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词汇 labor
释义 labor (verb) labor 13 ENTRIES FOUND: labor (noun) labor (verb) labored (adjective) labor-intensive (adjective) labor-saving (adjective) labor camp (noun) Labor Day (noun) labor union (noun) forced labor (noun) slave labor (noun) love (noun) misapprehension (noun) misconception (noun) 1 labor (US) noun or British labour /ˈleɪbɚ/ plural labors 1 labor (US) noun or British labour /ˈleɪbɚ/ plural labors Learner's definition of LABOR 1  a  : physical or mental effort : work(体力或脑力)劳动;工作;苦干 [noncount] A day's labor should get the job done.一天应该可以干完这个活儿。 Getting the job done will require many hours of difficult labor.要完成这项工作需要长时间的艰难劳作。 menial/manual labor粗活;体力劳动 [count] He rested from his labors.他停下工作休息。 ◊ A labor of love is a task that you do for enjoyment rather than pay.心甘情愿做的事 Restoring the old car was a labor of love for him.亲手把那辆旧车恢复原貌对他而言是种享受。 ◊ When you enjoy the fruits of your labor/labors, you enjoy the things that you have gained by working.享受劳动果实 She worked hard for many years, but now she has retired and is able to enjoy the fruits of her labor/labors.她辛苦工作多年,现在退休了,终于可以享受自己的劳动果实了。 b  [noncount] : work for which someone is paid人工;劳工;劳务 The cost of repairing the car includes parts and labor.修车费包括零件费用和人工费。 2  [noncount] a  : workers considered as a group劳力 an area in which there is a shortage of cheap labor廉价劳动力缺乏的地区 — often used before another noun常用于另一名词前 a labor dispute劳资纠纷 The company sought to cut labor costs by increasing its efficiency.公司设法通过提高效率来减少劳动力成本。 The company has a history of poor labor relations. [=the workers and the managers of the company have had many disputes]这家公司的劳资关系一向很差。 the labor force [=the total number of people available for working]劳动力 b  : the organizations or officials that represent groups of workers工会 The proposed new law is opposed by organized labor.新提议的法律遭到工会的反对。 3  : the process by which a woman gives birth to a baby分娩;生产 [noncount] She went into labor this morning.她今天早晨分娩了。 She has been in labor for several hours.她开始分娩已经好几个小时了。 She began to have/experience labor pains this morning.她今早开始出现/经历产前阵痛。 [singular] She had a difficult labor.她有过一次难产的经历。 4  Labour [singular] British, politics : the Labour Party of the United Kingdom or another part of the Commonwealth of Nations(英国或英联邦国家的)工党 a proposal that is opposed by Labour工党反对的一项提案 2 labor /ˈleɪbɚ/ verb (US) or British labour labors; labored; laboring 2 labor /ˈleɪbɚ/ verb (US) or British labour labors; labored; laboring Learner's definition of LABOR [no object] 1  a  : to do work劳动;工作 Workers labored in the vineyard.工人在葡萄园里劳作。 He labored for several years as a miner.他当了几年的矿工。 b  : to work hard in order to achieve something(为成就某事而)努力 She has labored in vain to convince them to accept her proposal.她努力说服他们接受她的提议,最终是白费力气。 Both sides continue to labor [=struggle] to find a solution.双方继续努力寻求解决办法。 We should honor those who labored so long to make the truth known.我们应该敬重那些不懈努力揭露真相的人们。 2  : to move or proceed with effort吃力地前进 The truck labored up the hill.那辆货车吃力地爬上小山。 I have been laboring through this book for months.几个月来我一直在吃力地读这本书。 3  : to repeat or stress something too much or too often过分重复;过度强调 She has a tendency to labor the obvious.她总爱过度强调明摆着的事。 I don't want to labor [=belabor] the point, but I think I should mention again that we are running out of time.我不想过分重复,可我觉得还是应该再提一下,我们快没时间了。 labor under a delusion/misapprehension/misconception ◊ If you continue to believe something that is not true, you are laboring under a delusion/misapprehension/misconception.产生妄想/误解 He still labors under the delusion that other people value his opinion.他仍然妄想着其他人会看重他的意见。




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