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词汇 if
释义 if (noun) if 32 ENTRIES FOUND: if (conjunction) if (noun) what-if (noun) anything (pronoun) as (conjunction) ask (verb) broke (adjective) cap (noun) care (verb) damn (verb) even (adverb) ever (adverb) fit (verb) fix (verb) for (preposition) good (adjective) join (verb) know (verb) like (verb) must (verb) need (noun) only (adverb) please (verb) rarely (adverb) say (verb) see (verb) seldom (adverb) shoe (noun) so (pronoun) what (pronoun) worse (noun) worst (noun) 1 if /ˈɪf/ conjunction 1 if /ˈɪf/ conjunction Learner's definition of IF 1  — used to talk about the result or effect of something that may happen or be true假如,如果,要是(用于描述可能发生的事或真实事件的结果或影响) If it rains, (then) we won't go to the park.要是下雨,我们就不去公园了。 If he actually did commit the crime, he deserves to be punished.倘若他真犯了罪,就应该受到惩罚。 If you believe that, you'll believe anything!要是你连那件事都信,你就会相信一切。 Come to the party if you can.你如果可以就来参加聚会吧。 If you really want to know, you should ask.要是你真想知道,就应该问问。 What will happen if I fail the test?如果我考试没通过,会怎么样呢? You should study. If not, you won't pass the test. = If you don't (study), you won't pass the test.你应该学习。否则,就没法通过考试。 Please arrive early if possible. = Please arrive early if it is possible.如果可能,请早点到。 I'll do the work myself if necessary. = I'll do the work myself if it is necessary.如果有必要,我会亲自做这个工作。 If and when he comes, you can ask him. = When and if he comes, you can ask him.倘若他来,你可以问他。 2  — used to discuss the imaginary result or effect of something that did not happen or that is or was not true假如,如果,要是(用于描述没有发生或不真实的事件的结果或影响) If you had studied, you would have passed the test.你如果之前好好学习的话,就会通过这次考试了。 The situation would be funny if it weren't so tragic. = (informal) The situation would be funny if it wasn't so tragic.这情形如果不是如此悲惨,会是很可笑的。 The harvest would have been good if it had rained.要是下过雨,收成本该很好。 The news would be interesting if (it were) true, but it's not true.消息要是真的本该很有趣,但它不是真的。 3  — used to say that something must happen before another thing can happen只有,只要(用于描述某事件是另一事件发生的先决条件) He said he'll come to the party if she comes too. = (more strongly) He said he'll come to the party only if she comes too. = (most strongly) He says he'll come to the party if and only if she comes too.他说,只要她也来参加聚会他就来。 4  — used to indicate a result that always occurs when something happens每当,无论何时(用于表示某事件的必然结果) He gets angry if [=when] you disagree with him.你同他意见不合时他就会生气。 The engine stalls if you let it get too hot.发动机过热就会熄火。 5  : even though : although虽然;即使 It was an interesting if unbelievable story.那故事虽然不可信却很有趣。 Her actions were understandable, if not forgivable.她的行为虽然不可饶恕却可以理解。 He had to perform an annoying, if necessary, task.他不得不执行一项虽有必要却令人讨厌的任务。 a fair, if tough, boss虽然严厉但公平的老板 The weather was good, if not great.天气即使不算非常好却也还不错。 6  — used to introduce a statement or question about something that is not certain是否 I'll see if [=whether] I can come.我会看看我是否能来。 Do you know if he'll come to the party?你知道他是否会来参加聚会? I wonder if it's true (or not).我想知道这是不是真的。 Frankly, I doubt if he'll pass the exams.坦率地说,我怀疑他能否通过这些考试。 She asked if the mail had come.她问邮件到了没有。 We should determine/decide if it is safe to go swimming.我们应该确定去游泳是否安全。 7  a  — used to make a polite request or suggestion用于礼貌地提出请求或建议 Would you mind if I sat here? [=may I sit here?]我可以坐这里吗? If you will/would (be good enough to) follow me, ladies and gentlemen, I'll take you to your seats.女士们、先生们,请跟我来,我带你们就座。 If I could make a suggestion, why don't we sit closer to the front of the theater?我可以提个建议吗,我们为什么不坐得离剧场前台近点呢? I'd like to stay a little longer, if you don't mind. = I'd like to stay a little longer, if it's/that's all right with you.如果你不介意,我想再待一会儿。 b  — used to state an opinion in a polite way用于礼貌地表达观点 You're looking particularly lovely today, if I may say so.恕我直言,你今天看起来特别可爱。 8  — used in statements that describe feelings (such as regret) about a possible situation用于描述对可能出现的情形的感受(如后悔等) I'm sorry if you think I insulted you.