词汇 | life |
释义 | life (adjective) life 68 ENTRIES FOUND: life (noun) life (adjective) life-affirming (adjective) life-and-death (adjective) life-giving (adjective) life-or-death (adjective) life-size (adjective) life-sustaining (adjective) life's work (noun) life-threatening (adjective) life assurance (noun) life buoy (noun) life cycle (noun) life expectancy (noun) life form (noun) life history (noun) life imprisonment (noun) life insurance (noun) life jacket (noun) life of Riley (noun) life peer (noun) life preserver (noun) life raft (noun) life science (noun) life sentence (noun) life span (noun) life support (noun) life vest (noun) change of life (noun) fact of life (noun) good life (noun) half-life (noun) kiss of life (noun) long-life (adjective) love life (noun) pro-life (adjective) real-life (adjective) right-to-life (adjective) shelf life (noun) slice-of-life (adjective) still life (noun) true-life (adjective) whole life insurance (noun) attempt (noun) big (adjective) come (verb) dear (adjective) death (noun) depart (verb) dog (noun) end (verb) large (adjective) lease (noun) light (noun) limb (noun) lose (verb) matter (noun) party (noun) save (verb) simple (adjective) slice (noun) spring (verb) staff (noun) such (pronoun) that (pronoun) true (adjective) walk (noun) way (noun) 1 life /ˈlaɪf/ noun plural lives /ˈlaɪvz/ 1 life /ˈlaɪf/ noun plural lives /ˈlaɪvz/ Learner's definition of LIFE 1 [noncount] : the ability to grow, change, etc., that separates plants and animals from things like water or rocks生命;性命 He believes that God gives life to all creatures.他相信上帝赐予万物以生命。 the miracle of life生命的奇迹 eternal/everlasting life永生 2 a : the period of time when a person is alive(人的)一生,寿命,一生的某段时间 [noncount] She knew what she wanted to do early in life. [=when she was young]她年轻的时候就知道自己要做什么。 He became famous relatively late in life. [=at a relatively old age]他出名相对较晚。 He became famous later in life. = He became famous in later life.他在晚年时出了名。 [count] She was happy and healthy for most of her life.她一生中大部分的时光都是快乐、健康的。 The people in her family tend to have long/short lives.她家族的成员大都长寿/短命。 I've known her all my life.我与她一生相识。 He is nearing the end of his life.他快到生命的尽头了。 They spent their whole/entire lives in one town. = They lived in one town all their lives.他们一辈子都住在一个镇子里。 People can expect to change jobs several times in their life/lives.预计人们一生中要换几次工作。 They've been waiting their whole/entire life/lives for an opportunity like this.为了这样的机会他们等了一辈子。 This is the financial opportunity of his life. [=of his lifetime; the best chance in his life to make money]这是他这辈子最佳的赚钱机会。 b : the experience of being alive生活;人生 [noncount] What do you really want out of life?你活着究竟是为了什么? He believes in living life to the fullest. [=in living a very full and rich life]他相信人活着就该活得精彩。 All this paperwork has made life much more difficult.所有这些文书工作搞得生活更辛苦了。 The details of everyday/ordinary life can be fascinating.日常/普通的生活琐事可以很精彩。 life in the city/country = city/country life城市/乡村生活 Sometimes life just isn't fair.有时候生活就是不那么公平。 We can laugh at things in movies that would scare us in real life. [=in a real situation; in actual existence]在现实生活中使我们恐惧的东西,在电影里我们可以对它一笑置之。 Oh well, that's life! [=bad things will happen, and you have to deal with them]是啊,这就是生活! Despite the political upheaval, for most people life goes on as usual. [=the activities of life continue in the usual way]尽管有政治动荡,对大多数人来说日子却是照旧。 [count] What do you really want to do with your life?你究竟想怎样度过你的一生? Her children say that she has ruined their lives.她的孩子们说她毁了他们的生活。 She talked about the men in her life. [=the men she has had a romantic or close relationship with during her life]她谈论了她一生中和自己有关的那些男人。 She has dedicated/devoted her life to helping other people.