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词汇 in
释义 in (adverb) in (adjective) in (noun) in 874 ENTRIES FOUND: in (preposition) in (adverb) in (adjective) in (noun) IN (abbreviation) in. (abbreviation) in- (prefix) in-between (noun) in-box (noun) in-depth (adjective) in-flight (adjective) in-group (noun) in-house (adjective) in-joke (noun) in-kind (adjective) in-law (noun) in-law apartment (noun) in-line skate (noun) ins. (abbreviation) ins and outs (noun) in-service (adjective) in-store (adjective) in-your-face (adjective) in absentia (adverb) in extremis (adverb) in loco parentis (adverb) in memoriam (preposition) in toto (adverb) in tray (noun) in vitro (adjective) all-in (adjective) break-in (noun) brother-in-law (noun) built-in (adjective) call-in (noun) case in point (noun) cave-in (noun) check-in (noun) C in C (abbreviation) commander in chief (noun) daughter-in-law (noun) diamond in the rough (noun) drive-in (noun) drop-in (adjective) dyed-in-the-wool (adjective) editor in chief (noun) fade-in (noun) father-in-law (noun) fill-in (noun) hole in one (noun) hole-in-the-wall (noun) jack-in-the-box (noun) lady-in-waiting (noun) lead-in (noun) lie-in (noun) lived-in (adjective) live-in (adjective) look-in (noun) lying-in (noun) mother-in-law (noun) mother-in-law apartment (noun) parent-in-law (noun) paying-in slip (noun) phone-in (noun) pie in the sky (noun) pig in a blanket (noun) plug-in (noun) run batted in (noun) run-in (noun) second-in-command (noun) shoo-in (noun) shut-in (noun) sister-in-law (noun) sit-in (noun) son-in-law (noun) stand-in (noun) stick-in-the-mud (noun) stock-in-trade (noun) swearing-in (noun) teach-in (noun) throw-in (noun) tie-in (noun) tip-in (noun) toad-in-the-hole (noun) tongue in cheek (adverb) trade-in (noun) walk-in (adjective) walk-in (noun) weigh-in (noun) write-in (noun) abeyance (noun) abound (verb) absence (noun) abstract (noun) abundance (noun) accordance (noun) ace (noun) act (noun) action (noun) actuality (noun) addition (noun) advance (noun) affirmative (noun) age (noun) aggregate (noun) aid (noun) air (noun) all (pronoun) altogether (noun) analysis (noun) ant (noun) any (adjective) appearance (noun) apple pie (noun) area (noun) arm (noun) arm (noun) ascend (verb) ascendant (noun) attendance (noun) babe (noun) back (noun) bad (adjective) bad faith (noun) bag (noun) balance (noun) ball (noun) ballpark (noun) bargain (noun) barge (verb) basket (noun) bat (verb) bat (noun) bathe (verb) battle (noun) bear (verb) bed (noun) bee (noun) belfry (noun) believe (verb) best (noun) big (adjective) bird (noun) bit (noun) black (noun) black and white (noun) blend (verb) blink (noun) block (verb) blood (noun) bloom (noun) blow (verb) blue (adjective) blue moon (noun) boat (noun) bone (noun) bonnet (noun) book (noun) book (verb) boot (noun) born (adjective) bottle (noun) bound (noun) bound (noun) box (verb) brain (noun) break (verb) breed (verb) brief (noun) bring (verb) broad (adjective) bucket (noun) bud (noun) buff (noun) build (verb) bulk (noun) bull (noun) bun (noun) burr (noun) bush (noun) business (noun) butt (verb) butter (noun) buy (verb) cahoots (noun) call (verb) can (noun) cap (noun) capture (verb) card (noun) care (noun) carve (verb) case (noun) cash (verb) castle (noun) cat (noun) catbird seat (noun) catch (verb) cave (verb) change (verb) character (noun) charge (noun) check (verb) check (noun) chime (verb) china (noun) chink (noun) chip (verb) chorus (noun) clear (noun) clock (verb) close (verb) closet (noun) closing (noun) clothing (noun) cloud (noun) club (noun) clue (verb) clutch (noun) coffin (noun) cold (adjective) cold (noun) color (verb) come (verb) commission (noun) common (noun) comparison (noun) compliance (noun) concert (noun) conclusion (noun) confide (verb) conflict (noun) conjunction (noun) connection (noun) conscience (noun) consequence (noun) consist (verb) contemplation (noun) contradiction (noun) control (noun) coon (noun) cork (noun) costume (noun) count (verb) course (noun) court (noun) cram (verb) craw (noun) crimp (noun) crosshair (noun) crowd (verb) cry (noun) cup (noun) cupboard (noun) cut (verb) dark (noun) day (noun) dead (adjective) deal (verb) debt (noun) deep (adjective) deep (adverb) default (noun) deference (noun) defiance (noun) delight (verb) demand (noun) depth (noun) descend (verb) detail (noun) die (verb) dig (verb) dine (verb) dirt (noun) disguise (noun) distress (noun) do (verb) dock (noun) dog (noun) doghouse (noun) done (adjective) doo-doo (noun) door (noun) doubt (noun) down (adverb) drag (verb) drag (noun) draw (verb) dream (noun) drink (verb) drive (verb) driver (noun) drop (noun) drop (verb) dudgeon (noun) due (adjective) dump (verb) dump (noun) duplicate (noun) dust (noun) ear (noun) earnest (noun) eat (verb) effect (noun) egg (noun) elephant (noun) embryo (noun) employ (noun) end (noun) end (verb) engage (verb) entirety (noun) error (noun) essence (noun) event (noun) every (adjective) evidence (noun) excess (noun) exchange (noun) extreme (noun) eye (noun) face (noun) fact (noun) fair (adjective) fall (verb) far (adverb) favor (noun) feather (noun) feature (verb) fell (adjective) figure (verb) fill (verb) final (adjective) finger (noun) fire (noun) first (adjective) fish (noun) fit (noun) flash (noun) flesh (noun) flood (noun) flow (noun) flush (noun) fly (verb) fly (noun) follow (verb) foot (noun) footstep (noun) for (preposition) force (noun) form (noun) frame (noun) friend (noun) frog (noun) front (noun) full (noun) fun (noun) game (noun) gear (noun) general (noun) get (verb) gift (noun) give (verb) glass (noun) glory (verb) glove (noun) go (verb) god (noun) gold (noun) good (adjective) good (noun) good faith (noun) grace (noun) grave (noun) ground (verb) ground floor (noun) hair (noun) half (noun) hand (noun) hand (verb) handbasket (noun) hang (verb) harness (noun) hat (noun) haul (verb) have (verb) hay (noun) haystack (noun) head (noun) heap (noun) heart (noun) heartbeat (noun) heat (noun) heave (verb) heaven (noun) hedge (verb) heel (noun) hell (noun) helpful (adjective) hem (verb) high (adjective) high gear (noun) high jump (noun) history (noun) hold (verb) hole (noun) hollow (noun) home (verb) hone (verb) honesty (noun) hope (noun) horn (noun) horn (verb) horse (noun) house (noun) huff (noun) hunt (noun) hurry (noun) ice water (noun) idea (noun) indeed (adverb) indulge (verb) inhere (verb) ink (verb) insofar as (conjunction) instance (noun) invest (verb) iron (noun) isolation (noun) it (pronoun) itself (pronoun) jack (verb) jeopardy (noun) join (verb) judgment (noun) juice (noun) jump (verb) keep (verb) keeping (noun) kick (verb) kick (noun) kind (noun) knee (noun) knickers (noun) knife (noun) knight (noun) knock (verb) knot (noun) know (noun) knowledge (noun) lake (noun) land (noun) land (verb) lap (noun) large (adjective) last (adjective) late (adjective) laugh (verb) lay (verb) league (noun) leap (noun) least (adjective) least (noun) leave (verb) left field (noun) less (adverb) let (verb) lie (verb) lieu (noun) light (noun) lightning (noun) limbo (noun) line (noun) listen (verb) live (verb) living (adjective) living (noun) lock (verb) lockstep (noun) log (verb) long (adjective) look (verb) lord (noun) lost (adjective) lot (noun) love (noun) low (adjective) luck (noun) lump (noun) lurch (noun) luxury (noun) main (noun) major (verb) making (noun) man (noun) manner (noun) market (noun) meantime (noun) meanwhile (noun) melt (verb) melting pot (noun) memory (noun) method (noun) microcosm (noun) middle (noun) midstream (noun) million (noun) mind (noun) miniature (noun) minor (verb) mint (noun) missing (adjective) mist (noun) moderation (noun) money (noun) mood (noun) motion (noun) mouth (noun) move (verb) muck (verb) muscle (verb) nail (noun) name (noun) neck (noun) need (noun) needle (noun) negative (noun) neighborhood (noun) nick (noun) nip (verb) nose (noun) nothing (pronoun) nude (noun) nutshell (noun) oar (noun) ocean (noun) odds (noun) offing (noun) ointment (noun) once (adverb) one (noun) one (pronoun) only (adverb) opposition (noun) opt (verb) order (noun) ordinary (adjective) original (noun) other (adjective) other (pronoun) oven (noun) pack (verb) package (noun) pair (noun) palm (noun) pan (noun) pants (noun) parallel (noun) park (noun) part (noun) particular (noun) pass (verb) passing (noun) pay (verb) pay (noun) pea (noun) peg (noun) pen (verb) pencil (verb) penny (noun) person (noun) phase (verb) phone (verb) picture (noun) pie (noun) piece (noun) pig (noun) piggy (noun) pile (verb) pinch (noun) pink (noun) pipe (noun) piss (verb) pitch (verb) place (noun) plain (adjective) plaster (noun) play (noun) plenty (noun) plug (verb) plumb (verb) plunge (verb) pocket (noun) pod (noun) poetry (noun) point (noun) poke (verb) poke (noun) pond (noun) port (noun) pound (noun) practice (noun) preference (noun) principle (noun) private (noun) probability (noun) process (noun) progress (noun) proof (noun) prospect (noun) public (adjective) public (noun) pudding (noun) pull (verb) punch (verb) pursuance (noun) push (verb) put (verb) putty (noun) quarter (noun) quest (noun) question (noun) quid (noun) rake (verb) raw (noun) reality (noun) red (noun) reel (verb) reference (noun) regard (noun) region (noun) rein (verb) rejoice (verb) relation (noun) reserve (noun) residence (noun) respect (noun) result (verb) retrospect (noun) return (noun) revel (verb) reverse (noun) right (noun) ring (noun) ring (verb) roll (verb) roll (noun) root (verb) rough (noun) rough (verb) round (noun) row (noun) rub (verb) rude (adjective) ruin (noun) run (verb) running (noun) saddle (noun) safe (adjective) sail (noun) salt (noun) sand (noun) sea (noun) seal (verb) season (noun) seat (noun) secret (noun) see (verb) send (verb) sense (noun) series (noun) seriousness (noun) set (verb) set (adjective) shade (noun) shake (noun) sheep (noun) ship (noun) shirtsleeve (noun) shit (noun) shoot (verb) shop (noun) short (adjective) short (noun) shot (noun) shout (noun) shuffle (noun) shut (verb) sick (adjective) side (noun) sight (noun) sign (verb) silver (adjective) sin (noun) sink (verb) sit (verb) skeleton (noun) sketch (verb) slap (noun) sleep (verb) sleep (noun) slight (adjective) slot (verb) small (adjective) smash (verb) smoke (noun) smoke (verb) snatch (noun) snit (noun) snout (noun) snow (verb) snowball (noun) soak (verb) sock (noun) sock (verb) soft (adjective) soup (noun) spade (noun) spanner (noun) spate (noun) speak (verb) spin (verb) spite (noun) spoon (noun) sport (noun) square (adjective) squeeze (verb) stab (noun) stab (verb) stage (noun) stand (verb) star (noun) stare (verb) start (verb) start (noun) state (noun) stave (verb) stay (verb) stead (noun) steep (verb) step (noun) step (verb) stew (noun) stew (verb) stick (verb) stitch (noun) stocking (noun) stone (noun) stop (verb) store (noun) storm (noun) straw (noun) street (noun) stride (noun) stuck (adjective) style (noun) succession (noun) sum (noun) summary (noun) sun (noun) support (noun) swear (verb) sweat (noun) swim (noun) swing (noun) swoop (verb) syllable (noun) sync (noun) take (verb) tandem (noun) tank (noun) tap (verb) tea (noun) teacup (noun) teapot (noun) tear (noun) tempest (noun) term (noun) terminal (adjective) that (conjunction) theory (noun) thick (noun) thorn (noun) thousand (noun) thrall (noun) three (noun) 3-D (noun) throat (noun) throes (noun) throw (verb) tie (verb) till (noun) time (noun) title (noun) toe (noun) tone (verb) tongue (noun) tooth (noun) toss (verb) totality (noun) touch (noun) tow (noun) towel (noun) track (noun) trade (verb) train (noun) trice (noun) trick (noun) trim (noun) triplicate (noun) trough (noun) trust (verb) truth (noun) tuck (verb) tune (noun) tune (verb) turn (verb) turn (noun) twinkle (noun) twinkling (noun) twist (verb) twist (noun) twitter (noun) two (noun) ultimate (noun) uncertain (adjective) unison (noun) usher (verb) vacuum (noun) vain (adjective) vein (noun) vicinity (noun) view (noun) vote (verb) wait (verb) wait (noun) wake (noun) walk (verb) walk (noun) wall (verb) want (verb) want (noun) war (noun) wash (noun) water (noun) way (noun) weak (adjective) week (noun) weigh (verb) weight (noun) whack (noun) while (noun) whistle (verb) whole (noun) will (noun) wind (noun) wisdom (noun) wise (adjective) wolf (noun) wood (noun) word (noun) work (verb) work (noun) world (noun) worst (adjective) worst (noun) worth (preposition) wound (noun) write (verb) writing (noun) wrong (noun) year (noun) zero (verb) zoom (verb) 1 in /ˈɪn/ /ən/ preposition 1 in /ˈɪn/ /ən/ preposition Learner's definition of IN 1  — used to indicate location or position within something在…内;在…里;在…中 We went for a swim in the lake.我们去湖里游泳了。 They have a house in the country.他们在农村有幢房子。 Albuquerque is in New Mexico.阿尔伯克基位于新墨西哥州。 There wasn't a cloud in the sky.天空中没有云。 I like to read in bed. [=while sitting or lying on my bed]我喜欢躺在床上看书。 He was wounded in the leg.他的腿受伤了。 We had to stand in line for tickets.我们得排队购票。 Why don't you look it up in the dictionary?你为什么不查一下词典? There's something in my eye. [=between my eyelid and my eyeball]我的眼睛里有异物。 There was fear in their eyes. [=I could tell they were afraid when I looked at their eyes]他们的眼神中流露出恐惧。 I held her in my arms.我把她搂在了怀里。 He saw his reflection in the mirror.他在镜中看到了自己的身影。 2  : to the inside of (a room, container, etc.)入…中;进入(房间、容器等)内 She went in [=into] the house.她进到房子里面。 Don't come in here with those muddy feet!脚那么脏,别进来! I threw it in [=into] the garbage.我把它丢进了垃圾桶。 3  a  — used to indicate that someone or something belongs to or is included as part of something属于;在…中包含 She used to play in [=as a member of] a band.她曾参加过乐队。 