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词汇 kick
释义 kick (noun) kick 15 ENTRIES FOUND: kick (verb) kick (noun) kick-ass (adjective) kick-start (verb) corner kick (noun) free kick (noun) penalty kick (noun) squib kick (noun) alive (adjective) bucket (noun) butt (noun) dropkick (noun) heel (noun) tooth (noun) upstairs (adverb) 1 kick /ˈkɪk/ verb kicks; kicked; kicking 1 kick /ˈkɪk/ verb kicks; kicked; kicking Learner's definition of KICK 1  a  [+ object] : to hit (someone or something) with your foot踢 The attacker kicked him in the stomach.袭击者踢他的肚子。 She lost her temper and kicked over the box.她发起脾气,踢翻了盒子。 He kicked the ball into the goal.他把球踢进了球门。 She kicked the ball to me.她把球踢给我。 The policeman kicked the door open.警察一脚把门踹开了。 b  : to move your leg or legs in the air or in water especially in a strong or forceful way踢腿;举腿 [+ object] The baby kicked his legs in the air.小宝宝两腿在空中乱蹬。 The swimming instructor reminded the children to kick their legs as they swam.游泳教练提醒孩子们游泳时要踢双腿。 [no object] The baby kicked with pleasure.小宝宝高兴地两腿乱蹬。 The boy kicked and screamed as his mother carried him out of the room. = The boy was carried out of the room kicking and screaming.小男孩被母亲抱出房间时又踢又叫。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 They told him he needed a computer, but he had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century. [=he had to be forced to stop doing things the old way and use a computer]他们告诉他,得用电脑,但他非要有人生拉硬拽才能进入21世纪。 2  [+ object] sports : to score (a goal) by kicking a ball踢进(球门)得分 He kicked the winning field goal.他踢进了制胜的一记任意球。 3  [+ object] informal : to completely stop doing (something harmful to yourself) : to put an end to (a bad or dangerous habit)戒绝(恶习) When he was 25, he kicked his cocaine habit and went back to school.他在25岁时彻底戒掉了吸毒的恶习,重新回到学校。 I've been smoking for years, but this year I'm determined to kick the habit.我吸烟许多年了,但今年我决心彻底戒烟。 4  [no object] informal : to be full of life and energy活跃;精力充沛— always used as (be) kicking总用作(be) kicking He's almost 90 years old, but he's still kicking.他年近90,但依然精力充沛。 The movement is still alive and kicking.活动仍然如火如荼地进行着。 kick around [phrasal verb] informal 1  kick around (a place) or kick around : to spend time in (a place) without having a goal or purpose : to wander around (a place)(漫无目的地)到处游荡 After graduation, he kicked around Boston for a while, trying to decide what to do next. = After graduation, he kicked around for a while, trying to decide what to do next.毕业后,他在波士顿混了一段时间,想要决定接下来做什么。 2  : to be lying somewhere within a general area or place被到处乱丢于;被闲置于 I think I have a copy of that book kicking around [=lying around] somewhere in my house.我想我有那本书,扔在家里某个地方了。 3  a  : to be considered or discussed in an informal way over a period of time被随便考虑一下;被随便讨论一下 These ideas have been kicking around for years.这些观点多年来一直被讨论着。 b  kick around (something) or kick (something) around : to consider or talk about (ideas, plans, etc.) in an informal way随便想一想;随便谈一谈 We should have a meeting to kick around some ideas about possible new products.我们应该开个会,谈谈有关未来新产品的想法。 4  kick (someone) around or kick around (someone) : to treat (someone) in a very bad or unfair way粗暴地对待;轻蔑地对待 He gets kicked around by his older brother.他常被哥哥欺负。 kick ass US, informal + impolite 1  : to succeed or win in a very impressive way大获全胜 a lawyer who kicks ass in the courtroom在法庭上大获全胜的律师 Our team kicked ass in the soccer tournament.我们队在足球联赛中大获全胜。 2  : to use force to achieve some purpose强逼(指用暴力手段达成目的) If they don't start answering my questions, I'm going to go over there and kick some ass.如果他们不肯回答我的问题,我就过去给他们点儿颜色瞧瞧。 3  kick someone's ass a  : to attack and injure someone severely攻击,重伤(某人) Some drunk threatened to kick his ass.有个醉鬼威胁要让他好看。 He got his ass kicked by some drunk.他被某一个醉鬼打了。 b  : to defeat someone easily or completely(轻易或彻底地)打败某人 We got our asses kicked [=we lost badly] in the last game.我们在最后一场比赛中输得很惨。 — see also kick-ass kick back [phrasal verb] chiefly US, informal : to relax and enjoy yourself放松;休闲 After work, he likes to kick back and watch some TV.下班后,他喜欢放松一下,看看电视。 I spent the weekend just kicking back.我周末一直在休息。 kick butt US, informal + sometimes impolite — used in the same ways as kick ass (above)与(上文的)kick ass用法相同 Our team kicked butt in the soccer tournament.我们队在足球联赛中大获全胜。 I'm going to go over there and kick some butt.我要过去给他们点儿颜色看看。 Some drunk threatened to kick his butt.有个醉鬼威胁要让他好看。 kick in [phrasal verb] informal 1  : to begin to work or to have an effect开启;生效 Once the heat kicks in, it will be a lot more comfortable in here.只要暖气一开,这里就会舒服多了。 waiting for the new law to kick in等待新法律生效 2  kick in (something) or kick (something) in US : to give (an amount of money) as your share : contribute缴付(自己应付的一份);捐助 We each kicked in a few dollars for her gift.我们每个人拿出几美元给她买了一份礼物。 