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词汇 on
释义 on (adverb) on (adjective) on 653 ENTRIES FOUND: on (preposition) on (adverb) on (adjective) on-again, off-again (adjective) on-air (adjective) on-demand (adjective) one-on-one (adjective) on-off (adjective) on-ramp (noun) on-screen (adverb) on-site (adverb) on-the-job (adjective) add-on (noun) base on balls (noun) carryings-on (noun) carry-on (noun) carry-on (adjective) clip-on (adjective) come-on (noun) dead-on (adjective) follow-on (noun) full-on (adjective) goings-on (noun) hands-on (adjective) hanger-on (noun) hard-on (noun) head-on (adverb) knock-on effect (noun) looker-on (noun) meals-on-wheels (noun) odds-on (adjective) put-on (adjective) put-on (noun) right on (adjective) roll-on (adjective) slip-on (noun) spot-on (adjective) stick-on (adjective) turn-on (noun) walk-on (noun) Rostov-on-Don (proper noun) account (noun) act (noun) act (verb) add (verb) aggregate (noun) air (noun) alert (noun) alight (verb) all fours (noun) approval (noun) attachment (noun) attack (noun) attempt (noun) auction (noun) authority (noun) back (noun) back burner (noun) balance (noun) ball (noun) bang (verb) bang (adverb) bank (verb) bargain (verb) barge (verb) base (verb) bash (verb) batten (verb) bead (noun) beam (noun) bear (verb) beat (verb) bed (noun) behalf (noun) bend (verb) bent (adjective) best (adjective) bias (noun) big (adjective) blind (noun) blink (noun) block (noun) blood (noun) blower (noun) board (noun) boil (noun) bone (noun) book (noun) boot (noun) border (verb) borrow (verb) brain (noun) bread (noun) bright (adjective) bring (verb) build (verb) bum (noun) bundle (noun) butter (verb) button (noun) cake (noun) call (verb) call (noun) camera (noun) capitalize (verb) card (noun) carpet (noun) carry (verb) case (noun) cast (verb) catch (verb) ceremony (noun) chance (noun) chance (verb) cheap (adjective) cheat (verb) check (verb) cheer (verb) chew (verb) chin (noun) chip (noun) chopping block (noun) clamp (verb) clap (verb) clinic (noun) clock (verb) close (verb) close (adverb) cloud (noun) cold (adjective) collision course (noun) come (verb) complexion (noun) condition (verb) conscience (noun) consignment (noun) contrary (noun) corner (noun) cotton (verb) count (verb) credit (noun) creep (verb) crunch (verb) cry (verb) cue (noun) cusp (noun) cutting room (noun) cylinder (noun) dampener (noun) damper (noun) dawn (verb) day (noun) dead (adjective) deaf (adjective) deathbed (noun) debit (noun) decide (verb) deck (noun) decline (noun) decrease (noun) defensive (noun) demand (noun) depend (verb) deposit (noun) design (noun) die (verb) different (adjective) dilate (verb) dilemma (noun) dime (noun) dine (verb) display (noun) do (verb) dog (noun) door (noun) dot (noun) dote (verb) double (verb) double (noun) down (adjective) draft (noun) drag (verb) draw (verb) draw (noun) dream (verb) drone (verb) drop (verb) dump (verb) duty (noun) dwell (verb) ear (noun) early (adverb) earth (noun) ease (verb) easy (adjective) edge (noun) egg (noun) egg (verb) eggshell (noun) embark (verb) end (noun) enlarge (verb) enter (verb) err (verb) even (adjective) exhibit (noun) exhibition (noun) expand (verb) eye (noun) face (noun) faith (noun) fall (verb) fasten (verb) fat (noun) feast (verb) feed (verb) feedbag (noun) fence (noun) fight (verb) figure (verb) fine (adjective) finger (noun) fink (verb) fire (noun) fix (verb) float (verb) floor (noun) fly (noun) fly (noun) foot (noun) force (verb) free (verb) fringe (noun) fritz (noun) front burner (noun) frown (verb) furlough (noun) gain (verb) game (noun) get (verb) give (verb) glom (verb) go (verb) go (noun) going (adjective) gone (adjective) good (noun) goof (verb) grass (noun) grass (verb) grind (verb) grip (noun) ground (noun) ground floor (noun) grow (verb) hair (noun) half shell (noun) hand (noun) hand (verb) handle (noun) handwriting (noun) hang (verb) happen (verb) hard (adjective) hard (adverb) harp (verb) haul (verb) haunch (noun) have (verb) head (noun) heart (noun) heat (noun) heaven (noun) heavy (adjective) heavy (adverb) heel (noun) hell (noun) help (verb) herd (noun) here (adverb) hiding (noun) high (adjective) high (adverb) high (noun) hinge (verb) hire (noun) hit (verb) hog (noun) hoist (verb) hold (verb) hold (noun) home (verb) hone (verb) honor (noun) hoof (noun) hook (noun) hope (noun) horizon (noun) horn (noun) horseback (noun) hot (adjective) house (noun) human (adjective) hurt (noun) hustings (noun) ice (noun) icing (noun) impinge (verb) improve (verb) in (adverb) increase (noun) incumbent (adjective) inform (verb) inside (noun) insist (verb) intent (adjective) job (noun) jump (verb) jump (noun) just (adverb) keel (noun) keen (adjective) keep (verb) kibosh (noun) kid (noun) kindly (adverb) knee (noun) knife-edge (noun) knob (noun) knock (verb) know (verb) knuckle (noun) lam (noun) land (noun) lap (noun) last (adjective) latch (noun) latch (verb) later (adverb) laugh (verb) laurel (noun) lavish (verb) lay (verb) lead (verb) lean (verb) lease (noun) leg (noun) let (verb) level (noun) lid (noun) lie (verb) life (noun) light (noun) light (verb) light (adjective) light bulb (noun) limb (noun) line (noun) lip (noun) live (verb) load (verb) loan (noun) lock (verb) log (verb) long (adjective) look (verb) lookout (noun) loose (noun) lost (adjective) luck (noun) major (verb) make (noun) man (noun) map (noun) march (verb) march (noun) market (noun) meditate (verb) mend (noun) merry (adjective) message (noun) mettle (noun) minus (adjective) minute (noun) model (verb) moment (noun) money (noun) monkey (noun) move (verb) move (noun) much (pronoun) nail (noun) name (noun) nerve (noun) new (adjective) nine (noun) nod (noun) nose (noun) nothing (pronoun) notice (noun) number (noun) oath (noun) occasion (noun) off (adverb) offensive (noun) offer (noun) order (noun) other (adjective) out (adverb) out (noun) outside (noun) own (pronoun) pack (verb) page (noun) pain (noun) pants (noun) paper (noun) par (noun) parade (noun) part (noun) pass (verb) pat (verb) pat (noun) patch (noun) pattern (verb) peg (noun) petard (noun) phone (noun) pick (verb) pile (verb) pin (verb) pins and needles (noun) piss (noun) pity (noun) pivot (verb) plate (noun) platter (noun) play (verb) plow (verb) plus (adjective) poach (verb) point (noun) pop (verb) pound (noun) pour (verb) prayer (noun) premise (noun) premised (adjective) press (verb) presume (verb) prevail (verb) prey (verb) price (noun) pride (verb) prowl (noun) pull (verb) pulse (noun) purpose (noun) push (verb) put (verb) q.t. quick (adjective) quiet (noun) rabbit (verb) rack (noun) ragged (adjective) rain (verb) rap (noun) rap (verb) rattle (verb) read (verb) rebound (noun) receive (verb) reckon (verb) record (noun) rely (verb) responsibility (noun) rest (verb) revenge (verb) ride (verb) right (adjective) rise (noun) road (noun) rock (noun) roll (verb) roll (noun) root (verb) rope (noun) round (verb) rumble (verb) run (verb) run (noun) sale (noun) scene (noun) score (noun) screw (noun) screw (verb) seal (noun) seat (noun) second thought (noun) seize (verb) sell (verb) send (verb) set (verb) set (adjective) settle (verb) shade (noun) sharp (adjective) shed (verb) shelf (noun) shipboard (adjective) shirt (noun) shoe (noun) shoulder (noun) show (noun) sic (verb) side (noun) sign (verb) sit (verb) skate (noun) skid (noun) skid row (noun) slam (verb) slap (verb) slap (noun) sleep (verb) sleeve (noun) sly (adjective) smile (verb) sneak (verb) so (adverb) soft (adjective) soldier (verb) sour (adjective) sour (verb) spec (noun) special (noun) spin (verb) split (verb) spot (noun) spring (verb) spur (noun) spy (verb) stamp (verb) stand (verb) standby (noun) start (verb) stay (verb) steady (adjective) steal (verb) step (verb) steroid (noun) stick (noun) stomach (noun) stomp (verb) strap (verb) stream (noun) strength (noun) strike (verb) string (noun) strong (adjective) struggle (verb) stuck (adjective) stump (noun) subsist (verb) sufferance (noun) suggestion (noun) sweet (adjective) switch (verb) tab (noun) table (noun) tail (noun) take (verb) take (noun) tangent (noun) tap (noun) target (noun) tear (noun) telephone (noun) television (noun) tell (verb) telly (noun) tenterhooks (noun) term (noun) thick (adjective) thick (adverb) thin (adjective) threshold (noun) thrive (verb) throw (verb) thrust (verb) tie (verb) tile (noun) time (noun) tip (noun) tiptoe (noun) toe (noun) tongue (noun) tooth (noun) top (noun) touch (verb) town (noun) track (noun) trade (verb) tread (verb) tree (noun) trial (noun) trot (noun) trust (noun) try (verb) turn (verb) turn (noun) TV (noun) understanding (noun) up (noun) upper (noun) urge (verb) verge (noun) verge (verb) view (noun) vine (noun) visit (verb) vote (verb) wagon (noun) wait (verb) waiver (noun) walk (verb) wall (noun) wane (noun) warpath (noun) water (noun) waterworks (noun) way (noun) wean (verb) wear (verb) weather (noun) weigh (verb) welsh (verb) whole (noun) wick (noun) window (noun) wing (noun) wish (verb) wood (noun) word (noun) work (verb) world (noun) wrist (noun) write (verb) writing (noun) wrong (adjective) year (noun) zero (verb) 1 on /ˈɑːn/ preposition 1 on /ˈɑːn/ preposition Learner's definition of ON 1  a  : touching and being supported by the top surface of (something)在…表面;在…上 The book is (lying) on the table.书(放)在桌子上。 There is a lot of frosting on the cake.蛋糕上有很多糖霜。 b  : to a position that is supported by (something)到…上面 You can get on [=onto] the horse as soon as we've put the saddle on it.我们一装上马鞍你就可以上马了。 I climbed out on [=onto] the roof.我爬上了屋顶。 c  — used to indicate the part or object by which someone or something is supported靠…支撑 How long can you stand on one foot?你能单脚站立多久? He stood on the stool.他站在凳子上。 He was on his hands and knees looking for her earring.他趴在地上找她的耳环。 2  — used to say that something is attached to something附着在…上 He hung the painting on the wall.他把画挂在墙上。 Apples hung on the branches.苹果挂在树枝上。 3  — used to indicate where someone or something is hit or touched触碰到;打到;撞上 I bumped my head on a low branch.我的头撞上了一根低矮的树枝。 He slapped me on the hand.他打了一下我的手。 She kissed him on the cheek.她吻了他的脸颊。 4  a  — used to indicate the surface or part where something is seen or located位于…上 There are marks on the wall.墙上有些标记。 I have a cut on my finger.我手指上有个伤口。 b  — used to say that something (such as jewelry) is being worn by someone(珠宝等)佩戴在…上 the ring on her finger她手指上戴的戒指 5  : near or close to (something or someone)在…附近 a village on [=by] the sea海边小村 6  — used to indicate the location or position of something or someone在…方位 Our house is on the left.