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词汇 hedge
释义 hedge (verb) hedge 4 ENTRIES FOUND: hedge (noun) hedge (verb) hedge fund (noun) bet (noun) 1 hedge /ˈhɛʤ/ noun plural hedges 1 hedge /ˈhɛʤ/ noun plural hedges Learner's definition of HEDGE [count] 1  : a row of shrubs or small trees that are planted close to each other in order to form a boundary(用灌木或矮树筑起的)树篱 2  : something that provides protection or defense防护物;保护手段 — usually + against She invests her money as a hedge against inflation.她将钱用于投资以防通货膨胀。 hedges against loss/disappointment/uncertainty/failure避免损失/失望/不确定性/失败的手段 2 hedge /ˈhɛʤ/ verb hedges; hedged; hedging 2 hedge /ˈhɛʤ/ verb hedges; hedged; hedging Learner's definition of HEDGE 1  [+ object] : to surround (an area) with a hedge用树篱围起 The garden is hedged by flowering shrubs.花园被开花的灌木围着。 2  : to avoid giving a promise or direct answer回避;绕弯子 [no object] She hedged when she was asked to support the campaign.当被要求支持这个运动时,她闪烁其词。 [+ object] He hedged his earlier comments about the need for new management.对他早先提出的需要更换管理层的论调他避而不谈。 hedge against [phrasal verb] hedge against (something) : to protect yourself from (something)预防;以防 They hedge against inflation by investing their money.他们通过投资来预防通货膨胀。 looking for ways to hedge against risk/failure找寻避免风险/失败的方法 hedge around [phrasal verb] or hedge about hedge (something) around/about British : to limit or restrict (something)限制 — usually used as (be) hedged通常用作(be) hedged; — usually + with or by Their offer is so hedged around with conditions [=so restricted by conditions] that it hardly seems worthwhile.他们的建议受如此多条件的限制,似乎没什么价值。 a rule that is hedged about by exceptions受到诸多例外条款限制的规则 hedge in [phrasal verb] 1  hedge in (something) or hedge (something) in : to form a boundary around (something)把…围住;包围 a field hedged in [=surrounded] by trees一块被树木环绕的地 2  hedge in (someone) or hedge (someone) in : to surround or restrict (someone) in a way that prevents free movement or action限制自由行动 We have been hedged in by their rules and regulations.我们被他们的规章制度束缚住了。 hedge your bets : to do things that will prevent great loss or failure if future events do not happen as you plan or hope(为防止巨大损失或失败而)多面下注,多方投资 They decided to hedge their bets by putting half their money in stocks and the other half in bonds.他们决定两面下注,一半钱投资股票,另一半钱投资债券。




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