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词汇 cut
释义 cut (noun) cut 47 ENTRIES FOUND: cut (verb) cut (noun) cut-and-dried (adjective) cut-and-paste (adjective) cut-price (adjective) cut-rate (adjective) cut-throat razor (noun) cutting (noun) cutting (adjective) cutting board (noun) cutting edge (noun) cutting room (noun) cut glass (noun) buzz cut (noun) clean-cut (adjective) clear-cut (adjective) clear-cut (noun) clear-cut (verb) cold cuts (noun) crew cut (noun) low-cut (adjective) power cut (noun) bait (noun) chase (noun) check (noun) close (adverb) cloth (noun) corner (noun) dash (noun) face (noun) fish (verb) floor (noun) Gordian knot (noun) ice (noun) loose (adjective) loss (noun) mustard (noun) nose (noun) quick (noun) rug (noun) short (adverb) slack (noun) spite (verb) throat (noun) thrust (noun) tooth (noun) work (noun) 1 cut /ˈkʌt/ verb cuts; cut; cutting 1 cut /ˈkʌt/ verb cuts; cut; cutting Learner's definition of CUT 1  a  : to use a sharp tool (such as a knife) to open or divide (something, such as paper or wood)切开;剪开;劈开 [+ object] Cut the paper along/on the dotted line (with a pair of scissors).(用剪刀)把纸沿虚线剪开。 cutting a piece of string剪断一根带子 He uses the ax to cut wood.他用斧头劈柴。 The meat is so tender you can cut it with a fork.这肉特别嫩,用叉子切都行。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 The excitement/tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife. [=there was a lot of excitement/tension in the room]屋子里弥漫着激动/紧张的气氛。 [no object] Cut along/on the dotted line.沿虚线剪开。 The saw easily cuts through metal.这把锯能轻易地锯断金属。 She cut into the melon with a knife.她用刀切瓜。 b  [+ object] : to make a hole or wound in (a person's skin)割破;划破 I cut myself while shaving.我刮胡子时把脸刮破了。 I cut my finger on a sharp piece of metal. = A sharp piece of metal cut me (on the finger).我被一个锋利的金属片划破了手指。 I had a cut finger.我的一根手指被割破了。 We were fighting, and he tried to cut me with his knife.我们打起来了,他试图用刀划伤我。 Pieces of broken glass cut her face and arms.玻璃碎片划破了她的脸和胳膊。 He fell and cut his head open on a sharp rock.他摔了一跤,脑袋被一块锋利的石头磕破了。 c  [+ object] : to make (a hole) in something by using a sharp tool凿(洞);挖开 They cut a hole in the wall for the new window.他们在墙上凿出一个洞,留作新窗户。 Doctors begin by cutting a small incision in the chest.医生在病人的胸部开了一个小口开始手术。 Cut several slits in the top of the crust to allow air to escape.在外壳的顶部切几个口子,放出空气。 d  [+ object] : to divide or separate parts of (something) by using a sharp tool切开;切去;切下 It's time to cut [=slice] the cake!该切蛋糕啦! I'll cut the apple in half so you both can have some.我把苹果切成两半,这样你俩就都能吃到了。 Would you cut me a slice of bread? = Would you cut a slice of bread for me?你能给我切片面包吗? — often + into Add one large onion that has been cut into one-inch pieces.把一个大洋葱切成一英寸的小丁,然后放进去。 The chicken is cut into long strips and served on top of the salad.鸡肉切成长条并放在沙拉上面后再端上桌。 — often + from Her walls were covered with pictures cut from magazines.她的墙上贴满了从杂志上剪下来的图片。 a piece of meat that is cut from the hind end of the animal切下来的一块后臀尖肉 — often + off She was cutting off pieces of watermelon and giving them to the children.她当时正在切西瓜分给孩子们。 2  [no object] a  : to be able to cut something能切割;可用于切割 This knife doesn't cut well.这把刀不快。 b  : to be able to be cut能被切开;能被割开 Aluminum foil cuts easily with scissors.铝箔能用剪刀轻易剪开。 3  [+ object] : to make (hair, grass, etc.) shorter by using a sharp tool (such as scissors)剪短(头发);修剪(草坪) I cut my hair short for the summer.为了过夏天,我把头发剪短了。 Where'd you get your hair cut?你在哪儿剪的头发? I need to cut [=trim] my nails; they're way too long.我的指甲太长,得剪了。 She keeps her nails cut short.她总是把指甲剪得短短的。 The grass in our yard needs to be cut. [=mowed]我们院子里的草坪需要修剪了。 the smell of fresh-cut grass刚修剪过的草坪的清香味 The wood is already cut to size/length. [=it has already been cut so that it is the proper size/length]木材已被修剪到合适的大小/长短了。 