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词汇 astringent
释义 astringent 1 ENTRIES FOUND: astringent (adjective) astringent /əˈstrɪnʤənt/ adjective astringent /əˈstrɪnʤənt/ adjective Learner's definition of ASTRINGENT [more astringent; most astringent] 1  medical : causing body tissues (such as skin) to tighten收敛性的;止血的 — used to describe a liquid or lotion that makes the skin less oily or that helps to stop a cut from bleeding用于描述能使皮肤不油腻或使伤口止血的液体或乳液 astringent lotions收敛剂 2  : having a sharp or bitter quality涩味的 an astringent taste苦涩味 3  : very critical in a sharp and often clever way尖刻的 Her speech included some astringent [=caustic, biting] comments about the other candidate.她的话里带着对另一位候选人的冷嘲热讽。 an astringent critic of modern movies一个尖刻的现代电影评论家 — astringency /əˈstrɪnʤənsi/ noun [noncount] the astringency of her comments她评论的尖刻 — astringent noun, plural astringents medical [count] She used an astringent on her face.她脸上用了收敛剂。 — astringently adverb an astringently ironic writer一位辛辣讽刺的作家




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