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词汇 let
释义 let (noun) let 35 ENTRIES FOUND: let (verb) let (noun) -let (noun suffix) let's alone (adverb) bag (noun) be (verb) bygones (noun) cat (noun) chip (noun) course (noun) dog (noun) down (adverb) face (verb) fall (verb) fly (verb) foot (noun) grass (noun) hair (noun) hang (verb) know (verb) lie (verb) live (verb) loose (adjective) nature (noun) rest (verb) ride (verb) rip (verb) roll (verb) see (verb) side (noun) sleep (verb) slide (verb) slip (verb) steam (noun) 1 let /ˈlɛt/ verb lets; let; letting 1 let /ˈlɛt/ verb lets; let; letting Learner's definition of LET 1  [+ object] : to allow or permit (someone or something) to do something允许;许可;让 Let them go.让他们走。 I'll be happy to help you if you'll let me (help you).如果你愿意让我帮你的话,我将十分乐意效劳。 A break in the clouds let us see the summit. [=made it possible for us to see the summit]云间缝隙让我们见到山顶。 Don't let this opportunity slip away!不要让这个机会溜走! Let me see the bruise.让我看看瘀伤。 I don't believe in letting children do whatever they want to do. = I don't believe that people should let children do whatever they want to do.我认为,允许孩子们为所欲为是不对的。 My philosophy is “Live and let live.” [=live your life as you choose and let other people do the same]我的人生哲学是“自己活,也让别人活”。 Usage用法 Let is followed by a verb that has the form of the infinitive without to.let接不带to的动词不定式。 They let him speak. [=they allowed/permitted him to speak]他们允许他说话。 Let is never used as be let; use be allowed or be permitted instead.let没有被动语态,可用be allowed或be permitted替代。 They let him speak. [=he was allowed/permitted by them to speak]他们允许他说话。 2  [+ object] a  — used in speech when you are making a polite offer to help someone(用于口语,表示礼貌地提出帮助)让,由 Let me help you with those packages. [=I would be happy to help you with those packages]让我来帮你搬那些包裹吧。 Let me do that for you.请让我来替你做吧。 b  — used to introduce a polite statement or request(用于礼貌地引出要讲的话或提出要求)允许,让 Let me begin by saying how happy I am to see you here today. [=I want to begin by saying how happy I am to see you]让我用以下内容作为开场白:今天,在这儿见到您我十分高兴。 Please let me know [=tell me] what you decide.请告诉我你所做的决定。 c  formal — used to introduce a command(用于引出命令)要,让 “The ambassadors have arrived, your Majesty.” “Let them not wait a moment longer: let them enter at once.”“大使们已经到了,陛下。”“不要让他们等:马上让他们进来。” Let there be music and laughter!放音乐,让大家纵情欢笑! — sometimes used figuratively in a way that is not formal有时用作比喻,非正式用法 Let it rain all day—I don't care.任由它下一整天的雨吧——我不在乎。 d  — used to express a warning(用于表示警告)让,任由,听任 Just let her try to do it again! [=she will be in trouble if she tries to do it again]够胆让她再试试! 3  a  ◊ Let's and (more formally) let us are used to introduce statements that express a wish, request, suggestion, or command.let's和(更加正式的)let us用来陈述愿望、请求、建议或命令。 Let's [=let us] hope for the best. [=we should hope for the best]我们应该往好处想。 Let's imagine what the world would be like with no war.咱们来设想一下,要是没有战争,世界将会是什么样的。 Let's suppose that he's right. What then?让我们假设他是对的。结果会怎么样呢? Let's get out of here!让我们从这里出去! Let us all remember [=we should all remember] just how much we have to be thankful for.我们大家都应该铭记要心怀感恩。 I'm not calling her a liar. Let's just say that she tends to exaggerate the truth a little.我并不是说她是一个骗子。咱们只是说她总是有点夸大事实。 Let's see what's on the menu. = Let's have a look at the menu.我们来看看菜单上有什么。 “Let's go, shall we?” [=shall we go?] “Yes, let's.”“我们走吧,好吗?”“好的,我们走吧。” “Let's go.” “No, let's not.”我们走吧。”