There are 12 in a dozen. [=a dozen is equal to 12]一打等于12个。 b  — used to indicate the existence of something or someone within a story, movie, etc.在(故事、电影等)中 a character in a story故事中的一个人物 a scene in a movie电影中的场景 He saw it in a dream.他在梦里见过它。 4  a  : during (a period of time, a season, etc.)在…期间 It happened in the 1930s.这发生在20世纪30年代。 She likes to travel in [=during] the summer.她喜欢在夏季出游。 Call us sometime in [=during] the morning/afternoon/evening.在早晨/下午/晩上的某个时间给我们打电话。 They plan to open in September.他们计划在九月份开张营业。 We haven't seen them in [=for] ages!我们很久没有见到他们了! Back in those days, we didn't have computers.那些日子,我们还没有电脑。 an important moment in history历史的关键时刻 Never in my life have I heard such a thing!我一辈子还从未听说过这样的事! I lost track of them in [=during] all the commotion/confusion.在骚乱/混乱中,我和他们失去了联系。 b  : at the end of (a period of time)在(某段时间)后 I'll be there in a minute.我一会儿就到。 The movie is coming out in a few months.这部电影数月后就要上映。 He got his degree in only three years.他仅用三年就获得了学位。 c  — used to indicate an approximate age or number大约(表达大致的年龄或数字) a woman in her thirties [=a woman who is between 30 and 39 years old]三十多岁的女子 Our members number in the thousands. [=more than 2,000]我们的成员有几千人。 5  a  — used to indicate the method, materials, or form of something用,以(…方式、材料或形式) a note written in pencil [=using a pencil]用铅笔写的便条 a note written in French用法语写的便条 a symphony in (the key of) CC大调交响乐 The book is bound in leather.这本书是用皮革装订的。 They were covered in mud from head to toe.他们浑身都是泥。 She gave us 50 dollars in cash.她给了我们50美元现金。 The measurements are listed in both inches and centimeters.尺寸以英寸和厘米两种单位列出。 The shirts come in three sizes.衬衣有三种尺码。 b  — used to indicate the color of something用,以(…颜色) I decorated the room in blues and grays. [=using different shades of blue and gray]我用深浅不一的蓝色和灰色装饰了房间。 6  a  — used to indicate the state or condition of someone or something处于…状态(或状况) We'll be in trouble if we can't get the brakes to work! [=we will experience a situation that is difficult, dangerous, etc.]如果不能使刹车工作,我们将会有麻烦! She was in and out of trouble for many years.多年来,她的麻烦不断。 young people in love [=experiencing romantic love]恋爱中的年轻人 Are you in much pain?你很疼吗? I just stood there gaping in amazement.我只是目瞪口呆地站在那儿。 They're not in any danger.他们现在没有什么危险。 b  : to a specified state, condition, or form进入…状态(或状况);处于…形态 They were always getting in [=into] trouble.他们总是遇到麻烦。 The vase broke in [=into] pieces.花瓶摔成了碎片。 They divided the money in [=into] thirds.他们把钱分成了三份。 7  — used to indicate how people or things are arranged成…(指人或事物的排列状态) They stood in a circle.他们站成一圈。 The chairs were placed in a row.这些椅子摆成一排。 8  — used to indicate the conditions that are around someone or something处于…(指人或事物周围的状况) I found her sitting in the dark. = I found her sitting in darkness.我发现她坐在暗处。 Don't just stand there in the rain!别站在那儿淋雨! 9  : while or as a result of (doing something)在…时;由于… In trying to please everyone, I ended up pleasing no one.我试图讨好每个人,结果谁也没讨好。 Many mistakes were made in planning the project.这个项目在规划时出了很多差错。 10  — used to indicate the manner or purpose of something以…方式;为了 “No way!” she said in reply.“没门儿!”她答道。 The remark was made in jest.这话是开玩笑说的。 They sure left in a hurry!他们肯定是匆忙离开的! We held a banquet in his honor. [=to honor him]我们设宴款待了他。 They went in search of lost treasure. [=to search for lost treasure]他们前去寻找失落的宝藏。 She moved to the city in hopes of finding a better job. [=with the hope that she would find a better job]她搬进城里,希望能找到一份更好的工作。 