词汇 | hell |
释义 | hell 16 ENTRIES FOUND: hell (noun) hell-bent (adjective) hell-raiser (noun) bat (noun) bloody (adjective) catch (verb) come (verb) freeze (verb) handbasket (noun) high (adjective) high water (noun) loose (adjective) pay (verb) raise (verb) snowball (noun) water (noun) hell /ˈhɛl/ noun hell /ˈhɛl/ noun Learner's definition of HELL 1 [singular] or Hell : the place where the devil lives and where evil people go after they die according to some religions地狱;阴间 2 : a very difficult or unpleasant situation or experience极其困难的处境(或经历) [noncount] Getting the loan approved was pure/sheer hell.申请贷款真不是人干的事。 He went through hell during his divorce.离婚时,他痛苦不堪。 She had to go through hell to get where she is today.她经历了极度的困难才走到了今天。 [singular] Living with the disease can be a hell on earth.得了这种病如同进了人间地狱。 The pain has made her life a living hell.疼痛使她的生活成了人间炼狱。 3 informal + impolite — used to express anger, annoyance, etc.表达愤怒、气恼等 Hell, I don't know why he did it!我真他妈的不明白他为什么会那样做! But, hell, why not?但是,他妈的,为什么不干呢? Oh, hell, I forgot my keys.见鬼,我忘带钥匙了。 “Did you give her any money?” “Hell, no!”“你给她钱啦?”“给个鬼,没有!” all hell breaks loose informal — used to describe what happens when violent, destructive, and confused activity suddenly begins突然喧闹起来;顿时乱作一团 I heard people shouting at each other, and suddenly all hell broke loose.我听到有人在相互对骂,突然就乱作一团。 as hell informal + somewhat impolite — used to make a statement more forceful用于加强语气 It was (as) funny as hell. [=it was very funny]真是太搞笑了。 They were mad as hell.他们简直疯了。 We've been working as hard as hell to finish on schedule.为了按期完工,我们拼命干活。 “Can you finish on schedule?” “We'll sure as hell try.”“能按时完工吗?”“我们一定尽力。” catch hell chiefly US, informal + somewhat impolite : to be yelled at or criticized in a very angry and severe way挨臭骂;受惩罚 She caught hell (from her boss) for coming in late.由于迟到,她挨了(老板)一顿臭骂。 come hell or high water informal — used to say that something will definitely happen or be done even though other events or situations might make it difficult无论如何;不管有什么困难 I will be there on time, come hell or high water.无论如何我都会准时到的。 for the hell of it informal + somewhat impolite : for the fun of doing something : without having a particular reason闹着玩的;无端的 Just for the hell of it, I decided to go.管他呢,我决定去。 He likes to start arguments for the hell of it.他就喜欢无端跟人争吵。 from hell informal + somewhat impolite — used to describe someone or something that is very bad or unpleasant十分讨厌;可恶至极 It was the vacation from hell: everything that could go wrong, did.这个假期简直糟透了,倒霉的事都让我摊上了。 bosses from hell可恶至极的老板 give (someone) hell informal + somewhat impolite : to yell at or criticize (someone) in an angry way冲某人大吼;愤怒地指责 Her boss gave her hell for coming in late.因为迟到,老板冲她大吼大叫。 Give them hell, John!约翰,给他们点颜色看看! go to hell informal + impolite 1 — used to show that you are very angry with someone用于表示对某人极度愤怒 I'm not coming, so you can just go to hell!我不来,你见鬼去吧! He told his boss to go to hell.他叫老板滚开。 2 : to become completely ruined : to fail completely糟糕透顶;惨败 The economy is going to hell.经济糟透了。 go to hell in a handbasket — see handbasket hell of a informal + somewhat impolite 1 — used to make a statement more forceful用于加强语气 It was one hell of a good fight. [=it was a very good fight]打得真他妈的精彩。 He is one hell of a nice guy.他人可真不错。 2 : very good很好的 She's a hell of a player. [=she's a very good player]她绝对是名优秀的运动员。 3 : very bad or difficult坏透的;困难的 We've been having a hell of a time trying to finish on schedule.为了赶工,我们吃尽了苦头。 This is a hell of a mess we're in.我们的境况糟透了。 