4  [+ object] a  : to give (hair or clothing) a certain style by cutting it剪(发型);裁剪(衣服) — usually used as (be) cut通常用作(be) cut Her hair is light brown and cut in a short bob.她的发型是浅棕色的齐短发。 She was wearing a dress that was cut low at the neck. [=she was wearing a low-cut dress]她穿着一件低领连衣裙。 b  : to give (something) a new shape by using a sharp tool(用利器)切出新形状 a beautifully cut diamond切割得很漂亮的钻石 5  [+ object] : to make or form (something) by cutting or removing material刻;雕刻 We all cut [=carved] our names on/into the tree.我们都把自己的名字刻在了树上。 The stream cuts a path through the woods.这条溪流在树林中冲出一条小路。 builders cutting new roads in the forest在森林中开辟新路的筑路工人 — often + out At the center of the table was a statue cut out of ice.桌子中间有一尊冰雕。 6  [+ object] : to make the amount of (something) smaller : reduce减少;削减;降低 Our benefits were recently cut at work.最近我们工作中的福利被削减了。 The drug has been shown to cut the risk of heart attack by half.这种药已被证明可以将心脏病发作的风险降低一半。 In just three years, the mayor has cut the city's crime in half.仅仅三年,市长就让本市的犯罪率下降了一半。 The President has promised to cut government spending.总统承诺削减政府开支。 Cutting taxes can have positive and negative effects on the economy.削减税收可能对经济产生积极影响和消极影响。 measures that are designed to cut costs = cost-cutting measures降低成本的措施 The company's expenses had been cut to the bone. [=reduced to their lowest possible amount]公司的开支已经降到极限了。 — often + off This route can cut as much as five minutes off your driving time.这条线路可以让你缩短五分钟的行车时间。 The experience cut 20 years off (of) his life. [=shortened his life by 20 years]那次经历使他少活了20年。 We've cut 20 percent off the regular retail price.我们在常规零售价的基础上降价了20%。 7  [+ object] a  : to make (a book, film, etc.) shorter by removing parts删节,删减 His article was cut [=shortened] by about 500 words.他的文章被删去了500字左右。 The movie had to be cut because it was too long.这部电影太长,必须删减。 b  : to remove (something) from a book, film, etc.(从书本、电影中)删去,删剪 The movie's director decided to cut [=cut out, omit] my part.这部电影的导演决定把我的戏份删掉。 — often + from The director cut the scene from the final version of the film.导演删剪了电影最终版本中的这个镜头。 They decided to cut her report from the newscast.他们决定把她的报道从新闻节目中删去。 About 500 words were cut from his article.他的文章被删去了大约500字。 8  [+ object] : to remove (something) from a computer document in a way that allows you to move it to another part of the document or to another document剪切(计算机文档) After you select the text with your mouse, you can cut it and then paste it at the beginning of the paragraph.用鼠标选定文本进行剪切,然后把它粘贴在段落的开头。 You can cut and paste the picture into your file.你可以将这幅图片剪贴到你的文档中。 — see also cut-and-paste 9  [+ object] : to remove (a plant or part of a plant) by cutting it砍,切,割(植物) It's illegal to cut [=cut down] trees in this forest.在这片树林里伐木是违法的。 We'll start cutting and harvesting the wheat next week.我们下周开始收割小麦。 ◊ A cut flower is a flower that has been cut off the plant that it grew on.切花;鲜切花 He brought her a bouquet of cut flowers.他给她带来一束鲜切花。 10  [+ object] : to cause (something) to no longer be connected切断;割断;斩断 The enemy has cut [=severed] our supply lines.敌人切断了我们的补给线。 He wanted to cut all ties with his past and start a new life.他想割断同过去的一切联系,开始新生活。 11  [+ object] : to allow (someone or something) to be free, loose, etc., by cutting something that stops movement(割断束缚物)使脱身,使松开 They were trapped inside the crushed car and had to be cut free. = They had to be cut from the car.他们被困在压扁的车里,只有把汽车切开才能脱身。 The boat was cut loose from the pier and allowed to drift away.小船系在码头上的缆绳被人割断了,漂走了。 — see also cut loose at 1loose 12  [+ object] : to remove (someone) from a team, organization, etc.开除;除名 I was on the team for two weeks before I got cut.我在这个队待了两个星期就被除名了。 — often + from The coach cut two players from the team.教练开除了两名队员。 The band was cut from the show at the last minute.