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词汇 cry
释义 cry (noun) cry 17 ENTRIES FOUND: cry (verb) cry (noun) crying (adjective) battle cry (noun) hue and cry (noun) rallying cry (noun) war cry (noun) eye (noun) far (adjective) foul (noun) heart (noun) milk (noun) moon (noun) shame (noun) shoulder (noun) spill (verb) wolf (noun) 1 cry /ˈkraɪ/ verb cries; cried; crying 1 cry /ˈkraɪ/ verb cries; cried; crying Learner's definition of CRY 1  : to produce tears from your eyes often while making loud sounds because of pain, sorrow, or other strong emotions哭;哭泣;流泪 [no object] The baby is crying. Is she okay?宝宝在哭,她没事吧? a crying baby啼哭的婴儿 Some people cry more easily than others.有些人比其他人爱哭。 He cried silently while the song played.这首歌曲奏响时,他默默地流泪了。 She cried all the way home from school that day.那天她一路哭着从学校回到家。 He cried (for) the whole day.他哭了一整天。 She couldn't imagine why anyone would cry over a stupid movie.她无法想象为什么有人会为了一部愚蠢的电影而落泪。 She was crying with relief/frustration/anger.她欣慰/沮丧/生气得哭了。 The first day of camp, a number of children cried for their parents. [=cried because they wanted their parents]野营的第一天,有些孩子哭着要他们的爸妈。 [+ object] They cried tears of joy.他们流下了喜悦的泪水。 ◊ If you cry yourself to sleep, you cry until you have fallen asleep.哭着入睡 ◊ If you cry your eyes out or cry your heart out, you cry a lot.痛哭不止 I cried my eyes out when I found out they had left without saying goodbye.发现他们不辞而别,我伤心地大哭起来。 2  : to shout or say something loudly喊叫;呼喊;呼叫 [+ object] “We've won!” they cried.“我们赢了!”他们大声喊道。 “Help,” he cried, “Get a doctor! Quick!”“救命!”他大叫道,“快去找医生!” I heard someone cry “Wait!” but the train pulled away anyway.我听见有人喊“等一等”,但火车还是开走了。 [no object] She cried [=called out] to the others to come and see what she'd found.她喊其他人来看她的发现。 — often + for I heard someone crying for help.我听到有人在呼救。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 Various groups have been crying for [=calling for] his resignation.各方团体一直在呼吁要他辞职。 3  [no object] of a bird or animal : to make the loud sound that is usual for a particular type of bird or animal(鸟)鸣叫,啼叫;(动物)嗥叫,吠 She'd never heard the sound of sea gulls crying by the shore.她从未听到过海鸥在岸边啼叫的声音。 a shoulder to cry on — see 1shoulder cry for [phrasal verb] cry for (something) : to need or require (something) very much迫切需要(某物) This problem is crying for a solution.这个问题亟待解决。 The old house is crying for a new coat of paint.这幢老宅亟须重新粉刷。 cry foul chiefly US : to complain that someone has done something that is not fair埋怨;抱怨;叫屈 When Mika's parents gave her a new bicycle, her sisters cried foul.当米卡的父母给她买了一辆新自行车时,她的姐妹们不干了。 cry off [phrasal verb] British : to say that you will not do something you have promised to do取消诺言;撤回承诺;打退堂鼓 He said he would help me move into my new apartment but then he cried off [=begged off] at the last minute.他说要帮我搬家到新公寓,但最后一刻他又变卦了。 cry out [phrasal verb] 1  : to make a loud sound because of pain, fear, surprise, etc.(因痛苦、害怕、惊讶等)大声喊叫 She cried out in pain.她疼得叫了起来。 2  cry out or cry out (something) : to speak in a loud voice : to say (something) loudly or from a distance大声说话;大声说出 We could hear them on the shore crying out [=calling out] to us, so we waved.我们能听见他们在岸上向我们大声叫,于是我们挥了挥手。 She cried out for help.她大声呼救。 “I'm stuck,” she cried out.“我被卡住了。”她大叫道。 She cried out that she was stuck.她大声说自己被卡住了。 3  cry out against (something) : to say publicly that (something) is wrong or unfair : to protest (something)大声反对;谴责;抗议 People around the world are crying out against the government's civil rights abuses.