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词汇 lay
释义 lay (noun) lay lay (adjective) lay 25 ENTRIES FOUND: lay (verb) lay (noun) lay lay (adjective) lay-by (noun) lay of the land (noun) arm (noun) card (noun) door (noun) egg (noun) eye (noun) finger (noun) golden (adjective) goose (noun) hand (noun) hold (noun) law (noun) lie (verb) life (noun) line (noun) rest (noun) siege (noun) table (noun) thick (adverb) waste (noun) 1 lay /ˈleɪ/ verb lays; laid /ˈleɪd/ ; laying 1 lay /ˈleɪ/ verb lays; laid /ˈleɪd/ ; laying Learner's definition of LAY 1  [+ object] : to place (someone or something) down gently in a flat position安放,平放(某人或某物);放置 Lay the fabric carefully on the table.请小心地把台布铺在桌上。 He laid a gentle hand on her shoulder.他把手轻轻地搭在她的肩上。 She laid the baby in his crib for a nap.她轻轻地把宝宝放到婴儿床上让他小睡一会儿。 He says that he never laid a finger/hand on her. [=that he never touched her]他说他从未碰过她。 — often + down He laid the newspaper down on the desk.他把报纸放在书桌上。 She laid the baby down for his nap.她把宝宝轻轻放下让他小睡一会儿。 — see also lay down (below) 2  [+ object] a  : to place (something) into position on or along a surface : to build or set (something) on or in the ground or another surface(在地面、地下等)铺放,铺设 When will they lay the foundation for the addition?他们什么时候为扩建房屋打地基? lay tracks for the new railroad为新铁路铺设轨道 lay pipe/cable/lines铺设管道/电缆/线路 laying bricks砌砖 — often + down laying down a new road/carpet铺新路/地毯 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 We are laying the groundwork/foundation [=providing conditions] for additional research.我们正在为进一步的研究奠定基础。 b  chiefly US : to spread (something) over a surface摊开;涂;敷 lay plaster/paint抹灰泥;上漆 lay wallpaper贴墙纸 3  [+ object] : bury 1 a They laid him in his grave.他们把他安葬在他的坟墓里。 4  [no object] informal : to be in a flat position on a surface : lie平卧;平放;平躺 The book was laying on the table.那本书平放在桌上。 ◊ The use of lay to mean “lie” occurs commonly in informal speech but it is regarded as an error by many people.lay的这一用法在非正式口语中很常见,但很多人认为这一用法是错误的。 5  [+ object] a  : to beat or strike (something) down with force使倒伏;击倒 The wheat was laid flat by the wind and rain.小麦因风吹雨打而倒伏。 b  : to change the condition of something in a specified way使…发生某种变化 The mountainside has been laid bare by loggers. [=all the trees on the mountainside have been cut down by loggers]这片山坡被伐木工人砍成了光秃秃的一片。 He laid bare his soul. = He laid his soul bare. [=he revealed his most private thoughts and feelings]他将自己的内心暴露无遗。 He laid himself open to criticism [=he exposed himself to criticism] with his remarks.他因自己的言论陷于一片批评声中。 6  of a bird, insect, etc. : to produce (an egg) outside of the body : to push (an egg) out of the body(鸟、昆虫等)下蛋,产卵 [+ object] birds that typically lay only two eggs per year每年一般只下两枚蛋的鸟 [no object] old chickens that no longer lay不再下蛋的老母鸡 — see also lay an egg at 1egg 7  [+ object] — used like make, place, or put in various phrases用于各种短语,用法相当于make、place或put She has laid plans [=she has made plans] to cut the staff down to just 15 people.她已制订计划把员工裁减到仅15人。 Even the best-laid plans [=the most carefully made plans] sometimes go wrong.即使最精心制订的计划有时也会出差错。 She lays great stress/emphasis on good manners. [=she stresses/emphasizes good manners very much]她特别注重礼貌。 The author lays the blame/responsibility for the state of the environment squarely on the government. [=the author blames the government for the state of the environment]作者把环境状况直截了当地归咎于政府。 8  [+ object] : to make (something) ready : to prepare (something)准备好;预备 lay a trap设陷阱 lay a fire in the fireplace在壁炉里生火 (Brit) Places were laid (at the table) for three people. [=silverware, glasses, and napkins were put on the table for three people who will be eating there]供三人就餐的餐台摆好了。 (Brit) lay [=set] the table for a meal摆好桌子准备吃饭 9  [+ object] informal : to risk losing (money) if your guess about what will happen is wrong : bet打赌;下赌注 lay money on a race在跑步比赛上下赌注 10  [+ object] informal + offensive : to have sex with someone与某人性交 — usually used in the phrase get laid通常用于短语get laid All he cares about is getting laid. [=having sex]他所关心的只是找人上床。 