这个乐队在演出前的最后一刻被取消了表演。 13  : to divide (a pack of cards) into two piles切牌 [+ object] You cut the deck and I'll deal.你切牌,我来发牌。 [no object] You cut and I'll deal.你切牌,我来发牌。 14  [+ object] : to divide (an area of land) into two parts将(某一区域)一分为二 The river cuts the city in half.这条河流将城市一分为二。 The mountain ridges are cut by deep valleys.山脊被深深的峡谷分开了。 15  [no object] : to move or go across or through something穿过;通过 Let's take a shortcut and cut across this field.我们抄近路,从这片地里穿过去吧。 We cut through the park on our way home.回家的路上,我们穿过了公园。 The boundary line between the two countries cuts directly through the group's traditional homeland.两国的边境线径直从这个部族传统的家园上穿过。 — often used figuratively to describe something that is not limited in the usual way常用作比喻,表示超出常态的局限 National security is an issue that cuts across party lines. [=an issue that is important to both political parties]国家安全问题对两党都很重要。 Child abuse cuts across all economic and racial lines/boundaries. [=it occurs in all economic and racial groups]虐待儿童是各经济体和种族面临的共性问题。 Her academic interests cut across [=involve or relate to] many disciplines.她的学术爱好涉及多个学科。 16  [no object] a  : to move quickly快速行进 a fast ship cutting through the waves劈波斩浪行进的快船 b  : to move suddenly in a different direction突然转向 The driver cut across three lanes of traffic to get to his exit and nearly caused an accident.司机突然转向,穿过三条车道赶到出口,差点造成事故。 (American football) The runner cut to his left to avoid being tackled.持球跑动进攻队员突然转向左侧,以躲开阻截。 17  [no object] : to move in front of other people in a line插队;加塞儿 That guy cut to the head of the line.那家伙插队到最前头去了。 She cut in front of us. = She cut ahead of us.她插队到我们前面了。 — often + in Our friends let us cut in in front of them.我们的朋友让我们插队到了他们前面。 Celebrities are allowed to cut in line at popular restaurants.在一些人气很旺的饭店里,名人可以插队,提前就餐。 Hey, no cutting (in line)!嗨,不要插队! 18  [+ object] chiefly US : to not go to (school or a class) when you should go to it逃学;逃课 We used to cut [=skip] school together and hang out at the beach.我们过去常一起逃课去沙滩闲逛。 She would take notes for me when I cut class.我逃课时她总会替我做笔记。 19  [+ object] informal : to record (a song, album, etc.)录(歌曲);灌(唱片) She's in the studio cutting a new track/song for her next album.她正在演播室为下张专辑录一首新歌。 Elvis Presley cut his first record in 1954.埃尔维斯·普雷斯利于1954年录制了他的第一张唱片。 20  [no object] : to suddenly move from one image or scene to another in a movie, television program, etc.切换镜头 The movie cuts quickly from one scene to the next.这部电影的镜头切换得很快。 The camera cut back to the actor's face.镜头切回到演员的脸。 To explain the present situation, the film cuts back to the hero's childhood.为了说明目前的处境,电影镜头切回到主人公的童年时代。 — often + away They quickly cut away to the announcer when he appeared on stage.当主持人出现在舞台上时,他们赶紧把镜头切换到他身上。 21  [no object] : to stop filming a scene in a movie or television show(电影或电视中)停止拍片— usually used as a command通常用作命令 “Cut!” yelled the director.“停!”导演喊道。 22  [+ object] : to stop saying or doing (foolish or annoying things)停止说(愚蠢或讨厌的话);停止做(愚蠢或讨厌的事)— usually used in phrases like cut the nonsense and (less politely) cut the crap通常用于cut the nonsense、cut the crap等短语,后者更不礼貌 Let's cut the nonsense and get down to business.咱们别胡扯了,开始干正事吧。 Cut the crap, Jen! I know you're lying.别废话了,珍!我知道你在撒谎。 23  [+ object] : to stop (a motor) by moving a switch关掉(马达) We cut the engine and drifted into shore.我们关掉发动机,把船漂停在海岸边。 I parked and cut the ignition.我把车停进车位,然后熄了火。 — often + off The pilot cut off the engine after the plane had come to a stop.飞机停下后,飞行员关掉了引擎。 24  [no object] : to go to or deal with something in a very direct way径直去;(直截了当地)处理— usually + to Her question cut to the heart of the issue.她的提问直击问题的要害。 This research cuts to the very core of who we are as human beings.这项研究切中人之为人这一问题的要害。 Let me cut to the real reason why I'm here.我就直说我来这儿的原因吧。 