世界各地的人们都在谴责该政府践踏民权的行为。 4  — used to say that something clearly needs or should have a particular thing, person, use, etc.迫切需要; — often + to be A chair like this cries out to be used [=should definitely be used], not kept in some museum.这样的椅子应该拿来使用,而不是摆在博物馆里。 The meal cried out to be eaten with a nice white wine. [=it was obvious that the meal should be served with a white wine]这样的菜肴应该配上美味的白葡萄酒。 — often + for The meal cried out for a nice white wine.这样的菜肴应该配上美味的白葡萄酒。 The job cries out for someone who's not afraid to take chances.这份工作需要敢于冒险的人来做。 cry over spilled milk (US) informal or chiefly British cry over spilt milk : to be upset about something that has happened and that cannot be changed为无法挽回的事烦恼 You made a mistake, but there's no use crying over spilled milk.你犯了错,但事已至此,难过也没用。 cry wolf : to make people think there is danger when there is really none谎报险情;发假警报 News organizations have been warned not to cry wolf. If people hear too many warnings that turn out to be nothing, they won't listen to the important warnings when they come.新闻机构被警告不能发虚假警报。如果人们听了太多并未成为事实的警告,一旦真有重要警告时,他们就不会相信了。 for crying out loud informal — used to show anger, annoyance, etc.哎呀,我的天哪,岂有此理(表生气、气恼等) Why won't they let me in? It's my house, for crying out loud!他们为什么不让我进去?这是我的房子。岂有此理! — crying noun [noncount] We heard (the sound of) crying in the next room.我们听到隔壁房间有哭声。 a crying fit/jag/spell一阵大哭 2 cry /ˈkraɪ/ noun plural cries 2 cry /ˈkraɪ/ noun plural cries Learner's definition of CRY 1  [count] : a loud sound that someone makes to express pain, hunger, sadness, etc.(因痛苦、饥饿、悲伤等发出的)叫喊声 cries of pain痛苦的叫声 The baby's cry woke me out of a deep sleep.婴儿的哭声把我从沉睡中吵醒。 2  [count] : something that is said loudly : a shout or call呼喊;呼叫 There was a cry of “Fire” and we all rushed for the exits.有人喊“着火了”,我们都向出口冲去。 The children were playing a game and their happy cries echoed through the house.孩子们在玩游戏,他们愉快的叫声在屋里回响。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 The verdict has been met with cries of outrage. [=people are very angry and upset about the verdict]人们对判决感到十分愤慨。 There have been loud cries [=calls] for his resignation from various groups.各方团体一直强烈要求他辞职。 — see also hue and cry 3  [count] : a loud sound made by an animal or bird(鸟的)鸣叫,啼叫;(动物的)嗥叫,吠 the wild cry of a coyote丛林狼野性的嚎叫 The birds' loud cries [=calls] startled me.鸟儿的大声鸣叫吓了我一跳。 4  [singular] : an act of crying or a period of time spent crying哭;一阵哭泣 By the end of the movie, we'd all had a good cry. [=we had all cried for a while]电影结束时,我们都哭了好一阵子。 5  [count] : an act or way of behaving which shows that someone wants help, attention, etc.迫切需要帮助(或关注)的行为 The doctor thinks the boy's bad behavior at school is a cry for help.医生认为,这个男孩在学校的不良行为表明他想要得到关注。 6  [count] : a word or phrase that a group of people uses to express a common idea or goal or to unite them口号 “Free speech” is the cry of the protesters.抗议者的口号是“言论自由”。 — see also battle cry, rallying cry, war cry a far cry from : very different from (something or someone)与…大相径庭 The movie is a far cry from the book.这部电影和原书大不相同。 He's a far cry from the idealistic young writer he once was.他早已不是当年那个年轻的理想主义作家了。 in full cry 1  : full of anger, excitement, etc., especially in reaction to something激情呐喊;大声疾呼 The school's budget is being cut, and teachers and parents are in full cry. [=are very angry and upset]学校预算被削减,教师和家长们全都表示强烈不满。 2  of hunting dogs : in the act of chasing an animal : in full pursuit(猎犬)全力追赶




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