力 The technical details were over my head. [=too complicated for me to understand]那些技术细节我理解不了。 That joke went right over my head. [=I did not get that joke]那个笑话我没听懂。 We realized after we started the business that we were (in) over our heads. [=we were trying to do something that was too difficult]我们在开始做这件事之后才意识到我们能力有限,无法完成。 per head : for each person每人 The price is $20 per head.价格是每人20美元。 put/stick/raise your head above the parapet — see parapet put your heads together : to think of a solution to a problem with another person集思广益;一起出谋划策 I'm sure we can solve this problem if we just put our heads together.我相信如果我们集思广益,一定可以解决这个问题。 rear/raise its ugly head ◊ If something bad rears/raises its ugly head, it suddenly becomes obvious or causes trouble.(坏事)冒头,出现 Inflation threatened to rear its ugly head.通货膨胀有冒头的征兆。 scratch your head informal : to be confused about something and unable to understand the reason for it感到困惑 His odd behavior left us all scratching our heads.他古怪的行为让我们大家感到困惑。 scream/shout/yell/laugh (etc.) your head off informal : to scream/shout/yell/laugh (etc.) very loudly or for a long time大声(或长时间)尖叫/吼叫/大笑 She was screaming her head off.她在大声尖叫。 You can shout your head off at him, but he still won't listen.你可以对他大声吼叫,但他依然不会听。 If they saw me dressed like this, they'd laugh their heads off.如果他们看我穿成这样,他们会笑掉大牙的。 shake your head — see 1shake two heads are better than one — used to say that it is easier for two people who help each other to solve a problem than it is for one person to solve a problem alone两人智慧胜一人;人多智广 turn heads : to attract attention or notice吸引眼球;引人瞩目 The car's sleek design is bound to turn heads.这款车优美的外观设计必然会引人瞩目。 2 head /ˈhɛd/ verb heads; headed; heading 2 head /ˈhɛd/ verb heads; headed; heading Learner's definition of HEAD 1 [+ object] a : to be the leader of (something)担任…的领导 She heads the committee.她是这个委员会的领导。 The group was headed by the church pastor.这个团体由教堂牧师领导。 He was accused of heading the revolt.他被指控带头闹事。 — often + up The research committee was headed up by several leading scientists.研究委员会由几位最重要的科学家领导。 b : to be first on (a list)居…之首 He heads [=tops] the list of candidates for the job.他是这个工作的第一人选。 2 always followed by an adverb or preposition, [no object] : to go in a specified direction or toward a specified place朝…行进 She turned around and headed (for) home.她转身往家走去。 I hopped in the car and headed down the street.我跳上汽车,沿街驶去。 After lunch, we headed back to the office.吃过午饭,我们返回办公室。 She headed out early this morning.她今天一大早就出去了。 The birds have already started heading south for the winter.鸟儿已经开始向南迁徙过冬。 ◊ To be heading or headed somewhere is to be going or directed somewhere.朝某个方向行进 Where are you heading? = Where are you headed? [=where are you going?]你去哪儿? The ship was heading/headed out to sea.这条船正驶向大海。 — often + for We were on a plane headed for Hawaii.我们在一架飞往夏威夷的飞机上。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 The economy may be heading into a recession.经济可能会走向萧条。 If you keep acting like this, you'll be heading/headed for trouble!如果你总是这样,会惹上麻烦的! 3 [+ object] soccer : to hit (the ball) with your head(用头)顶球 The forward headed the ball into the goal.前锋把球顶进了球门。 head off [phrasal verb] 1 : to go to another place去他处 I'll see you later—I'm heading off.回头再见,我现在要去别的地方。 He headed off to work.他去工作了。 2 head (someone) off or head off (someone) : to stop (someone) from moving forward拦住(某人) We can head them off at the pass.我们可以在关口截住他们。 3 head (something) off or head off (something) : to prevent (something) from happening防止;阻止 They tried to head off the crisis by raising interest rates.他们尽力通过提高利率来防正危机的发生。 |
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