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词汇 knock
释义 knock (noun) knock 19 ENTRIES FOUND: knock (verb) knock (noun) knock-down, drag-out (adjective) knock-kneed (adjective) knock-on effect (noun) knock-up (noun) block (noun) dead (adjective) hard (adjective) head (noun) heart (noun) loop (noun) peg (noun) sense (noun) six (noun) sock (noun) spot (noun) stuffing (noun) wood (noun) 1 knock /ˈnɑːk/ verb knocks; knocked; knocking 1 knock /ˈnɑːk/ verb knocks; knocked; knocking Learner's definition of KNOCK 1  [no object] : to hit something (such as a door) with the knuckles of your hand or with a hard object (such as a knocker) in order to get people's attention敲;击 I heard someone knocking (at the door).我听到有人敲(门)。 — usually + on I knocked on the door but no one answered.我敲了门,但没人应。 He knocked on the table to call the meeting to order.他敲击桌子,想使会场保持秩序。 Campaign workers have been knocking on doors throughout the neighborhood. [=have been going to each house or apartment in the neighborhood to talk with the people who live there]竞选工作人员在整个街区挨家挨户跟居民交流。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 a talented young singer who is knocking on the door of success [=who is very close to achieving success]即将敲开成功之门的天才年轻歌手 2  always followed by an adverb, adjective, or preposition, [+ object] : to hit (something or someone) in a forceful way猛力击打;撞 The ball knocked him on the chin.球击中了他的下巴。 knock one stick against another = knock two sticks together使两根棍子相击 She knocked the glass from his hand.她把他手上的杯子撞掉了。 He knocked the baseball over the fence.他把棒球打出了围栏。 The ball hit him in the mouth and knocked out one of his teeth.球击中他的嘴,打掉了他的一颗牙。 The wind knocked him backwards.风吹得他往后退。 The wind almost knocked him off his feet. = The wind almost knocked him to the ground. [=the wind hit him so hard that he almost fell to the ground]风差点把他刮倒了。 The collision knocked him unconscious/senseless. [=caused him to become unconscious]他被撞得失去了知觉。 The collision knocked him flying. [=sent him flying through the air]他被撞飞了。 3  always followed by an adverb or preposition : to touch or hit someone or something in a way that is not planned or intended(不期或无意)碰上,撞上 [no object] The dog knocked against the lamp.那只狗撞到了那盏灯。 My knee accidentally knocked against the table.我膝盖不小心撞到了桌子。 Skaters were knocking into each other all over the ice.溜冰场上溜冰的人相互碰来碰去。 I kept knocking against him during the bumpy ride. = He and I kept knocking together during the bumpy ride.一路都很颠簸,我老是碰着他。 [+ object] I accidentally knocked my knee against the table.我不小心把膝盖撞到了桌子。 4  [+ object] : to make (something, such as a hole) by hitting something打,凿(洞等) He used a hammer to knock a hole in the wall.他用锤子在墙上凿了一个洞。 5  [+ object] informal : to criticize (someone or something)批评 He's always knocking the government.他总是批评政府。 Don't knock it until you've tried it. [=wait until you try something before criticizing it]没试过之前先别说不好。 6  [no object] : to produce a repeated loud noise重复发出噪声 The engine was knocking.机器在砰砰作响。 The pipes were knocking.管子在轰隆隆地响。 heart is knocking informal ◊ If your heart is knocking it is beating very hard, usually because you are nervous or excited.(因紧张或兴奋)心脏急剧跳动 His heart was knocking in his chest.他的心怦怦直跳。 knees are knocking informal ◊ If your knees are knocking they are shaking because you are nervous or afraid.(因紧张或害怕)双膝颤抖 Her knees were knocking in terror.她吓得两膝发抖。 knock around [phrasal verb] informal also British knock about 1  a  knock around/about (a place) or knock around/about : to spend time in (a place) without having a goal or purpose : to wander around (a place)漫游(某地) He spent the summer knocking around (in) Europe.他整个夏天都在欧洲各地漫游。 b  knock around/about with (someone) British : to spend time with (another person)与…待在一起 She was knocking around [=hanging around] with her brother.她当时跟弟弟待在一起。 2  a  : to be considered or discussed in an informal way over a period of time(在一段时间里)被考虑,被讨论 These ideas have been knocking around [=kicking around] for years.