她倾其一生帮助他人。 All this paperwork has made my life much more difficult.所有这些文书工作把我的生活搞得更辛苦。 They're trying to get/put their lives back together. [=to begin living in a normal way after suffering loss, hardship, etc.]他们在尽力使自己的生活恢复正常。 She was the love of my life. [=the person I loved more than any other person at any time in my life]她是我一生的最爱。 I've never heard such a silly idea in all my life! [=at any time] = Never in my life have I heard such a silly idea!我一辈子都没听到过这么愚蠢的想法! They're old enough to run/live their own lives. [=to make their own decisions about how to live]他们年纪不小了,能够安排自己的生活了。 After all the problems they've had recently, they just want to get/move on with their lives. [=to continue living their lives in the usual way]经历了最近这么多的困难后,他们只想过正常的生活。 I'm not surprised that I didn't get the job. That's the story of my life. [=that's the way things usually or always happen in my life]没得到这份工作我一点不奇怪,我的生活总是这样。 — often used before another noun常用于另一名词前 She told us her life story. [=she told us about many of the things that had happened to her in her life]她给我们讲了她的人生经历。 a lack of life experience [=experience and knowledge gained through living]缺乏生活经验 ◊ If your life flashes/passes before your eyes or if your life flashes/passes before you, many memories from different parts of your life quickly appear in your mind one after the other.过去的经历一一闪现 Her life flashed before her eyes when her car was about to crash.在撞车前的一瞬间,过去生活中的一幕幕在她的眼前闪现。 3 [count] a : a specified part of a person's life生活的某一部分 He talked about his life as an artist.他谈到他作为一名艺术家的生活。 the social lives of college students大学生的社交生活 How's your love/sex life?你的感情/性生活怎样? They had difficult home lives when they were children.他们小的时候家庭生活困难。 They are trying to keep their personal/private lives separate from their public lives.他们在努力把他们的个人/私人生活和他们的公众生活区分开来。 the responsibilities of their family life他们的家庭生活的责任 b : a specified way or manner of living生活方式 He lived/led a life of crime. [=he was a criminal]他是个惯犯。 They have lived/led sheltered lives.他们一直过着受庇护的生活。 He is trying to make a better life for himself and his family.他在努力为自己和家人创造更好的生活。 ◊ Your way of life is how you live your life.生活方式 a fisherman's way of life渔民的生活方式 Most people don't approve of my way of life.大多数人不赞同我的生活方式。 a traditional way of life传统的生活方式 4 [count] : the state or condition of being alive生命;性命 They spared the horse's life. [=they did not kill the horse]他们没有杀死那匹马。 She feels that her life is in danger. = She fears for her life. = She is in fear for her life. [=she feels that she is in danger of being killed]她感觉她的生命受到了威胁。 She risked her life [=she did something very dangerous that could have resulted in her death] to help him.她冒着生命危险去帮助他。 She gave/sacrificed her life [=she did something that resulted in her death] for her country.她为国捐躯了。 He was running for his life. [=he was running to escape from great danger]他正在逃命。 He is fighting for his life. [=he is very sick or injured and may die]他生命垂危。 A would-be assassin made an attempt on the President's life. [=tried to kill the President]一名暗杀者企图暗杀总统未遂。 5 [noncount] : living things of a specified kind or in a specified place(某地的、某种类的)生物 There may be a great deal of animal/plant life still to be discovered in this region.这个地区可能还有大量的动植物有待发现。 forest life森林生物 ocean life海洋生物 Will we ever find intelligent life on other planets?我们能在其他星球上发现智能生物吗? 6 : the time when something can be used : the period when something exists or is useful or effective(物品)使用期,有效期 [noncount] battery life电池使用寿命 the life of an insurance policy保险单的有效期 They claim that using their product will extend the life of the car.他们声称使用他们的产品可以延长汽车的使用寿命。 