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词汇 IN
释义 IN 874 ENTRIES FOUND: in (preposition) in (adverb) in (adjective) in (noun) IN (abbreviation) in. (abbreviation) in- (prefix) in-between (noun) in-box (noun) in-depth (adjective) in-flight (adjective) in-group (noun) in-house (adjective) in-joke (noun) in-kind (adjective) in-law (noun) in-law apartment (noun) in-line skate (noun) ins. (abbreviation) ins and outs (noun) in-service (adjective) in-store (adjective) in-your-face (adjective) in absentia (adverb) in extremis (adverb) in loco parentis (adverb) in memoriam (preposition) in toto (adverb) in tray (noun) in vitro (adjective) all-in (adjective) break-in (noun) brother-in-law (noun) built-in (adjective) call-in (noun) case in point (noun) cave-in (noun) check-in (noun) C in C (abbreviation) commander in chief (noun) daughter-in-law (noun) diamond in the rough (noun) drive-in (noun) drop-in (adjective) dyed-in-the-wool (adjective) editor in chief (noun) fade-in (noun) father-in-law (noun) fill-in (noun) hole in one (noun) hole-in-the-wall (noun) jack-in-the-box (noun) lady-in-waiting (noun) lead-in (noun) lie-in (noun) lived-in (adjective) live-in (adjective) look-in (noun) lying-in (noun) mother-in-law (noun) mother-in-law apartment (noun) parent-in-law (noun) paying-in slip (noun) phone-in (noun) pie in the sky (noun) pig in a blanket (noun) plug-in (noun) run batted in (noun) run-in (noun) second-in-command (noun) shoo-in (noun) shut-in (noun) sister-in-law (noun) sit-in (noun) son-in-law (noun) stand-in (noun) stick-in-the-mud (noun) stock-in-trade (noun) swearing-in (noun) teach-in (noun) throw-in (noun) tie-in (noun) tip-in (noun) toad-in-the-hole (noun) tongue in cheek (adverb) trade-in (noun) walk-in (adjective) walk-in (noun) weigh-in (noun) write-in (noun) abeyance (noun) abound (verb) absence (noun) abstract (noun) abundance (noun) accordance (noun) ace (noun) act (noun) action (noun) actuality (noun) addition (noun) advance (noun) affirmative (noun) age (noun) aggregate (noun) aid (noun) air (noun) all (pronoun) altogether (noun) analysis (noun) ant (noun) any (adjective) appearance (noun) apple pie (noun) area (noun) arm (noun) arm (noun) ascend (verb) ascendant (noun) attendance (noun) babe (noun) back (noun) bad (adjective) bad faith (noun) bag (noun) balance (noun) ball (noun) ballpark (noun) bargain (noun) barge (verb) basket (noun) bat (verb) bat (noun) bathe (verb) battle (noun) bear (verb) bed (noun) bee (noun) belfry (noun) believe (verb) best (noun) big (adjective) bird (noun) bit (noun) black (noun) black and white (noun) blend (verb) blink (noun) block (verb) blood (noun) bloom (noun) blow (verb) blue (adjective) blue moon (noun) boat (noun) bone (noun) bonnet (noun) book (noun) book (verb) boot (noun) born (adjective) bottle (noun) bound (noun) bound (noun) box (verb) brain (noun) break (verb) breed (verb) brief (noun) bring (verb) broad (adjective) bucket (noun) bud (noun) buff (noun) build (verb) bulk (noun) bull (noun) bun (noun) burr (noun) bush (noun) business (noun) butt (verb) butter (noun) buy (verb) cahoots (noun) call (verb) can (noun) cap (noun) capture (verb) card (noun) care (noun) carve (verb) case (noun) cash (verb) castle (noun) cat (noun) catbird seat (noun) catch (verb) cave (verb) change (verb) character (noun) charge (noun) check (verb) check (noun) chime (verb) china (noun) chink (noun) chip (verb) chorus (noun) clear (noun) clock (verb) close (verb) closet (noun) closing (noun) clothing (noun) cloud (noun) club (noun) clue (verb) clutch (noun) coffin (noun) cold (adjective) cold (noun) color (verb) come (verb) commission (noun) common (noun) comparison (noun) compliance (noun) concert (noun) conclusion (noun) confide (verb) conflict (noun) conjunction (noun) connection (noun) conscience (noun) consequence (noun) consist (verb) contemplation (noun) contradiction (noun) control (noun) coon (noun) cork (noun) costume (noun) count (verb) course (noun) court (noun) cram (verb) craw (noun) crimp (noun) crosshair (noun) crowd (verb) cry (noun) cup (noun) cupboard (noun) cut (verb) dark (noun) day (noun) dead (adjective) deal (verb) debt (noun) deep (adjective) deep (adverb) default (noun) deference (noun) defiance (noun) delight (verb) demand (noun) depth (noun) descend (verb) detail (noun) die (verb) dig (verb) dine (verb) dirt (noun) disguise (noun) distress (noun) do (verb) dock (noun) dog (noun) doghouse (noun) done (adjective) doo-doo (noun) door (noun) doubt (noun) down (adverb) drag (verb) drag (noun) draw (verb) dream (noun) drink (verb) drive (verb) driver (noun) drop (noun) drop (verb) dudgeon (noun) due (adjective) dump (verb) dump (noun) duplicate (noun) dust (noun) ear (noun) earnest (noun) eat (verb) effect (noun) egg (noun) elephant (noun) embryo (noun) employ (noun) end (noun) end (verb) engage (verb) entirety (noun) error (noun) essence (noun) event (noun) every (adjective) evidence (noun) excess (noun) exchange (noun) extreme (noun) eye (noun) face (noun) fact (noun) fair (adjective) fall (verb) far (adverb) favor (noun) feather (noun) feature (verb) fell (adjective) figure (verb) fill (verb) final (adjective) finger (noun) fire (noun) first (adjective) fish (noun) fit (noun) flash (noun) flesh (noun) flood (noun) flow (noun) flush (noun) fly (verb) fly (noun) follow (verb) foot (noun) footstep (noun) for (preposition) force (noun) form (noun) frame (noun) friend (noun) frog (noun) front (noun) full (noun) fun (noun) game (noun) gear (noun) general (noun) get (verb) gift (noun) give (verb) glass (noun) glory (verb) glove (noun) go (verb) god (noun) gold (noun) good (adjective) good (noun) good faith (noun) grace (noun) grave (noun) ground (verb) ground floor (noun) hair (noun) half (noun) hand (noun) hand (verb) handbasket (noun) hang (verb) harness (noun) hat (noun) haul (verb) have (verb) hay (noun) haystack (noun) head (noun) heap (noun) heart (noun) heartbeat (noun) heat (noun) heave (verb) heaven (noun) hedge (verb) heel (noun) hell (noun) helpful (adjective) hem (verb) high (adjective) high gear (noun) high jump (noun) history (noun) hold (verb) hole (noun) hollow (noun) home (verb) hone (verb) honesty (noun) hope (noun) horn (noun) horn (verb) horse (noun) house (noun) huff (noun) hunt (noun) hurry (noun) ice water (noun) idea (noun) indeed (adverb) indulge (verb) inhere (verb) ink (verb) insofar as (conjunction) instance (noun) invest (verb) iron (noun) isolation (noun) it (pronoun) itself (pronoun) jack (verb) jeopardy (noun) join (verb) judgment (noun) juice (noun) jump (verb) keep (verb) keeping (noun) kick (verb) kick (noun) kind (noun) knee (noun) knickers (noun) knife (noun) knight (noun) knock (verb) knot (noun) know (noun) knowledge (noun) lake (noun) land (noun) land (verb) lap (noun) large (adjective) last (adjective) late (adjective) laugh (verb) lay (verb) league (noun) leap (noun) least (adjective) least (noun) leave (verb) left field (noun) less (adverb) let (verb) lie (verb) lieu (noun) light (noun) lightning (noun) limbo (noun) line (noun) listen (verb) live (verb) living (adjective) living (noun) lock (verb) lockstep (noun) log (verb) long (adjective) look (verb) lord (noun) lost (adjective) lot (noun) love (noun) low (adjective) luck (noun) lump (noun) lurch (noun) luxury (noun) main (noun) major (verb) making (noun) man (noun) manner (noun) market (noun) meantime (noun) meanwhile (noun) melt (verb) melting pot (noun) memory (noun) method (noun) microcosm (noun) middle (noun) midstream (noun) million (noun) mind (noun) miniature (noun) minor (verb) mint (noun) missing (adjective) mist (noun) moderation (noun) money (noun) mood (noun) motion (noun) mouth (noun) move (verb) muck (verb) muscle (verb) nail (noun) name (noun) neck (noun) need (noun) needle (noun) negative (noun) neighborhood (noun) nick (noun) nip (verb) nose (noun) nothing (pronoun) nude (noun) nutshell (noun) oar (noun) ocean (noun) odds (noun) offing (noun) ointment (noun) once (adverb) one (noun) one (pronoun) only (adverb) opposition (noun) opt (verb) order (noun) ordinary (adjective) original (noun) other (adjective) other (pronoun) oven (noun) pack (verb) package (noun) pair (noun) palm (noun) pan (noun) pants (noun) parallel (noun) park (noun) part (noun) particular (noun) pass (verb) passing (noun) pay (verb) pay (noun) pea (noun) peg (noun) pen (verb) pencil (verb) penny (noun) person (noun) phase (verb) phone (verb) picture (noun) pie (noun) piece (noun) pig (noun) piggy (noun) pile (verb) pinch (noun) pink (noun) pipe (noun) piss (verb) pitch (verb) place (noun) plain (adjective) plaster (noun) play (noun) plenty (noun) plug (verb) plumb (verb) plunge (verb) pocket (noun) pod (noun) poetry (noun) point (noun) poke (verb) poke (noun) pond (noun) port (noun) pound (noun) practice (noun) preference (noun) principle (noun) private (noun) probability (noun) process (noun) progress (noun) proof (noun) prospect (noun) public (adjective) public (noun) pudding (noun) pull (verb) punch (verb) pursuance (noun) push (verb) put (verb) putty (noun) quarter (noun) quest (noun) question (noun) quid (noun) rake (verb) raw (noun) reality (noun) red (noun) reel (verb) reference (noun) regard (noun) region (noun) rein (verb) rejoice (verb) relation (noun) reserve (noun) residence (noun) respect (noun) result (verb) retrospect (noun) return (noun) revel (verb) reverse (noun) right (noun) ring (noun) ring (verb) roll (verb) roll (noun) root (verb) rough (noun) rough (verb) round (noun) row (noun) rub (verb) rude (adjective) ruin (noun) run (verb) running (noun) saddle (noun) safe (adjective) sail (noun) salt (noun) sand (noun) sea (noun) seal (verb) season (noun) seat (noun) secret (noun) see (verb) send (verb) sense (noun) series (noun) seriousness (noun) set (verb) set (adjective) shade (noun) shake (noun) sheep (noun) ship (noun) shirtsleeve (noun) shit (noun) shoot (verb) shop (noun) short (adjective) short (noun) shot (noun) shout (noun) shuffle (noun) shut (verb) sick (adjective) side (noun) sight (noun) sign (verb) silver (adjective) sin (noun) sink (verb) sit (verb) skeleton (noun) sketch (verb) slap (noun) sleep (verb) sleep (noun) slight (adjective) slot (verb) small (adjective) smash (verb) smoke (noun) smoke (verb) snatch (noun) snit (noun) snout (noun) snow (verb) snowball (noun) soak (verb) sock (noun) sock (verb) soft (adjective) soup (noun) spade (noun) spanner (noun) spate (noun) speak (verb) spin (verb) spite (noun) spoon (noun) sport (noun) square (adjective) squeeze (verb) stab (noun) stab (verb) stage (noun) stand (verb) star (noun) stare (verb) start (verb) start (noun) state (noun) stave (verb) stay (verb) stead (noun) steep (verb) step (noun) step (verb) stew (noun) stew (verb) stick (verb) stitch (noun) stocking (noun) stone (noun) stop (verb) store (noun) storm (noun) straw (noun) street (noun) stride (noun) stuck (adjective) style (noun) succession (noun) sum (noun) summary (noun) sun (noun) support (noun) swear (verb) sweat (noun) swim (noun) swing (noun) swoop (verb) syllable (noun) sync (noun) take (verb) tandem (noun) tank (noun) tap (verb) tea (noun) teacup (noun) teapot (noun) tear (noun) tempest (noun) term (noun) terminal (adjective) that (conjunction) theory (noun) thick (noun) thorn (noun) thousand (noun) thrall (noun) three (noun) 3-D (noun) throat (noun) throes (noun) throw (verb) tie (verb) till (noun) time (noun) title (noun) toe (noun) tone (verb) tongue (noun) tooth (noun) toss (verb) totality (noun) touch (noun) tow (noun) towel (noun) track (noun) trade (verb) train (noun) trice (noun) trick (noun) trim (noun) triplicate (noun) trough (noun) trust (verb) truth (noun) tuck (verb) tune (noun) tune (verb) turn (verb) turn (noun) twinkle (noun) twinkling (noun) twist (verb) twist (noun) twitter (noun) two (noun) ultimate (noun) uncertain (adjective) unison (noun) usher (verb) vacuum (noun) vain (adjective) vein (noun) vicinity (noun) view (noun) vote (verb) wait (verb) wait (noun) wake (noun) walk (verb) walk (noun) wall (verb) want (verb) want (noun) war (noun) wash (noun) water (noun) way (noun) weak (adjective) week (noun) weigh (verb) weight (noun) whack (noun) while (noun) whistle (verb) whole (noun) will (noun) wind (noun) wisdom (noun) wise (adjective) wolf (noun) wood (noun) word (noun) work (verb) work (noun) world (noun) worst (adjective) worst (noun) worth (preposition) wound (noun) write (verb) writing (noun) wrong (noun) year (noun) zero (verb) zoom (verb) IN abbreviation IN abbreviation Learner's definition of IN Indiana印第安纳州




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