这些观点多年来一直在讨论。 b  knock around (something) or knock (something) around : to consider or talk about (ideas, plans, etc.) in an informal way非正式地考虑或谈论(想法、计划等) We knocked the plan around for a while before we came to an agreement.在达成一致意见之前,我们商讨了一下这个计划。 They knocked around several possible names for the new car.他们给这辆新车想出了几个可供选择的名字。 3  knock (someone) around/about : to beat or hit (someone) badly or repeatedly用力击打;多次击打 The boy was getting knocked around by bullies.这个男孩当时正被几个恶棍拳打脚踢。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 I really got knocked around at the last staff meeting.上次员工大会上,我受到了猛烈的抨击。 4  chiefly British : to be lying somewhere within a general area or place在某个地方;在某处 That jacket is knocking about/around here somewhere.夹克就在这里的某个地方。 knock back informal 1  knock (something) back or knock back (something) : to drink or swallow (an alcoholic drink) quickly狂喝,豪饮(酒) He stopped at a bar after work to knock back a few beers.他下班后来到酒吧灌了几瓶啤酒。 2  knock (someone) back : to cost (someone) a lot of money花费(某人)大笔钱 That car must have knocked you back quite a bit. [=you must have spent a lot of money on that car]这辆车一定花了你不少钱。 knock down [phrasal verb] 1  knock (someone or something) down or knock down (someone or something) a  : to cause (someone or something) to fall to the ground撞倒;击倒 He hit him on the chin and knocked him down.他击中他的下巴,把他打倒在地。 The storm knocked down [=knocked over] several big trees.暴风雨刮倒了几棵大树。 Rowdy fans knocked down the fence.骚乱的粉丝推倒了围栏。 We're planning to knock down [=remove, demolish] a wall to create a bigger room.我们打算拆一面墙,把房间弄大点儿。 b  British : to hit and injure or kill (a person or animal) with a vehicle(开车)撞倒,撞伤,撞死 She was knocked down [=(Brit) knocked over, (US) hit] by a car while crossing the street.她过马路时被车撞倒了。 2  informal a  knock (something) down or knock down (something) : to reduce or lower (a price, an amount, etc.)减少,降低(价格、数量等) They knocked down the price of the house by 10 percent.他们把房价降了10%。 He wanted $50 for it but I managed to knock the price down to $45.他要价50美元,但我设法把价格压到了45美元。 b  knock (someone) down : to cause or persuade (someone) to reduce a price使(某人)降价;杀价 He wanted $50 for it but I managed to knock him down to $45.他要价50美元,但我设法让他降到了45美元。 3  knock down (an amount of money) US, informal : to receive (an amount of money) as income or salary得到(一定量的)收入或薪水 He knocks down almost a million dollars a year.他一年差不多有一百万美元的收入。 4  knock down (a shot) or knock (a shot) down basketball : to succeed in making (a shot) especially from a long distance投篮进球(尤指远投) He was knocking down jump shots.他连续跳投进球。 5  knock (something) down or knock down (something) chiefly US, informal : to say no to (an idea, plan, proposal, etc.) : reject否决;否定 His boss knocked down [=shot down] all of his ideas.老板否定了他所有的想法。 6  knock (something) down or knock down (something) US : to take (something) apart分开;拆开 We knocked the bed down so it would fit in the truck.我们把床拆开,好把它装上卡车。 knock heads US, informal 1  : to argue or disagree争论;意见不合 The two of them knocked heads soon after they started working together.他们俩刚开始一起工作就争论起来。 2  : to use angry or forceful methods to control or punish people(粗暴地)管教,教训 I am going in there and knock some heads if they don't start behaving.如果他们不规矩的话,我就要过去教训教训他们。 — often + together I am going to go in there and knock their heads together if they don't start behaving.如果他们不规矩的话,我就要过去教训教训他们。 knock in [phrasal verb] knock (a run or runner) in or knock in (a run or runner) baseball : to cause (a run or runner) to score使(跑垒或跑垒员)得分 He knocked in [=batted in, drove in] a run in the second inning with a double to left field.他在第二局击出一个左外野二垒打,并使跑垒员跑垒得分。 knock off [phrasal verb] informal 1  knock off or knock (something) off or knock off (something) : to stop doing something (such as work)停止,中断(工作等) We are going to knock off for lunch in 10 minutes.我们准备10分钟后收工吃午饭。 