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词汇 hot
释义 hot (verb) hot 41 ENTRIES FOUND: hot (adjective) hot (verb) hot-air balloon (noun) hot-blooded (adjective) hots (noun) hot-tempered (adjective) hot-water bottle (noun) hot-wire (verb) hot air (noun) hot button (noun) hot chocolate (noun) hot dog (noun) hot flash (noun) hot flush (noun) hot line (noun) hot pants (noun) hot plate (noun) hot pot (noun) hot potato (noun) hot rod (noun) hot seat (noun) hot spot (noun) hot spring (noun) hot stuff (noun) hot ticket (noun) hot tub (noun) hot water (noun) piping hot (adjective) red-hot (adjective) white-hot (adjective) blow (verb) butter (noun) cold (adjective) collar (noun) fudge (noun) heavy (adjective) iron (noun) knife (noun) property (noun) strike (verb) trot (verb) 1 hot /ˈhɑːt/ adjective hotter; hottest 1 hot /ˈhɑːt/ adjective hotter; hottest Learner's definition of HOT 1  a  : having a high temperature高温的;炎热的 hot August nights炎热的八月夜晚 hot and humid weather湿热的天气 taking a hot bath/shower洗热水澡;热水淋浴 a hot climate/country炎热的气候/国家 It is/gets hot in the summer and cold in the winter.夏天热,冬天冷。 The baked potatoes were too hot to handle with our bare hands.那些烤土豆太烫了,不能直接用手拿。 We worked all afternoon in/under the hot sun.我们整个下午都在炎炎烈日下工作。 The chicken was fried in hot oil.这鸡肉用热油炸过。 Your forehead feels hot. I think you might have a fever.你的前额发烫。我觉得你可能发烧了。 a blazing/sizzling/steaming hot afternoon炎热的下午 boiling/burning/fiery hot炽热 — see also red-hot, white-hot b  : having a feeling of high body heat感到身体发热 I was feeling hot and tired.我觉得又热又累。 c  of food or drink : heated to a hot or warm temperature : served at a hot or warm temperature(食物、饮料等)加热过的,热的 hot cereal热麦片粥 a hot meal热腾腾的饭菜 a selection of hot beverages精选热饮 — see also piping hot 2  informal a  : currently liked or wanted by many people流行的;热门的 The new toys are so hot that stores can't keep them in stock.这种新玩具太流行了,连商店都没有了存货。 a hot new restaurant火爆的新餐馆 He's considered a hot [=appealing, desirable] prospect.他是热门的有望获胜的人。 : currently very active or strong(时下)活跃的,强劲的 Her new book is a hot seller.她的新书非常畅销。 She spoke about the latest hot trends in the computer industry.她谈了计算机行业的最新流行趋势。 : currently causing a lot of interest or discussion(时下)引发浓厚兴趣的,热议的 reporters pursuing a hot story报道趣事和热议话题的记者 a hot concept/idea引发热议的概念/观点 His decision has been a hot topic of conversation.他的决定已经成为了热议话题。 ◊ Something or someone that is a hot commodity/item/property is currently very valuable or popular.贵重的东西;受欢迎的人(或物) Exotic mushrooms are a hot commodity.进口蘑菇现在是抢手货。 The success of her latest movie has made her a hot property in Hollywood.她的最新电影的成功使她成为了好莱坞的当红明星。 Computer games are a hot item in stores this year.今年,电脑游戏是商店里的抢手货。 b  : very good很好— usually used in negative statements通常用于否定句 I don't think that's such a hot idea. [=I don't think it's a good idea]我觉得那不是一个好主意。 He came home early because he wasn't feeling too hot. [=he wasn't feeling well]他感觉不舒服,提早回家了。 Things aren't looking so hot at this point.在这一点上,事情看起来不太好。 c  : having a period of unusual success or good luck(在一段时间内)异乎寻常地成功的,运气好的 The team has been hot recently. = The team has recently been on a hot streak. [=the team has been winning a lot recently]那个队近来捷报频传。 When you're hot, you're hot. [=when you are having good luck, you keep winning or succeeding repeatedly]运气一来,就会好事不断。 3  a  : marked by anger or strong feelings愤怒的;热烈的 a hot [=heated] argument激烈的辩论 His decision has been a topic of hot debate.他的决定已经变成了热议话题。 This is an area of hot dispute.这是个备受争议的领域。 ◊ An issue or topic that is too hot to handle causes so much anger or controversy that people avoid discussing or dealing with it.烫手山芋 b  always used before a noun : easily excited or angered易激动的;易发怒的 He's known for his hot [=bad] temper.他是出了名的坏脾气。 c  : angry He was starting to get pretty hot about the delays.针对这些延误他开始发火了。 You shouldn't allow these little delays to get you all hot and bothered. [=to make you angry and upset]你不该为这点小小的延误而大发雷霆。 — see also hot under the collar (below) 4  of food : having a spicy or peppery flavor辣的;辛辣的 hot chilis辛辣的辣椒 hot sauce/mustard辣酱;芥末 Do you prefer your curry hot or mild?你的咖喱饭要辣的还是不辣的? 5  informal a  : sexually excited by or interested in someone性兴奋的;对…很动心的;对…十分钟情的— + for Everyone knows she's hot for the new guy in her office.所有人都知道她对办公室新来的小伙子颇为动心。 b  : sexually attractive性感的 The girl he's dating is really hot.跟他约会的那个女孩十分性感。 He was voted the hottest [=sexiest] actor in Hollywood.他当选好莱坞最性感男演员。 c  : exciting in a sexual or romantic way激发性兴奋的;触发浪漫情趣的 He's nervous because he has a hot date tonight.今晚的约会颇为浪漫,他感到紧张。 d  of sex : very intense or exciting(性爱)激烈的,刺激的 hot sex激烈的性爱 e  : eager — usually followed by to + verb通常接动词不定式 She's hot to party.她渴望参加派对。 — sometimes + for The students are hot for reform.学生们都渴望改革。 6  music : having an exciting rhythm节奏感强的 hot jazz节奏感强的爵士乐 7  informal : very strong or determined激烈的;坚定的 We're going to face some hot competition.我们将面临激烈的竞争。 8  : newly made : fresh and warm新鲜出炉的;新鲜热乎的 bread hot from the oven新鲜出炉的热面包 ◊ Something, such as a story or book, that is hot off the press has just recently been completed, published, or printed.新近完稿的;新近出版的;新近印刷的 His new book is hot off the press.他的新书刚刚出版。 9  : following closely紧跟着的 The police are in hot pursuit of the escaped convicts. [=the police are chasing the convicts and are close to catching them]警方对越狱犯穷追不舍。 ◊ To be hot on the heels of or hot on the trail of someone is to be chasing someone very closely.紧追其后 The escaped convicts are heading south, but the police are hot on their heels.那名越狱犯正往南逃,但警方紧追其后。 The police are hot on the trail of the escaped convicts.警方紧紧追踪着越狱犯。 ◊ To be/follow/come hot on the heels of something is to come or happen immediately or very soon after something.紧随…发生 Their second album is coming hot on the heels of the first.他们的第二张专辑紧跟着第一张推了出来。 ◊ To be hot on the trail of something is to be very close to doing, finding, or getting something.马上要做;即将找到;快要得到 The company says it is hot on the trail of a new cancer treatment.这家公司表明即将找到一种治疗癌症的新方法。 10  : very bright明亮的;鲜艳的 hot colors鲜艳夺目的颜色 hot pink亮粉色 11  : carrying electric current有电的;带电的;通电的 The black wire is hot.那条黑线带电。 12  informal : recently stolen新近偷来的 hot jewels新近偷来的珠宝 13  informal : dangerous and difficult : difficult to deal with because of danger危险艰难的;棘手的 criminals who leave town when things get hot [=when there is too much danger that they will be caught by the police]由于风险太大而逃离镇子的罪犯 blow hot and cold — see 1blow hot and heavy informal : sexually intense, active, or exciting(性爱)激烈的,火热的 They have a very hot and heavy relationship.他们的性爱十分火热激烈。 hot on informal : strongly favoring or liking (something)十分赞同;强烈喜欢 The company president is very hot on [=big on] the idea of developing new products.这家公司的总裁十分赞成开发新产品的想法。 hot tip informal : a valuable piece of information about something (such as the stock market or a horse race) that can help someone get money or an advantage具有价值的信息 hot to trot informal : very eager to have sex欲火中烧 a movie about a couple of college students who are hot to trot关于一对欲火中烧的大学生情侣的电影 hot under the collar informal : angry or upset恼怒的;烦躁的 He tends to get a little hot under the collar when his wife keeps him waiting.他妻子让他等来等去时,他就会有点烦躁。 like a hot knife through butter — see 1knife strike while the iron is hot — see 1strike — hotly adverb a hotly contested election竞争激烈的选举 a hotly debated issue热烈讨论的问题 He hotly denied any involvement in the controversy.他极力否认自己参与了那场争论。 — hotness noun [noncount] the hotness [=spiciness] of the pepper辣椒的辛辣 2 hot /ˈhɑːt/ verb hots; hotted; hotting 2 hot /ˈhɑːt/ verb hots; hotted; hotting Learner's definition of HOT hot up [phrasal verb] British : to become more intense or lively变得更加激烈;变得更加活跃 The controversy has hotted up [=heated up] again.那场辩论再次变得激烈。




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