我们的房子在左边。 There is a garden on the side of the house.房屋旁边有一个花园。 We saw cows and chickens on the farm.我们在农场见到了牛和鸡。 He lives on Main Street.他住在主街。 on page 102 in/of the book在书的第102页上 Which side is it on?它在哪边? 7  — used to indicate the time when something happened or will happen在…时间;在…期间 We met on July 24th.我们7月24日见了面。 On my way home [=while I was going home], I saw a car accident.我在回家的路上目睹了一起车祸。 (formal) On the morning of July 24th, the suspect left his house at 8:15 a.m.嫌疑犯于7月24日上午8:15离开家。 I would like the report on or before July 24th.我希望在7月24日或之前得到报告。 The TV station gives news every hour on the hour. [=at 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, etc.]电视台每到整点播报新闻。 The project was finished on schedule/time. [=when it was supposed to be finished]项目按时完工了。 8  : immediately after (something)…就;就在…之后 What was your first reaction on hearing the news? [=when you heard the news]你听到那则新闻之后的第一反应是什么? You'll be required to pay on delivery of the package. [=when the package is delivered]到货后您必须付款。 9  — used to indicate the subject of something关于 a book on [=about] North American birds关于北美洲鸟类的图书 a discussion on current events有关时事的讨论 Let's reflect on [=upon] the poem for a moment.咱们用点时间思考一下这首诗。 a test on parts of speech一项关于词性的测试 10  a  — used to indicate the device or instrument that is used to do something凭借…装置(或设备) He played a couple songs on the piano.他用钢琴弹奏了几首歌。 He cut his foot on a piece of broken glass.他被一片碎玻璃划伤了脚。 b  — used to say that someone is using a telephone, computer, etc.用(电话或电脑) They talked on the phone for hours.他们电话聊了好几个小时。 She was on the phone when I went to her office.我去她办公室的时候,她正在打电话。 He has been on the computer all night.他整晚都在用电脑。 c  — used to describe the device, system, etc., that is used for seeing something, hearing something, etc.在…装置里;从…系统中 It's the best show on television.这是最好的电视节目。 I heard that song on the radio.我在广播中听过那首歌。 the display on the computer screen电脑屏幕的显示 a Web site on the Internet互联网上的一个网站 I have the movie on DVD.我有这部电影的DVD。 11  — used to indicate a source of something (such as money, food, information, or energy)依靠…为基础;以…为来源 She lives on a small salary.她靠微薄的工资维生。 The family lives on welfare.这个家庭靠福利救济金维生。 They make their living on [=off] tourism.他们靠旅游业维生。 They profited on [=from] the sale of the house.他们因出售房屋而获利。 The animal feeds on insects.这种动物以昆虫为食。 I lived on cereal [=I ate a lot of cereal regularly] in my college years.我在大学期间主要吃谷物类食品。 The machine runs on diesel fuel.这部机器靠柴油运转。 The story is based on fact.这个故事来源于真实事件。 12  — used to indicate the vehicle or animal by which someone or something is moved from one place to another乘坐在…上 I sometimes go to work on a bus. [=I sometimes take a bus to get to work]我有时乘公共汽车上班。 Have you ever ridden on a horse?你骑过马吗? 13  — used to say that you have something in your possession at a particular time带在身上 I only have $10 on me.我身上只有10美元。 He had a knife on him.他身上带着刀子。 14  — used to indicate the state of something处于…情况 The house is on fire!房子着火了! House sales are on the rise. [=are rising]房屋销量呈上升趋势。 All shoes are on sale.所有的鞋都减价出售。 15  — used to indicate an activity that someone did or is now doing在…活动中 She did well on the exam/test.她在考试/测验中成绩优异。 The band is currently on tour.乐队正在巡回演出。 He is off/away on a trip/vacation.他正在外旅行/休假。 She is on a diet.她正在节食。 The officers are on duty.警察正在值勤。 16  — used to indicate something (such as a medicine or drug) that a person or animal is using用(药物等) He used to be on drugs, but he's off them now.他以前吸毒,但是现在戒了。 (informal) What (drugs) is she on?她在用什么(药物)? They put the dog on antibiotics.他们给狗用了抗生素。 17  — used to indicate the person or thing that is responsible for something由…负责 The drinks are on me. [=I will pay for the drinks]我来付饮料钱。 They blamed it on me. [=they said it was my fault]他们把这归罪于我。 18  a  — used to indicate the person or thing that something is directed toward向着;朝着 The deadline was creeping up on us. [=the deadline was getting closer]截止日期正悄悄临近。 an attack on religion对宗教的攻击 He is working on [=at] his skiing.他正在努力练习滑雪。 They are still working on the problem.他们仍然在努力解决这个问题。 They made a down payment on the house.他们为房子付了首付。 He pulled a gun on me.他拿枪指着我。 He turned his back on her and walked away.他转过身去不理她,径直走开了。 a ban on smoking禁烟令 Her eyes were on the road. [=she was watching the road]她的眼睛盯着路。 b  — used to say that someone has been affected by something(某人)受…影响 The crops died on them.庄稼颗粒无收使他们受难。 Her husband walked out on her.她的丈夫抛弃了她。 19  — used after an adjective to indicate the thing that a statement relates to(用在形容词后)关于,有关 I am short on cash. [=I don't have much cash]我缺钱。 Opinions are divided on this issue.关于这一问题的意见有分歧。 (Brit) Sales are up on last year's but down on those of previous years.销售量比去年有所增长,但与前几年比有所下降。 20  : as stated or shown by (someone or something)据(某人)所述;据(某事物)所示 I have it on good authority [=a trustworthy person has told me] that the company will be relocating.可信人士向我透露公司将迁新址。 (Brit) On [=according to] these estimates, we'll be out of debt soon.根据这些估计,我们很快就能还清债务了。 21  — used to indicate that someone or something is included as part of a team, list, etc.是…一员;在列表中 She served on the jury/committee/board.她是陪审团/委员会/董事会成员。 He is on the team.他是球队的一员。 That dish is no longer on the menu.那道菜已经不在菜单中了。 His name was on the list.他的名字在名单中。 22  — used to say that someone or something has an advantage与…相比(有优势) She has three inches in height on me. [=she is three inches taller than I am]她比我高三英寸。 The team has a 3-game lead on last year's champions.球队以三场胜利领先去年的冠军。 She is very talented but has nothing on [=has no advantage over] her brother who is an even better singer.她唱歌很有天赋,但和唱得更好的哥哥比起来就没有任何优势了。 23  chiefly US — used to say that someone is playing or performing well在…中表现好 He is on his game. [=he is playing very well]他在比赛中表现很好。 on about British, informal + disapproving : talking about谈论 I haven't a clue what you're on about!我压根不知道你在说什么! She is always on about the importance of exercise.她总是在谈论运动的重要性。 on at British, informal 1  : asking (someone) for something repeatedly and in a way that is annoying一再(向某人)索要 She is always on at him for money.她总是缠着他要钱。 2  : asking or telling (someone) to do something repeatedly and in a way that is annoying反复絮叨(某人做某事) Mummy's always on at me about cleaning up my room!妈妈总是絮叨要我收拾自己的房间! on it : actively dealing with a problem, job, etc.积极应对;主动处理 “We need to get this paperwork done.” “Don't worry; I'm on it.” [=I am taking care of it]“我们需要把这份文件做完。”“别担心,我来处理。” 2 on /ˈɑːn/ adverb 2 on /ˈɑːn/ adverb Learner's definition of ON 1  a  — used to indicate that something is attached to, covering, or supported by something else连接上;盖上;登上 Put the lid on.把盖子盖上。 I'll steady the horse while you get on.你上马的时候我来稳住马。 She put on her glasses to read the letter.她戴上眼镜看信。 Keep the tablecloth on.就铺着这块桌布吧。 b  — used to describe something that is being worn by someone穿着;戴着 He put on his coat and went outside.他穿上外衣出去了。 You can keep your shoes on.你可以不脱鞋。 What did he have on? [=what was he wearing?]他穿的什么衣服? He had on a black shirt and jeans.他穿着黑衬衫和牛仔裤。 