

单词 asleep
释义 asleep 2 ENTRIES FOUND: asleep (adjective) fast (adverb) asleep /əˈsliːp/ adjective asleep /əˈsliːp/ adjective Learner's definition of ASLEEP not used before a noun 1  : in a state of sleep : sleeping睡着 “Are you asleep?” “No, I'm awake.”“你睡着了吗?”“没有,我醒着呢。” He tries to clean up the house while the kids are asleep.他尽量在孩子们睡着时打扫房子。 The cats are asleep on the floor.猫儿们在地板上睡着了。 She was still asleep at noon.她中午还在睡觉。 ◊ When people are fast asleep or sound asleep, they are sleeping very deeply.熟睡 It was late at night and everyone was fast asleep.夜深了,所有人都在酣睡。 One moment she was sound asleep, the next she was wide awake!她刚刚还在酣睡,一转眼就醒了! ◊ If you are half asleep, you are very tired and not completely awake.迷迷瞪瞪;睡眼惺忪 We were still half asleep when we went to school the next morning.第二天早晨上学的时候,我们仍然睡眼惺忪。 2  : lacking any feeling ◊ If a part of your body (such as a foot or leg) is asleep, it is not able to feel anything for a brief time, usually because you have kept it in an awkward position for too long.通常由于长时间姿势不当而引起身体的一部分暂时)麻木,没有感觉 My foot's asleep.我的脚麻了。 fall asleep : to begin sleeping入睡 She fell asleep during the movie.她看电影时睡着了。 I woke up and I couldn't fall back asleep. [=I couldn't go to sleep again]我醒了过来,之后无法再入睡了。




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