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词汇 light
释义 light (adjective) light (verb) light (adjective) light (adverb) light 47 ENTRIES FOUND: light (noun) light (adjective) light (verb) light (adjective) light (adverb) light-fingered (adjective) light-footed (adjective) light-headed (adjective) light-year (noun) light bulb (noun) light heavyweight (noun) light industry (noun) light meter (noun) light pen (noun) light pollution (noun) light show (noun) fan light (noun) first light (noun) green light (noun) half-light (noun) leading light (noun) parking light (noun) pilot light (noun) red-light (adjective) strobe light (noun) traffic light (noun) bushel (noun) cast (verb) cold (adjective) come (verb) day (noun) eat (verb) end (noun) fantastic (adjective) fire (noun) foot (noun) heart (noun) heat (noun) hide (verb) life (noun) see (verb) shed (verb) strip lighting (noun) sweetness (noun) trip (verb) tunnel (noun) work (noun) 1 light /ˈlaɪt/ noun plural lights 1 light /ˈlaɪt/ noun plural lights Learner's definition of LIGHT 1  [noncount] : the form of energy that makes it possible to see things : the brightness produced by the sun, by fire, by a lamp, etc.光;光线;光亮 The light was bright/dazzling.光线很强烈/晃眼。 The landscape was bathed/awash in light.这片景色沐浴在阳光中。 a ray/shaft/beam of light一束光 a source of light = a light source光源 a photograph taken in low/dim light昏暗光线下拍摄的照片 the light of the moon月光 a mixture of light and shadow光与影的结合 The windows let fresh air and light into the room.新鲜空气和阳光通过窗户进入室内。 a plant that grows best in direct/indirect light [=with light shining directly/indirectly on it]在直接/间接光线下长得最好的植物 natural light [=sunlight]自然光 artificial light [=light produced by electric lamps]灯光 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 He hates the harsh light of publicity.他非常讨厌公开曝光带来的困扰。 2  [count] a  : a source of light (such as an electric lamp)光源(如电灯) turn/switch on/off the light开/关灯 a fluorescent light荧光灯 a light fixture [=a lamp that is permanently attached to a wall, ceiling, etc.]固定灯 a warning light警示灯 The lights suddenly went out.灯突然灭了。 The lights suddenly came on.灯突然亮了。 the twinkling lights of the city below楼下闪烁的城市的灯光 the bright lights of Broadway百老汇璀璨的灯光 a light switch [=a switch for turning lights on and off]灯的开关 The lights are on, so there must be somebody at home.灯亮着,家里一定有人。 — see also nightlight b  : a light on a vehicle车灯 His car's battery died because he left his lights on.他的车灯一直亮着,把电池的电耗光了。 3  [singular] : a way of showing or understanding something or someone(理解某人或某物的)方式,角度 The situation looks less serious when looked at in a certain light. [=in a certain way]从某种角度来看,情况没有那么严重。 I see things in a different light now. [=I see/understand things differently now]我现在看问题的角度不同了。 The defendants were shown/depicted in a bad light [=in a way that made them seem bad] by the lawyer.律师的描述对被告不利。 The news about his marital problems does not place/put him in a good light. [=does not make him appear to be a good person]关于他的婚姻问题的报道对他有负面影响。 She tried to explain her behavior in the best light possible. [=in a way that would make her appear as good as possible]她尽可能地从最好的角度解释自己的行为。 4  [count] : a light or set of lights used to control traffic : traffic light交通(信号)灯;红绿灯 Turn left at the next light.下一个红绿灯处向左转。 The light was red.当时是红灯。 We were waiting for the light to turn green.我们在等信号灯变绿。 5  [singular] informal : a flame for lighting a cigarette(点烟用的)火 I need a light for my cigarette.我需要火来点烟。 Do you have a light?你有火吗? I didn't have any matches, but a stranger gave me a light. [=lit my cigarette for me]我没有火柴,但一个陌生人给我借了个火。 6  [noncount] formal : daylight 1 Things look different by the light of day.物体在日光下看起来不一样。 We woke up at first light. [=at dawn; at sunrise; when the sun came up]天刚亮我们就醒了。 — see also see the light of day (below) 7  [singular] : a quality in a person's eyes that shows emotion眼神 I saw the light of recognition in her eye.看她的眼神,我知道她认出我了。 8  lights [plural] a  : light colors : colors that are more white than black浅色调 the composition of lights and darks in the painting/photograph绘画/照片的明暗布局 b  : light- colored clothes浅色衣服 Wash the lights and the darks separately.