They increased the penalties in an attempt to discourage lawbreakers.为阻止违法者,他们提高了罚金。 11  — used to make a statement or description more limited or specific in meaning在…方面(用于使陈述或描述的意思更加确定或具体) They are slow in their movements. [=their movements are slow]他们行动缓慢。 The two are alike in some ways/respects. [=they have some similarities]这两人在某些方面相似。 It measures two feet in length. [=it is two feet long]它有两英尺长。 The idea works in theory, but not in practice.这个想法在理论上可行,但在实践中无法操作。 In a way, it makes sense. [=it makes sense if you consider a particular fact, idea, etc.]从某一方面来看,它是有道理的。 12  — used to indicate the person who is being described指被描述的人 We've lost a valuable employee in Mike.我们失去了一位像迈克这样难得的员工 In her, you have a true friend.她是你真正的朋友。 13  — used to indicate the object of a belief, opinion, or feeling指信仰、观点或情感的对象 Have a little faith in them!对他们要有点信心! Do you believe in ghosts? [=do you think ghosts are real?]你相信有鬼吗? I really don't know what she sees in him. [=I don't know why she likes/loves him]我真不明白她看中了他哪一点。 I have no interest in sports. [=sports do not interest me]我对体育不感兴趣。 14  — used to indicate a job or area of activity从事;在…活动领域 She has a job in marketing.她从事市场营销工作。 I hear he's in advertising. [=he has a job that involves advertising]我听说他是做广告的。 She's struggling in math.她在奋力学数学。 15  — used to indicate the existence of something as a part of someone's character在…品质中(存在) He has no pity in him.他没有同情心。 I tried to be tough with them, but I just didn't have it in me. [=I wasn't able to be tough with them]我想对他们强硬起来,但我却无法做到。 16  : wearing (something) as clothes穿着;戴着 He showed up in his best suit.他穿着自己最好的衣服出席。 the boy in the red jacket穿红夹克的男孩 a lady in black [=a lady wearing black clothes]黑衣女郎 17  — used to describe how common something is by comparing a smaller number to a larger number比例为…(以小数字与大数字的比较来描述某事物的普及率) This condition affects one in five [=1 in 5; one out of every five] Americans.这种病使五分之一的美国人受到影响。 2 in /ˈɪn/ adverb 2 in /ˈɪn/ adverb Learner's definition of IN 1  : to or toward the inside of something (such as a building)入内;进入(建筑物等)内部 She went in and closed the door.她走进屋里,关上了门。 I lost my keys and now I can't get in.我把钥匙丢了,现在进不去了。 Please come in!请进! The burglars broke in through the kitchen window.盗贼从厨房窗户闯入。 The pool is deep. Be careful not to fall in.池塘水深。小心别掉进去! Is everyone in [=inside]? Then we can start.人都进来了吗?那么,我们可以开始了。 The shot went in. [=into the goal]球进了。 2  a  : to or toward a place去往某处 They flew in yesterday.他们昨天乘飞机来的。 The boss called us in for a conference.老板召集我们来开会。 The fog was closing in fast.雾迅速笼罩起来了。 The tide is coming in. [=towards shore]现在正在涨潮。 Get your orders in early!订货要早! b  : at the place where someone or something arrives after traveling在(到达的)某处 Is the train in yet?火车进站了吗? We expect to get in around noon. [=we expect to arrive around noon]我们预计中午左右抵达。 3  : at or inside a home, office, etc.在家(或办公室等) The doctor is in. [=the doctor is in his/her office and is available to see patients]医生在办公室。 Are your parents in? [=are your parents at home?]你的父母在家吗? 4  : at or to a location that is near to something or that seems near to something在附近;去到附近 The coach told them to play closer in. [=nearer to the area where the most activity is happening or is expected to happen]教练要求他们打近战。 Pull the car further in. [=closer to the curb, house, etc.]把车再开近一点。 5  a  : in a way that will blend into or join with something混合;掺入 Gradually mix in the flour.