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词汇 lie
释义 lie (noun) lie (verb) lie (noun) lie 21 ENTRIES FOUND: lie (verb) lie (noun) lie (verb) lie (noun) lie-down (noun) lie-in (noun) lien (noun) lie detector (noun) lie of the land (noun) white lie (noun) bed (noun) bottom (noun) dog (noun) land (noun) let (verb) live (verb) low (adverb) sleep (verb) state (noun) tissue (noun) wait (noun) 1 lie /ˈlaɪ/ verb lies; lay /ˈleɪ/ ; lain /ˈleɪn/ ; lying /ˈlajɪŋ/ 1 lie /ˈlaɪ/ verb lies; lay /ˈleɪ/ ; lain /ˈleɪn/ ; lying /ˈlajɪŋ/ Learner's definition of LIE [no object] 1  of a person or animal a  : to be in a flat position on a surface (such as a bed)(人或动物)躺,平卧 Lie still.躺着别动。 She lay asleep on the bed.她躺在床上睡着了。 He lay dead on the floor.他躺在地上死了。 The police found him lying unconscious in an alley.警察发现他躺在一条小路上不省人事。 All the dog did was just lie there.那条狗就只是趴在那里。 — see picture at position b  : to move from a standing or sitting position to a flat position on a surface(人或动物)躺下,躺倒 The doctor asked him to lie [=lie down] on the table.医生让他躺到桌子上 c  — used to mark the place where a person is buried被埋葬;长眠于 Here lies John Smith. = Here lies the body of John Smith.此处葬着约翰·史密斯。 2  of things : to be in a flat position on a surface(物体)平放在…上,平放着 snow lying on the ground地上的积雪 A note was lying on the table when he came home.他回到家里,看见桌子上放着一张便条。 The leaves lay thick on the ground.树叶在地上有厚厚的一层。 He placed a hand on her shoulder, where it lay [=rested] for a moment.他把一只手放在她的肩上,过了一会儿才拿开。 3  a  : to be or remain in a specified state or condition处于某种状态 The city lay in ruins.这座城市是一片废墟 The book was lying open on the desk.这本书打开着平放在桌子上。 The factory continues to lie idle.这座工厂继续闲置着。 dishes lying dirty in the sink水池里放着的脏盘子 b  always followed by an adverb or a preposition : to be in a specified direction朝…方向 Our route lay to the west.我们这条路是朝西的。 4  : to be located in a particular place位于;处于…位置 The village lies in a peaceful valley.这个村庄坐落在一个安静的山谷里。 The river lies along the western edge of the mountains.这条河在山脉的西侧。 Ohio lies east of Indiana. = Ohio lies to the east of Indiana.俄亥俄州在印第安纳州以东。 A ship was lying in the harbor.一艘船停泊在港内。 The mountains lay between us and our goal.我们和目的地之间隔着好几座山。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 I don't know where the answer lies. [=I don't know where the answer can be found; I don't know what the answer is]我不知道答案在哪儿。 He doesn't know where his future lies. [=he doesn't know what he will do in the future]他不知道他的未来会怎样。 The choice lay between fighting or surrendering. [=the choice was between fighting or surrendering]要么选择战斗,要么选择投降。 There is no question about where her loyalties lie. [=about which person, group, etc., she is loyal to]她忠于哪一方是毋庸置疑的。 The problem lies in knowing what to do.问题是要知道该做什么。 I don't know what to do, and therein lies the problem. [=that is the problem]我不知道该做什么,这才是问题所在。 5  British : to be at a specified level in a competition(比赛中)占…名次 They are lying third. = They are lying in third place. [=they are in third place]他们现在排名第三。 how the land lies — see 1land let sleeping dogs lie — see 1dog lie ahead : to be in the future将来 No one knows what lies ahead (of us). [=no one knows what will happen (to us) in the future]谁都不知道(我们)将来会发生什么事。 lie around [phrasal verb] or British lie about 1  a  : to be lying in a disordered way凌乱地摆放 He always had a lot of clothes lying around his house.他总有许多衣服乱七八糟地放在家里。 b  : to be somewhere within a general area or place在一定范围的某个地方 I know that pen is lying around here somewhere.我知道那支钢笔就在这里的某个地方。 2  : to spend time resting in a lazy way闲着;无所事事 She spent the whole day just lying around.她一整天都无所事事。 My friends and I were lying around by the pool.我和朋友们在水塘边闲待着。 lie back [phrasal verb] : to lean backward from a sitting position to a flat position仰靠;向后靠 The doctor asked him to lie back on the table.医生让他向后靠,躺在桌子上。 lie behind [phrasal verb] lie behind (something) : to be the cause of (something)是…的原因 Greed lies behind the higher prices.提价背后的原因是贪婪。 lie down [phrasal verb] 1  : to move from a standing or sitting position to a flat position on a surface躺下;趴下 Lie down on the couch/bed.躺在沙发/床上。 I'm tired. I'm going to lie down.我累了,我要躺一躺。 