“不,不要走。” Let's not go. = (Brit) Don't let's go. = (US, informal) Let's don't go.我们不要走。 b  ◊ The phrase let's go is used in speech to tell someone to go or work faster.动作快点 Are you still getting dressed? Let's go! We need to leave in five minutes!你还在穿衣服吗?动作快点!我们要在五分钟之内出发! c  ◊ The phrase let us pray is used to introduce a prayer.让我们祈祷(用于引出祈祷的内容) Let us pray. Dear God, we thank you for this day…让我们祈祷吧:亲爱的主,我们感谢你今天… d  ◊ The phrases let's face it and let's be honest are used to say that something is true and cannot be denied.(用于表示不容否认的事实)我们得承认 Let's face it: we need more time.我们得承认:我们时间不够。 Let's be honest, those two were never right for each other.老实说吧,他们俩从来都不合拍。 4  a  [+ object] : to allow someone to use (something) in return for payment : rent出租 They have rooms to let. [=rooms that people can rent to live in]他们有房间待租。 b  [no object] chiefly British : to be rented or leased for a specified amount of money定额出租 The flat lets [=rents] for 350 pounds a month.这套公寓的租金是一个月350英镑。 5  always followed by an adverb or preposition, [+ object] : to allow (someone or something) to go, pass by, etc.让…走过;允许…经过 Let me out!让我出去! She locked the door and refused to let him in.她锁了门,不准他进来。 The guard refused to let us through the gate.安保人员不让我们进大门。 Let me through/past! [=let me move through a group of people, past a barrier, etc.]让我过去! let alone 1  — used to refer to something that is even less likely or possible than the thing previously mentioned更别提 I can barely understand it, let alone explain it.我几乎不明白,更别提解释它了。 2  let (someone or something) alone : to not bother or touch (someone or something)别打扰,别碰(某人或某事物) Let [=(more commonly) leave] your sister alone.别打扰你姐姐。 All I ask is to be let alone. [=(more commonly) left alone]拜托,别打扰我了。 Would you please let it alone?请你别碰它,好吗? I never did learn to let well enough alone. [=to leave well enough alone; to stop changing something that is already good enough]我从来没学会适可而止。 let bygones be bygones — see bygones let down [phrasal verb] 1  let (someone) down a  : to fail to give help or support to (someone who needs or expects it) : disappoint使失望;辜负 I promised Mary that I'd help her, and I can't let her down.我答应过要帮助玛丽,我不能让她失望。 It's my fault we lost the game. I let the team down.我们输掉了比赛,都是我的错。我辜负了全队。 He never lets down a friend in need.他从来不背弃危难中的朋友。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 His judgment let him down. [=his judgment was poor; he made a bad decision]他的判断有误。 b  : to make (someone) unhappy or displeased by not being as good as expected使沮丧;使不悦 The end of the story really let me down. = I felt let down by the end of the story. [=the end of the story was disappointing]故事的结尾真令我失望。 — see also letdown 2  ◊ To let someone down easy/gently is to give someone unpleasant news in a gentle or kind way.委婉地告诉某人坏消息 She tried to let him down gently when she told him he didn't get the job.她尽量委婉地告诉他,他没有得到那份工作。 I knew I had to fire her, but I was trying to think of a way to let her down easy.我知道我不得不解雇她,但是我当时尽量想了一种委婉的方式来告诉她。 3  let (something) down or let down (something) a  : to cause or allow (something) to move down gradually慢慢放下(某物) let a bucket down into a well = let down a bucket into a well把桶慢慢放到井里 b  : to make (a skirt, a pair of pants, etc.) longer加长(裙子、裤子等) The pants were a little too short and needed to be let down a little.这条裤子有点太短了,需要加长一点。 — see also let your hair down at hair let fly or let fly with — see 1fly let go 1  or let (something or someone) go or let go of (something or someone) or let go (something or someone) : to stop holding or gripping something or someone放开;松手;释放 I tried to take the ball from him, but he wouldn't let go.