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词汇 jump
释义 jump (noun) jump 31 ENTRIES FOUND: jump (verb) jump (noun) jumped-up (adjective) jumping bean (noun) jumping jack (noun) jumping-off point (noun) jump-start (verb) jump rope (noun) jump shot (noun) broad jump (noun) bungee jump (verb) high jump (noun) long jump (noun) Mexican jumping bean (noun) queue-jumping (noun) show jumping (noun) ski jump (noun) triple jump (noun) water jump (noun) gain (verb) gun (noun) hoop (noun) hop (noun) lake (noun) page (noun) queue (noun) rope (noun) ship (noun) skin (noun) skip (noun) throat (noun) 1 jump /ˈʤʌmp/ verb jumps; jumped; jumping 1 jump /ˈʤʌmp/ verb jumps; jumped; jumping Learner's definition of JUMP 1  a  [no object] : to move your body upward from the ground and often forward, backward, or sideways through the air by pushing with your legs跳上;跃;跳跃 The cat jumped [=leaped] (up) onto the table.那只猫跳上了桌子。 Grasshoppers were jumping [=hopping] around in the field.蚱蜢在田间跳来跳去。 The circus lion jumped through the hoop.马戏团的狮子跃过了大铁环。 The fans were jumping up and down with excitement.粉丝们兴奋得跳来跳去。 Everyone was jumping for joy when we found out that we had won an award.得知获奖后我们大家都欢呼雀跃。 b  [no object] : to cause your body to drop or fall down from something by pushing with your legs跳下 The cat jumped down off/from the table.那只猫从桌上跳了下来。 jump off a bridge跳下桥 c  : to move forward through the air and over (something)跳越;跃过 [+ object] The runner jumped a hurdle.赛跑者跨过了一个障碍栏。 The car jumped the curb.汽车压过了马路牙子。 [no object] — + over The runner jumped over a hurdle.赛跑者跨过了一个障碍栏。 The car jumped over the curb.汽车压过了马路牙子。 2  [no object] a  : to move quickly快速行动 Everyone jumped into/in the pool.人们纷纷跳进游泳池。 He jumped into/in his truck and drove away.他跳上卡车,把车开走了。 She jumped up on [=quickly got up on] a chair and began to sing the national anthem.她跳上椅子,开始唱国歌。 She jumped up [=she stood up quickly] and ran out the door.她一下子站起来跑出门外。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 The team jumped from last place to first place.这支队从最后一名跃升为第一名。 If anyone criticizes her husband, she always jumps to his defense. [=she always quickly defends him]如果有人批评她丈夫,她总会马上替他辩护。 They jumped into action. [=acted immediately]他们立即采取了行动。 b  : to make a sudden movement because of surprise or shock(受惊后)猛地一跳,突然一跳 She jumped when she heard a loud knock late at night.她深夜听到震耳的敲门声吓了一跳。 I almost jumped out of my skin when I heard her say my name. [=I was very surprised when I heard her say my name]听到她说出我的名字时,我大吃一惊。 3  [no object] : to start or go forward quickly快速开始;迅速前进 She jumped to an early lead in the race.赛跑开始不久她就领先了。 — sometimes + off She jumped off to a big lead.她很快便遥遥领先了。 4  [no object] : to suddenly increase in value or amount(价格或数量等)突升,暴涨 The price of gasoline jumped (by) 10 percent in the spring. = Gasoline jumped in price by 10 percent in the spring.春季油价突然上涨了10%。 5  [no object] a  : to go in a sudden and unexpected way突然转换 She was always jumping from job to job.她当时总是频繁跳槽。 b  : to suddenly go forward to a later point略去:跳过 He jumped to the end of the chapter to find the answers.他翻到章节末去找答案。 The movie jumps ahead/forward to when she was in college.影片切换到她上大学时的场景。 6  [no object] : to be lively with activity活跃 The city really jumps on New Year's Eve.除夕夜,这座城市真的沸腾了起来。 The bar/joint/place was jumping.这个酒吧/场所/地方的气氛活跃。 7  [+ object] : to physically attack (a person) especially in a robbery(尤指抢劫时)突然袭击 He was jumped by a mugger while he was walking home from the store.他从商店走回家时遭到一名拦路抢劫者突然袭击。 8  [no object] : to move or behave in an energetic way especially to please another person(尤指为取悦某人而)踊跃奔忙,表现急切 When the boss walks in, everybody is supposed to jump.老板走进来时,大家都需要表现得干劲十足。 9  [+ object] chiefly US : to get onto (a moving train)跳上(行驶的火车) jump a train跳上火车 10  [+ object] : to begin moving before (a signal to begin)在(信号发出)之前过早行动 The car ahead of me jumped the light. [=started moving before the traffic light turned green]我前面那辆车闯了红灯。 11  : to move a piece in a board game so that it moves over another piece and lands on the next space跳过,跳吃(对方的棋子) [+ object] She jumped three of my checkers in one move.她一步棋连跳我三颗棋子。 [no object] In this version of the game, jumping is not permitted.这种游戏的玩法不允许跳子。 — sometimes + over She jumped over three of my checkers.她连跳了我三个棋子。 (go) jump in a/the lake — see lake jump all over informal : to become very angry at (someone) : to angrily criticize or shout at (someone)对(某人)感到愤怒;怒斥(某人) His mother jumped all over [=jumped on] him for wrecking the car.他把车毁了,母亲劈头盖脸训斥了他一番。 jump at [phrasal verb] jump at (something) : to eagerly take (a chance, offer, etc.)急切地接受,欣然应承(机会、提议等) She jumped at the chance/opportunity to show her boss what she could do.她迫不及待地抓住这个机会向老板展示自己的能力。 He jumped at the offer of a better job.他马上就抓住了这个更好的工作机会。 jump bail — see 1bail jump down someone's throat — see throat jump in [phrasal verb] informal : to say something about a subject that another person is already talking about : to join a conversation发表见解;参与交谈 Jump in if you have any questions.如果你有什么问题可以提出来。 jump off the page — see 1page jump on [phrasal verb] informal 1  jump on (someone) : to become very angry at (someone) : to angrily criticize or shout at (someone)对(某人)感到愤怒;怒斥(某人) The teacher jumped on [=jumped all over] us for being late.我们迟到了,老师狠批了我们一通。 The coach jumped on him for not playing hard enough.教练因他比赛没有尽全力而斥责他。 2  jump on (something) a  : to strongly attack or criticize (something)严厉批评(某事) She was quick to jump on her rival's poor record as governor.她即刻严厉指责竞选对手在担任州长期间的不良政绩。 b  : to get on (a train, bus, etc.)跳上(火车、公共汽车等) She jumped on [=hopped] a bus to Denver.她跳上了开往丹佛的大巴。 He jumped on a plane and headed home.他登上飞机飞回家了。 jump out at [phrasal verb] 1  jump out at (someone) : to suddenly come at (someone) from a hiding place(从隐蔽处)突然扑向(某人) The hidden assailant jumped out at them.袭击者突然从隐蔽处冲向他们。 2  : to immediately get the attention of (someone)一下子吸引住(某人) The sculpture jumps out at you when you enter the house.你一进屋就会注意到那座雕像。 I checked for errors, but nothing jumped out at me. [=I did not notice any errors]我检查过了,没发现任何错误。 jump rope — see 1rope jump ship — see 1ship jump the gun — see 1gun jump the queue — see 1queue jump the track(s) (US) of a train or chiefly British jump the rails : to come off the track(火车)出轨 Dozens of people were injured when the train jumped the track.火车出轨,很多人受了伤。 jump through hoops informal : to do a complicated or annoying series of things in order to get or achieve something(为得到某物或完成某事而)做烦琐的事情 We had to jump through a lot of hoops to get a loan from the bank.我们得办理许多烦琐手续才能得到银行贷款。 It shouldn't be necessary to jump through hoops to get a computer to work properly.让计算机正常运行不需要费多大劲儿。 jump to conclusions — see conclusion jump to it informal : to begin doing something赶快干起来;积极行动 We don't have much time to finish this job, so we better jump to it.我们完成这项工作的时间不多了,所以我们最好赶快行动。 2 jump /ˈʤʌmp/ noun plural jumps 2 jump /ˈʤʌmp/ noun plural jumps Learner's definition of JUMP 1  [count] : an act of jumping跳;跃 He got over the fence with a running jump. [=a jump made while running]他助跑起跳越过了栅栏。 — see also high jump, long jump 2  [singular] : a sudden movement because of surprise or shock突然一跳;惊跳— usually used in the phrase give a jump通常用于短语give a jump He gave a jump [=start] when she entered the room.她进入房间时他吓了一跳。 3  [count] a  : something to be jumped over需越过的障碍 The horse took/cleared the first jump easily but balked at the second.那匹马轻松地跳过了第一个障碍,但在第二个障碍前畏缩不前。 b  : something (such as a ramp) that you ride over in order to jump through the air on a motorcycle, bicycle, etc.(摩托车、自行车等腾空跃起所借助的斜坡等)助跳设施 a motorcycle jump摩托车跳台 — see also ski jump 4  [count] : a sudden increase急升;猛涨 a jump in the price of gasoline汽油价格的猛涨 a jump in sales销售量的猛增 a hop, skip, and (a) jump — see 2hop get/have/gain a/the jump on : to get or have an early advantage over (someone) by acting quickly or doing something first抢在…之前;比…占先 The company came out with its software earlier than expected and got the jump on its competitors.这家公司在预期前推出其软件,从而抢在了竞争对手前面。 one jump ahead ◊ If you are/keep/stay one jump ahead of someone, you have or keep an advantage over someone by learning about or doing something new.(比…)抢先一步;(比…)超前一步 The company has continued to be successful because it always stays one jump ahead of its competitors.这家公司不断获得成功是因为它总是抢先对手一步。 take a running jump British, informal + impolite — used to tell someone who angers or annoys you to go away(生气地让某人离开)走开,滚开 She told him to (go) take a running jump. [=(US) take a flying leap]她叫他滚开。




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