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词汇 leave
释义 leave (noun) leave 32 ENTRIES FOUND: leave (verb) leave (noun) leaved (adjective) leaves leave-taking (noun) leave of absence (noun) compassionate leave (noun) family leave (noun) shore leave (noun) sick leave (noun) alone (adverb) bay leaf (noun) be (verb) beg (verb) cold (adjective) cold (noun) dangle (verb) desire (verb) device (noun) dust (noun) fig leaf (noun) guess (verb) imagination (noun) leaf (noun) lot (noun) love (verb) lurch (noun) mark (noun) sense (noun) stone (noun) take (verb) unturned (adjective) 1 leave /ˈliːv/ verb leaves; left /ˈlɛft/ ; leaving 1 leave /ˈliːv/ verb leaves; left /ˈlɛft/ ; leaving Learner's definition of LEAVE 1  a  : to go away from (a place)离开(某地) [+ object] What time will you leave the office?你打算什么时候离开办公室? Don't leave home without your wallet.出门时别忘了带钱包。 I left the party at seven o'clock.我七点钟离开了聚会。 [no object] We will leave at 10 o'clock.我们将在10点钟走。 Are we leaving soon?我们就要走了吗? She left quickly.她匆匆离开。 They left by bus.他们是坐公共汽车走的。 The train left an hour ago but another will be arriving soon.列车一小时前开走了,但另外一趟很快就会到站。 — often + for We're leaving for the game in an hour.一小时后,我们将动身前去观看比赛。 The train left from Paris for Barcelona an hour ago.一小时前,那趟列车已从巴黎出发开往巴塞罗那。 b  [+ object] : to go away from (a place) to live in a different place移居;搬离 They left the country for a new life in the city.他们离开乡村去城里过新生活了。 He left town a month ago.一个月前他离开了镇子。 He left home [=left his parent's house and lived somewhere else] after graduating from high school.他高中毕业后就从家里搬出来住了。 2  a  [+ object] : to go away from (a person)离开(某人) She left her friends and went home.她和朋友们分开后回到家里。 We left him so that he could do his work. = We left him to his work. = He had work to do, so we left him to it.我们走开,好让他做自己的工作。 We left him doing his work. [=he was doing his work when we left him]我们离开时,他还在工作。 b  : to stop living with and having a close personal relationship with (someone)遗弃,抛弃(某人) [+ object] His mother left [=abandoned, deserted] him when he was very young.很小的时候他就被妈妈遗弃了。 He left his wife and children.他抛弃了妻子和孩子。 His wife left him for another man.他的妻子离他而去另觅新欢。 [no object] He hasn't been the same since his wife left.妻子离开后,他和以前不一样了。 3  a  [+ object] : to give up or stop having (a job, position, etc.)辞去(工作、职务等) He left [=quit] his job and went back to school.他辞掉工作,重返校园。 a politician who will be leaving office next year明年即将离任的政治人物 b  : to stop attending, belonging to, or working for (a school, a group, an organization, etc.)离开(学校、工作单位、群体等);退出(组织) [+ object] She left school and got a job.她离开学校,找了份工作。 She left our team and joined another one.她离开我们队,加入了另外一个队。 He has one more year before he leaves the army.他还有一年就要从军队退伍了。 He's going to be leaving the company soon and starting his own business.他打算不久后离开公司,自己创业。 [no object] You must give the company two weeks' notice before leaving.离职须提前两周告知公司。 c  [+ object] : to stop participating in (something, such as a game)退出(比赛等) The starting quarterback had to leave the game because of an injury.由于受伤,首发四分卫不得不退出比赛。 When did she leave the meeting?她是什么时候离开会场的? 4  [+ object] a  : to go away and allow or cause (something or someone) to remain留下;留存;寄放 Please leave your books at home.请把你的书留在家里。 You may leave your things in this room.你可以把你的物品放在这个房间里。 : to put or bring (something or someone) somewhere and go away留下;搁下 I left the groceries on the table.我把食品杂货搁在桌上。 Please leave the package by the door.请把包裹放在门口。 We left a turkey (roasting) in the oven.我们把一只火鸡搁在烤箱里(烤)。 I left my brother at the airport.我把哥哥送到机场。 They left their dog in the car.他们把狗留在车里。 b  ◊ If you leave someone or something with someone, you allow someone to keep and care for someone or something while you are away.托付;交托 They went out to dinner and left their children (home) with a babysitter.他们出去吃晚饭,把孩子托付给保姆(在家)照看。 We left our dog with the neighbors while we went on vacation.我们去度假时,把狗托付给邻居照看。 c  : to go away and forget or neglect to take (something)遗忘;遗落;丢下 He left [=forgot] his wallet at the restaurant.他把钱包落在餐馆里了。 I left my homework in my car.我把家庭作业遗忘在车里了。 Did you leave your key in the door again?你又把钥匙落在门上了? d  : to go away permanently without taking (something or someone)(什么也不带地)永久离开 He left nothing in his old apartment.他搬离了旧公寓,什么也没留下。 — often + behind They left behind everything they owned.