The police ordered him to lay down his weapons and lie down on the ground.警察命令他放下武器趴到地上。 2  lie down on the job : to fail to do your job : to neglect your responsibilities偷懒;玩忽职守 He says pollution has been getting worse because government regulators have been lying down on the job.他说污染越来越严重是因为政府部门玩忽职守。 3  ◊ To take something lying down is to accept something bad, such as an insult or unfair treatment, without trying to fight against it.屈服;甘受(侮辱、不公等) He vowed that he would not take the court's decision lying down. [=that he would fight against the court's decision]他发誓对法院的判决绝不善罢甘休。 lie in [phrasal verb] British : to stay in bed later than usual睡懒觉 She likes to lie in [=sleep in] on Saturdays.星期六她喜欢睡懒觉。 lie in state — see 1state lie in wait — see 2wait lie low : to try not to be noticed : to stay hidden or inactive in order to avoid being noticed or found藏匿;潜伏 The prisoners had to lie low after their escape.那群囚犯逃跑后不得不藏了起来。 lie on/upon [phrasal verb] lie on/upon (someone or something) : to affect someone in a specified way以某种方式对…造成影响 Sorrow lay heavily on him. [=he felt very sad]他感到非常悲痛。 Guilt lies on his conscience. [=he feels very guilty]内疚困扰着他的良心。 Her years lie lightly upon her. [=she seems younger than she is]岁月在她身上只留下淡淡的痕迹。 lie with [phrasal verb] 1  lie with (someone or something) not used in the progressive tenses — used to say who has the blame or responsibility for something是…的过失;是…的责任 The blame lies with their mother for not watching them closely enough.错在他们的母亲,因为她没有看紧他们。 Responsibility for the accident lies with the company.事故的责任在于这家公司。 2  lie with (someone) literary : to have sex with (someone)与…性交 when he first lay with her当他第一次与她发生关系时 make your bed and lie in it — see 1bed — compare 3lie 2 lie /ˈlaɪ/ noun plural lies 2 lie /ˈlaɪ/ noun plural lies Learner's definition of LIE [count] : the position in which something lies on the ground(某物在地面的)位置,方向 a golf ball in a difficult lie停在难打位置的高尔夫球 — see also lie of the land — compare 4lie 3 lie /ˈlaɪ/ verb lies; lied; lying 3 lie /ˈlaɪ/ verb lies; lied; lying Learner's definition of LIE [no object] 1  : to say or write something that is not true in order to deceive someone : to tell a lie说谎 I can't believe you lied to me.我不敢相信你竟然对我说谎。 He has been accused of lying about his military record.他被指控谎报自己的从军经历。 She was lying when she told her parents that she had spent the afternoon studying.她对父母说整个下午都在学习,她那是在撒谎。 She was lying through her teeth. [=she was saying something completely untrue]她满口谎言。 (US, informal) You can't trust that guy. He lies like a rug. [=he lies constantly; he is dishonest]你不能相信那个家伙,他撒谎成性。 2  : to indicate or suggest something that is not true or accurate造成假象;不可靠 Statistics sometimes lie. [=do not accurately reflect the truth]统计数据有时不可靠。 You may think that you still look young, but the mirror never lies. [=the mirror shows how you really look]你也许觉得自己还很年轻,可镜子不会说谎。 — compare 1lie 4 lie /ˈlaɪ/ noun plural lies 4 lie /ˈlaɪ/ noun plural lies Learner's definition of LIE [count] : something untrue that is said or written to deceive someone谎言;假话 She told a lie to her parents.她对父母撒了个谎。 He has been accused of telling lies about his military record.他被指控谎报自己的从军经历。 a bold/brazen/barefaced lie大胆/可耻/露骨的谎言 a complete lie彻头彻尾的谎言 The accusations are lies, all lies.这些指控是谎言,全是谎言。 The claims he has made are nothing but a pack of lies.他所做的声明只不过是骗人的鬼话。 (chiefly Brit) He has woven a tissue of lies [=he has told many lies] about his military record.关于他的从军经历,他编了一套瞎话。 — see also white lie give the lie to formal : to show that (something) is not true证明(某事)不实;揭穿 Her success has given the lie to the notion that women cannot compete with men.她的成就证明了女人比不过男人的观点是站不住脚的。 I tell a lie British, informal — used to correct something you have just said我说错了(用于纠正刚刚说过的话) I saw him just yesterday. No, I tell a lie. It was two days ago.我昨天看到他了。不,我说错了,是前天。 live a lie : to live in a false or deceptive way : to live in a way that does not show who you truly are or what your feelings truly are过欺骗人的生活;过伪装的生活 Their friends thought that they had a happy marriage, but they were living a lie. [=their marriage was not happy]他们的朋友以为他们的婚姻很幸福,其实他们在自欺欺人。 — compare 2lie




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