浅色衣服和深色衣服要分开洗。 according to your lights formal : according to your idea of what is right按照你自己的想法 You know my views on the matter; but of course you must act according to your (own) lights. [=you must be guided by your own opinions about what is right]你知道我关于这件事的观点;但是当然你一定要按照自己的想法去做。 a light at the end of the tunnel : a reason to believe that a bad situation will end soon or that a long and difficult job will be finished soon(困境中)希望的曙光;光明 They are falling deeper into debt, and there is no light at the end of the tunnel.他们在债务的泥潭中越陷越深,看不到光明。 The work on our house has been going on for months, but we're finally starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel.房子的工程已经进行了好几个月,不过我们终于开始看到成功的曙光了。 bring (something) to light : to tell people about (something) : to make (something) known揭露,暴露(某事物) Many new facts were brought to light during the investigation.调查中许多新的情况被揭露出来。 cast/shed/throw light on : to help to explain (something) : to make it possible to understand or know more about (something)帮助理解;阐明 She is developing new theories that might shed some light on these unusual phenomena.她正在创立新理论,可能会对解释这些异常现象有所帮助。 I hope my explanation throws light on their behavior.我希望我的解释有助于理解他们的行为。 come to light : to become known显露;为人所知 Other details have come to light because of this investigation.其他细节因这项调查而暴露出来。 She was angry when it came to light that some people were being promoted unfairly.听说有些人通过不公正手段得到升迁,她很生气。 hide your light under a bushel — see bushel in someone's light : blocking the light that someone needs to see or read something挡住某人的光线 She asked him to move back a few steps because he was in her light.她让他往后挪几步,因为他挡住了她的光线。 in the cold light of day — see 1cold in the light of or US in light of 1  : while thinking about (something that affects the way you see or understand things)鉴于,考虑到(某事物) You should think about their advice in light of your own needs.你应该根据自己的需要参考他们的建议。 It is impossible to come to a conclusion in the light of the data we have here.以我们现有的数据不可能得出结论。 You should read the story in light of your own experiences.你应该结合自身的经历来读这个故事。 2  : because of (something)由于(某事) It's a particularly important topic in light of recent events.由于最近发生的几件事,这个话题变得尤为重要。 light dawns ◊ When people suddenly understand something that they had not understood before, (a/the) light dawns (on them).(某人)突然明白,恍然大悟 When she saw the guilty look on her husband's face, a light dawned, and she knew he had been lying to her.看到丈夫内疚的神情,她突然明白了,原来他一直在欺骗她。 more heat than light — see 1heat out like a light informal 1  : asleep As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.我头一挨枕头就睡着了。 2  : unconscious He took one punch to the jaw and was out like a light.他下巴挨了一拳,立马就昏过去了。 punch someone's lights out — see 1punch see the light informal : to suddenly understand or realize the truth of something突然明白;恍然大悟 Many people doubted his theory, but most of them have now finally seen the light. [=most of them now realize that his theory is correct]许多人怀疑他的理论,但他们中的大多数人现在终于信服了。 see the light of day 1  : to be seen or used被看到;被使用 our fine china, which hasn't seen the light of day in at least 10 years我们那至少10年没用过的精美瓷器 2  : to become publicly known公开;发表;公布 Important documents in this case have never seen the light of day.这一案件中的重要文件从未公开过。 Her theory first saw the light of day in a well-respected magazine.她的理论最先发表在一家很有威望的杂志上。 set light to chiefly British : to cause (something) to begin burning点燃,引火烧(某物) used a match to set light to [=set fire to] the paper用火柴点燃纸 the light of your life : a person you love very much and who makes you happy心爱的人 His daughter is the light of his life.女儿是他的心肝宝贝。 trip the light fantastic — see 2trip — see also green light, leading light, northern lights, southern lights, sweetness and light at sweetness 2 light /ˈlaɪt/ adjective lighter; lightest 2 light /ˈlaɪt/ adjective lighter; lightest Learner's definition of LIGHT 1  : not dark or deep in color : pale浅色的;淡色的 light blue淡蓝色 She has a light complexion.她皮肤白皙。 He has light [=fair] skin/hair.他有白皙的皮肤/浅色的头发。 