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词汇 lead
释义 lead (noun) lead (noun) lead 21 ENTRIES FOUND: lead (verb) lead (noun) lead (noun) leaded (adjective) lead-in (noun) leading (adjective) leading article (noun) leading edge (noun) leading lady (noun) leading light (noun) leading man (noun) leading question (noun) lead-up (noun) lead time (noun) balloon (noun) dance (noun) follow (verb) garden (noun) merry (adjective) nose (noun) path (noun) 1 lead /ˈliːd/ verb leads; led /ˈlɛd/ ; leading 1 lead /ˈliːd/ verb leads; led /ˈlɛd/ ; leading Learner's definition of LEAD 1  a  : to guide someone to a place especially by going in front带路;领路;引领 [no object] You lead and we'll follow right behind you.你带路,我们会紧跟着你。 [+ object] He led [=took] me into a room in the back of the house.他把我领到房子最里面的一间屋子里。 You lead us and we'll follow right behind you.你在前面带路,我们会紧跟着你。 — often + to The teacher led the child by the hand to his seat. = The teacher took the child's hand and led him to his seat.老师拉着那个孩子的手,把他领到他的座位上。 Our hostess led us to the dinner table.女主人把我们领到餐桌旁。 — often used as (be) led常用作(be) led The passengers were led onto/aboard the ship by the steward.乘客们在乘务员的引领下登船。 The prisoner was led off to jail [=was taken to jail] in handcuffs.那个戴着手铐的囚犯被带进监狱。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 I gradually led the interview around/back to the subject of his failed marriage.我逐步把采访的主题引回到他失败的婚姻上。 He says that he will follow the evidence wherever it leads (him).他说无论证据把他引向何处,他都将追查到底。 This leads me to my next point, which is that the building needs a new roof.这引出我要说的下一点,那就是这幢建筑需要一个新屋顶。 The painting's composition leads the/your eye to the figures in the foreground. [=causes you to look at the figures in the foreground]这幅画的构图把你的注意力引向其前景中的人物。 b  [+ object] : to go or be at the front part of (something)走在…前列;处于…前面 The veterans will lead a parade down Main Street.退伍军人将引领游行队伍沿着主街行进。 lead a march走在队伍的前面 2  [no object] : to lie or go in a specified direction通向;通往 The path leads uphill.这条小路通往山上。 This road doesn't lead to the village as we thought it did.这条路不是像我们预想的那样通往那个村庄。 a set of stairs that leads down to the basement通往地下室的一段台阶 There was a path leading (off) from the meadow into the woods.有一条小路从牧场延伸到树林。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 She realized that their relationship would never lead to marriage.她意识到他们的关系永远不会发展成为婚姻。 The investigation into the murder was leading nowhere. [=the investigation was not solving the crime]对谋杀案的调查没有任何结果。 3  : to guide the actions of a person or group : to be in charge of a person, group, activity, etc.领导;率领;掌管 [no object] We need to elect someone who can lead.我们需要选出一个首领。 bosses who lead by example [=who show employees how they should act by acting that way themselves]以身作则的上司 [+ object] She leads her employees by setting a good example for them.她用以身作则的方法领导她的员工。 She led a successful boycott of the store.她成功领导了针对那家商店的抵制活动。 lead an expedition率领探险队 A visiting professor will be leading the seminar.一位客座教授将主持这场研讨会。 lead [=direct] an orchestra指挥管弦乐队 She led the children in a song. [=she sang a song and the children sang with her]她领着孩子们唱歌。 4  [+ object] : to cause (a person, group, etc.) to do something or to follow some course of action促使(…做某事) Her interest in art led her into the field of art history.她对于艺术的兴趣促使她涉足艺术史的研究领域。 — usually followed by to or to + verb通常接to或动词不定式 His volunteer work in the hospital led him to a career in nursing. = His volunteer work in the hospital led [=inspired] him to become a nurse.在医院做义工的经历促使他选择了护士这个职业。 Her experience with cancer led her to consider writing a book on the subject.她的患癌经历促使她考虑写一本关于这个主题的书。 The evidence leads me to believe [=makes me believe] that this disease is curable.证据使我相信这种疾病是可以治愈的。 We've been led to believe that the labels on food items disclose all ingredients, but it's becoming clear that this is not the case.我们被误导认为食物上的标签标出了所有的配料,但是渐渐发现,事实并非如此。 I had been led to expect that someone would meet me at the airport, but no one came.我被误导以为有人会在机场接我,但没有人来。 He led me to understand [=he told me or caused me to think] that the deadline was January 7.他告诉我1月7号是截止日期。 5  : to be first, best, or ahead in a race or competition领先;居于首位 [no object] the team that is currently leading in the pennant race目前在棒球锦标赛中领先的球队 At the end of the fourth inning, the Red Sox led by two runs.第四局结束时,红袜队以两分领先。 [+ object] lead a race在赛跑中领先 They led their opponents by 20 points at the end of the third quarter.在第三节比赛结束时,他们领先对手20分。 