The boss said we could knock off early today. = The boss said we could knock off work early today.老板说我们今天可以早下班。 — often used as a command to tell someone to stop doing something immediately(常用作命令)马上停止 Knock off your fighting right now!马上停止打架! I told you two kids to knock it off!我叫你们两个小家伙赶快停下来! 2  knock (something) off or knock off (something) a  : to do or make (something) very quickly快速做完 He knocked off 10 paintings in 4 days.他4天完成了10幅画。 We are planning to knock this project off in a weekend.我们计划用一个周末把这个项目完成。 b  : to take (an amount) away from something减少 He agreed to knock off 10 dollars from the price. [=to reduce the price by 10 dollars]他同意降价10美元。 This shortcut will knock at least 100 miles off the journey.这条近路至少可以少走100英里。 c  US : to steal money or things from (a bank or store)从(银行或商店)偷钱(或东西) They knocked off [=knocked over] a jewelry store.他们盗窃了一家珠宝店。 d  chiefly British : to steal (something)偷(东西) They knocked off a lot of valuable merchandise.他们盗窃了很多贵重商品。 e  US : to make a cheaper copy of (something)仿制 Several other companies knocked off their dress design.另外几家公司仿制了他们的服装设计。 — see also knockoff 3  knock (someone) off or knock off (someone)杀死 a  : to kill (someone) He tried to knock off two men who owed him money.他试图杀死两个欠他钱的人。 Did she really want to knock her husband off?她真想杀了她丈夫吗? b  US : to defeat (someone)击败;打败 They knocked off the best team in the league.他们在联赛中打败了最强的球队。 knock on wood — see 1wood knock out [phrasal verb] 1  knock (someone or something) out or knock out (someone or something) a  : to make (a person or animal) unconscious使昏迷;使失去知觉 The drug knocked him out.麻醉药使他失去了知觉。 The force of the collision knocked him out. [=knocked him cold]碰撞的力量使他晕了过去。 He hit his head against the table when he fell and knocked himself out.他倒下时头撞到桌子,失去了知觉。 b  boxing : to defeat (an opponent) with a punch that knocks the opponent down for a certain amount of time(拳击赛中)击倒(对手) He was knocked out in the third round.他在第三回合被击倒。 — see also 1knockout 1 c  : to defeat (an opponent) in a competition so that the opponent cannot continue淘汰 My team was the favorite to win the championship, but we were knocked out (of the competition) in the third round.我的球队最有希望夺冠,却在第三轮被淘汰了。 d  baseball : to cause (a pitcher) to be removed from the game by getting many hits将(投手)淘汰出局;“打掉”(投手) The starting pitcher was knocked out (of the game) in the fourth inning.这个队的先发投手在第四局被淘汰。 2  knock (something) out or knock out (something) a  : to cause (something) to stop working使停止工作;使无用 Missiles knocked out the television station.导弹击毁了电视台。 The storm knocked out electricity across the state.暴雨使得整个州的供电中断。 b  : to produce (something) very quickly快速做成 a musical group that just keeps knocking out hit records不断赶制流行唱片的音乐团队 3  knock (yourself) out informal a  : to make (yourself) very tired by doing work筋疲力尽 They knocked themselves out trying to build a garage.他们为修个车库搞得筋疲力尽。 I knocked myself out [=I worked very hard] to get the job done on time.为了按时完成任务,我把自己累坏了。 b  US — used to tell someone to go ahead and do something用于告诉某人尽管去做某事 “Do you mind if I use this exercise machine first?” “Knock yourself out.”“我可以先用一下这台健身器吗?”“尽管用。” 4  knock (someone) out informal : to make a very strong and good impression on (someone)给…留下好而深刻的印象;使惊叹 Her beauty just knocks me out. [=I think she is very beautiful]她的美貌令我惊叹。 Everyone was knocked out by his suggestion. [=everyone liked his suggestion very much]他的建议给每个人都留下了深刻的好印象。 — see also 1knockout 2 knock over [phrasal verb] 1  knock (someone or something) over or knock over (someone or something) a  : to cause (someone or something) to fall to the ground打倒;打翻 The dog knocked over the lamp.那只狗把台灯弄翻了。 The wind was so strong that it almost knocked her over. [=knocked her down]风很大,差点儿把她刮倒了。 b  British : to hit and injure or kill (a person or animal) with a vehicle(开车)撞倒,撞伤,撞死 The dog was knocked over [=(Brit) knocked down, (US) hit] by a car.这只狗被车撞了。 2  knock (someone) over or knock over (someone) informal : to greatly surprise or shock (someone)使震惊 He was knocked over [=overwhelmed] by the news.