25  : to cause painful feelings or emotions(从感情上)伤害 [no object] His words cut deeply.他的话很伤人。 The disappointment cut like a knife.那种失望像刀割一样使人伤痛。 [+ object] His harsh words cut me very deeply.他尖刻的话语深深地伤害了我。 She was cut to the quick [=she was very badly hurt] by their insults.他们的辱骂深深刺痛了她的心。 26  [+ object] a  US : to make (alcohol) less strong by adding water or another liquid(加水或其他液体)稀释(酒精) They cut [=diluted] the wine with water.他们在葡萄酒中掺了水。 b  : to make (a drug, such as heroin) less strong by mixing it with another substance把(海洛因等毒品)与其他物质掺和 The substance is used to cut cocaine.这种物质是用来与海洛因掺和的。 27  [+ object] : to cause (dirt, grease, etc.) to break apart and be removed去除(污垢、油污等) soap that cuts grease and grime能去除油垢和污垢的肥皂 cut a check US : to write a check and give it to someone给(某人)开支票 The company cut him a check and he cashed it.公司给他开了一张支票,他兑换成了现金。 cut a dash — see 2dash cut a deal : to make an agreement usually about business : to make a deal(通常指在生意上)达成协议,成交 The band cut a deal with a recording company.这支乐队和一家唱片公司达成了协议。 cut a figure ◊ If you cut a fine/dashing/heroic (etc.) figure, you look very good and impressive.帅气;俊美;英武 He cut a fine figure in his officer's uniform.他穿军官服的样子真帅。 cut and run : to leave quickly in order to avoid danger or trouble(为避免危险或麻烦)匆忙离开 You can't just cut and run when your friends are in trouble.朋友们有麻烦时,你可不能撒腿就走。 cut a rug old-fashioned slang : to dance in an energetic way充满活力地跳舞 He's not young anymore, but he can still cut a rug on the dance floor.他已不再年轻,但在舞池里依然活力十足。 cut a tooth of a baby : to have a tooth begin to come through the gums出牙 Their baby daughter cut her first tooth yesterday.他们的女儿昨天长出了第一颗牙。 cut away [phrasal verb] cut away (something) or cut (something) away : to remove (something that is not needed) by cutting砍去;削去 They cut away [=cut off] a few of the tree's lower branches.他们砍去了这棵树几根低处的树枝。 — see also 1cut 20 (above), cutaway cut back [phrasal verb] 1  : to use less or do less of something削减;缩减;减少 We've been spending too much money and we need to cut back. [=we need to spend less money]我们一直以来花钱太多,得削减开支了。 — often + on I've been trying to cut back on smoking.我一直在尽量少抽烟。 He's cut back on the time he spends in front of the TV.他已减少了看电视的时间。 2  cut (something) back or cut back (something) a  : to make (a plant) smaller or shorter by cutting its branches剪枝;修剪 Cut back [=prune] the shrub in the late fall.在晚秋时节修剪灌木。 b  : to reduce the size or amount of (something)缩小,减少(大小或数量) We ran out of time and had to cut back our plans.我们用完了规定的时间,不得不压缩计划。 They've cut back my hours at work.他们减少了我的工作时间。 — see also cutback cut both ways : to have both good and bad results, effects, etc.有利也有弊;是福也是祸 He knows that his extreme competitiveness cuts both ways.他知道自己过于争强好胜的个性是一把双刃剑。 These changes in the economy cut both ways.经济上的这些变化有利也有弊。 cut corners — see 1corner cut down [phrasal verb] 1  : to use less or do less of something削减;缩减;减少 I haven't been able to quit smoking completely, but at least I've cut down. [=cut back]我还不能完全把烟戒掉,但起码现在抽得少了。 — often + on I've had to cut down on [=reduce, cut back on] the amount of money I spend on clothes.我已不得不削减买衣服的开支。 She suggested he cut down on his drinking.她建议他少喝酒。 a building material that helps cut down on noise有助于降低噪声的建筑材料 2  cut (something) down or cut down (something) a  : to remove (a tree or bush) by cutting through its trunk or base砍倒;砍掉;砍伐 Most of the tree was dead, so we had to cut it down.这棵树枯死了一大半,所以我们只好砍掉它。 Much of the forest has been cut down for firewood.这片树林的很大一部分都被砍掉当柴火了。 b  : to reduce the size or amount of (something)削减,缩小(大小或数量) We used a shortcut that cut down our traveling time by 15 minutes.我们抄近路,把行程时间缩短了15分钟。 The machine significantly cuts down the amount of work necessary to harvest crops.这台机器大大减少了收割庄稼所需要的工作量。 