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词汇 high
释义 high (adverb) high (noun) high 99 ENTRIES FOUND: high (adjective) high (adverb) high (noun) high-class (adjective) high-definition (adjective) high-end (adjective) higher (adjective) higher education (noun) higher learning (noun) higher power (noun) higher-up (noun) high-flier (noun) high-flown (adjective) high-flying (adjective) high-grade (adjective) high-handed (adjective) high-heeled (adjective) high-level (adjective) high-minded (adjective) high-octane (adjective) high-pitched (adjective) high-powered (adjective) high-pressure (adjective) high-profile (adjective) high-ranking (adjective) high-rise (adjective) high-risk (adjective) high-security (adjective) high-sounding (adjective) high-speed (adjective) high-spirited (adjective) high-strung (adjective) high-tech (adjective) high-tension (adjective) high-test (adjective) high-toned (adjective) high-top (adjective) high-up (noun) high-voltage (adjective) high-water mark (noun) high beam (noun) high chair (noun) high command (noun) High Court (noun) high day (noun) high fashion (noun) high fidelity (noun) high finance (noun) high five (noun) high gear (noun) high ground (noun) high heels (noun) High Holiday (noun) high horse (noun) high jinks (noun) high jump (noun) high noon (noun) high performance (adjective) high priest (noun) high priestess (noun) high road (noun) high roller (noun) high school (noun) high schooler (noun) high seas (noun) High Sheriff (noun) high street (noun) high tea (noun) high tech (noun) high technology (noun) high tide (noun) high treason (noun) high water (noun) high wire (noun) junior high school (noun) knee-high (adjective) senior high school (noun) shoulder-high (adjective) sky-high (adjective) sky-high (adverb) waist-high (adjective) come (verb) dry (adjective) dudgeon (noun) fly (verb) friend (noun) gear (noun) head (noun) heaven (noun) hell (noun) hog (noun) kite (noun) low (adverb) mighty (adjective) profile (noun) ride (verb) run (verb) time (noun) water (noun) 1 high /ˈhaɪ/ adjective higher; highest 1 high /ˈhaɪ/ adjective higher; highest Learner's definition of HIGH 1  a  : rising or extending upward a great distance高的 high mountains/peaks高山/峰 a high [=tall] building高楼 a high fly ball高飞球 — opposite low b  : extending or reaching upward more than other things of the same kind高的 high boots高筒靴 a high collar高领 a high fence高栅栏 high [=tall] grass长得很高的草 — opposite low c  : located far above the ground or another surface在高处的;远在…上方的 high clouds/altitudes高云层/纬度 The sun was high [=far above the horizon] in the eastern sky.太阳高高地挂在东边的天上。 The apartment has high ceilings.这间公寓的天花板很高。 The cat was found high (up) in the tree.这只猫是在树上很高的地方被找到的。 The airplane was high above the clouds.飞机正在云层以上的高处飞行。 — opposite low d  : having a specified height特定极高度的 The bush is six feet high.灌木丛有六英尺高。 a building 100 stories high100层的高楼 The grass was knee-high. [=the grass reached a person's knees]草长到了齐膝高。 waist-high water齐腰深的水 — see also sky-high e  always used before a noun : rising above surrounding land高地的 They have a home in the high country.他们在高原地带有一个家。 the high plains高地平原 The houses are built on high ground.房子建在高地上。 — opposite low 2  a  : greater than usual in amount, number, or degree(数量或程度)高的,大的 They were traveling at a high (rate of) speed. = They were traveling at high speed.他们以极快的速度前进。 They reached speeds as high as 100 mph.他们的速度高达每小时100英里。 He's being treated for high blood pressure.他因高血压正在接受治疗。 high cholesterol高胆固醇 a high fever高烧 She earns a high salary.她挣高薪。 high anxiety高度焦虑 high heat/humidity/temperatures高热;高湿;高温 high interest rates高利率 high intelligence高智商 His books are in high demand.他的书需求量很大。 We liked the house, but the price was too high.我们喜欢这所房子,但价位太高了。 He has received high praise for his efforts to help the homeless.他因为给无家可归者提供了很多帮助而受到了高度赞扬。 