那个消息使他感到震惊。 When I found out I had won, you could have knocked me over with a feather. [=I was extremely surprised or astonished]当我知道自己赢了的时候,我感到十分意外。 3  knock (something) over or knock over (something) US, informal a  : to steal money or things from (a bank or store)从(银行或商店)偷钱物 Three men knocked over [=knocked off] a bank.三名男子偷了银行的钱。 b  : to steal (something)偷(东西) They knocked over a truckload of goods.他们偷了一车货物。 knock (someone) cold : to cause (someone) to become unconscious使昏迷 He knocked his opponent cold with one punch.他一拳把对手打昏了。 She was knocked cold [=knocked out] by the collision.她被撞得失去了知觉。 knock (someone) dead informal : to make a very strong and good impression on (someone)给…留下好而深刻的印象;使惊叹 Her performance really knocked the audience dead. [=the audience greatly enjoyed her performance]她的表演着实令观众倾倒。 She told him to go out there on the stage and knock 'em dead.她叫他去当演员,让观众开开眼界。 knock (someone) for a loop — see 1loop knock (someone) for six — see six knock someone's head/block off informal : to hit someone very hard痛打;揍 I'm so angry I'd like to knock his block off.我气得想揍他一顿。 knock (someone) sideways British : to upset, confuse, or shock (someone) very much使非常难过;使非常困惑;使非常吃惊 The news about his mother's accident really knocked him sideways.他母亲出事的消息令他非常难过。 knock some sense into — see 1sense knock (something) on the head British, informal : to cause the end or failure of (something)使(某事)终止或失败 The closing of the airport knocked our holiday plans on the head.因为机场关闭,我们的度假计划泡汤了。 knock spots off — see 1spot knock the (living) daylights out of — see daylight knock the stuffing out of — see stuffing knock together [phrasal verb] knock (something) together or knock together (something) : to make or build (something) in a quick or careless way草草做成;随便拼凑成 a rough table that was knocked together from old pieces of wood用旧木块草草做成的粗糙桌子 knock up [phrasal verb] 1  knock (someone) up or knock up (someone) informal a  chiefly US, impolite : to make (someone) pregnant使怀孕 She got knocked up. [=she got pregnant]她被弄大了肚子。 b  British : to wake (someone) by knocking on a door敲门唤醒(某人) knocked him up at 6 a.m.早晨6点钟敲门把他叫醒 2  knock (something) up or knock up (something) British : to make or produce (something) quickly匆忙做成(某物) knock up a quick meal匆忙做出一顿饭 knock your socks off — see 1sock 2 knock /ˈnɑːk/ noun plural knocks 2 knock /ˈnɑːk/ noun plural knocks Learner's definition of KNOCK 1  [count] a  : a hard, sharp hit敲;击;打 He gave him a knock on the head.他在他头上敲了一下。 b  : the sound made by a hard hit敲击声;敲打声 There was a loud knock at the door.有一声很大的敲门声。 2  [count] informal : an experience that makes you less confident or successful for a period of time : a difficult or painful experience困难;不幸;挫折 She took some knocks early in her career.她在早期的职业生涯里经历了一些挫折。 Most performers have their share of knocks [=setbacks] on their way to stardom.大多数演员在他们的成名过程中都经历过挫折。 — see also hard knocks (below) 3  [count] informal : a critical or negative comment批评;指责。 He likes praise but can't stand the knocks.他喜欢受表扬却接受不了批评。 — often used in U.S. English in the phrase the knock against在美国英语中,常用于短语the knock against The knock against her is that she can't win the important matches. [=people say that she cannot win the important matches]人们说她赢不了重要比赛。 One of the knocks against television is that there are too many commercials.对电视的批评之一就是商业广告太多。 4  : a loud noise produced by an engine when it is not working properly(发动机工作不正常时发出的)爆震声 [count] We heard a knock in the engine.我们听到发动机发出爆震声。 [noncount] a type of fuel that reduces engine knock减少发动机爆震声的燃料 hard knocks : difficult or painful experiences that people have in their lives or careers艰难困苦 He has taken plenty of hard knocks in his life.他一生经历了很多艰辛。 The school of hard knocks [=the difficult experiences in his life] taught him how to be tough.艰苦的经历教会了他如何变得坚强。




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