lay aside [phrasal verb] 1  lay (something) aside or lay aside (something) : to place (something) to one side把(某物)放在一边 She laid aside [=put aside, set aside] the book she had been reading and turned on the TV.她把自己一直在读的那本书放在一边,打开了电视。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 Plans for a new school have been laid aside [=put aside, set aside] for now until more money can be raised.建立一所新学校的计划已被搁置。 It's time for all of us to lay aside old prejudices.是到了我们所有人摒弃成见的时候了。 We need to lay our differences aside so that we can learn to work together.我们需要把分歧放在一边才能够学会合作。 2  : to keep (something) for special or future use : to reserve or save (something)留存备用 She has been able to lay aside [=put aside] a few dollars each week.她每周都能够存几美元以备不时之需。 lay by [phrasal verb] lay (something) by or lay by (something) : to keep (something) for special or future use留存备用 She has been able to lay by [=lay aside] a few dollars each week.她每周都能够存几美元以备不时之需。 lay charges British : to accuse someone officially of doing something illegal指控 Police are deciding whether to lay charges (against her).警方正在考虑是否(对她)提出指控。 lay claim to — see 2claim lay down [phrasal verb] 1  lay (something) down or lay down (something) a  : to clearly state (a rule, standard, guideline, etc.)规定,制定(规则、标准、指导方针等) The company has laid down strict new safety standards.这家公司已制定了严格的新安全标准。 b  : to stop using (something)停止使用(某物) At noon, we laid down the rakes and rested for a while.中午,我们放下耙子,休息了一会儿。 The strikers laid down their tools.罢工者放下手中的工具。 2  lay (a weapon) down or lay down (a weapon) : to put (a weapon) down and stop fighting放下(武器) The police ordered the criminals to lay down their weapons.警方命令罪犯放下他们的武器。 3  lay down your life formal : to give up your life for a good purpose : to die for a good cause(为崇高事业而)牺牲生命 heroes who laid down their lives to preserve our nation为保卫我们的国家而牺牲的英雄们 4  lay down the law : to make a strong statement about what someone is or is not allowed to do制定法则;严格规定 The agreement lays down the law (to everyone) on what the group allows.这项协议规定(每个人)只能做集体允许做的事。 When she came home after midnight, her father laid down the law: if she came home that late again, she would not be allowed to watch TV for a week.她午夜过后才回家,于是她父亲立下规矩:如果再深夜晚归,她便一周之内不能看电视。 — see also 1lay 1 (above) lay eyes on — see 1eye lay hold of — see 2hold lay in [phrasal verb] lay (something) in or lay in (something) : to get and store (a supply of something) for future use储存 They laid in [=laid up] canned goods for the winter.他们储存了过冬需要的罐装食品。 lay into [phrasal verb] lay into (someone or something) informal : to angrily attack or criticize (someone or something)痛打;痛斥 The coach really laid into us for playing so carelessly.因为我们比赛时很不认真,教练着实痛斥了我们一顿。 lay it on the line — see 1line lay off [phrasal verb] 1  lay (someone) off or lay off (someone) : to stop employing (someone) because there is not enough work(因开工不足)解雇,使下岗 The company has had to lay off most of the staff.这家公司已被迫解雇了大部分员工。 Costs have increased and many workers have been laid off. [=let go]成本增加了,很多工人被解雇。 — see also layoff 2  lay off (something) informal : to stop doing, using, eating, or drinking (something)停止做(某事) You should lay off the late nights. [=you should stop staying up so late]你不应该再熬夜了。 My doctor advised me to lay off caffeine.我的大夫建议我别再喝含咖啡因的饮料。 He's a much nicer person since he laid off the booze. [=since he stopped drinking alcohol]戒酒之后,他人和气多了。 I need to lay off fatty foods and lose some weight.我需要停止食用高脂肪食物,减轻体重。 3  lay off or lay off (someone) informal : to leave someone alone : to stop annoying someone停止烦扰(某人) I wish you'd just lay off!但愿你让我一个人清静一会儿! Lay off me! [=stop bothering me]别烦我了! lay on [phrasal verb] 1  lay (something) on or lay on (something) a  : to spread (something) over a surface把(某物)铺开;在表面抹 Try to lay the grout on the surface evenly.尽量把水泥浆均匀地抹在表面。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 (informal) My parents have been laying a lot of guilt on me. [=have been saying things that make me feel guilty]我父母总是责怪我这也不对,那也不对,使我自责不已。 (informal) If you have something to tell me, just lay it on me. [=just tell me]如果你有事要告诉我,就直说吧。 