如果你觉得我侮辱了你,我很抱歉。 I'd be sorry if you thought I had insulted you.如果你觉得我侮辱了你,我很抱歉。 I don't care if we're late.我不在意我们会迟到。 9  — used in statements and questions that express doubt用于表示怀疑的陈述句和疑问句 I met Brenda last week—if that is/was in fact her real name.我上星期见过布伦达——如果那是她的真名。 If you're so smart, why aren't you rich?要是你真如此聪明,为什么你不富有? 10  — used to introduce an even stronger alternative to what has just been said用于引出比已说的话更有力的话 These changes will have little if any impact on the problem.这些变革对此问题即使有影响也只是一丁点而已。 Few if any of the town's original settlers are left.这个镇子最初的移民即便有留下来的也很少。 Rarely, if ever, does that happen.即使有那种事,也很少发生。 His efforts have helped to save thousands, if not millions, of lives.他的努力即使没有救助数百万人的性命,也有成千上万了。 My car is as fast as yours if not (even) faster.我的车即使不比你的车快那也一样快。 11  — used to express surprise about meeting someone when it is not expected用于表达意外遇见某人的惊讶 So I went to the game and who should I see there if not [=but] my old friend Tom!于是我去看了比赛,竟然在那儿遇到了老朋友汤姆! Well, if it isn't my old friend Tom!啊,这不是我的老朋友汤姆吗! So I went to the game and who did I see there if it wasn't my old friend Tom!于是我去看了比赛,竟然在那儿遇到了老朋友汤姆! 12  — used to emphasize the truth of a statement用于强调一句话的真实性 The idea is true if any idea has ever been! [=the idea is certainly true]这个想法绝对正确! “He claims that he's never met her.” “Well, if that isn't the biggest load of nonsense I've ever heard!” [=that is a lot of nonsense; that is completely untrue]“他说他从未见过她。”“啊,简直是胡说八道!” I'll get my revenge if it's the last thing I do! [=I am determined to get my revenge]我一定会报仇的! as if — see 2as even if — see 2even if anything — used to make a statement that strongly disagrees or contrasts with a preceding statement用于表达对前述内容的强烈反对 We don't see each other too often—if anything we don't see each other often enough!我们见面不太频繁——其实是我们不怎么见面! The economy has not improved. It has gotten worse, if anything.经济情况没有改善,反而变得更糟糕了。 if it comes to that — see 1come if I were you — used when giving advice to people about how they should behave如果我是你(用于劝告别人应该如何做) I'd study more if I were you. [=I think you should study more]我要是你,就会多学点知识。 if not for : in the absence of (something or someone) : without要不是;若非 If not for modern medicine, fewer babies would survive.要不是有现代医学,幸存的婴儿会更少。 If not for him, I wouldn't be where I am today.要不是他,我不会有今天的成就。 — often used in the phrases if it were not for and if it had not been for常用于短语if it were not for和if it had not been for If it were not for your donations, many more children would go hungry.要不是有你的捐赠,会有更多的孩子挨饿。 If it hadn't been for him, I wouldn't be where I am today.要不是他,我不会有今天的成就。 if nothing else : at least至少;起码 — used to stress that an approving statement is true even though a stronger statement might not be用于强调某个好处是确实存在的,即使除此之外别无其他好处 If nothing else, he's polite!至少,他有礼貌! The food was hot, if nothing else. [=the food may not have been very good, but at least it was hot]最起码,食物是热的。 if only — used to talk about something that you want to happen or be true但愿;要是…多好 If only she loved me in return!但愿她也爱我! If only it would stop raining.要是雨能停该多好。 if you ask me — used in statements that express an opinion依我看;要我说 If you ask me [=in my opinion], he's a liar.依我看,他是个骗子。 if you must — see 1must what if — see 1what 2 if /ˈɪf/ noun plural ifs 2 if /ˈɪf/ noun plural ifs Learner's definition of IF [count] : something that is not certain : something that could either happen or not happen不确定的事 There are too many ifs in this proposal.这一提议有太多不确定因素。 They could win if everyone plays his best, but that's a big if. [=it is not likely that everyone will play his best]要是每个人都竭尽全力,他们就能获胜,但那是个很大的未知数。 (US) She's the most qualified candidate, and there are no ifs, ands, or buts about it! = (Brit) She's the most qualified candidate, and there are no ifs and buts about it! [=it is certain that she is the most qualified candidate]她是最有资格的候选人,这一点毋庸置疑!




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