kick off [phrasal verb] 1  : to start play in a game (such as American football or soccer) by kicking the ball开球;(美式橄榄球或足球)开始比赛 Jones will kick off from the 30-yard line.琼斯将从30码线处开球。 — see also kickoff 2  a  kick off (something) or kick (something) off : to begin (something, such as a performance, an event, or a discussion)开始(演出、活动或讨论等) The chairman's speech will kick off the conference.会议将以主席的讲话开始。 b  : to get started : begin引发;开始 The conference kicked off with a speech by the chairman.会议以主席的讲话开始。 The game kicks off at 1:00.比赛一点开始。 3  kick (someone) off (something) : to force (someone) to leave (a team or group)把(某人)踢出(队伍或团体等) The coach threatened to kick him off the team if he continued to be late for practice.教练威胁说,如果他下次训练再迟到,就把他开除出球队。 4  kick off (your shoes) or kick (your shoes) off : to remove (your shoes) by making a kicking motion踢掉(鞋子) She kicked off her shoes and started to dance.她把鞋子甩在一旁,开始跳舞。 5  informal : to die死亡 I was so sick that I felt like I might kick off at any time.我很难受,感觉好像随时会死掉。 kick out [phrasal verb] kick (someone) out or kick out (someone) : to force (someone) to leave a place, group, school, etc.赶走;撵走;开除 He was/got kicked out [=thrown out] of the school when he was caught cheating again.他考试再次作弊被当场抓住,被学校开除了。 They threatened to kick him out (of the bar) if he didn't stop annoying people.他们威胁说,如果他再不停止骚扰别人,就把他赶出(酒吧)去。 She kicked her husband out (of the house).她把丈夫赶出了家门。 kick (someone) upstairs informal : to promote (someone) to a higher but less powerful or important position使(某人)明升暗降 He was kicked upstairs, given a fancy title, and stripped of most of his power.他明升暗降,得了个好听的头衔,却被剥夺了大部分的权力。 kick the bucket informal + somewhat old-fashioned : to die死亡 He inherited the house after his uncle kicked the bucket.他叔叔死后,他继承了那所房子。 kick up [phrasal verb] 1  kick up (something) or kick (something) up : to cause (something) to rise upward扬起;提升 The car sped away, kicking up dirt and gravel.汽车疾驰而过,扬起了尘土和碎石。 2  informal a  kick up (something) or kick (something) up : to cause (something) to become stronger使(某物)增强 The praise kicked up her confidence.她受到表扬,信心倍增。 The intensity of the game got kicked up a notch when a fight broke out.斗殴发生让比赛的气氛变得更紧张。 b  : to become stronger增强 The wind suddenly kicked up.风突然间变强了。 3  kick up (something) or kick (something) up informal : to cause (something) to happen激起;引起 The high winds kicked up huge waves.狂风卷起了巨浪。 The service in the restaurant wasn't very good, but we decided not to kick up a fuss/stink [=complain] about it.这家餐馆的服务不怎么好,但我们决定不去投诉。 kick up your heels US, informal : to relax and enjoy yourself : to have a good and lively time放松;好好享受 After exams were over, the students had a little time to kick up their heels.考试结束后,学生们有了些许时间来放松一下。 kick yourself informal : to blame or criticize yourself for something you have done责备自己;内疚;懊悔 You've got to stop kicking yourself. It wasn't your fault that the project failed.别再自责了,计划泡汤不是你的错。 He was kicking himself for having forgotten the meeting.他因为忘记开会而非常内疚。 He could have kicked himself [=he was very angry at himself] when he realized that he had forgotten the meeting.当他发现他忘记了开会时,内疚得要命。 2 kick /ˈkɪk/ noun plural kicks 2 kick /ˈkɪk/ noun plural kicks Learner's definition of KICK [count] 1  a  : an act of hitting someone or something with your foot踢 He gave me a kick in the leg.他朝我腿上踢了一脚。 If you give the machine a little kick, it should start working again.轻轻踢那部机器一下,它应该就会重新运转了。 : a sudden forceful movement with your foot猛踢 a karate kick空手道踢 b  : an act of hitting a ball with your foot踢球 a soccer kick踢足球 a long kick in football美式橄榄球中的远踢 — see also corner kick, dropkick, free kick, penalty kick, placekick 2  a  : a sudden forceful movement猛烈震动 — usually singular通常用单数 I felt the kick of the engine when it started.发动机运转时,我感觉到它的猛烈震动。 The rifle has a powerful kick.步枪击发时有极强的后坐力。 b  informal : a quality that produces a sudden powerful effect冲击力;刺激性 — usually singular通常用单数 The drink has a kick [=a strong effect from alcohol] to it.这酒很有劲。 chili with a kick [=a very hot and spicy flavor]辣劲十足的辣椒 3  informal : a feeling or source of pleasure快感;乐趣 She gets a kick out of watching old movies. [=she enjoys watching old movies]她喜欢看老电影。 I got a kick out of seeing her again. = Seeing her again was a kick.再次见到她让我很开心。 We play for kicks [=for enjoyment], not for money.我们玩只为娱乐,不为钱。 He gets his kicks from embarrassing his teammates. [=he enjoys embarrassing his teammates]他常使队友感到难堪,并以此取乐。 4  informal — used with on to say that someone is doing a lot of something for usually a brief period of time一时的爱好,一阵子狂热 He's been on a health-food kick lately. [=he has been eating a lot of health food lately]他最近一直热衷于保健食品。 5  : an increase in speed at the end of the race(赛跑接近终点时的)冲刺 a runner who has a strong finishing kick冲刺能力强的运动员 a kick in the teeth informal : something that is very shocking and disappointing重大挫折 Losing that game was a real kick in the teeth.输了那场比赛实在是一次重大挫折。




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