

单词 length
释义 length 10 ENTRIES FOUND: length (noun) floor-length (adjective) focal length (noun) full-length (adjective) knee-length (adjective) shoulder-length (adjective) any (adjective) arm (noun) breadth (noun) extreme (adjective) length /ˈlɛŋθ/ noun plural lengths length /ˈlɛŋθ/ noun plural lengths Learner's definition of LENGTH 1  a  : the distance from one end of something to the other end : a measurement of how long something is长度;全长 [noncount] “What is its length?” [=how long is it?] “It measures 10 inches in length.” [=it is 10 inches long]“它的长度是多少?”“它的长度是10英寸。” We walked the entire length of the beach. [=we walked from one end of the beach to the other]我们走完了整个海滩。 The length of the table is six feet, and its width is three feet.桌子长六英尺,宽三英尺。 [count] These pins are available in one- and two-inch lengths.现有的大头钉有一英寸长的,有两英寸长的。 The adult animals reach a maximum length of two meters.这种动物成年时身长最长可达两米。 — see also focal length b  [noncount] : the size or extent of a piece of writing(文章的)篇幅 Your essay should be no more than 250 words in length.你的文章应该控制在250词以内。 five pages in length [=five pages long]五页纸的篇幅 a book-length poem [=a very long poem; a poem that has the same number of pages as some books]长达一本书的长诗 c  [noncount] : the quality or state of being long长 Don't be put off by the book's length. [=(less commonly) lengthiness]别因为这本书篇幅长而放弃。 I was amazed by the length of the ape's arms. [=by how long the ape's arms were]类人猿手臂之长令我惊叹。 2  [noncount] : the amount of time something lasts时长 They want to extend the length of the school year. [=to make the school year longer; to lengthen the school year]他们想延长学年时间。 the length of a movie电影时长 If you're in town for any length of time [=for more than just a short time], be sure to see the museum.你如果在镇上待一段时间,一定要参观博物馆。 3  [count] : the length of something used as a unit of measure长度单位 Our horse won the race by a length. [=by a distance equal to the length of one horse]我们的马以超出一马身的长度赢得了这场比赛。 They were two car lengths behind us.他们以两车身的距离跟在我们后面 I managed to swim four lengths of the pool. [=to swim from one end of the pool to the other end four times]我勉强在泳池里游了四个来回。 — see also at arm's length at 1arm 4  [count] : a piece of something that is long and thin or narrow细长的一段 a length of pipe/chain/yarn水管/链子/纱线的一段 5  [noncount] : a measure of how far down on your body something (such as your hair or a piece of clothing) reaches(头发、衣服等)到身体某部位的长度 the length of a skirt裙子的长度 a waist-length jacket [=a jacket that reaches only to your waist]及腰的夹克 chin-length hair长及下巴的头发 — see also floor-length, knee-length, shoulder-length at length 1  : for a long time长时间地 We talked at length about the ceremony.我们就这个庆典谈论了很久。 The speaker went on at considerable/great/some length.演讲者滔滔不绝地讲了相当长/很长/好些时间。 No one was questioned at any length about it. [=no one was questioned for a long period of time]没有人被长时间询问。 2  : in a full or complete way详尽地;完整地 The topic will be treated at length in the next chapter.这个话题会在下一章详尽论述。 The book doesn't discuss the topic at any length. [=the book only discusses the topic briefly]这本书只是简短地讨论了这个话题。 3  literary : after a long time终于;最后 At length [=finally, in the end, at last], we decided to return home.最后,我们决定回家。 go to any length or go to any/extreme/great (etc.) lengths : to make a great or extreme effort to do something不遗余力 She'll go to any length to avoid doing work. = She'll go to any lengths to avoid doing work.她会想方设法逃避干活。 He went to great lengths to learn the truth.他竭尽全力了解真相。 the length and breadth of : through all parts of (a place)到处;(…的)四处,四面八方 I've been/traveled the length and breadth of the canyon, but I still haven't found the caves I'm looking for.我已经走遍整个峡谷,但还是没有发现我想要寻找的那些洞穴。




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