我努力从他手里抢球,但他不放手。 She grabbed my hand and refused to let go.她抓住我的手不放。 He let the rope go. = He let go of the rope. = (less commonly) He let go the rope.他放开了绳子。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 When a child grows up and moves away from home, it can be hard for parents to let go. [=to allow the child to live independently; to not be too involved in the child's decisions, actions, etc.]当孩子长大成人从家里搬出去后,就此放手对家长来说不容易。 I know she disappointed you, but you need to let the past go and move on with your life. [=you need to stop caring or thinking about the past]我知道她让你很沮丧,但你必须忘记过去,继续自己的生活。 You need to let go of the past.你需要忘记过去。 She felt she had been treated wrongly, and she wasn't willing to let it go. [=she wasn't willing to forget how she had been treated]她觉得自己受到了不公正的待遇,并且耿耿于怀。 You're late. I'll let it go this time, but it had better not happen again.你迟到了,这次我不追究,但是这种事下次最好别再发生。 The car is probably worth a lot more, but she agreed to let it go for five thousand dollars. [=she agreed to sell the car for five thousand dollars]这辆车可能很值钱,但她只要五千美元就同意出手。 2  or let (yourself) go : to behave in a very free and open way(行为表现)自在,洒脱,不拘束 He really lets go when he's out partying with his friends.他和朋友外出聚会的时候,真正是无拘无束。 She has a hard time relaxing and letting herself go.她很难让自己放松下来,无拘无束。 3  let (someone) go a  : to allow (someone who is being held as a slave, prisoner, etc.) to be free释放(奴隶、囚犯等);使自由 They let the prisoner go. = The prisoner was let go.他们释放了那个囚犯。 b  : to officially make (someone) leave a job解雇 The company let him go at the end of the month. = He was let go at the end of the month.公司在月底解雇了他。 4  let (yourself) go : to fail to take care of (yourself)不注意照顾(自己) I was very depressed back then and had really let myself go. [=I had stopped taking care of myself]当初,我十分消沉,没有好好地照顾自己。 let it all hang out informal : to show your true feelings : to behave in a very free and open way毫不隐瞒;做自己想做的事 When I'm with my friends, I let it all hang out.和朋友在一起时,我坦诚相见。 let loose — see 1loose let me see or let's see or let me think — used in speech by someone who is trying to remember something让我想想 Let me see, where did I put my keys?让我想想,我把钥匙放在哪里了? Let's see, how long did it take last time?让我们想想,上一次花了多少时间? What was the name of that restaurant? Let me think. Oh, that's right: “The High Street Café.”那家饭店的名字叫什么?让我想想。哦,想起来了,叫“大街咖啡馆”。 let off [phrasal verb] 1  let (someone) off or let off (someone) : to allow (someone) to get off a bus, an airplane, etc.让…下(车、飞机等) Could you let me off (the bus) at the next stop, please?请你让我在下一站下车,可以吗? The bus stopped to let off a few passengers.公共汽车停下,让几名乘客下了车。 2  let (someone) off : to allow (someone who has been caught doing something wrong or illegal) to go without being punished不惩罚;放过;宽恕 The police officer let her off with just a warning.警官只是警告了她就把她放了。 They let him off easy/easily/lightly, if you ask me. [=I do not think he was punished as severely as he could/should have been]依我看,他们轻易放过了他。 — often used in the phrase let (someone) off the hook常用于短语let (someone) off the hook If you ask me, they let him off the hook too easily.依我看,他们太轻易就让他逃过了惩罚。 3  let off (something) : to cause (something) to explode or to be released in a forceful way引爆;释放 let off [=set off] a firecracker燃放爆竹 let off pressure释放压力 — see also let off (some) steam at 1steam let on [phrasal verb] 1  let (someone) on or let on (someone) : to allow (someone) to get on a bus, an airplane, etc.