他们离开了,自己的东西一件都没带走。 We had to leave our family and friends behind.我们不得不离亲别友。 He left it all behind. [=took nothing with him]他什么也没带就走了。 I wanted to leave the past behind. [=forget about the past]我想忘却过去。 5  [+ object] : to put (something) in a place for another person to take or have给(某人)留下 Did she leave a package for me?她有包裹留给我吗? We left a good tip for our waitress. = We left our waitress a good tip.我们给女服务员留下了不少小费。 I left a message (for you) on your answering machine.我在你的留言机上(给你)留言了。 He left his name and phone number.他留下了姓名和电话号码。 6  [+ object] a  : to allow someone else to deal with or do (something)交由某人处理— often + with “It's a pretty complicated problem.” “Leave it with me: I'll see what I can do.”“这是个相当复杂的问题。”“交给我吧:我看看能做些什么。” — often + for You don't have to wash the dishes. Just leave them for me. [=I will wash the dishes]你不用洗碗碟,让我来吧。 — often + to Leave your computer problems to the experts. [=let the experts solve your computer problems]把你电脑的问题交给专家们去解决吧。 That kind of decision should be left to the parents.那样的事情该交由父母决定。 They left the decision (up) to me.他们让我来做这个决定。 She left it to the readers to decide the story's ending.她把故事的结局留给读者决定。 I'll leave it (up) to you (to decide) whether or not we go to the movies.我们去不去看电影,由你来决定。 I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions.我会让你自己得出结论。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 Whether or not we have a picnic will be left (up) to the weather. [=will be determined by the weather]我们是否去野餐将取决于天气。 b  ◊ In informal U.S. English, you can say leave it to someone (to do something), when someone has acted in a way that is typical or expected.交给某人处理(因为某人是做某事的理想人选或代表性人物,用于非正式美国英语) Leave it to my mom to make everyone feel comfortable. [=my mom always makes everyone feel comfortable]要让每个人都感觉舒服自在得让我妈妈出面。 c  ◊ If people leave you to do something, they do not help you do it.被撇下不管;独自完成某事 He left me to find my own way home.他撇下我不管,让我独自找路回家。 She was left to finish the job by herself.只剩下她一人独自完成这项工作。 I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions.我会让你自己得出结论。 I was left to fend for myself.我无依无靠,自谋生路。 7  [+ object] : to cause (something or someone) to be or remain in a specified condition or position使(某事或某人)处于某状态 Years of pollution has left [=made] the water undrinkable.多年的污染导致水源无法饮用。 Their argument left him angry and confused.他们的争吵使他感到既恼火又困惑。 The accident left him paralyzed.那次事故使他瘫痪。 Your kind words leave me speechless.你的这番好话让我无言以对。 I'll leave the door unlocked for you.我会给你留着门的。 She left the door/window open.她把门/窗开着。 Did you leave the lights on?你一直开着灯? Much was left undone.还有很多事情未完成。 Let's just leave it at that. [=let's not change it or discuss it further]我们到此为止吧。 — often + -ing verb They cut down the trees but left the rosebushes standing.他们把树砍掉,但留下了玫瑰花丛。 It left them wondering when it would all end.他们寻思着,不知这事何时才会结束。 — often + with I don't want to punish you, but your actions leave me (with) no/little choice. [=your actions make it necessary for me to punish you]我并不想罚你,但你的所作所为让我别无选择。 They were left with no option but to sell their car. [=they were forced to sell their car]他们别无选择,只好把自己的汽车卖掉。 8  [+ object] a  : to allow (something) to remain available or unused预留 He wanted to leave a way out for himself. = He wanted to leave himself a way out.他想给自己留条出路。 Please leave space/room for another chair.请留点空间/地方再放一把椅子。 Don't eat too much. You need to leave room for dessert. [=you need to leave enough room in your stomach so that you can eat dessert]别吃太多,你得留点肚子吃甜品。 That doesn't leave much room for discussion.那件事没什么可商量的余地了。 b  ◊ An amount that is left (over) or that you have left (over) is an amount that remains after the rest has been used or taken away.(被)剩下,留下 There is only one piece of bread left. [=remaining]只剩一片面包了。 After feeding 20 people, there was nothing left for me.20个人吃饱后,没剩下什么东西给我了。 How much time do we have left before we can go home?我们还要多久才能回家? There was no one left in the city after the parade.游行过后,城中空无一人。 Do we have any pizza left over from last night?昨晚的比萨饼有剩下的吗? We have many decorations left over from the party.聚会之后,我们留下了许多装饰品。 9  [+ object] : to cause (something) to remain as a result, mark, or sign留下(后果、印迹、记号等) The cut left an ugly scar.刀口留下了一块丑陋的疤痕。 The grape juice left a stain on the carpet.葡萄汁洒在地毯上留下了污渍。 The rain is leaving a thin layer of ice on the roads.