They are paying him a high compliment.他们给予他高度赞扬。 — opposite low b  : near or at the top of a range接近高位的 Temperatures were in the high 80s. [=were around 87-89]气温接近90华氏度。 — opposite low c  : having more than the usual or average amount of something — often used in combination a high-calorie diet high-sodium foods a high-risk investment — opposite low; see also high in (below) 3  a  : very favorable高度认可的 He holds you in high regard/esteem. = He has a high opinion of you. [=he thinks highly of you; he regards you favorably]他非常尊重你。 They started their trip with high hopes/expectations. [=they started their trip hoping/expecting that it would go well]他们兴致勃勃地出发去旅行。 Hopes are high that the strike will be settled soon.罢工有望很快平息。 All the children were in high spirits [=were very happy and excited] on the last day of school.要放假了,所有的孩子都兴高采烈。 — opposite low b  : very good优等的;最佳的 We manufacture products of high quality.我们生产高质量产品。 He got high marks/grades throughout college.整个大学期间他一直都拿高分。 high morale高昂的士气 Our vacation ended on a high note. [=it ended in a pleasant or enjoyable way]我们的假期愉快地结束了。 Our trip to the museum was the high point [=the most enjoyable part] of our vacation.参观博物馆是我们此次假期最美妙的时光。 — opposite low c  : morally good高尚的 She is a woman of high character.她是个品格高尚的人。 high ideals/principles崇高的理想;高尚的行为准则 high standards of conduct高尚的行为标准 — opposite low 4  : above others in power, importance, etc.高级别的;重要的 high officials = officials of high rank = high-ranking officials高级官员 The decision will be reviewed by a higher court.判决将由上级法院复审。 Losing weight is a high priority for him.减肥对他来说是头等大事。 He has friends in high places. [=he has friends who have power and influence]他在高层有朋友。 He is high on the list of possible candidates for the job. [=he is considered to be a very good choice for the job]他是这一职位可能的候选人中名列前茅的人选。 — opposite low 5  : not low in sound高音调的 a high voice大嗓门 : occurring near the top of the musical scale高音阶的 a high note高音 — opposite low 6  always used before a noun : very strong or forceful猛烈的;威力大的 high winds/explosives强风;强力炸药 7  : having qualities that appeal to intelligent people高雅的 high art高雅艺术 high comedy高雅喜剧 — opposite low 8  always used before a noun : filled with the most activity最繁忙的;最集中的 The rates at the resort are more expensive during (the) high season. [=the season when it is most busy or popular]这处度假胜地旺季时收费更贵。 The town is filled with tourists in high summer. [=in the middle of summer]盛夏时节镇上挤满了游客。 9  always used before a noun : of or relating to people who have a lot of money and spend it on travel, good food, etc. : rich and luxurious奢侈的 high society/living奢华的社会;奢侈的生活 the high life高质量的生活 10  : very exciting or intense令人激动的 high adventure刺激的冒险 The hostage crisis has provided many moments of high drama. [=many highly dramatic moments]人质危机呈现出许多极度紧张的时刻。 11  of a river, stream, etc. : rising farther up the banks than usual : having more water than usual(水位)偏高的 The river is high.河水水位偏高了。 — opposite low 12  not used before a noun, informal : intoxicated by alcohol or drugs喝醉;被毒品麻醉 All he wanted to do was to get high.他想做的就是一醉了之。 He was as high as a kite. [=very high; very drunk or intoxicated]他烂醉如泥。 — often + on He was high on cocaine.他吸食可卡因上瘾。 come hell or high water — see hell high and mighty informal 1  : having or showing the insulting attitude of people who believe that they are better or more important than other people趾高气扬的 He's not so high and mighty now that he needs our help.由于有求于我们,他不那么趾高气扬了。 I can't stand her when she acts/gets (all) high and mighty like that.我受不了她那种趾高气扬的样子。 2  the high and (the) mighty : people who are important and powerful权贵 She likes to rub elbows with the high and mighty.她喜欢结交权贵。 high in : containing a large amount of (something)含…量高 These vegetables are high in nitrogen.这些蔬菜含氮量高。 