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词汇 case
释义 case (noun) case (verb) case 15 ENTRIES FOUND: case (noun) case (noun) case (verb) case history (noun) case in point (noun) case law (noun) case study (noun) attaché case (noun) basket case (noun) carrying case (noun) federal case (noun) head case (noun) jewel case (noun) test case (noun) any (adjective) 1 case /ˈkeɪs/ noun plural cases 1 case /ˈkeɪs/ noun plural cases Learner's definition of CASE 1  [count] : a situation or occurrence that is an instance or example of something情况;事例 That was true in all three cases. [=instances]三个事例都符合那种情况。 We usually ask for a 100-dollar deposit, but in this case we'll make an exception.我们通常要求交100美元押金,但这次就破例了。 They might not let you buy the tickets yet, in which case [=and if that is true] you should try again tomorrow.他们现在可能不会售票给你,这样的话你应该明天再去试试。 It was a case of mistaken identity. [=a situation in which someone or something is mistakenly thought to be someone or something else]那是认错对象了。 a classic case [=a typical example] of sibling rivalry手足相争的典型例子 2  [count] : a situation that is being investigated or managed by someone (such as a police officer or social worker) in an official way正式立案调查 Her disappearance is a case for the police.警方正式立案调查她失踪的案件。 Detectives are on the case.侦探们正在调查此案件。 a murder/rape/kidnapping case谋杀/强奸/绑架案 The abused child's case was turned over to state authorities.这起虐待儿童的案件被移交给了州警察局。 3  [count] grammar : a form of a noun, pronoun, or adjective showing its relationship to other words in a sentence(语法)格 The word “child's” in “a child's shirt” is in the possessive case.单词child's在a child's shirt里是所有格。 4  the case : what actually exists or happens实情;情形 A lot of people have had trouble working with him, and that was certainly the case with me. [=I also had trouble working with him]许多人都很难与他共事,我当然也不例外。 She had expected him to come home, but that was not to be the case. [=but that didn't happen]她曾经期望他能回家,但他没有回来。 The doctor may or may not have been at fault, but whatever the case (may be) [=either way] the patient almost died.医生也许有错,也许没错,但不管怎样,病人已经奄奄一息了。 Is it not the case [=isn't it true] that she took the car without permission?她擅自开走了那辆车,情况不是这样的吗? 5  [count] law : a situation that will be talked about and decided in court诉讼;讼案 a court case法庭判例 a civil/criminal case民事/刑事案件 The lawyer agreed to take/handle the case.律师同意接手/受理这起诉讼。 ◊ The phrase I rest my case can be used to say that you have finished an argument or to suggest that something proves that what you are saying is true.我的话到此为止(暗示自己所言无误,无须再争论) I said that it wouldn't work and it didn't. I rest my case.我说这样行不通,果然它就行不通吧。我就不再说什么了。 — see also test case 6  [count] : a convincing argument令人信服的论据 He makes a good case for cutting expenses.他为节省开支提出了一个很好的理由。 7  [count] a  : an occurrence of a disease or an injury病例;病症 an AIDS case艾滋病病例 He has a bad/severe/slight case of the flu.他患有很重/严重/轻度的流感。 b  : an occurrence of discomfort, fear, etc.不安;担心 She had a bad case of the nerves/jitters/butterflies [=she was very nervous] before she gave her report.她在做报告前心里很紧张。 8  [singular] : a particular person and his or her condition or character(特定处境或品性的)人 You are a sad case.你是个可悲的人。 — see also basket case, head case in any case — used to indicate that something is true or certain regardless of what else has happened or been said无论如何;不管怎样 I'm not sure if I'll be at the next meeting, but I'll see you Sunday in any case. [=I may or may not see you at the next meeting, but I'll definitely see you Sunday]我不确定下次会议我是否会出席,但是无论如何我会在星期天见你。 In any case, you still owe me five dollars.不管怎样,你还欠我五美元。 in case 1  : for the purpose of being ready for something that might happen以防(万一);免得 Bring an umbrella in case it rains.带上一把伞以防下雨。 We brought extra money just in case.我们多带了些钱以防万一。 2  — used to talk about something that might have happened or that might be true也许,说不定(用于谈及可能已经发生或者可能已成事实的事情) Today is our anniversary, in case you've forgotten.今天是我们的结婚纪念日,也许你已经忘记了。 In case [=if] you're wondering, I'm looking for my glasses.你要是好奇的话,我正在找我的眼镜。 in case of : if (something) happens如果发生;假使 That door is for use in case of [=in the event of] fire.万一发生火灾,可用那扇门。 in that case : when that is considered : because of that既然那样;如果那样的话 “The traffic could be heavy tomorrow.” “In that case, we better leave early.”“明天可能会堵车。”“既然那样,我们最好早点出发。” on/off your case informal ◊ Someone who is always or frequently criticizing you or telling you what to do is on your case and won't get off your case.不断/不再批评(或搅扰) Her brother is always on her case about the clothes she wears.她哥哥总是批评她的穿着。 Get off my case! I'm working as hard as I can!别来烦我!我正全力工作呢! — compare 2case 2 case /ˈkeɪs/ noun plural cases 2 case /ˈkeɪs/ noun plural cases Learner's definition of CASE [count] 1  : a box or container to hold something盒子;箱子 a cigarette/pencil case香烟/铅笔盒 — see also carrying case 2  : the contents of a box一箱,一盒(某物) They drank a case [=four six-packs; 24 bottles] of beer.他们喝了一箱啤酒。 — compare 1case 3 case /ˈkeɪs/ verb cases; cased; casing 3 case /ˈkeɪs/ verb cases; cased; casing Learner's definition of CASE [+ object] : to study or watch (a house, store, etc.) with plans to rob it(行窃前)踩点 — often used in the phrase case the joint常用于短语case the joint A couple of robbers decided to case the joint.几个强盗决定前去踩点。




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