词汇 | at |
释义 | at 218 ENTRIES FOUND: at (preposition) at-home (adjective) att. (abbreviation) attorney at law (noun) down-at-the-heels (adjective) ill at ease (adjective) stay-at-home (adjective) all (pronoun) altar (noun) any (adjective) arm (noun) arrive (verb) attention (noun) back (noun) bash (noun) bat (noun) bay (noun) beck (noun) behest (noun) best (noun) bidding (noun) bit (noun) blush (noun) book (noun) bottom (noun) burn (verb) burst (verb) call (verb) call (noun) candle (noun) catch (verb) champ (verb) chomp (verb) close (adverb) clutch (verb) coalface (noun) cock (verb) come (verb) command (noun) cost (noun) crack (noun) cross-purposes (noun) dagger (noun) dart (verb) day (noun) death (noun) disposal (noun) distance (noun) door (noun) double (noun) drive (verb) drop (noun) earliest (noun) ease (noun) elbow (noun) end (noun) event (noun) every (adjective) expense (noun) eye (noun) face value (noun) fault (noun) fell (adjective) finger (noun) fingertip (noun) first (adjective) first (noun) fling (noun) fly (verb) foam (verb) foot (noun) froth (verb) fun (noun) get (verb) glance (noun) gnaw (verb) go (verb) go (noun) grab (verb) grasp (verb) gunpoint (noun) half-cocked (adjective) hand (noun) harp (verb) hat (noun) heap (noun) heart (noun) heel (noun) hint (verb) hip (noun) hit (verb) home (noun) interval (noun) issue (noun) jump (verb) keep (verb) knee (noun) knifepoint (noun) knot (noun) large (adjective) last (noun) leap (verb) least (noun) leave (verb) leisure (noun) length (noun) liberty (noun) light (noun) loggerheads (noun) long (adjective) look (verb) loose end (noun) loss (noun) make (verb) mercy (noun) mind (noun) minute (noun) moment (noun) money (noun) most (noun) mother (noun) mouth (noun) nibble (verb) nose (noun) notice (noun) odds (noun) on (preposition) once (noun) one (noun) outside (noun) pain (noun) pass (noun) peck (verb) peril (noun) pick (verb) pile (noun) pinch (noun) play (verb) pleasure (noun) pluck (verb) point (verb) poke (verb) pop (noun) premium (noun) present (noun) price (noun) pull (verb) pump (noun) push (noun) put (verb) quarter (noun) random (adjective) rate (noun) ready (noun) receive (verb) rest (noun) risk (noun) sail (noun) same (adjective) saw (verb) sea (noun) seam (noun) service (noun) seven (noun) shake (verb) shoot (verb) sick (adjective) sight (noun) six (noun) slash (verb) snail (noun) snatch (verb) sneeze (verb) sniff (verb) speed (noun) spur (noun) stake (noun) stare (verb) steady (adjective) stick (noun) stick (verb) stop (verb) straw (noun) stretch (noun) suggestion (noun) swoop (verb) table (noun) talk (verb) tangent (noun) tear (verb) that (pronoun) thing (noun) threshold (noun) throat (noun) throttle (noun) throw (verb) thumb (verb) tilt (verb) tilt (noun) time (noun) top (noun) tunnel (noun) turn (noun) two (noun) variance (noun) wait (verb) weak (adjective) whack (noun) where (adverb) will (noun) windmill (noun) wink (verb) wit (noun) word (noun) work (verb) work (noun) worry (verb) worst (noun) at /ˈæt/ /ət/ preposition at /ˈæt/ /ət/ preposition Learner's definition of AT 1 — used to indicate the place where someone or something is在…里;在(某处) We're staying at a hotel.我们待在宾馆里。 The kitchen is at the back of the house.厨房在房子后面。 He was sitting at the table.他坐在桌旁。 They left for Cambridge early and arrived at [=in] Cambridge before noon.他们一早出发前往剑桥,在中午之前到达。 The party will be at Susan's house. = The party will be at Susan's.聚会将在苏珊家举行。 Ann works at [=in] a library.安在图书馆工作。 We met at a party.我们在一次聚会上相遇。 They live at opposite ends of town.他们居住在镇子相对的两头。 They met at [=on] a street corner in a town.他们在一个小镇的街角碰面。 “Is your father at home?” [=is your father home?] “No, he's working late at the office.”“你父亲在家吗?”“他不在家,他在办公室加班。” She met us at the door.她在门口接我们。 He was standing at [=next to] the window.他正站在窗边。 There were 200 people at the wedding. [=200 people attended the wedding]有200人参加了婚礼。 Their older son has graduated, but their younger son is still at school. [=is still attending school]他们的大儿子毕业了,但小儿子还在上学。 Who was at the controls when the accident occurred?事故发生时,谁在开车? 2 — used to indicate the person or thing toward which an action, motion, or feeling is directed or aimed向;朝;以…为目标 She pointed her gun at the target.