He laid the flattery on pretty heavily.他竭力阿谀奉承。 She laid on a fake southern accent. [=she spoke with a southern accent although she doesn't usually speak that way]她装着用南方腔说话。 b  British : to provide (something) for someone为某人提供(某物) If a lot of people want to come, more coaches will be laid on for them.如果想来的人很多,那就要为他们提供更多的大巴。 2  lay it on (thick) informal : to speak in a way that is exaggerated and not sincere说得过分;虚伪夸张;竭力恭维 You should compliment her cooking but don't lay it on too thick or she'll know you don't mean it.你应该称赞她的厨艺,但不要过头,否则她会认为你言不由衷。 He laid it on pretty heavily and pretended to be interested in what she said.他竭力奉承,假装对她说的话感兴趣。 lay out [phrasal verb] 1  lay (something) out or lay out (something) a  : to place (something) on a surface in a carefully arranged way仔细摆放 The wires were laid out along the floor.电线沿地板摆好了。 Brochures were laid out on a table.小册子整齐地摆放在桌子上。 She was laying out the cheese and crackers for the guests.她正为客人摆放奶酪和饼干。 b  : to arrange (something) in a particular pattern or design排列;布置 The garden was laid out in a formal pattern.这个花园是按正规式样布置的。 Much of Manhattan is laid out in the form of a grid.曼哈顿的大部分城区是以网格化的形式排列的。 — see also layout c  : to plan the details of (something)周密计划;筹划 She's been hired to lay out [=map out] the election campaign.她受雇筹划竞选活动。 The work for tomorrow is all laid out.明天的工作全部安排妥当。 d  : to explain the details of (something)详细解释 He laid out the reasons for his decision.他详细解释了他做此决定的理由。 e  informal : to spend (money)花钱 The city laid out millions of dollars for the new stadium.这个城市为建这座新体育场花费了数百万美元。 — see also outlay 2  lay (someone's body) out or lay out (someone's body) : to prepare (someone's dead body) so that it can be seen by family and friends before it is buried陈列(某人的遗体)供亲友瞻仰 They laid him out in a plain coffin.他们把他安置在一口普通的棺材里供亲友瞻仰。 3  lay (someone) out or lay out (someone) informal : to make (someone) unconscious : to knock (someone) out打晕;击倒 He laid his opponent out with a hard right to the jaw.他以右拳猛击对手下颚,将其击倒。 lay over [phrasal verb] US 1  : to make a stop in the middle of a journey中途停留 Our flight to Italy laid over in Madrid for several hours.我们飞往意大利的航班在马德里停留了几个小时。 2  lay (someone) over : to cause (someone) to stop in the middle of a journey使(某人)中途停留 — usually used as (be) laid over通常用作(be) laid over We were laid over in Madrid for several hours.我们被迫在马德里停留了几个小时。 — see also layover lay siege to — see siege lay (someone) to rest — see 2rest lay to rest (something) or lay (something) to rest — see 2rest lay up [phrasal verb] 1  lay (something) up or lay up (something) a  old-fashioned : to store (something)贮备;贮存 lay up [=lay in] grain for the winter贮备粮食过冬 b  : to take (something) out of active use or service搁置 We laid up the boat for the winter.冬天,我们把船搁置起来。 2  lay (someone) up or lay up (someone) : to cause (someone) to stay at home or in bed because of illness or injury使(因病)卧床;使(因伤)待在家中 The flu laid him up for two weeks.流感让他两周没出门。 — usually used as (be) laid up通常用作(be) laid up He was laid up for six weeks with a bad back.他因背痛在家里待了六周。 He was laid up by the flu.他因流感待在家里。 lay waste to : to cause very bad damage to (something)损毁;毁坏 The fire laid waste to the land. [=the fire caused great destruction to the land]这场火灾焚毁了这片土地。 lay your hands on — see 1hand the goose that lays the golden egg — see 1goose 2 lay /ˈleɪ/ noun plural lays 2 lay /ˈleɪ/ noun plural lays Learner's definition of LAY [count] informal + offensive : a person who is being described as a sexual partner性伙伴 a great lay淫荡的人 an easy lay [=a person who is very willing to have sex]性欲狂 — see also lay of the land 3 lay 3 lay Learner's definition of LAY past tense of 1lie 4 lay /ˈleɪ/ adjective 4 lay /ˈleɪ/ adjective Learner's definition of LAY always used before a noun 1  : not trained in a certain profession : not having a lot of knowledge about a certain thing外行的 a science magazine written for the lay public为普通大众而写的科学杂志 lay and professional readers外行和专业读者 2  : belonging to a religion but not officially a priest, minister, etc.平信徒的;非神职人员的;世俗的 lay preachers世俗传道者




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