3  cut (someone) down or cut down (someone) : to kill or wound (someone)使(某人)丧命(或受伤) She was cut down by a stray bullet.她被一颗流弹击中身亡。 The composer Schubert was cut down in his prime by illness. [=he died because of illness when he was in his prime]作曲家舒伯特正值盛年就被疾病夺去了生命。 cut from the same cloth — see cloth cut ice — see 1ice cut in [phrasal verb] 1  : to join a conversation suddenly : interrupt打断(谈话);插嘴 We were trying to have a conversation, but she kept cutting in.我们想谈谈话,但她不停地插嘴。 “What are you guys talking about?” he cut in.“你们大家在聊些什么呢?”他插嘴问道。 — often + on He's always cutting in on our conversations.他总是在我们谈话时插嘴。 2  : to stop two people who are dancing and take the place of one of them(插到一对舞者中)截走别人的舞伴 He went up to the dancing couple and said, “May I cut in?”他走向正在跳舞的一对,说:“可以换我和她跳吗?” 3  of a machine : to begin to work发动,启动,打开(机器) Once the heater cuts in [=kicks in], it'll be a lot more comfortable in here.一打开加热器,这里就会舒服很多。 4  cut (someone) in : to include (someone) in a group of people who are receiving money or other benefits让(某人)加入(分享金钱或其他好处) They'll help you start your business provided that you cut them in when you start making a profit.他们会帮你启动生意,条件是你开始盈利后要和他们分享利润。 — often + on They want you to cut them in on [=to give them some of] the profits.他们希望你在分红的时候把他们也算进去。 5  cut (something) in or cut in (something) : to add (something, such as butter) to dry ingredients (such as flour) by making cutting motions with a knife or other sharp tool把…剁入;切拌 After sifting the flour into a mixing bowl, use two knives to cut in the butter.把面粉筛进搅拌碗后,再用两把刀把黄油切拌进来。 — see also 1cut 17 (above) cut into [phrasal verb] cut into (something) : to reduce the amount of (something)减少(某物的数量) Although it would cut into profits, we were forced to lower our prices.尽管降低价格会减少利润,但我们还是不得不这样做了。 The extra time I was spending at work was cutting into my time with my family.我工作中加班的时间多了,和家人在一起的时间就少了。 cut it informal 1  : to be able to do something well enough能办好(某事) — usually used in negative statements通常用于否定句 After two weeks at the new job, he decided that he just couldn't cut it. [=that he couldn't do the job well enough to succeed]新工作干了两周后,他认定自己干不好。 They didn't think that I would cut it as an actress.他们认为我当不成优秀女演员。 Everyone's using bold colors to decorate their homes. Plain white walls just don't cut it anymore. [=plain white walls are not acceptable anymore]大家都在使用醒目的颜色装饰房间,纯白色的墙已经不再受欢迎。 2  ◊ People use the informal phrase any way you cut it to say that something is true no matter how you look at it or think about it.随你怎么看 Any way you cut it, it was a pretty good year for our company.随你怎么想,这都是我们公司非常成功的一年。 She's one of the world's best tennis players any way you cut it.不管你怎么看,她都是一位世界顶级的网球选手。 cut it close (chiefly US) or chiefly British cut it fine : to almost not be able to do something : to almost fail, lose, etc.几乎失败;差点输掉;差点错过 They ended up winning the game, but they really cut it close [=they almost lost the game] at the end他们虽然最终赢了比赛,但在最后时刻差点输了。 It's cutting it a bit fine to get to the station at 9:45 when the train leaves at 9:50!火车9:50发车,9:45才赶到火车站,这可真是有点悬! cut off [phrasal verb] 1  of a machine : to stop working suddenly : to turn off(机器)突然熄火,停止运转 The engine suddenly cut off. [=cut out]发动机突然熄火了。 The air-conditioning cut off, and the room was silent.空调突然停了,房间里一片寂静。 2  cut (something) off or cut off (something) a  : to remove (something) by cutting切掉;剪掉;砍掉 Cut off dead flowers to promote new growth.把枯死的花剪掉,好让新的快点长出来。 I had very long hair, but I cut most of it off in college.我以前头发很长,但上大学时剪短了。 He decided to cut off his beard.他决定把胡子剃了。 He was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. [=he was acting in a very excited and confused way]他像一只没头苍蝇似的瞎忙乎。 b  : to stop or end (something)停止;终止 They had a vote to cut off debate on the budget.他们投票结束了关于预算的争论。 