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词汇 last
释义 last (adjective) last (adverb) last (pronoun) last (noun) last 31 ENTRIES FOUND: last (verb) last (adjective) last (adverb) last (pronoun) last (noun) last-ditch (adjective) last-gasp (adjective) lasting (adjective) last call (noun) last hurrah (noun) Last Judgment (noun) last minute (noun) last name (noun) last orders (noun) last post (noun) last rites (noun) long-lasting (adjective) analysis (noun) breathe (verb) distance (noun) first (adverb) laugh (verb) laugh (noun) least (adverb) leg (noun) long (adjective) man (noun) moment (noun) straw (noun) thing (noun) word (noun) 1 last /ˈlæst/ Brit /ˈlɑːst/ verb lasts; lasted; lasting 1 last /ˈlæst/ Brit /ˈlɑːst/ verb lasts; lasted; lasting Learner's definition of LAST 1  a  [no object] : to continue in time延续;持续 How long does the movie last?这部电影要演多长时间? The movie lasts (for) about two hours. [=the movie is about two hours long]这部电影大约两个小时。 The conference starts on Monday and it lasts until Friday.会议周一开幕,一直开到周五。 The game lasted (for) three hours.比赛进行了三个小时。 Don't worry, the storm won't/can't last. [=the storm will end soon]别担心,暴风雨不会持续很久。 b  [no object] : to continue in good condition保持良好状态 The car should last 10 years.这辆车应该可以开十年。 I doubt that those boots will last (much longer).我不敢肯定那些靴子是否(更)耐穿。 That bridge will last a long time.那座桥将长期屹立不倒。 Our products are built to last.我们的产品经久耐用。 c  [no object] : to continue to be available继续存在;持续起作用 These oranges are on sale while they/supplies last. [=they are on sale until they have all been sold]这些橙子降价销售直到卖完为止。 d  : to continue to be enough for the needs of someone维持;够用 [no object] We have enough food to last (for) the rest of the week.我们有足够的食物撑过这一周。 [+ object] We have enough food to last us (for) the rest of the week.我们有足够的食物撑过这一周。 That car should last you ten years. [=you should not have to get another car for ten years]那辆车你应该可以开上十年。 2  [no object] a  : to be able to continue in a particular situation or condition坚持;支撑 I am not sure he will last in his new job.他那份新工作能否干得长久,我不确定。 Can you last a whole day without cigarettes?一整天不吸烟你受得了吗? b  : to continue to live继续存活 My father is very ill. He may not last much longer.我父亲病重。他可能活不了多久了。 He may not last (through) the night. [=he may die before the night has ended]他可能活不过今晚。 (chiefly Brit) He may not last out the night.他可能活不过今晚。 last the distance — see 1distance 2 last /ˈlæst/ Brit /ˈlɑːst/ adjective 2 last /ˈlæst/ Brit /ˈlɑːst/ adjective Learner's definition of LAST 1  a  : coming after all others in time, order, or importance : final最后的;末尾的 He was the last one out of the building.他是最后一个从大楼里出来的。 She succeeded on her last attempt.她最后一次尝试成功了。 These are the last two books in the series.这是此系列丛书中的最后两本。 He was sitting in the last [=back] row.他坐在最后一排。 We are going to the beach for the last week of the summer.我们打算去海滩度过夏季的最后一周。 The (very) last time we ever met was at a party. = (Brit) The last ever time we met was at a party.我们最后一次见面是在一个聚会上。 I'll have my revenge if it's the last thing I (ever) do! [=I am determined to get my revenge]一息尚存,我就要报仇雪恨! b  : remaining after the rest are gone仅剩的;最后余下的 I am down to my last dollar. [=I have one dollar left]我只剩下最后一美元了。 the last cookie in the jar罐子里的最后一块甜饼 She said she wouldn't marry him if he was the last man on earth.她说即使世界上只剩下他一个男人,自己也不会嫁给他。 2  : belonging to the final part of something末尾的;最后阶段的 He was tragically killed during the last days of the war.战争只剩最后几天时他不幸遇害了。 the last hours of her life = her last hours on earth她生命的最后时刻 3  : most recent最近的;上一个的 I haven't seen her recently. The last time we met was at a party.我最近没见过她。上一次我们见面是在一个聚会上。 I liked her last [=previous] novel better than this new one.相比这部新作,我更喜欢她的上一部小说。 — used to identify a preceding period of time用于指前一段时间 Last month we went to the museum.上个月我们去了博物馆。 The weather was fine last week, but this week has been rainy, and next week is expected to be cold.上周天气好,但这周一直下雨,下周预计会变冷。 He had trouble last semester in school.上学期他在学校遇到了困难。 We saw them last week.上周我们见到了他们。 4  a  : least likely最不可能的 You are the last person I would expect to see here. [=I never expected to see you here]我怎么也没料到会在这儿见到你。 That is the last place I would have looked for the ring. [=I would never have expected to find the ring there]我怎么也没料到会在那儿找到戒指。 b  : least desirable最不希望的;最不想要的 Another bill to pay is the last thing I need right now!又一张账单待付,这可是我现在最不想要的东西! c  : least important最不重要的;最无关紧要的 Right now work is the last thing on my mind. [=I am not thinking about work at all right now]现在我压根儿没考虑工作的事。 every last — used as a more forceful way of saying every(加强语气)每一个,无一例外 Every last soldier was captured. [=every soldier was captured]士兵一个不落都被俘了。 He ate every last cookie. [=he ate every cookie]他吃光了所有的甜饼。 in the last analysis — see analysis last gasp : a final attempt or effort made at the very end最后一次尝试(或努力) This movie may be his last gasp as an actor.