a diet high in fiber富含纤维的饮食 high on US, informal : excited or enthusiastic about (someone or something)热心于;特别喜欢 The coach is very high on this new player.教练特别喜欢这名新队员。 Fans are high on the team's chances.政党领袖们对她的前途极感兴趣。 in high dudgeon — see dudgeon it's high time informal ◊ If it's high time to do something, it is time to do something that should have been done a long time ago.早就该做某事 It's high time we made some changes around here.我们早就该在这儿做一些改变了。 It's high time (that) you cleaned your room.你早就该打扫一下你的房间了。 pay a high price — see 1pay to high heaven(s) — see heaven Synonyms同义词high, tall, and lofty mean being above the usual level in height.high,tall和lofty均指超过通常的高度。 high is used for things and not people, and it refers to distance from the ground or some other surface.High指距离地面或某物体表面的高度,只用于物,不用于人。 A high fence surrounded the house.房子周围有一道高围栏。 tall is used for both people and things.Tall可用于物,亦可用于人。 tall buildings高楼 She is tall for her age.就她的年龄而言,她个头算高的。 lofty is a literary word that is used for something that rises to a very great or impressive height.Lofty是文学词语,指某物达到一个很高的高度。 lofty mountains巍峨的群山 2 high /ˈhaɪ/ adverb higher; highest 2 high /ˈhaɪ/ adverb higher; highest Learner's definition of HIGH 1  : at or to a high place or level在高处;向高处 The painter climbed high on the ladder.油漆匠在梯子上爬得很高。 The hawks were circling high in the air/sky.几只鹰在高空盘旋。 The letters were stacked high on the table.许多信件被高高地摞在桌上。 a high-flying airplane在高空飞行的飞机 If you want to be successful, you have to aim high. [=you have to be ambitious]若想取得成功,必须胸怀大志。 2  : at a high rate高度地 Don't value yourself too high. [=highly]不要自视过高。 a high-paid lawyer高薪聘请的律师 3  : at a high price高价地 buy low and sell high低买高卖 4  informal : in a rich manner : in the manner of people who have and spend a lot of money奢侈地 He is living pretty high.他生活得很奢侈。 be riding high — see 1ride fly high — see 1fly high and dry : in a helpless position : without help or protection孤立无援;处于困境 The company suddenly went out of business and left its customers high and dry.这家公司突然停业,让其客户不知所措。 high and low : everywhere They've searched/looked high and low for a new car that they can afford.他们四处寻找他们能买得起的新车。 high off the hog US, informal or high on the hog : in a luxurious style奢侈的生活 Those movie stars live pretty high off the hog.那些影星生活得很奢侈。 hold your head (up) high — see 1head run high — see 1run set the bar higher — see 1bar 3 high /ˈhaɪ/ noun plural highs 3 high /ˈhaɪ/ noun plural highs Learner's definition of HIGH 1  [count] : a high point or level高峰;高水平 Oil prices reached a new high last winter.去年冬天油价创新高。 an all-time/record high历史最高纪录 She achieved a career high in points [=she scored more points than she ever had before] in last night's game.她在昨晚的比赛中获得了她职业生涯的最高分。 The high [=the highest temperature] today was 75.今天最高温度是75华氏度。 The forecast is for showers with highs in the 70s.天气预报说有阵雨,最高温度70多华氏度。 He talked about the highs and lows [=the good parts and bad parts] of his college years.他谈到了他上大学时的酸甜苦辣。 2  [noncount] US : a gear that is used for faster speeds of travel in a vehicle高速挡 He shifted into high.他换成高速挡。 — called also (US) high gear 3  [count] informal : a state of intoxication produced by a drug(吸食毒品产生的)快感 The high only lasted a few minutes.那种快感仅仅持续了几分钟。 4  [count] weather : an area of high atmospheric pressure高气压地区 A strong high brought clear skies and warm temperatures.强高气压带来了晴天和温暖。 from on high 1  a  : from God or heaven来自上帝或天堂 He claimed to have heard a voice from on high.他声称听到了上帝的声音。 b  : from people with power or authority来自上级或当局 orders from on high来自当局的命令 2  : from a high place从高处 We looked down from on high at the lush valley.我们从高处俯瞰苍翠的峡谷。 on a high informal : feeling happy and excited感觉开心和激动 He was on a high after receiving the promotion.得到升迁后他很开心。 on high : in the sky : up above在高空 the clouds on high高空中的云团 : in heaven在天堂 the gods on high天堂里的众神




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