the team that is leading the league [=the team that is in first place]联赛中领先的球队 a batter who leads the league in home runs [=who has hit more home runs than any other batter]在联赛里打出本垒打最多的击球手 a runner who is leading the pack/field [=a runner who is ahead of the group of other runners]领先其他选手的赛跑运动员 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 Their company leads the world [=is the most successful company in the world] in developing new technology to assist people with disabilities.在开发帮助残疾人的新技术方面,他们公司居于世界领先地位。 6  [+ object] : to go through (life) in a certain way : to have (a specified kind of life)过(…生活) They chose to lead [=live] a quiet life.他们选择过平静的生活。 He leads a peaceful existence.他过着平静的生活。 It turned out that he had been leading a double life. [=deceiving people about his life, not telling the whole truth about his life]原来他一直过着双重生活。 He has always led a charmed life. [=he has always been lucky]他总是吉人天相。 She needs to lead her own life. [=she needs to make her own decisions about her life]她需要主宰自己的人生。 7  : to begin play in a card game with (a certain card or kind of card)开牌;率先出牌 [+ object] lead trumps以王牌花色开牌 led a spade率先出黑桃 [no object] lead with a spade以黑桃开牌 8  [no object] : to guide a dance partner through the steps of a dance带舞伴跳舞 I don't know this dance, so I'd prefer it if you lead.我不会跳这种舞,所以我更愿意你带我跳。 9  [+ object] law : to ask (a witness) a question in a way that suggests what the answer should be : to ask (a witness) a leading question对(证人)进行诱询 The judge ruled that the lawyer was leading the witness.法官裁定律师在对证人进行诱询。 lead off [phrasal verb] 1  lead off or lead (something) off or lead off (something) : to start something (such as an activity or performance) in a specified way(以…方式)开始(某活动、演出等) She led off [=started, kicked off] the presentation with a brief overview of the project.她以对这个工程的简要概述开始了自己的发言。 She led off [=began] with a brief overview of the project.她以对这个工程的简要概述开始了自己的发言。 2  baseball : to be the first batter in an inning(每局)做第一位上场的击球手 He led off with a walk. [=he was the first batter in his team's half of the inning and he was walked]他是第一个上场的击球手,并获得保送上垒。 He led off the inning with a home run.那局比赛他是第一个上场的击球手,并打出了本垒打。 — see also leadoff lead on [phrasal verb] lead (someone) on : to cause (someone) to wrongly continue believing or doing something哄骗;使误信;误导 She was devastated when she found out that he didn't really love her, and had only been leading her on. [=he had been leading her to believe that he loved her]当她发现他并不真的爱她,而是一直在骗她时,她崩溃了。 lead someone a merry chase (US) old-fashioned or British lead someone a (merry) dance : to cause a series of troubles or worries for (someone)给某人造成许多麻烦(或忧虑) He led me a merry chase before I finally got him to agree to a meeting.他让我颇费了一番周折,最后我才说服他同意见面。 lead someone (around) by the nose — see 1nose lead someone down/up the garden path informal : to deceive someone : to cause someone to go, think, or proceed wrongly欺骗;误导 He believes the average consumer is being led down the garden path by the promises in advertisements.他认为普通消费者被广告中的承诺所误导。 lead the way : to be the first person to go somewhere领路;带路 You lead the way, and we'll follow.你带路,我们跟着走。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 Their company led the way in developing this technology. [=was the first to have success developing the technology]他们公司在开发这项技术方面居于领先地位。 lead to [phrasal verb] lead to (something) : to result in (something)导致 a course of study leading to a degree in agriculture取得农学学位的必修课程 Her investigations ultimately led to the discovery of the missing documents.她的调查最终使那些文件失而复得。 His volunteer work in the hospital led to a career in nursing. = His volunteer work in the hospital led to him becoming a nurse.在医院做义工的经历促使他选择了护士这个职业。 — see also 1lead 1a, 4 (above) lead up to [phrasal verb] 1  lead up to (something) : to occur in the time that comes before (something)先于…发生 Many voters were still undecided in the days leading up to [=approaching] the election.很多选民在选举的前几天仍然犹豫不决。 2  : to come before and help to cause (something)导致 There was a series of errors leading up to the accident.一系列的失误导致了这次事故的发生。 3  : to come before and help to introduce (something)是…的先导 a chapter leading up to the main topic of the book引出全书主题的导读章节 I had no idea what he was leading up to when he started talking about his father.当他开始谈论他的父亲时,我不知道他究竟要说什么。 lead with [phrasal verb] 1  lead with (something) : to begin something (such as a story or speech) with (something specified)以…开始(故事、演讲等) The newspaper story led [=opened, began] with a long report on the funeral.报纸上的这则报道以一篇长葬礼报告作为开篇。 2  : to begin a series of punches in boxing with (a punch thrown by a specified hand)以(…拳)率先出击 The champion led with a left to the body, followed up quickly with a right to the jaw.那位冠军先朝着对方身体出左拳,紧接着右手迅速朝对方的下巴一击。 