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词汇 launch
释义 launch (noun) launch (noun) launch 3 ENTRIES FOUND: launch (verb) launch (noun) launch (noun) 1 launch /ˈlɑːntʃ/ verb launches; launched; launching 1 launch /ˈlɑːntʃ/ verb launches; launched; launching Learner's definition of LAUNCH [+ object] 1  a  : to send or shoot (something, such as a rocket) into the air or water or into outer space发射;投射 launch a rocket/missile/torpedo发射火箭/导弹/鱼雷 launch a satellite发射卫星 b  : to put (a boat or ship) on the water使(船)下水 launch a battleship/lifeboat使战舰/救生艇下水 c  : to throw (something) forward in a forceful way投出;用力扔出 launch [=hurl] a spear投掷一支矛 I was terrified when the ferocious animal suddenly launched itself at me. [=suddenly jumped at me]那只凶猛的动物突然向我扑来,把我吓坏了。 2  a  : to begin (something that requires much effort)发起;开始从事 The enemy launched an attack at sunrise.黎明时分敌人发起了进攻。 She's trying to launch a new career as a singer.她正努力开创一项新的事业——当歌手。 launch a business着手一项业务 launch an experiment开始一项实验 The police have launched an investigation into his activities.警方已经开始调查他的活动。 b  : to cause (a person or group) to start to be successful in a career, business, etc.使投身于(事业等) He helped launch her in her career as a singer.他帮助她投身于歌唱事业。 c  : to offer or sell (something) for the first time将…投放市场 The company is expected to launch several new products next year.公司有望在明年将几种新产品投放市场。 launch a Web site推出一个网站 3  computers : to cause (a program) to start operating启动 You can launch the program by double-clicking on the icon.你可以双击图标启动这个程序。 launch into [phrasal verb] 1  launch into (something) : to suddenly begin doing or saying (something) in an energetic way(积极地)着手进行,开始 He suddenly launched into a speech about taxes.他突然兴致勃勃地谈论起税收。 2  launch (yourself) into (something) : to become involved in (something) in an energetic way(积极地)投入 She launched herself enthusiastically into the campaign.她热情地投身于这项运动。 launch out [phrasal verb] : to begin doing something that is new and very different from what you have been doing开始,着手(新的事业) It's time to launch out and expand my horizons.是该我开始新生活、开阔眼界的时候了。 He left the company and launched out on his own.他离开了公司,开始独自创业。 — launcher noun, plural launchers [count] a rocket launcher火箭发射器 2 launch /ˈlɑːntʃ/ noun plural launches 2 launch /ˈlɑːntʃ/ noun plural launches Learner's definition of LAUNCH [count] : an act of launching something发射;发起,投放: such as a  : an act of shooting something (such as a rocket or missile) into the air or into outer space发射(火箭、导弹等) a rocket launch火箭发射 b  : an act of beginning a major activity发起;着手做 the launch of an attack发起进攻 the launch of a new business着手新业务 c  : an act or occasion when something new (such as a new product) is first offered or announced(新产品的)投放市场,推出 the launch of a Web site网站的推出 a party to celebrate the launch of a new product/book = a launch party for a new product/book新产品/新书发布会 — compare 3launch 3 launch /ˈlɑːntʃ/ noun plural launches 3 launch /ˈlɑːntʃ/ noun plural launches Learner's definition of LAUNCH [count] : a boat that carries passengers to the shore from a larger boat that is in a harbor汽艇 — compare 2launch




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