The organization cut off its ties with the country's government.这个组织切断了与该国政府的联系。 His family cut off all communication/contact with him after the incident.那场事故以后,他的家人断绝了和他之间所有的联系。 c  : to stop people from seeing or using (something) : to block (something)阻碍;阻挡;堵塞 Their fence cuts off our view of the ocean.他们的篱笆遮挡了我们看大海的视线。 Many of the town's roads were cut off when the river overflowed.河水泛滥,镇子上多条公路都被切断了。 The army cut off all escape routes.军队切断了所有逃跑路线。 d  : to stop the movement or supply of (something)停止(或中断)供给 The power was cut off to our apartment building.我们公寓大楼的供电中断了。 The earthquake cut off our water supply.地震使我们的供水中断了。 They've decided to cut off funding/aid to the group.他们决定终止为这一团体提供资金/援助。 His main source of income had been cut off.他的主要收入来源中断了。 3  cut (someone or something) off or cut off (someone or something) : to cause (someone or something) to be separate or alone使隔开;使分开;使隔离 — often + from an island nation geographically cut off from the rest of the world不与世界上其他国家接壤的岛国 They are cut off from (contact with) the outside world.他们被与外界隔离起来。 She cut herself off from her family.她断绝了和家人的联系。 He's emotionally cut off from his wife.他和妻子感情不和。 4  cut (someone) off or cut off (someone) a  : to stop (someone) from talking打断(某人) I was in the middle of telling a story when she cut me off [=she interrupted me] to ask about dinner.我正讲着故事,她打断了我,问我晚餐怎么办。 He spoke for 12 minutes until his teacher finally cut him off.他都说了12分钟了,老师才终于打断他的发言。 ◊ If you get cut off when you are using the telephone, the telephone connection suddenly ends and you can no longer hear the other person.(电话)中断,断线 I called him, but we got cut off [=we got disconnected; the telephone connection ended] two minutes into our conversation.我给他打了电话,但谈了两分钟就断线了。 b  US : to drive in front of (someone in another vehicle) in a sudden and dangerous way(突然)超车 He shouted at a driver who cut him off.他冲那个突然超车冲到他前面的司机大叫。 Hey, that guy/car just cut me off!嘿,那家伙/那辆车刚才超车冲到我前面去了! c  : to move ahead and force (someone) to stop拦截 “Sheriff, they're getting away!” “Don't worry, we'll take a shortcut and cut them off.”“长官,他们跑了!”“别着急,我们会抄近路拦住他们的。” d  : to decide not to give money or property to (someone) after your death剥夺(某人的)继承权 In her will, she cut off her son without a cent/penny.她在遗嘱中没有给儿子留下一分钱。 She cut him off completely.她完全剥夺了他的继承权。 e  : to refuse to allow (someone) to drink more alcohol不让(某人)继续饮酒 He's had too much to drink. We'd better cut him off.他喝得太多了。我们最好不要让他再喝了。 — see also 1cut 1d, cutoff cut off your nose to spite your face — see 1nose cut out [phrasal verb] 1  of a machine : to stop working suddenly(机器)突然熄火,突然停止运转 The plane's engines suddenly cut out. [=cut off]飞机的引擎突然熄火了。 2  chiefly US : to leave quickly and suddenly快速离开;突然离开 We were in a hurry to get home, so we cut out before the performance ended.我们急着赶回家,所以表演还没结束就匆匆离开了。 3  chiefly US : to move out of a line of traffic(车辆)突然驶出车流 The other car/driver cut out from behind and sped ahead of us.后面的一辆小汽车/一位驾驶员突然驶出车流,加速冲到我们前面去了。 4  cut (something) out or cut out (something) a  : to form (something) by cutting with a sharp tool剪出;裁剪 He got a piece of red paper and cut out a big heart. = He cut a big heart out of a piece of red paper.他拿出一张红纸,剪出一个大大的心形图案。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 She cut out [=carved out] a place for herself in history. [=she caused herself to be important in history]她名留青史。 — see also 1cut 5 (above), cutout b  : to remove (something) by cutting剪去;切去 I cut out the recipe from a magazine.我从一份杂志上剪下了这个食谱。 cutting out newspaper articles剪下报纸上的文章 Doctors cut out the lump from her chest.医生切除了她胸部的肿块。 c  : to remove (something) from something去除;删除;剔除 Fortunately, they cut [=took] that scene out of the movie.幸运的是,他们把那个场景从电影中删掉了。 He cut out sugar from his diet and began eating more fruits and vegetables.