

单词 do well
释义 do well ◊ If you would do well to do something, you should do it.应该做 You would do well to avoid him right now. [=you should avoid him right now]眼下你应该避开他。 ◊ If you did well to do something, you were correct to do it.做得对 You did well to avoid him when he was in a bad mood.当时他情绪不好,你避开他是对的。 ◊ If you did well to escape, survive, etc., you were lucky to escape, survive, etc.侥幸逃脱;幸存 When the tornado hit, they did well to escape uninjured.龙卷风来袭时,他们侥幸逃离,没有受伤。 do




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