雨水使路面结了一层薄冰。 The thief was careful not to leave any clues.那贼小心翼翼,以免留下任何线索。 We promise we won't leave a mess.我们保证不会留下烂摊子。 His visit left a lasting impression on our family.他的来访令我们一家人久久难忘。 The experience left a bad taste in my mouth. [=the experience made me feel bad or disgusted]那次经历给我留下了很糟糕的印象。 10  [+ object] a  : to have (family members) living after your death去世后留下(家人) He left (behind) a widow and two children.他(死后)留下了一个寡妇和两个孩子。 She leaves (behind) 7 children and 28 grandchildren.她(死后)留下了7个子女和28个孙辈。 b  : to give (something, such as money or property) to (someone) after your death遗赠,遗留(钱或财产) She left a fortune to her husband.她死后给丈夫留下了一笔财产。 His parents left him a house and a small amount of money.他父母死后给他留下了一栋房子和一点钱。 11  [+ object] mathematics : to have (a number) as a remainder剩下;余下 Taking 7 from 10 leaves 3.10减7得3。 I must love you and leave you — see 2love leave much to be desired — see 1desire leave no stone unturned — see 1stone leave off [phrasal verb] 1  : to stop before finishing a story, conversation, etc.中断(故事、会话等) Let's begin where we left off.我们从之前中断的地方开始吧。 Where did we leave off in our conversation?我们之前谈到哪里了? 2  leave off (doing something) informal : to stop (doing something)停止(做某事) They finally left off trying to reach an agreement.他们最终放弃了达成协议的努力。 leave out [phrasal verb] leave out (someone or something) or leave (someone or something) out : to not include or mention (someone or something)省略;遗漏;排除 The movie leaves a lot out of the story.这部电影省略了该故事的许多情节。 You left out the best part.你漏掉了最好的部分。 Did everyone get a piece of cake? I don't want to leave anyone out.每个人都分到一块蛋糕了吗?我不想漏掉任何人。 They always leave her out of the conversation.他们总是不让她插话。 He always feels left out when his friends talk about sports.朋友们谈论体育时,他总觉得插不上话。 leave (someone) guessing — see 1guess leave (someone) in the dust — see 1dust leave (someone) in the lurch — see 3lurch leave (someone or something) alone : to not bother or touch (someone or something)不打扰(某人);不触碰(某事物) Please leave the baby alone. She needs to sleep.请别逗宝宝了。她得睡觉了。 Please leave the vase alone.请勿触碰花瓶。 leave (someone or something) be : to not bother or touch (someone or something)不打扰(某人);不触碰(某事物) Please leave [=let] me be.请别打扰我。 leave (someone or something) for dead — see 1dead leave (someone) out in the cold — see 2cold leave (something) to the imagination — see imagination leave well enough alone or British leave well alone : to stop changing something that is already good enough不要画蛇添足;不要弄巧成拙 He just doesn't know when to leave well enough alone.他就是不知道什么时候该适可而止。 leave you cold — see 1cold leave you to your own devices — see device left at the altar — see altar take it or leave it — see 1take 2 leave /ˈliːv/ noun 2 leave /ˈliːv/ noun Learner's definition of LEAVE 1  : a period of time when someone has special permission to be away from a job or from military service休假;假期 [singular] He took an unpaid leave from work.他享受了一次无薪休假。 The soldiers were given a two-month leave for the holidays.士兵们获准节日休假两个月。 [noncount] 12 weeks of leave12周假期 He took a few months' leave to care for his sick mother.他请了几个月假照顾生病的妈妈。 The company granted her maternity leave. [=time off to take care of a newborn child]公司准许她休产假。 Our professor is on leave this semester.我们的教授这个学期在休假。 She is on leave from her law firm.她向律师事务所请假不上班。 a soldier on military leave休兵役假的士兵 — called also leave of absence — see also compassionate leave, family leave, shore leave, sick leave 2  [noncount] formal : permission to do something许可;准许 I beg leave to differ with you, sir.恕我不敢苟同,先生。 He was found guilty but was granted/given leave to appeal against the verdict.他被判有罪,但获准提出上诉。 The soldier was guilty of being absent without (official) leave.士兵犯了擅离职守罪。 take leave of someone formal or take your leave : to say goodbye to someone(向某人)告辞,告别 It was late when they finally took leave of their friends and headed home.他们终于向朋友告辞回家时,天色已晚。 After a few minutes of polite conversation, he took his leave.寒暄了一会儿,他就告辞了。 take leave of your senses : to begin acting or thinking in a very foolish way发疯;丧失理智 Have you taken leave of your senses?你疯了吗? without (so much as) a by your leave old-fashioned : without asking permission擅自;未经允许 He borrowed my car without so much as a by your leave!他未经允许就借走了我的车!




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