2  a  : having a lot of light : bright明亮的 a light and airy room明亮通风的房间 b  : having the light of the day天亮的;白天的 We're planning to leave as soon as it's light. [=as soon as there is daylight]我们计划天一亮就出发。 We're hoping to arrive while it's still light out. [=to arrive before night has fallen]我们希望在天黑之前到达。 In summer it gets light earlier and stays light later than in winter.夏天比冬天天亮得早,黑得晚。 — compare 4light 3 light /ˈlaɪt/ verb lights; lighted or lit /ˈlɪt/ ; lighting 3 light /ˈlaɪt/ verb lights; lighted or lit /ˈlɪt/ ; lighting Learner's definition of LIGHT 1  [+ object] : to provide light for (something)照亮(某物) They used candles to light the room. = They lighted/lit the room with candles.他们用蜡烛照亮房间。 a dimly/poorly lit room光线昏暗的房间 a brightly lit room光线明亮的房间 a well-lighted place很亮堂的地方 Our guide used a candle to light the way. [=to show the way that had to be followed]我们的向导用烛光照路。 2  a  [+ object] : to cause (something) to burn点火;点燃 light a match/candle点燃火柴/蜡烛 I lit (up) a cigarette for him. = I lit him a cigarette.我给他点了根烟。 — see also light up 3 (below) b  [no object] : to begin to burn开始燃烧 waiting for the wood to light等着木头燃烧 light a fire under (someone) US, informal : to cause (someone) to move or work more quickly and effectively促使(某人)更快更好 I've never seen him work so hard. Someone must have lit a fire under him.我从没见他干活这么卖力。一定有人激起了他的干劲。 light into [phrasal verb] light into (someone) US, informal : to attack or criticize (someone) forcefully抨击,严厉责备(某人) He lit into his employees for their sloppy work. [=he criticized them very harshly]他严厉批评员工工作马虎。 She lit into her opponent and did not let up.她不停地痛骂对手。 light on/upon [phrasal verb] light on/upon (something) : to find or see (something) by chance偶然找到 Researchers have lit upon [=found] a solution.研究者突然找到了解决办法。 His eye lit on a story in the newspaper.他偶然在报纸上看到一则报道。 light out [phrasal verb] US, informal : to leave in a hurry for someplace匆匆离开 He suddenly lit out for home.他突然离开回家去了。 light up [phrasal verb] 1  a  of a light : to become lit : to begin shining(灯)开始发光 All of the lights on the display suddenly lit up.所有展示的灯一下子全亮了。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 His eyes/face lit up [=he looked very happy and pleased] when she walked in the room.她走进房间时,他两眼一亮/面露喜色。 b  informal, of a telephone : to show a light indicating that someone is calling(电话)亮灯 When the DJ announced a contest, the phones lit up. [=the lights on the phones lit up because many people were calling]电台节目主持人宣布比赛开始后,电话就都亮灯了。 2  light (something) up or light up (something) : to provide light for (something) : to fill (something) with light照亮 light up a room = light a room up照亮房间 Fireworks lit up the sky.烟花照亮了天空。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 A smile lights up her whole face. [=a smile makes her whole face look happy and radiant]微笑使她神采奕奕。 Her smile lights up the room. [=she has an extremely bright and attractive smile]她的微笑照亮了房间。 3  informal : to light a cigarette点烟 I can't wait to light up [=smoke a cigarette] after work.下班后我就迫不及待地点上一支烟。 4 light /ˈlaɪt/ adjective lighter; lightest 4 light /ˈlaɪt/ adjective lighter; lightest Learner's definition of LIGHT 1  a  : not heavy : having little weight or less than usual weight轻的;不重的 This suitcase is light enough for a child to carry.这个箱子很轻,小孩子都能拿得动。 The truck was carrying a light load.这辆卡车负载很轻。 “How heavy is it?” “Not very: it's actually quite light.”“这东西有多重?”“不太重,其实很轻。” It's very light in weight. = It's of very light weight.这东西很轻。 This box is lighter than I thought it would be.这箱子比我预想的要轻。 She would like to be a few pounds lighter. = She would like to be lighter by a few pounds. [=she would like to weigh less than she does by a few pounds]她想把体重减掉几磅。 Aluminum is a light metal.铝是一种轻金属。 lifting light weights提起很轻的重量 This box is as light as a feather. [=very light]这箱子轻得很。 b  : small in size and weight小巧的 He has a light build.他身材小巧。 2  a  : less in amount or degree than usual少量的;程度低的 Only a light turnout is expected for the election.预计这次选举参加投票的人不多。 Traffic was light this morning.今天上午车辆稀少。 I have only a light course load this semester.我这学期课不多。 The stock market was slightly up today in light trading.今天股市略微上扬,交易量很少。 