这部电影可能是他作为演员的最后一次出镜了。 winter's last gasp [=the last bit of winter weather before spring]冬季的最后一抹寒意 — see also last-gasp last thing : after everything else最后 Heat the vegetables last thing so that they don't get cold.蔬菜最后再热,这样就不会放凉了。 : very late很晚 I'll be back last thing (on) Monday night.我会在周一深夜回来。 on your/its last legs — see 1leg the last laugh — see 2laugh the last moment — see moment the last straw — see straw the last word — see 1word to the last man — see 1man 3 last /ˈlæst/ Brit /ˈlɑːst/ adverb 3 last /ˈlæst/ Brit /ˈlɑːst/ adverb Learner's definition of LAST 1  : after any others in time, order, or importance最后地;最末地 He spoke last at the meeting.他在会上最后一个发言。 My horse was/finished last in the race.我的马在比赛中得了最后一名。 My horse came in last. = (chiefly Brit) My horse came last.我的马得了最后一名。 Last (of all) came the soldiers and tanks.最后过来的是士兵和坦克。 She was first to arrive at the party and last to leave.聚会上她最早到,最晚走。 : at the end在最后 The best part of the book comes last. [=the best part of the book comes at the end]这本书最精彩的部分在结尾处。 ◊ In figurative use, something or someone that comes last is less important than other things or people.(比喻用法)最不重要的,最无关紧要的 His job was all he really cared about. His personal life always came last.他真正关心的唯有自己的工作,个人生活则总是最后考虑。 2  : most recently : on the most recent occasion最近;最近一次;上一次 I last saw him in the supermarket.我上次见到他是在超市。 They last went to the beach in June.他们上次去海滩是在六月。 This word was last used in the 17th century.这个词最后一次被使用是在17世纪。 3  — used to introduce a final statement or subject用于引出最后的陈述或话题 Last, I'd like to talk about the company's future.最后,我想谈一下公司的未来。 first and last — see 2first last but not least — used to say that a final statement is not less important than previous statements最后同样重要的是 The television is big, has an excellent picture, and last but not least, it's cheap.这台电视挺大,画面也特好,最后同样重要的是,它还便宜。 Last but not least, I would like to introduce our new vice president.最后同样也很重要的一项,我来介绍一下我们的新副总。 4 last /ˈlæst/ Brit /ˈlɑːst/ pronoun 4 last /ˈlæst/ Brit /ˈlɑːst/ pronoun Learner's definition of LAST 1  the last : the last person or thing in a group or series最后到来的人(或事物);最后发生的事 He was the last in line.他是最后轮到的一个。 It was the last of many delays.这是多次延误中最近的一次。 She was the last to leave.她是最晚离开的。 The last of the tests was given today.今天是最后一场考试。 This is the first time we've been here, but it definitely won't be the last! [=we will definitely come here again]我们虽是第一次来这里,但肯定不会是最后一次! 2  a  the last : the last time someone is seen, something is mentioned, etc.最后一次见面;最后一次提及 I guess that is the last we will see of her. [=the last time we will see her]我猜想那将是我们最后一次见到她。 I hope that we have finally seen the last of them. [=I hope that we will not see them again]我希望我们再也不要见到他们了。 He knew he had not heard the last of his mistake. [=that people would continue to talk to him about his mistake]他知道自己那个错误带来的麻烦还没完。 Don't tell them about your mistake or you'll never hear the last of it. [=they'll keep reminding you of it]别把你犯的错告诉他们,否则会被他们说个没完。 b  : a final action最后的动作;最后的话 I've spoken my last on this subject. [=I've spoken for the last time on this subject; I will not be saying anything more on this subject]关于这个话题,我要说的都已说过了。 c  informal — used to describe the most recent information you have about someone or something用于指最近获得的消息 “Where's Hank these days?” “(The) Last I heard, he was living in New York.” [=the most recent information I have heard is that he was living in New York]“汉克这些日子在哪儿?”“我最近得到的消息是,他正住在纽约。” “Do you know where my keys are?” “(The) Last I saw [=the last time I saw them], they were in the kitchen.”“你知道我的钥匙在哪儿吗?”“我最后一次见到时,它们在厨房里。” 3  the last a  : the end of something末尾;结束 We stayed at the game till/until the last. [=until it ended]我们坚持比赛直到结束。 They fought hard to the last.他们英勇战斗直到最后。 b  : the end of someone's life生命的终点 He was cheerful to the last. [=until he died]直到生命的最后一刻,他都是乐呵呵的。 4  a  : the final thing or things that have been mentioned previously最后提及的事物;上一个提及的事物 They had cats, dogs, and a horse. This last [=the horse] was kept in an old barn.他们养猫、狗和马。马被圈在一个旧谷仓里。 b  : the most recent one of something上一次;最近一次 The week before last [=the week before last week] I saw him at a restaurant.上上周我在一家餐馆见过他。 the night before last前天夜晚 breathe your last literary : to die死亡;过世 This is the room where he breathed his last. [=where he breathed his last breath; where he died]这就是他过世时待的房间。 5 last /ˈlæst/ Brit /ˈlɑːst/ noun 5 last /ˈlæst/ Brit /ˈlɑːst/ noun Learner's definition of LAST at last or at long last : after a delay or long period of time最终;终于 She was at last [=finally] reunited with her sister.她最终和姐姐团聚了。 We're finished at last.我们终于做完了。 “We're finished.” “At last!”“我们做完了。”“总算做完了!” It appears that this problem will soon be solved, at long last.看来,这个问题终于很快要解决了。




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