hell on US, informal + somewhat impolite — used to describe something that causes a lot of damage or trouble造成重大损害(或麻烦)的事情 Running can be hell on your knees. [=can do a lot of harm to your knees]跑步可能对你的膝盖十分有害。 His constant traveling was hell on their relationship.他不断旅行,使他们的关系陷入了困境。 hell to pay — see 1pay in hell informal + impolite 1 — used to make a statement more forceful用于加强语气 There is no way in hell I'm going!我决不去! We don't have a hope in hell [=we have no hope] of getting out of this mess.我们完全没有希望脱离困境。 2 US or in the hell — used to make a question more forceful用于加强疑问语气 What in hell is wrong now?到底出了什么问题? How in the hell did that happen?怎么会发生这种事? like a bat out of hell — see 3bat like hell informal + impolite 1 : very much很;非常 My back hurts like hell.我的背疼得要命。 2 : with a lot of energy and speed拼命地;飞快地 We've been working like hell since morning.我们从早上起就没命地工作。 When I say “go,” run like hell.我一喊“跑”,就赶紧跑。 3 : very bad糟透的 This place looks like hell.这地方真是糟糕透顶。 4 — used to say in an angry and forceful way that you will not do something, do not agree, etc.愤怒而坚决地表示不做或不同意某事 “You're coming with me!” “Like hell I am!”“你和我一起去!”“我才不去呢!” “It's your fault!” “Like hell it is!”“是你的错!”“不可能!” play hell with or British play merry hell with : to cause many problems for (someone or something) : to have a very bad effect on (someone or something)造成各种问题;对…极有害 High oil prices are playing hell with the nation's economy.高油价给国民经济带来重创。 raise hell informal + somewhat impolite 1 : to complain in a loud or angry way大声抱怨;大吵大闹 People are raising hell about the new law.人们对新法怨声载道。 2 : to behave wildly and make a lot of noise闹翻天 He and his friends used to get drunk and raise hell on the weekends.以前,他和朋友经常在周末醉酒后闹事。 — see also hell-raiser the hell informal + impolite 1 — used to make a statement or question more forceful用于加强陈述或疑问语气 Let's get the hell out of here.我们赶紧离开这个鬼地方吧。 (chiefly US) They moved way the hell up north.他们搬到北边老远的地方去了。 How the hell did you do that?你到底是怎么做的? Who the hell do you think you are?你算老几? What the hell is going on?到底怎么啦? 2 — used to say in an angry and forceful way that you will not do something, do not agree, etc.愤怒而坚决地表示不做或不同意某事 “You said you'd pay for it.” “The hell I did!” [=I never said that]“你说过你付的。”“我可没说!” “It's your fault!” “The hell it is!”“是你的错!”“不可能!” — see also what the hell (below) the hell out of informal + impolite — used for emphasis after words like scare, frighten, and beat 用在scare、frighten和beat等词后,表强调 That movie scared the hell out of me. [=scared me very badly]那部电影真吓死我了。 The boxer beat the hell out of his opponent.拳击手把对手打得落花流水。 to hell and back informal ◊ Someone who goes to hell and back experiences a very difficult or unpleasant situation often for a long time.(处于)长期的困难或不愉快 She's been to hell and back since her daughter became ill.自从女儿生病,她就一直没过过好日子。 to hell with informal + impolite or the hell with — used to say in a forceful and angry way that you do not care about someone or something.用于表不在乎 They want me to stop, but to hell with them! I'll do what I want to do!他们想让我住手,我才不管呢!我想干啥就干啥! what the hell informal + impolite 1 — used to express anger, surprise, etc.用于表愤怒、惊讶等 What the hell! Just what do you think you're doing!?见鬼!你知道你在干什么吗? 2 — used to say that you are not worried about or bothered by something用于表不在乎或无所谓 So I figured, what the hell, let's give it a try.我觉得不管怎样,我们先试试。 We lost a little money, but what the hell, it's not a big deal.我们损失了一些钱,不过没关系,这没什么大不了的。 when hell freezes over informal + impolite — used to say that you think that something will never happen用于表示(某事)毫无可能 I'll apologize when hell freezes over. [=I'll never apologize]要我道歉,除非太阳从西边出来。 |
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