2  — used to indicate movement forward向前 The car stopped and then drove on.车停了之后又开走了。 We traveled on to the next town.我们继续到下一个镇子旅行。 The boys went on home.男孩们回家了。 3  a  — used to indicate that an activity, event, or condition continues继续地;不停地 The argument went on for weeks.争论持续了几个星期。 He worked on without a break.他一直工作,没有休息。 Please read on for information about our products.请继续阅读有关我们产品的信息。 The teams played on in the snow.球队在雪中继续比赛。 She rambled on (and on) about her lazy husband.她没完没了地聊着她那懒惰的丈夫。 From now on [=from this point in time forward], be sure to double-check your answers.从现在开始,一定要仔细检查你的答案。 From here on (out), things should get easier. = From this point on, things should get easier.从这一刻起,事情应该更容易。 b  : in an advanced state超前 We're far/well on with/in our project.我们的项目进展速度超前。 c  : at a more advanced time : at a later time以后 I'll come by to help you later on.我过些时候过来帮你。 4  : from one person or thing to another一个接一个地 Pass the word/note on.把话/消息传下去。 The tradition has been passed/handed on [=down] through the years.多年以来,传统一直被传承下来。 Let's move/go on to the next point.咱们继续前往下一个点。 5  a  — used to indicate that something is operating, flowing, etc.运转;连通 He switched the light on to read.他打开灯看书。 The lights came on.灯亮了。 Turn the water/TV on.打开水龙头/电视。 b  — used to indicate that something is being heated, prepared, etc.在加热;在准备中 I'll put the kettle/tea/coffee on (to boil). [=I will put the kettle/tea/coffee on the stove to make it warmer]我来煮水/茶/咖啡。 I've got coffee on, if you're interested.我开始煮咖啡了,要是你感兴趣的话。 6  : in or into a train, bus, etc.在车上;上车 She got on at the last station.她在最后一站上了车。 on and off — see 1off 3 on /ˈɑːn/ adjective 3 on /ˈɑːn/ adjective Learner's definition of ON 1  not used before a noun : attached to or covering something附着;覆盖着 The lid is on tight.盖子盖得很紧。 2  not used before a noun : performing or speaking in public演出;演讲 The band will be on in 10 minutes.乐队将在10分钟之后开始演出。 Mr. President, you are on in two minutes. [=you will be giving your speech in two minutes]总统先生,您将在两分钟之后开始演讲。 3  not used before a noun : working at a job从事工作 He is on tomorrow from 6 a.m to 6 p.m.他明天从早上6点工作到晚上6点。 4  a  not used before a noun : operating or flowing运转;接通 The radio/water/electricity is on.收音机打开了;水/电接通了。 b  : in a position that starts the flow of electricity, water, etc.(水、电等开关)开着的 The switch is on.开关打开了。 The lever is in the on position.控制杆在接通位置。 5  not used before a noun a  : taking place or happening正在发生 The deal/game is on.交易/比赛正在进行。 (Brit) We do not have anything on [=planned] this weekend.我们这个周末没有什么计划。 b  : doing something as planned按计划实行 Are we still on for dinner tomorrow? [=are we still having dinner tomorrow, as we planned to do?]我们明天仍按计划一起吃晚饭吗? 6  not used before a noun : being broadcast on television or radio(广播或电视)在播放 The show is on at 8 p.m.节目晚上8点播放。 The game is on tonight.比赛今晚播出。 My favorite show is on.我最喜欢的节目正在播放。 7  not used before a noun, chiefly US — used to say that you are able to do something well at a particular time表现好 My golf game was off yesterday, but it/I was on today. [=I played well today]昨天我在高尔夫球比赛中表现不佳,但今天还不错。 not on British, informal 1  : not acceptable or proper让人无法接受的;不合适的 Cheating old ladies out of their savings just isn't on. [=is not acceptable]骗取老太太积蓄的行为让人无法接受。 2  : not possible不可能的;不可行的 I'm afraid that scheme's just not on.那个计划恐怕是不可行的。 you're on informal — used to say that you accept a bet or challenge赌就赌吧,比就比吧(指接受打赌或挑战) “I bet I can run faster than you can.” “OK, you're on.”“我打赌我比你跑得快。”“好,那就比一比。”




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