the blind leading the blind — see 1blind 2 lead /ˈliːd/ noun plural leads 2 lead /ˈliːd/ noun plural leads Learner's definition of LEAD 1  the lead a  : a position that is ahead of others领先地位;带头位置 They walked single file, with the oldest boy in the lead. [=with the oldest boy at the front of the line]他们排成一列纵队行走,年龄最大的男孩走在最前面。 You take the lead [=go first] and we'll follow right behind you.你在前面走,我们在后面紧跟着。 b  : a position that is ahead of others in a race or competition(在比赛或竞争中)领先 A runner from Kenya is in the lead in the race. [=is leading the race]来自肯尼亚的选手在赛跑中领先。 A runner from Kenya has/holds the lead.来自肯尼亚的赛跑选手领先。 Her car has taken/gained the lead. = Her car has gone to/into the lead.她的赛车已经处于领先位置。 He was trailing in the polls last week, but now he has regained the lead.在上周的民意测验中,他排位落后,但现在他已经重新回到排名第一的位置。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 Their company has taken the lead in developing this new technology.他们公司在开发这种新技术方面已居于领先地位。 2  [count] : the amount or distance by which someone or something is ahead in a race or competition超前量;领先的距离— usually singular通常用单数 Her car had a lead of 12 seconds over the next one.她的车领先紧随其后的车12秒。 They had a lead of 20 points. = They had a 20-point lead.他们领先20分。 a narrow/slim lead以微弱优势领先 Our candidate has established a comfortable/commanding lead in the opinion polls.我们的候选人在民意测验中已遥遥领先。 3  [count] : a piece of information that could help produce a desired result线索 I'm a good salesman, but I need more leads. [=names of potential customers]我是一个不错的推销员,但我需要更多的客户信息。 especially : a piece of information that might help in solving a crime(尤指有助于破案的)线索 The police have no leads in the case.关于本案,警方没有任何线索。 Investigators are working on several leads.调查人员正在根据数条线索展开调查。 4  [count] a  : the main role in a movie or play(电影或戏剧中的)主角 Her big break came when she got/played the lead in a major Hollywood movie.当她在一部好莱坞大片中获得主角角色/扮演主角时,她就时来运转了。 He played the lead opposite Bette Davis [=he starred with Bette Davis] in two films.他在两部电影里与贝蒂·戴维斯共同担当主演。 She got the lead role.她获得了主角角色。 also : someone who plays the main role in movie or play(在电影或戏剧中)扮演主角的人 She was the romantic lead in a major Hollywood movie.她是一部好莱坞大片中浪漫女主角的扮演者。 Who will be the male/female lead in his next film?谁将出演他下一部电影的男/女主角? b  : the main performer in a group领唱;首席乐手 He sang/played lead [=sang/played as the main performer] in the band.在乐队中他是领唱/首席乐手。 — usually used before another noun通常用于另一名词前 the lead singer/guitarist领唱;首席吉他手 5  [count] a  : the beginning part of a news story导语 You should edit the lead so that it will grab the audience's attention.为了吸引读者的注意力,你应该对导语进行编辑。 b  : the most important news story in a newspaper or broadcast(报纸或电台的)要闻,头条 The story of his arrest was the lead in newspapers across the country.他被捕的消息成为全国各地报纸的头条新闻。 His arrest was the lead story [=the first and most important story] on the evening news.他被捕的消息成为晚间新闻的头条。 6  [count] baseball : a position taken by a runner at a distance from a base before a pitch is thrown(投球前跑垒员的)离垒 The runner on first took a big lead. [=moved several steps toward second base]一垒的跑垒员向第二垒跑了几步。 The runner had a large lead off second base. [=stood several steps away from second base in the space between second and third base]二垒的跑垒员向三垒跑出很大一段距离。 7  [count] chiefly British : 1leash train a dog to walk on a lead训练狗由皮带牵着走路 8  [count] chiefly British : a wire that carries electricity from a source to an electrical device (such as a lamp or radio) : an electrical cord电线;导线 follow someone's lead : to do the same thing that someone else has done仿效他人 He followed her lead and voted in favor of the proposal.他跟着她做,对提议投了赞同票。 — compare 3lead 3 lead /ˈlɛd/ noun plural leads 3 lead /ˈlɛd/ noun plural leads Learner's definition of LEAD 1  [noncount] : a heavy and soft metal that has a gray color铅 a pipe made of lead铅制的管子 — often used before another noun常用于另一名词前 a lead pipe铅管 lead crystal [=glass made with lead in it]铅晶质玻璃 lead poisoning [=poisoning from eating, drinking, or touching something with lead in it]铅中毒 lead-free gasoline [=gasoline that does not contain lead]无铅汽油 2  : a thin stick of dark material used in pencils to make marks(铅笔中的)铅芯 [noncount] a pencil with black lead黑铅芯铅笔 a lead pencil铅笔 [count] pencils with broken leads断了芯的铅笔 3  [noncount] chiefly US, informal : bullets子弹 They shot him full of lead.他们向他猛烈射击。 get the lead out US, informal : to begin going or moving more quickly加快步伐 Get the lead out! If we don't leave in five minutes we'll be late for the movie!快点!如果我们不在五分钟内出发,看电影就会迟到。 go over/down like a lead balloon — see 1balloon — compare 2lead




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