他不吃糖而开始多吃水果和蔬菜了。 I focused on my work and cut out everything else in my life.我专心致志地工作,把生活中的其他事都抛到一边。 d  : to stop doing (something)终止做,停止做(某事) I've cut down on the number of cigarettes I smoke, but I'd like to cut out [=give up] smoking altogether.我吸烟已经比以前少了,但我还是想完全戒掉。 I told you to cut that out! [=I told you to stop that]我告诉过你别干那事了。 That's enough, kids. I mean it! Cut it out!够了,孩子们。我可不是说着玩的!别闹啦! e  ◊ If your legs, feet, or knees are cut out from under you, you are knocked down by something that hits your legs very hard. This phrase is often used figuratively.(腿、脚或膝盖)受撞击倒下(常用作比喻) When I learned that I was seriously ill, I felt like my feet were cut out from under me.当我得知自己病得很重时,觉得天都塌了。 The financial legs had been cut out from under the program. [=the program lost money and could not do what it needed to do]这一计划的资金支撑被彻底切断了。 5  cut (someone) out or cut out (someone) : to cause (someone) to no longer be included in something把(某人)排除在外 She cut all of her children out of her will and left everything to her grandchildren.她从遗嘱中删除了自己所有子女的名字,把一切都留给了孙辈。 Don't cut me out of your life completely!你可不要把我忘得干干净净! We can save money by cutting out the middleman and ordering our supplies directly from the manufacturer.我们可以不通过经纪人,直接从厂家订货,这样就能够节约资金。 6  ◊ If you are cut out for (something) or cut out to do/be (something), you are naturally able or suited to do or be something.具有所需素质及才能;是…的材料 Why do you think that you're cut out for this job? [=why would you be good at this job?]你为什么认为自己适合做这项工作? I'm really not cut out for this kind of work. [=I'm not naturally good at it]我根本就不是做这类工作的料。 He's not cut out to be a teacher. = He's not cut out to teach.他不是做老师的料。 — see also have your work cut out for you at 2work cut short — see 2short cut (someone) dead : to pretend not to see (someone you know) : to deliberately ignore (someone)假装没看见(某人);对(某人)视而不见;故意忽略(某人的)存在 When I saw her on the street yesterday, she cut me dead.我昨天在街上看到她了,但她假装没看见我。 cut (someone) some slack — see 2slack cut the Gordian knot — see gordian knot cut the mustard — see mustard cut through [phrasal verb] cut through (something) : to get through or past (something that blocks you or slows you down) quickly and directly通过(障碍);克服(困难) We were able to start the project once she told us how to cut through the red tape.只要她告诉我们如何顺利通过那些繁文缛节,我们就能启动这个项目了。 It took some time to cut through the lies and get to the truth.透过谎言看透真相用了相当一段时间。 cutting through all the nonsense免谈一切废话 — often + to cutting through to the heart/essence of the problem直达问题的核心 — see also 1cut 15 (above) cut to the chase — see 1chase cut up [phrasal verb] 1  US, informal : to behave in a silly or rude way瞎胡闹 I was sent to the principal's office for cutting up [=clowning around] in class.由于在课堂上瞎胡闹,我被叫到了校长办公室。 — see also cutup 2  cut (something) up or cut up (something) : to cut (something) into parts or pieces切碎;剁碎 He cut up the candy into little pieces and gave it to the child.他把糖果切成小块给那个孩子吃。 — often + into The area was cut up [=divided] into three separate farms.这片地被分成三个独立的农场。 They cut up the wood into small pieces.他们把木头劈成小块。 We made sandwiches and cut them up into triangles.我们做了一些三明治,切成一块一块的三角状。 3  cut (someone or something) up or cut up (someone or something) a  : to hurt or damage (someone or something) by cutting割伤;划伤;砍伤 He got cut up pretty badly in the fight.他在那场斗殴中伤得很重。 His face and arms were all cut up.他的脸和胳膊都被划破了。 b  informal : to criticize (someone or something) in a harsh way严厉批评;抨击 The critics really cut up his last play.批评家把他最近的一部剧本批得体无完肤。 c  ◊ In informal British English, to be cut up about something is to be very sad or upset about something.使伤心;使悲痛 I was pretty cut up about the way the critics treated my last play.批评家对我最近一部剧本的态度让我非常难过。 She's really cut up about losing her job.失去工作真的让她很伤心。 