a warranty that is good for the life of the product对产品终生保修的保单 [count] a product that extends the lives of the rugs/cars延长地毯/汽车使用期的产品 — see also half-life, shelf life 7 [noncount] a : energy and spirit活力;生气 eyes full of life炯炯有神的眼睛 (informal) suck the life out of a room [=take all the fun and energy out of a group of people in a room]使整个房间都失去了生气 b : activity and movement活动 The streets were humming with life. [=the streets were filled with people and activity]街上人头攒动,熙熙攘攘。 There were no signs of life in the deserted village.荒凉的村庄里了无人迹。 8 [count] : a book that tells about the life of a person : biography传记 She wrote a life of Napoleon.她写了一部拿破仑传。 Boswell's Life of Johnson鲍斯韦尔撰写的《约翰逊传》 9 [noncount] : the punishment of being kept in a prison for the rest of your life : life imprisonment无期徒刑;终身监禁 He was found guilty and sentenced to life. = (informal) He got life. = He was given life.他被判有罪,处以终身监禁。 a dog's life — see 1dog a life of its own ◊ Something that takes on a life of its own becomes very large, important, or hard to control.展示出自身分量;具有强大生命力 The project soon took on a life of its own and prevented us from getting any other work done.这个项目很快就展示出了它的分量,我们已无暇顾及其他工作了。 The story took on a life of its own and began to appear on news broadcasts everywhere.这个故事越传越广,开始出现在各地的新闻广播里。 all walks of life or every walk of life — see 2walk a matter of life and death : something that is extremely important and often involves decisions that will determine whether someone lives or dies生死攸关的事 Being prepared for severe weather can be a matter of life and death.做好应对恶劣天气的准备是一件生死攸关的事。 — see also life-and-death a new lease on/of life — see 1lease (as) big as life (US) informal or chiefly British (as) large as life : in person本人;本身 — used to describe the surprise of seeing someone用于形容见到某人时的惊讶 I never expected her to come to the party, but there she was, as big as life.我从来没想到她会前来参加聚会,但她就在那里,千真万确。 bet/stake your life on ◊ If you would bet/stake your life on something, you are very sure that it will happen.以性命打赌某事肯定会发生 “Will she keep her promise?” “I'd bet/stake my life on it!”“她会守信吗?”“对此我愿以性命打赌!” breathe (new) life into : to give new energy and excitement to (something)给…注入新的活力 She is credited with breathing new life into contemporary art.她因给当代艺术注入新的活力而受到赞扬。 The singer managed to breathe life into some tired old songs.这位歌手把老土的歌唱出了新意。 bring someone or something back to life : to cause someone or something that has died to begin living again使复活;使回春 The story is about a mad scientist who tries to bring dead people back to life.这是一个狂人科学家试图使死人复活的故事。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 They're trying to bring the restaurant back to life by introducing a new menu.他们推出了新菜单,想让餐馆生意再火起来。 an old theory that is being brought back to life被再度利用的旧学说 bring something to life : to make something very interesting, appealing, or exciting使生动有趣;使引人入胜;使激动人心 She brings history to life with her books.她的著述使历史变得生动有趣。 come to life 1 : to become very interesting, appealing, or exciting(变得)生动有趣,引人入胜,激动人心 The movie really comes to life when she appears on the screen.当她出现在屏幕上时,这部电影才真的有了看头。 2 of a place : to become filled with the energy and excitement of active people(某地)变得热闹 Downtown comes to life each night when the clubs open.每天夜里俱乐部开门的时候,市中心就热闹起来。 3 of a machine or sputter/roar (etc.) to life : to begin working(机器)开始运作 The engine suddenly roared to life.发动机突然运转起来。 depart this life — see depart for dear life : very tightly or quickly because of fear or danger逃命似的;拼命地 He was hanging/holding on to the rope for dear life.他正拼命地抓着绳子。 They were running for dear life to get away from the vicious dogs.他们拼命跑,想甩掉那几只恶狗。 for life : for the whole of your life : for the rest of your life终生 They met in college and have remained friends for life.他们相识于大学,此后成为一生的挚友。 