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词汇 lift
释义 lift (noun) lift 9 ENTRIES FOUND: lift (verb) lift (noun) face-lift (noun) ski lift (noun) weight lifting (noun) burden (noun) finger (noun) hitch (verb) lid (noun) 1 lift /ˈlɪft/ verb lifts; lifted; lifting 1 lift /ˈlɪft/ verb lifts; lifted; lifting Learner's definition of LIFT 1  a  [+ object] : to move (something or someone) to a higher position : raise举起;抬起;提起 The paramedics lifted the stretcher into the ambulance.护理人员将担架抬上了救护车。 lift a bucket of water提起一桶水 He lifted his foot from/off the gas pedal.他将脚从油门上抬起。 He lifted his pen from the paper.他从纸上拿起笔。 She lifted her hands to the sky.她双手举向天空。 She lifted the child (up) onto her lap.她把孩子抱到腿上。 He lifted his head (up) and looked at us.他抬起头看着我们。 She lifted (up) the lid of the box.她掀开了盒盖。 b  [no object] : to rise up from the ground or some other surface升起 The balloon lifted [=rose] into the sky.气球升向天空。 2  [+ object] : to move (someone or something) to a higher condition or position提升;抬高 The story lifted him to national recognition.这部小说使他得到了全国的认可。 lifting people from poverty使人们摆脱贫困 3  ◊ If your spirits lift or your mood lifts or if something lifts your spirits/mood, you become happier or less sad.(使)感到开心,精神大振 The beauty of the sunrise lifted her spirits. = Her spirits lifted when she saw the beauty of the sunrise.日出的美景使她精神大振。 4  ◊ When a weight/load/burden has been lifted from your shoulders/back, you are able to stop worrying about some large problem or responsibility.卸下负担;不再为…烦恼 After I finally told my mother about my concerns, I felt as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. [=I felt very relieved]我最终把我的担心告诉母亲之后,感觉如释重负。 5  [+ object] : to increase the amount of (something)提高;增加 The company has been trying to improve the quality of its products without lifting [=(more commonly) raising] prices.公司一贯致力于提高产品质量而不涨价。 6  [+ object] : to make (your voice) louder提高(声音) He barely lifted [=raised] his voice above a whisper.他说话几乎都是轻声的耳语。 The preacher told them to lift (up) their voices and sing.牧师让他们提高声音大声唱。 7  [+ object] informal a  : to take (an idea, plan, etc.) from another source often in a way that is wrong剽窃;抄袭 The plot of the movie was lifted [=taken] from real life.这部电影的情节来源于现实生活。 an idea lifted from another novel从另一部小说中剽窃来的想法 b  : to steal (something)偷窃 Somebody lifted her purse when she wasn't looking.有人趁她不注意时偷走了她的小手提包。 c  : to take (something) out of a normal position or setting将(某物)从原地移开 lift a word out of context断章取义 8  [+ object] : to stop or remove (something, such as a rule that prevents people from doing something) often for only a short time(暂时)解除,撤销 lift a blockade解除封锁 The city has temporarily lifted its ban on smoking in bars.市政府临时撤销了不得在酒吧吸烟的禁令。 9  [no object] of fog, clouds, or smoke : to move up and disappear so that it is possible to see(雾、云、烟)消失,消散 You can see the mountains when the clouds lift.浮云散去之后可以看到山峦。 We were shocked by what we saw when the fog/smoke finally lifted. [=cleared]雾气/烟雾消散后,眼前的景象让我们大为震惊。 10  [+ object] : to move (someone or something) from one place to another in an aircraft : airlift空运 troops being lifted into enemy territory空运到敌方领地的部队 supplies being lifted to remote areas空运到偏远地区的物资 lift a finger — see 1finger lift down [phrasal verb] lift (something) down also lift down (something) : to pick up (something) in order to move it to a lower position移至(较低位置) I had to lift the box down from the top shelf to the floor.我只好把箱子从架子顶层搬到地板上。 lift off [phrasal verb] of an airplane, rocket, etc. : to rise up from the ground or another surface(飞机、火箭等)起飞,发射,升空 planes lifting off from the runway从跑道上起飞的飞机 Thousands of spectators watched as the space shuttle lifted off.航天飞机发射升空时,成千上万的观众在场观看。 — see also liftoff lift weights : to exercise by lifting heavy objects (such as barbells) in order to become stronger举重 He has been lifting weights for exercise.他一直坚持举重锻炼。 — lifter noun, plural lifters [count] a mechanical lifter机械升降机 — see also weight lifter 2 lift /ˈlɪft/ noun plural lifts 2 lift /ˈlɪft/ noun plural lifts Learner's definition of LIFT 1  [count] : the act of raising or lifting something抬;举 a slight lift of his eyebrows他的眉毛的微微上扬 2  [count] : a free ride in a vehicle搭便车;搭顺风车 Can I give you a lift? = Do you need a lift?你要搭便车吗? I need a lift to the bus station.我需要搭顺风车到公共汽车站。 I got/hitched a lift [=(US) ride] home after the party.聚会结束后我搭便车回家了。 3  [count] a  British : elevator 1 We took the lift to the fifth floor.我们乘电梯去五楼。 b  : ski lift 4  [singular] a  : a feeling of greater happiness鼓舞;振奋 Her visit really gave me the lift I needed. [=made me feel better and happier]她的探访着实让我精神大振。 The coach's speech gave the team a psychological lift.教练的讲话让队员心理上大受鼓舞。 b  : an improved state or condition好转的状况 He claims that a tax cut will give the economy a lift. [=will improve the economy]他声称减轻税负将改善经济状况。 5  [noncount] technical : an upward force that makes it possible for aircraft to fly(飞行时的)升力,提升力 a wing design that generates more lift产生更多上升力的机翼设计




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