cut up rough British, informal : to behave in an angry or violent way大发脾气;大吵大闹 He got drunk and started to cut up rough.他喝醉了,开始大发脾气。 cut your losses — see loss cut your own throat — see throat cut your teeth — used to describe the things that people do when they are starting their careers初涉职场;开始工作 He cut his teeth performing at local bars and nightclubs.一开始,他在当地酒吧和夜总会表演。 She cut her political teeth [=she began her political career] as a volunteer during the 1992 presidential election.她在1992年的总统选举中担任志愿者,并从此开始了她的政治生涯。 — often + on Many television and movie stars cut their teeth on soap operas.许多影视明星都是从演肥皂剧开始演艺生涯的。 fish or cut bait — see 2fish 2 cut /ˈkʌt/ noun plural cuts 2 cut /ˈkʌt/ noun plural cuts Learner's definition of CUT [count] 1  a  : an opening or hole made with a sharp tool (such as a knife)开口;破口 Make a few small cuts in the crust to let the air escape.在外壳上开几个小口,把空气放出来。 a two-inch cut in the cloth布料上一个两英寸大小的破口 b  : a wound on a person's body that is made by something sharp伤口;划口 She had a small cut [=gash] above her left eye.她的左眼上方有一处小伤口。 He came home covered in cuts and bruises.他回到家时,身上到处是伤口和瘀青。 a deep/superficial cut深层/表层的伤口 a paper cut [=a cut made by the edge of a piece of paper]被纸划伤 2  : an act of making something smaller in amount : reduction削减;减少 Further cuts in spending are needed.需要进一步削减开支。 He had to accept a cut in pay. = He had to accept a pay cut.他不得不接受减薪。 a tax cut减税 3  : the act of removing something from a book, movie, etc.删节;删剪;删除 You'll have to make a few cuts in your manuscript if you want us to publish it.如果你想让我们出版你的作品,就必须对稿子做一些删节。 4  : a version of a movie at a particular stage of being edited(电影的)版本 Fortunately, that scene didn't make the film's final cut. [=that scene did not appear in the final version of the film]幸运的是,那个场景没有出现在电影的最终版本中。 I saw a rough cut [=a version that is not yet finished] of the movie.我看了那部电影的初剪版。 a director's cut [=a special version of a movie that is created by the director and that usually includes scenes that are not included in other versions]导演剪辑版 5  : a song on a record, tape, or CD(唱片、磁带或CD上的)歌曲 We listened to the same cut [=track] over and over.我们一遍又一遍地听唱片上的同一首歌曲。 6  : the shape and style of a piece of clothing(衣服的)款式,式样 the cut of his pants他的裤子的款式 7  : the act or result of cutting someone's hair : haircut理发;发型 I had a shampoo and a cut.我洗了头,还理了发。 — see also buzz cut, crew cut 8  : a piece of meat that is cut from a particular part of an animal's body切下的肉块 a thick/tender/expensive cut of meat一块很厚/嫩/贵的肉 9  : a part of something that is divided and shared among people(分得的)一部分 — usually singular通常用单数 We each got a cut [=share] of the profits.我们每人都分到了一份红利。 — see also a cut of the action at action 10  : the act of reducing the size of a group (such as a group of competitors) by removing the ones that are not good enough or that have not done well enough精简,淘汰(如参赛人员) — usually used with make or miss通常与make或miss连用 He has to birdie the last hole in order to make the cut. [=in order to have a score that is low enough to be among the players allowed to continue playing]他最后一杆必须打出小鸟球才不会被淘汰。 If he doesn't birdie this hole, he'll miss the cut.如果这一洞他不能打出小鸟球,就会被淘汰。 Only the best players are good enough to make the cut when the team is being chosen.挑选队员时,只有最优秀的选手才不会被淘汰。 a cut above : better than other people or things优于;比…高一等;比…胜一筹 All of his books are good, but this one is a cut above (the rest).他的书都写得很好,但还是这一本最棒。 She's a cut above the other competitors and should win easily.她比其他参赛选手技高一筹,赢得比赛应该轻而易举。 cut and thrust chiefly British : the lively and exciting quality of an activity in which people compete or argue with each other激烈交锋;唇枪舌剑 He has always enjoyed the cut and thrust of politics.他一直很喜欢政界的那种唇枪舌剑的氛围。




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