一点一点地掺入面粉。 b  : to or at a proper or indicated place放好;安置好;填写好 I can't seem to fit this piece in.我似乎无法把这个部件安装上。 Please fill in your name and address on the application.请在申请表中填好你的姓名和地址。 c  : in a way that will agree or be in harmony适合;协调 Do you think he'll fit in with the other kids?你觉得他能与其他孩子合得来吗? 6  : in a way that surrounds something or someone or prevents something or someone from leaving围;拦;阻 They fenced in the property. = They fenced the property in. [=they put a fence around the property]他们用栅栏把这块地产围了起来。 After the blizzard we were snowed in for a week. [=we could not leave our home because of the snow]暴风雪过后,我们被大雪围困了一个星期。 — sometimes used in combination有时用于合成词 a house with a fenced-in yard带栅栏小院的房子 7  : in the position of someone who is involved or participating in something加入;参与 Count me in. [=include me in your plans]算上我一个。 “Does anyone want to go to a movie tonight?” “Sure, I'm in.” [=I want to go]“有人今晩想去看电影吗?”“当然有,我想去。” She was in at the beginning/start, when the company began.公司刚起步时,她就入职了。 8  : in or into a position or job就职;当选 They voted him in [=they elected him] by an overwhelming margin.他们以压倒性多数票使他当选。 9  : in a friendly relationship with someone和…友好 She was in with the city's most powerful people. [=she had friendly relationships with the city's most powerful people]她与该市最有权势的人关系不错。 also : in a specified sort of relationship处于某种关系 He got in good/bad with the boss. [=he was liked/disliked by the boss]他与老板关系好/差。 10  : present or in your possession and available for use持有(并可使用) Are all the votes/results in?所有的选票/结果都出来了吗? 11  sports : inside the area where players or the ball must stay in sports like tennis, basketball, and American football : not out of bounds(体育比赛中人或球)处于界内位置 Her serve was just barely in.她的发球刚好落在界内。 all in informal : very tired非常疲惫 I'm all in. I'm going to bed.我累得要命,准备去睡觉了。 in for informal : sure to experience (something)肯定会经历;注定要遭受 Boy, is she in for a surprise!老弟,她肯定会大吃一惊! — see also have it in for at have in for it — see 1for in on ◊ If you are in on something you have knowledge about it or are involved in it.知晓;参与 They were all in on the scheme.他们全都参与了那场阴谋。 The characters are convinced that they're on another planet, but the audience is in on the joke. [=the audience knows they are not on another planet]这些剧中人物坚信他们是在另一个星球上,但观众知道这只是个玩笑。 I let them in on our little secret. [=I told them our secret]我把我们的小秘密告诉了他们。 in that — used to introduce a statement that explains or gives more specific information about what you have just said因为(用于引出一个陈述句,对刚才所说的话给出解释或更加具体的信息) The book is good, in that it's well written, but I didn't actually like reading it.这是本好书,因为文笔很好,但我不怎么喜欢读。 3 in /ˈɪn/ adjective 3 in /ˈɪn/ adjective Learner's definition of IN 1  : popular or fashionable流行的;时髦的 the in thing to do时髦的做法 the in place to go热门去处 Tall boots are in [=in style] this year.今年流行高筒靴。 2  : aware of and strongly influenced by what is new and fashionable赶时髦的;追求时尚的 It's what the in crowd is wearing this season.这是时尚人士穿的当季服装。 — see also in-group, in-joke 4 in /ˈɪn/ noun plural ins 4 in /ˈɪn/ noun plural ins Learner's definition of IN [count] chiefly US, informal : a way of becoming involved in something or of influencing someone交情;门路 When you're trying to get started in show business, it helps to have an in.当你想在演艺界发展时,圈里有人好办事。 They must have an in with the boss.他们肯定与这个老板有特殊交情。 — see also ins and outs




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