让…上(车、飞机等) They let passengers with small children on (the airplane) first.他们让带着小孩的乘客先上(飞机)。 The bus stopped to let on a few more passengers.公共汽车停下,让几名乘客上了车。 2  let on or let on (something) informal : to tell, admit, or show that you know something说出;表明;透露 He knows a lot more than he lets on.他知道的比他透露出来的要多得多。 Don't let on that I told you!别说是我告诉你的。 She was unhappy, but she never let on. = She never let on to anyone that she was unhappy. [=she never showed or told anyone that she was unhappy]她不开心,但她从来没有表现出来。 3  US, informal : to pretend or seem假装;看起来 She's not as happy as she lets on.她并非像看起来那样开心。 let out [phrasal verb] 1  let (something or someone) out or let out (something or someone) : to release (something or someone)发出;释放 She let out a scream. [=she screamed]她发出了一声尖叫。 They let the prisoner out (of prison) for the weekend. = The prisoner was let out for the weekend.他们把囚犯放出去过周末。 Let the clutch out slowly.要慢慢地松开离合器。 — see also letout 2  let (something) out or let out (something) : to make (a shirt, a pair of pants, etc.) larger加大,放宽(衬衫、裤子等) The skirt is too tight and needs to be let out a little.这条裙子太紧了,需要加宽些。 let out a pair of pants把一条裤子加宽 — opposite take in at 1take 3  US, of a school : to end a semester, year, or session(学期或学年)结束 School lets out in June.学校六月份放假。 let rip — see 1rip let sleeping dogs lie — see 1dog let (someone) have it informal : to attack, punish, or criticize (someone) in a violent or angry way攻击;惩罚;责骂 When she found out what they'd been doing, she really let them have it.当她发现他们的所作所为时,狠狠骂了他们一顿。 let (someone) in on (something) : to allow (someone) to know (a secret)告知,泄露(秘密) He said he'd let me in on a secret if I promised not to tell anyone else.他说如果我答应不对其他任何人讲,他就会把一个秘密告诉我。 let (someone) know — see 1know let (someone or something) be : to not bother or touch (someone or something)别打扰,别碰(某人或某事物) Please let [=leave] me be.请别打扰我。 let (something) be known — see 1know let (something) slip or let slip (something) — see 1slip let the cat out of the bag — see cat let the grass grow under your feet — see 1grass let up [phrasal verb] 1  : to stop or become slower暂停;停止;变慢 Won't this rain ever let up?这场雨难道不会停了吗? There's a lot of work still to be done. We can't let up now.还有许多工作要做。我们现在不能放慢脚步。 — see also letup 2  let up on (someone) : to treat (someone) in a less harsh or demanding way缓和;放松;降低要求 The students might respond better if the teacher let up on [=eased up on] them a little.如果老师对他们不那么严厉的话,学生可能会表现得更好。 3  let up on (something) : to apply less pressure to (something)缓解压力 I let up on [=eased up on] the gas pedal.我松了松油门踏板。 let (yourself) in for : to cause (yourself) to have or experience (something bad or unpleasant)使遭受;使陷入(困境) She's letting herself in for a lot of trouble/criticism.她正面临着许多麻烦/批评。 When I agreed to help, I didn't know what I was letting myself in for. [=getting myself into]当我同意去帮忙时,并不知道会使自己陷入什么麻烦。 2 let /ˈlɛt/ noun plural lets 2 let /ˈlɛt/ noun plural lets Learner's definition of LET [count] tennis : a serve that is not accepted or allowed officially and must be done again触网重发;擦网球 The first serve was a let.第一个发球是擦网球。 without let or hindrance chiefly British, law : without being interfered with不受干预地;自由地 They have the right to vote without let or hindrance. [=without anyone making it difficult or impossible for them to vote]他们有权利自由投票。




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