He was sentenced to prison for life.他被判终身监禁。 for the life of me informal : in any way at all无论如何— used to say that you are unable to remember or understand something用于说明你不记得或无法明白某事 I couldn't for the life of me remember what her name was.我怎么也想不起她叫什么名字。 For the life of me, I can't think of any reasons why you wouldn't want a computer at home.我无论如何也想不通你为什么不想在家里装一部电脑。 frighten/scare the life out of informal : to frighten (someone) very badly把(某人)吓得魂不附体 You (nearly) scared the life out of me when you startled me like that!你那样吓唬我,差点把我吓死! from life of a painting, drawing, etc. : from looking at an actual person, object, etc.写生 drawings done from life rather than from photographs写生画而非照片临摹画 get a life informal : to stop spending time doing or thinking about things that are not important or interesting : to begin to have a more interesting or exciting life振作起来;开始更有意思的生活 My girlfriend's parents are nice people, but all they do is watch TV all day. They need to get a life.我女友的父母人都很好,但他们整天光看电视。他们需要过更有意义的生活。 larger than life — see 1large lay down your life — see lay down at 1lay life depends on ◊ If your life depends on something, then you must do it.性命取决于… His life depends on how he answers this question.他的性命取决于他如何回答这个问题。 He was studying as if his life depended on it.他在学习,好像不学就活不了似的。 — often used in negative statements常用于否定句 I wouldn't eat that food if my life depended on it. [=I would never eat it]那东西我宁死也不吃。 lose your life : to die死;死亡 She nearly lost her life in a car accident.她险些在车祸中丧生。 Many lives were lost. [=many people died]有很多人丧生。 new life ◊ When something takes on (a) new life or when you give something new life or give new life to something, it becomes more active, interesting, etc.获得新的活力;注人新的活力 Plain old mashed potatoes take on a new life in this recipe.普通的老式土豆泥在这个食谱中得到了创新。 Falling interest rates gave new life to the housing market.利率下降给房地产市场注入了新的活力。 not on your life informal — used as a very forceful way of saying “no” or “never”用于加强no或never的语气 Do the government's policies really help the average worker? Not on your life.政府的政策真能帮助普通工人吗?才不会呢。 risk life and limb : to do something that is very dangerous冒着巨大危险 They risked life and limb to pull the child from the river.他们冒着生命危险把那个孩子从河里救了上来。 save someone's life — see 1save spring into/to life — see 2spring staff of life — see 1staff such is life — see 2such take/claim someone's life : to cause someone's death引起某人死亡;夺去某人性命 Two years ago he was diagnosed with the illness that eventually took his life.两年前他被诊断得了这种疾病,最后因此失去了生命。 The flood claimed many lives. [=caused the deaths of many people]这场洪水吞噬了很多人的生命。 take your own life : to kill yourself自杀 He threatened to take his own life [=commit suicide], but no one believed him.他威胁说要自杀,但没人相信他。 the life of the party (US) or chiefly British the life and soul of the party : someone who is very lively and amusing at a party or other social gathering宴会(或其他社交活动)上最活跃的人 the light of your life — see 1light the next life or the life to come : a life that is believed by some people to come after death来世 He believed that he would see his family again in the next life.他相信来世他会再见到自己的家人。 the simple life — see simple to save your life — see 1save true to life — see 1true — see also fact of life, good life, slice-of-life, still life 2 life /ˈlaɪf/ adjective 2 life /ˈlaɪf/ adjective Learner's definition of LIFE always used before a noun 1 : of or relating to life生命的;与生命有关的 the life force in all things万物的生命力 2 : done as long as a person lives : existing or lasting throughout a person's life一生的;终身的 a life [=lifelong] member终身会员 my life savings [=all the money I have saved in my life]我一辈子的积蓄 He was given a life sentence in prison.他被判终身监禁。 |
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