她用枪瞄准了目标。 He's angry at his brother.他很生哥哥的气。 His anger is directed at his brother.他把气都撒在哥哥身上。 She shouted (words of) abuse at me.她大声辱骂我。 He looked directly at me.他直视着我。 They laughed at him.他们嘲笑他。 She grabbed at my arm. [=she tried to grab my arm]她想要抓住我的胳膊。 He poked at his food.他拨弄着他的食物。 3 — used to indicate something that is being tried or attempted从事;忙于 I made an attempt at persuading him to go.我试图说服他去。 I took a shot at doing it myself. [=I tried to do it myself]我尝试自己去做这件事。 4 : because of or in reaction to (something)因为;由于;对…回应 They laughed at my joke.他们听了我的笑话全都笑了起来。 She's furious at how slowly the investigation is proceeding.她对调查进展得如此缓慢感到愤怒。 — used to indicate the cause of an action, feeling, etc.用于指引起某种举动、情感等的原因 I was greatly surprised at [=by] the result. [=the result surprised me greatly]这个结果让我大吃一惊。 He enlisted in the army at his father's urging. [=because his father urged him to]由于父亲的主张,他加入了陆军。 She visited the museum at my suggestion.她听从我的建议参观了那家博物馆。 They came here at our invitation.他们应我们的邀请来到这里。 You can act at your own discretion.你可以自主行事。 5 — used to indicate an activity处于…活动 He's very serious when he's at work. [=when he's working]他工作时很严肃。 children who are at play [=children who are playing]正在玩耍的孩子们 She's good at (playing) chess. [=she plays chess well]她擅长下国际象棋。 I'm bad at cooking. [=I'm a bad cook, I do not cook well]我不擅长烹饪。 She's doing very well at her studies.她学习非常棒。 6 — used to indicate a situation or condition处于…状态 I'm not at liberty to discuss that.我现在无权讨论那个问题。 at rest处于静止状态 two nations that are at war处于战争状态的两个国家 people who are at risk处于险境的人 He is now at peace.他现在平静了。 7 a — used to indicate position on a scale or in a series达(表数值) The temperature is at 90 degrees.温度现在达到90度。 He was driving at almost 80 miles an hour.他开车的时速差不多有80英里。 b — used to indicate a rate以(表价格) They sell at [=for] a dollar a dozen. [=each dozen costs one dollar]他们卖一美元一打。 8 — used to indicate an age or time在…岁时;在…时间 He plans to retire at (age) 65.他计划65岁退休。 He called us at (about/exactly) 9 o'clock on July 24.他7月24日(大约/整)9点给我们打的电话。 at dawn/noon/sunset/night在凌晨/中午/傍晚/夜晚 I still think of her at certain moments/times.我现在在某些时刻还是会想起她。 He was president of the company at (the time of) his death.他去世时任公司总裁。 9 — used to indicate the method by which something is done通过;经由 The property was sold at auction.这处房产通过拍卖售出。 10 a — used in phrases like at best, at worst, etc., to indicate a possible result or condition that is considered best, worst, etc.最好的,最糟的(用于at best、at worst等短语) The company will make a small profit at best this year. [=it is not possible that the company will earn anything better/more than a small profit]公司今年顶多是微赢利。 We might be 5 or 10 minutes late at worst. [=we will not be more than 5 or 10 minutes late]我们可能最多也就是迟到5或10分钟。 We should arrive by noon at the latest. [=we should not arrive later than noon]我们最迟应该在中午到。 b — used in phrases like at its best, at its worst, etc., to indicate that something or someone is as good, bad, etc., as possible处于最佳(或最差)的状态(用于at its best、at its worst等短语) This is baseball at its best.这是最精彩的棒球比赛。 He's often rude, and last night he was at his worst.他经常很无礼,昨晚无礼到了极致。 ◊ The word at is used in speech in e-mail addresses.单词at用于口述电子邮件地址时。 “Can I e-mail you?” “Sure. Our e-mail address is ‘comments at Merriam-Webster dot com.’”“我可以给你们发电子邮件吗?”“当然可以。我们的电子邮箱地址是comments at Merriam-Webster dot com。” In writing, the symbol @ is used instead.在书面语中,用符号@代替。 comments@Merriam-Webster.com at it : doing some activity做某事 I didn't expect her to have started working yet, but she was already (hard) at it when I arrived. [=she was already working (hard) when I arrived]我本来没指望她开始工作,但我到的时候她已经在(努力)干活了。 My neighbors are always arguing, and they were at it again last night. [=they were arguing again last night]我的邻居总是吵架,昨晚他们又吵起来了。 Since we're cleaning the kitchen, we should wash the floor while we're at it. [=we should wash the floor when we clean the kitchen]既然要打扫厨房,我们应该同时把地板也擦了。 “I'm going to the store to buy a newspaper.” “While you're at it, could you get some milk?”“我要去商店买份报纸。”“你买报纸时,顺便买点牛奶好吗?” at that — see 1that where it's at — see 1where where (someone) is at — see 1where |
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