light rain/snow小雨/雪 She was wearing light makeup.她化了淡妆。 light perfume淡香水 b  : not strong or violent : moderate轻柔的 a light breeze微风 c  : not great or large不多的;不大的 The storm caused only light [=slight] damage. [=the storm did not cause much damage]暴风雨只造成轻度破坏。 light competition不太激烈的竞争 Casualties have so far been light.到目前为止伤亡轻微。 d  : not difficult to accept or bear容易承受的 a light responsibility较轻的责任 : not harsh or severe不严厉的 light punishment不重的惩罚 He was given a surprisingly light sentence for his crimes.他罪行累累,却出人意料地得到从轻判处。 e  : slight or minor in degree or effect轻微的 She has a light cold.她患了轻微的感冒。 light discipline轻度惩罚 These shrubs require only a little light pruning.这些灌木只需略微修剪。 — opposite heavy 3  : not involving a lot of physical effort不费力的;轻松的 light lifting轻轻抬动 doing a little light housework做些轻松的家务活 light exercise/exertion轻微的运动/用力 a light practice session轻松的实习期 It's a big job, but many hands make light work. [=if many people work on it, it will be easier to do]这是个艰巨的任务,不过人多力量大。 — opposite heavy 4  : not loud or forceful轻声的 light footsteps轻盈的脚步 a light tread轻盈的步态 a light touch轻触 just a light tap on the ball/shoulder只需轻轻拍一下球/肩膀 — opposite heavy 5  : not important or serious : intended mainly for entertainment轻松的;消遣性的 doing some light reading做些轻松的阅读 — opposite heavy 6  : not dense and thick稀疏的;稀松的 He has a light beard.他胡须稀疏。 a light growth of timber稀疏生长的树木 an animal's light summer coat动物夏季稀薄的皮毛 light fog/smoke薄雾/烟 light soil轻质土 — opposite heavy 7  : made with thin cloth and not very warm单薄的;不保暖的 a light coat/blanket单薄的大衣/毯子 — opposite heavy 8  a  : eating, drinking, or using a small amount of something(饮食或使用)少量的 He's a light eater/smoker/drinker/user.他吃得/抽烟/喝酒/用得不多。 light alcohol consumption少量的饮酒 b  : producing a small amount of something产量少的 a shrub that is a light bloomer [=a shrub that does not produce many flowers]花开得稀少的灌木 c  : not done often or in large amounts不经常做的;少量的 light smoking少量的抽烟 — opposite heavy 9  a  : not having a large amount of food : not making your stomach feel full(进食)少量的 We ate a light lunch.我们午饭吃得少。 a light snack小吃 b  : made with fewer calories or with less of some ingredient than usual热量少的;用配料少的 light beer低度啤酒 c  : not rich, dense, or thick不油腻的;不稠的 light cream淡奶油 light syrup不太黏稠的糖浆 — opposite heavy 10  a  : designed to carry a small load or few passengers(交通工具)轻型的 a light truck轻型卡车 a refueling point for light aircraft轻型飞机加油站 b  : not as large and powerful as other weapons, machines, etc.(武器、机械)轻型的 light artillery轻型炮 light machinery轻工机械 c  of a group of soldiers : having fewer and smaller weapons and less armor than other groups but able to move quickly(士兵)轻装的 light infantry/cavalry轻步兵/骑兵 light on : having or using a small amount of (something)(某物)用得少的 an essay that is light on facts but heavy on speculation轻事实重推断的论文 She asked him to go light on the mustard. [=to not use a large amount of mustard]她让他少放点芥末。 light on your feet : capable of moving in a quick and graceful way步履轻盈的 He's very light on his feet for such a big person.对于像他这样的大块头来说,他的脚步算是轻盈了。 light sleeper : someone who wakes up easily睡不沉的人;易醒的人 She's a very light sleeper. The slightest noise will wake her.她睡觉很轻。一点点声音都会吵醒她。 make light of : to treat (something, such as a problem) in a joking way : to not be serious about (something important)轻视(某事);对(重要的某事)不在乎 I don't mean to make light of this very serious issue.我并非有意轻视这一重大问题。 He made light of his recent losses—but you could tell he was worried about them.他对于自己最近的亏损表现得不以为意——不过你可以看出他还是担心的。 — compare 2light — lightness /ˈlaɪtnəs/ noun [noncount] the lightness of the boxes盒子的轻巧 the lightness [=delicacy, tenderness] of her touch她轻柔的触摸 the playful lightness of his manner他举止的轻松愉快 the lightness of her movements她动作的轻盈 5 light /ˈlaɪt/ adverb lighter; lightest 5 light /ˈlaɪt/ adverb lighter; lightest Learner's definition of LIGHT eat light US : to eat foods that will not cause you to gain weight饮食清淡 She is careful to eat light and exercise often.她很注意饮食清淡和经常运动。 travel light : to travel with little baggage(旅行)轻装地 savvy vacationers who have learned to travel light学会轻装旅行的聪明休假者




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