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词汇 leap
释义 leap (noun) leap 9 ENTRIES FOUND: leap (verb) leap (noun) leap year (noun) quantum leap (noun) bound (noun) heart (noun) look (verb) mind (noun) page (noun) 1 leap /ˈliːp/ verb leaps; leaped /ˈliːpt/ /ˈlɛpt/ or leapt /ˈlɛpt/; /ˈliːpt/ ; leaping 1 leap /ˈliːp/ verb leaps; leaped /ˈliːpt/ /ˈlɛpt/ or leapt /ˈlɛpt/; /ˈliːpt/ ; leaping Learner's definition of LEAP 1  a  [no object] : to jump from a surface跳;跳跃 The cat suddenly leaped into the air.那只猫突然跃向空中。 Fish were leaping out of the water.鱼跳出水面。 He leaped off the bridge.他从桥上跳了下去。 The cat leapt down from (the top of) the table.那只猫从桌子上跳了下去。 The boys leaped over the stream.男孩们跳过小溪。 He made a leaping catch. [=he caught the ball as he jumped]他跳起来接球。 b  [+ object] : to jump over (something)跃过 The horse leaped the stone wall.那匹马越过了石墙。 2  [no object] : to move quickly敏捷地移动 She leapt up [=she stood up quickly] and ran out the door.她迅速站起来,跑出门外。 When the alarm went off, she leapt out of bed.闹钟响了,她立刻跳下床。 The crowd leapt to its feet. [=stood up quickly in excitement]人们立刻兴奋地站了起来。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 The team leaped from last place to first place.这个队从排名垫底跃居首位。 The conversation leapt from politics to religion.话题从政治一下子转到了宗教。 When other people accused her of being lazy, he leaped to her defense. [=he quickly began to defend her]别人指责她懒惰时,他立刻开始为她辩护。 They leaped into action. [=acted immediately]他们立即行动起来。 3  [no object] : to suddenly increase by a large amount猛涨;剧增 The price of gasoline leaped (by) 10 percent.汽油价格猛涨10%。 leap at [phrasal verb] leap at (something) : to eagerly take (a chance, opportunity, etc.)急切抓住(机会、机遇等) She leaped at [=jumped at] the chance/opportunity to show her boss what she could do.她赶紧抓住机会向老板展示她的能耐。 He leapt at the offer of a better job.他急不可待地接受了别人提供的一份更好的工作。 leap off the page — see 1page leap out at [phrasal verb] 1  leap out at (someone) : to suddenly come at (someone) from a hiding place从隐藏处突然扑向… The hidden assailant leaped [=jumped] out at them.隐藏在暗处的袭击者突然扑向他们。 2  : to immediately get the attention of (someone)立刻引起(某人的)注意 The picture on the magazine's cover leaps out at you.杂志封面上的图片赫然跃入你的眼帘。 leap to conclusions — see conclusion leap to mind — see 1mind look before you leap — see 1look your heart leaps — see heart — leaper /ˈliːpɚ/ noun, plural leapers [count] 2 leap /ˈliːp/ noun plural leaps 2 leap /ˈliːp/ noun plural leaps Learner's definition of LEAP 1  [count] a  : a long or high jump跳跃;跳高;跳越 She made a graceful leap into the air.她优雅地向空中一跃。 He ran and took a flying leap over the stream.他跑起来,跨步越过小溪。 b  : the distance that a person or animal jumps(人或动物)跳跃的距离 He won the high jump with a leap of six feet.他以六英尺的高度赢了跳高比赛。 2  [count] : a great and sudden change, increase, or improvement突变;剧增;飞跃 She made the difficult leap [=transition] from college to the workplace.她经历了从大学到职场的艰难转变。 the leap from childhood to adulthood从儿童到成年的转变 a leap [=jump] in the cost of automobiles汽车费用的激增 She has shown great leaps in ability.她的能力已有了大的提高。 Technology has taken a great leap forward.技术有了飞跃大发展。 — see also quantum leap 3  [singular] : a serious attempt to do or understand something new(对新事物的)认真尝试 an imaginative leap想象力的发挥 It required a leap of the imagination to picture how the project would look when it was completed.要构思出这项工程完成后的模样需要发挥想象力。 ◊ A leap in the dark is something that is done without knowing anything about what the result might be.冒险之举 He had no experience, so starting his own business was a real leap in the dark.他没有经验,所以自主创业对他来说真是冒险之举。 ◊ A leap of faith is a decision to believe that something is true or possible even though other people may doubt it.坚定的信念 He has taken/made a leap of faith in starting his own business.他坚定不移地要自己创业。 It takes/requires a leap of faith to believe that this project can succeed.要相信这个工程能成功需要坚定的信念。 by/in leaps and bounds : very quickly and greatly迅猛地 The company grew by leaps and bounds.这家公司发展势头迅猛。 Their knowledge has increased in leaps and bounds.他们的知识快速增长。 take a flying leap US, informal + impolite — used to tell someone who angers or annoys you to go away滚开;走开 She told him to (go) take a flying leap. [=(Brit) take a running jump]她要他滚到一边去。




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